クルーグマンが、今度は「いくら通貨を供給してもインフレにはならない」と断固として主張している。So is there any reason to think that inflation is coming? Some economists have argued for moderate inflation as a deliberate policy, as a way to encourage lending and reduce private debt burdens. I'm sympathetic to these arguments and made a similar case for Japan in the 1990s. But the case for inflation never made headway with Japanese policy makers
Suddenly it seems as if everyone is talking about inflation. Stern opinion pieces warn that hyperinflation is just around the corner. And markets may be heeding these warnings: Interest rates on long-term government bonds are up, with fear of future inflation one possible reason for the interest-rate spike. But does the big inflation scare make any sense? Basically, no � with one caveat I’ll get t
November 13, 2009 6:53 pm November 13, 2009 6:53 pm OK, maybe a more polite way to say it is this: bad ideas are acting as serious constraints on policy. We’re in a liquidity trap, with interest rates up against the zero bound. This means that conventional monetary policy isn’t sufficient. What should we do? The first-best answer — that is, the answer that economic models, like my old Japan’s trap
Hey #shiwake3 刷新会議 第3ワークグループダダ漏れ開始です! (PTF Sub live <U+203A> http://ustre.am/7zyD)