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web_browserに関するエントリは43件あります。 browserwebブラウザ などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『ちいさな Web ブラウザを作ってみよう(オンライン講義版) / Build Your Own Web Browser』などがあります。
  • ちいさな Web ブラウザを作ってみよう(オンライン講義版) / Build Your Own Web Browser

    本資料はセキュリティ・キャンプ全国大会 2021 B1 の講義で利用したものです。お問合せは Twitter アカウント 宛によろしくお願いします。

      ちいさな Web ブラウザを作ってみよう(オンライン講義版) / Build Your Own Web Browser
    • GitHub - webui-dev/webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with your preferred language in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend, all in a lightweight portable lib.

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        GitHub - webui-dev/webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with your preferred language in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend, all in a lightweight portable lib.
      • Web Browser Engineering

        Web browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book explains, building a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a couple thousand lines of Python. Follow this book’s blog or Twitter for updates. You can also talk about the book with others in our discussion forum. If you are enjoying the book, consider supporting us on Patreon. Or just send us an email! Introduc

        • GitHub - Textualize/textual: The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.

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            GitHub - Textualize/textual: The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.
          • DNS over HTTPS(DoH)の気になる Web Browser 実装を確認

            Firefox の通信キャプチャ シナリオ 1-1 の通信を確認します。 まずは最初の Web Browser → DoH リクエストです。 Host: TEST_SERVER Accept: application/dns-message Accept-Encoding: Content-Type: application/dns-message Content-Length: 128 Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache Connection: keep-alive Pragma: no-cache 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 | ....... 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x03 0x77 0x77 0x77 | ......ww 0x06 0x67 0x6f 0x6f 0x67 0x6c

              DNS over HTTPS(DoH)の気になる Web Browser 実装を確認
            • GitHub - pavlobu/deskreen: Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer. ⭐️ Star to support our work!

              If you don't live in a cave and aware of what is going on in the world 🌍 , Russian 🇷🇺 government had started global armed invasion on the territory of Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. This is for real, this is a WAR. Russian army is killing Ukrainian soldiers, Ukrainian civil citizens and Ukrainian children RIGHT NOW because Russian government gave them an order to do so. You can search on

                GitHub - pavlobu/deskreen: Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
              • GitHub - capricorn86/happy-dom: A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface

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                  GitHub - capricorn86/happy-dom: A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user interface
                • GitHub - zachleat/browser-window: Used in demos as a way to fake a Safari-esque web browser window.

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                    GitHub - zachleat/browser-window: Used in demos as a way to fake a Safari-esque web browser window.
                  • GitHub - lmt-swallow/puppy-browser: An example implementation of a tiny Web browser for educational purposes.

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                      GitHub - lmt-swallow/puppy-browser: An example implementation of a tiny Web browser for educational purposes.
                    • GitHub - twilco/kosmonaut: A web browser engine for the space age :rocket:

                      So far, not much. Only a very limited subset of CSS is currently supported, so most web pages will not work. However, given very basic HTML and CSS, Kosmonaut does render the right things — see Kosmonaut's rendering of this code, compared with that of Firefox: Here is a summary of things Kosmonaut can do, things I'm currently working on, and things that are towards the front of the todo list. Pars

                        GitHub - twilco/kosmonaut: A web browser engine for the space age :rocket:
                      • Python 3.11 in the Web Browser - A Journey Christian Heimes PyConDE & PyDataBerlin 2022 conference

                        Python is ubiquitous, popular and runs almost everywhere – even on Mars. But there is one place that Python has not yet conquered: the browser. Python 3.11 may finally lay the foundation to make an old dream come true and have Python in the web browser. In my talk I will explain how to cross-compile CPython 3.11 to Web Assembly and demonstrate how to run CPython in JavaScript engines. The talk wil

                          Python 3.11 in the Web Browser - A Journey Christian Heimes PyConDE & PyDataBerlin 2022 conference
                        • GitHub - danfragoso/thdwb: 🌭 The hotdog web browser and browser engine 🌭

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                            GitHub - danfragoso/thdwb: 🌭 The hotdog web browser and browser engine 🌭
                          • SOK: On the Analysis of Web Browser Security

                            Web browsers are integral parts of everyone's daily life. They are commonly used for security-critical and privacy sensitive tasks, like banking transactions and checking medical records. Unfortunately, modern web browsers are too complex to be bug free (e.g., 25 million lines of code in Chrome), and their role as an interface to the cyberspace makes them an attractive target for attacks. Accordin

                            • Bonsai | Web Browser for Research

                              Web-browser for research that helps programmers think clearly.

