Rails is great for making traditional server-rendered web applications. It has support for cookies, sessions, and other browser-specific functionality right out of the box. It's also great for building JSON APIs, but why include a whole bunch of functionality that we aren't going to use if what we want is to simply build a JSON API? That's where using Rails in --api mode comes in handy. It gives u
jsonapi-resourcesはこちら cerebris/jsonapi-resources: A resource-focused Rails library for developing JSON API compliant servers. 下準備 インストールまで いつものなのでサクサクいきます。 $ bundle init # Gemfile source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'rails', '5.0.0.rc1' $ bundle install $ bundle exec rails new . --api # 上書きを確認されるので適当にYesしておく # Gemfile # 以下を追記。 # rubygemsにあるのだとRails5に対応していないのでgithubから取得していることに注意。 gem 'jsonapi-resourc
With g9, making an interactive visualization is as easy as making a visualization that isn't. Just write a function which draws shapes based on data, and g9 will automatically figure out how to manipulate that data when you drag the shapes around. Example: An interactive dragon curve in under 40 lines of code. Try dragging the curve! For more examples, and "how g9 works??", see the Examples. Getti