The Jordanian authorities say an investigation into the bombings of three hotels in Amman has concluded that al-Qaeda in Iraq was responsible. Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Muasher said three non-Jordanian men had carried out the suicide attacks. This contradicts an internet statement attributed to al-Qaeda that named four bombers - all Iraqis - including a husband and wife. Wednesday night's blast
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ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国の首都アンマンの北約50キロのところにあるジェラシュの遺跡。今から古代に遡る事2000年、紀元前後の頃にこの地はローマ人の治めるところであり、ジェラシュはローマ都市・デカポリスの一つとして大いに栄えていたという。その遺跡が今もこの地に壮大な規模で残っている。ジェラシュの北門から街の中心のフォーラムに向かうと、重厚な石畳とコリント式の柱頭を持つ立派な柱の列が一直線に続き、かつて多くの馬車や戦車の車輪が刻んだであろう轍が、今も石畳に深い窪みを残している。フォーラムは石畳が敷き詰められ、列柱に囲まれた卵形の大広場で、市民の集会に使われていたという。ジェラシュの夕方の日差しが列柱の長い影を石畳に映し、見上げれば乾燥したヨルダンの空が青く澄み、古代ローマ都市の喧騒が遠い空から木霊の様に聞こえてくる気持ちになる。 筆者は、4月下旬にここ中東・ヨルダンを訪れた。ヨルダンは地中海の東
No details have emerged so far of the names or nationalities of the victims, but officials say most are thought to be Jordanian. Many of the casualties are thought to have been among 250 guests at a wedding reception in the Radisson hotel. "We thought it was fireworks for the wedding, but I saw people falling to the ground," said Ahmed, a wedding guest who did not give his surname. "I saw blood. T
At least 57 people were killed and more than 100 injured when suicide bombers blew themselves up at three hotels in Amman, the capital of Jordan, last night. The hotels were popular with foreigners and many of the guests were involved in work in Iraq. The attacks destroyed the fragile calm that Jordan has enjoyed despite its proximity to Iraq and the support of its ruler, King Abdullah, for Americ
ガートルード・マーガレット・ロージアン・ベル(英: Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, CBE、1868年7月14日 - 1926年7月12日)は、イラク王国建国の立役者的役割を果たし[1][2][3]、「砂漠の女王」(Queen of the Desert) の異名をとったイギリスの考古学者・登山家・紀行作家・行政官[4]・情報員。シリア・パレスチナ、メソポタミア、小アジア、アラビアを広範囲に旅して築いた彼女の知識と人脈により、探検や地図作成を行い、イギリス帝国の政策立案に大きな影響力を持つようになった[5]。 ベルはT・E・ロレンスと共に、現在のヨルダンやイラクのハーシム朝を支援した。 彼女は、中東各地を旅して築いた部族の指導者たちとの関係から得た独自の視点で、イラクにおける近代国家の確立とその運営に大きな役割を果たした。彼女の生前はイギリス政府関係者から
Al-Qaeda in Iraq carried out the triple bomb attack which killed at least 56 people in Jordan's capital Amman, a statement posted on the internet says. Jordan's Deputy Prime Minister, Marwan Muasher, said earlier the militant group was a "prime suspect". Nearly 100 people, mostly Jordanians, were injured in the blasts at the Grand Hyatt, Radisson and Days Inn hotels. Most of the dead are Jordanian
Iraqi president says he is opposed to military action against Syria, Israel welcomes UN resolution. DUBAI - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said he opposed military action against neighbouring Syria but lacked the power to prevent US troops from using his country as a launchpad if it chose to do so. "I categorically refuse the use of Iraqi soil to launch a military strike against Syria or any other
Iran's president has defended his widely criticised call for Israel to be "wiped off the map". Attending an anti-Israel rally in Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his remarks were "just" - and the criticism did not "have any validity". His initial comment provoked anger from many governments, and prompted Israel to demand Iran's expulsion from the UN. Egypt said they showed "the weakness of the Ira
The European Union and Russia have joined condemnation of the Iranian president's public call for Israel to be "wiped off the map". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remark has already been condemned by individual EU states and Canada who all summoned Iranian diplomats for an explanation. A top Israeli minister called for Iran to be expelled from the United Nations. The White House said the comment showed the