                                Bonsai | Web Browser for Research
                              • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser

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                                  GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
                                • GitHub - victrixsoft/bashbro: A Bash-based web file browser. Allowing you to browse, view and transfer files via your web browser.

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                                    GitHub - victrixsoft/bashbro: A Bash-based web file browser. Allowing you to browse, view and transfer files via your web browser.
                                  • 6 Reasons You Shouldn't Use Your Web Browser's Password Manager

                                    Google Chrome, Edge, and all the other major browsers have password manager functions, but should you really use them? Password managers have become so essential that web browsers offer built-in solutions. While browser-based password managers are free, third-party standalone solutions are also available. But it would help if you didn’t use your browser’s built-in password manager. And here's why.

                                      6 Reasons You Shouldn't Use Your Web Browser's Password Manager
                                    • GitHub - gitpod-io/openvscode-server: Run upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.

                                      VS Code has traditionally been a desktop IDE built with web technologies. A few years back, people started patching it in order to run it in a remote context and to make it accessible through web browsers. These efforts have been complex and error prone, because many changes had to be made across the large code base of VS Code. Luckily, in 2019 the VS Code team started to refactor its architecture

                                        GitHub - gitpod-io/openvscode-server: Run upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.
                                      • GitHub - jasonmayes/Real-Time-Person-Removal: Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser

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                                          GitHub - jasonmayes/Real-Time-Person-Removal: Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser
                                        • Cloudmacs: Emacs in your web browser | beepb00p

                                          How I really wanted Spacemacs everywhere and my wish came true thanks to Docker TLDR: I'm running my spacemacs as a web service on my VPS, check it out too. Since I've became hooked on emacs, I've been looking for ways to have same experience in my browser. Sometimes you have to use non-personal computers where it's not possible/undesirable to install desktop Emacs and Dropbox/Syncthing to access

                                            Cloudmacs: Emacs in your web browser | beepb00p
                                          • History of Web Browser Engines from 1990 until today

                                            Many tried, few remain... Last updated: April 2023 The loss of browser diversity since the rise of Chromium has been greatly lamented. Below you can find a graph that shows the historical and present browser engines (not browsers, but the HTML rendering engines), as well as from when to when they were developed. For the bigger engines, the market share is indicated by a coloured shape (see legend)

                                            • twicli - A Web Browser-Based Lightweight Twitter Client

                                              Twitter APIのデータ取得有料化に伴い、twicliの公開を停止しました。長らくのご愛用ありがとうございました。 twicliはWebブラウザ上で動くTwitterクライアントです。 WebブラウザさえあればMacでもWinでもLinuxでも動きます。インストールも不要。 タイムラインを随時、自動的に取得してアニメーション表示していきます。 専用サーバなどは介さず、クロスドメインJavaScriptで直接Twitterからツイートを取得するため高速です。 (ツイートの送信はJavaScriptコールバックで結果を取得するためGAEサーバ経由で行われます。) ネットカフェで他事しながらTwitterを眺めたいときなどに便利かも。 今のところFirefox3以降, Safari4, Chrome, Opera10, IE8で動いています。 iPhone/iPod touchのSafar

                                              • Preparing your app to be the default web browser | Apple Developer Documentation

                                                Configure your browser app so users can set it as the default on their device instead of Safari.

                                                  Preparing your app to be the default web browser | Apple Developer Documentation
                                                • Building a Rust Web Browser

                                                  I have done something very foolish. I've started building a new web browser. From scratch. Not a new wrapper around Chromium or WebKit or Gecko. No, an actual new browser. Why have I done such a thing?! Learning RustFor a long time I have wanted to learn Rust. I tried it some years ago and liked it, but I could tell it wasn't ready for wide use, nor did I have the time to really learn it. Fast for

                                                  • GitHub - responsively-org/responsively-app: A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool.

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                                                      GitHub - responsively-org/responsively-app: A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool.
                                                    • GitHub - tholian-network/stealth: :rocket: Stealth - Secure, Peer-to-Peer, Private and Automateable Web Browser/Scraper/Proxy

                                                      Stealth is both a Web Scraper, Web Service and Web Proxy that can serve its own User Interface ("Browser UI") that is implemented using Web Technologies. It is secure by default, without compromise. It only supports DNS via HTTPS, and uses explicitly https:// first, and falls back to http:// only when necessary and only when the website was not MITM-ed. It is peer-to-peer and all its features can

                                                        GitHub - tholian-network/stealth: :rocket: Stealth - Secure, Peer-to-Peer, Private and Automateable Web Browser/Scraper/Proxy
                                                      • GitHub - bricklife/Scrub: Web browser app for Scratch 3.0 and Bluetooth devices

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                                                          GitHub - bricklife/Scrub: Web browser app for Scratch 3.0 and Bluetooth devices
                                                        • GitHub - 1Panel-dev/webkubectl: Run kubectl command in Web Browser.

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                                                            GitHub - 1Panel-dev/webkubectl: Run kubectl command in Web Browser.
                                                          • Bergamot - a project to add and improve client-side machine translation in a web browser

                                                            Machine Translation done locally in your browser. No need to send your translations out to the cloud. The Bergamot project implements free client-side translation software as a web extension for the open source Mozilla Firefox Browser Install the Extension Local Unlike cloud-based alternatives, translation is done locally using machine learning optimized for consumer hardware

                                                            • GitHub - webui-dev/deno-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Deno in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.

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                                                                GitHub - webui-dev/deno-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Deno in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
                                                              • How projects are born and run in a web browser engine

                                                                Track A Spoken language: ja Slide language: en In this talk I will talk about a few examples and thoughts about how a project might be born and worked in a large-scale browser engine like Chromium. It's partially about scoping, designing, planning and executing, but also largely about collaboration, communication, and a lot of struggles.

                                                                  How projects are born and run in a web browser engine
                                                                • Godot Editor running in a web browser

                                                                  This article is from May 2020, some of its contents might be outdated and no longer accurate. You can find up-to-date information about the engine in the official documentation. Hello Godotters! It’s-a me, Fabio! In the last few months, thanks to the great sponsorship of Mozilla I’ve been working on a big surprise for Godot 4.0, namely making the editor available as an HTML5 application. This DOES

                                                                    Godot Editor running in a web browser
                                                                  • Vivaldi Web Browser Brings Back the 80s with Built-In Retro Arcade Game - 9to5Linux

                                                                    Home > News > Vivaldi Web Browser Brings Back the 80s with Built-In Retro Arcade Game Vivaldi Technologies released today the Vivaldi 3.4 web browser, the first release to ship with an arcade-style retro runner game. Meet Vivaldia, the brand-new retro arcade-style runner game that comes with the Vivaldi 3.4 release of the Chromium-based web browser for Linux, Android, Chromebook, Mac, and Windows

                                                                      Vivaldi Web Browser Brings Back the 80s with Built-In Retro Arcade Game - 9to5Linux
                                                                    • Use a web browser plugin to quickly translate text with Amazon Translate | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS Machine Learning Blog Use a web browser plugin to quickly translate text with Amazon Translate Web browsers can be a single pane of glass for organizations to interact with their information—all of the tools can be viewed and accessed on one screen so that users don’t have to switch between applications and interfaces. For example, a customer call center might have several different applicatio

                                                                        Use a web browser plugin to quickly translate text with Amazon Translate | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • GitHub - SerenityOS/ladybird: The Ladybird web browser

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                                                                          GitHub - SerenityOS/ladybird: The Ladybird web browser
                                                                        • The most accurate way to schedule a function in a web browser

                                                                          TL;DRThe setTimeout function is okay, but overall, for a 250ms theoretical timeout, the real/effective timeout value ranges from 251ms to 1.66+s.As of October 2020, the most accurate way of scheduling a function/callback is using the setTimeout function in a Web Worker, in a cross-origin iframe.The requestAnimationFrame function is the least accurate and requires to be inside the viewport, otherwi

                                                                            The most accurate way to schedule a function in a web browser
                                                                          • GitHub - Donaldcwl/browser-image-compression: Image compression in web browser

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                                                                              GitHub - Donaldcwl/browser-image-compression: Image compression in web browser
                                                                            • Canonic | Open Source QML Web Browser

                                                                              What is Canonic? Canonic is a free, open-source (GPL3), browser based on and for Qt's QML UI language as well as various other file formats. It is maintained by haikü and was originally built as a way to make deploying QML applications easier. What is Canonic for? I built Canonic for a few reasons: I think QML > HTML and wanted to create a browser to test QML as a web standard. I work in the VFX /

                                                                                Canonic | Open Source QML Web Browser
                                                                              • GitHub - mmazzarolo/react-native-universal-monorepo: React Native boilerplate supporting multiple platforms: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, web, browser extensions, Electron.

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                                                                                  GitHub - mmazzarolo/react-native-universal-monorepo: React Native boilerplate supporting multiple platforms: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, web, browser extensions, Electron.
                                                                                • GitHub - marktext/muya: Future markdown editor for web browser applications development

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                                                                                    GitHub - marktext/muya: Future markdown editor for web browser applications development
