こちらなどで説明されている新機能ですが、具体的な使用方法などは説明されておらず、またドキュメントとして反映されるまではみな手探り状態かと思います。 検証したものを、随時シェアしていければと思います。
PREVIEW! A Preview of the upcoming 4.15 release is available now on the Launcher and Github. We have made this Preview available so that our developer-community can help us catch issues before the final release. As fixes are implemented, we will release updated previews throughout the development cycle. Please be aware that the preview releases are not fully quality tested, that they are still und
PREVIEW! A Preview of the upcoming 4.14 release is available now on the Launcher and Github. We have made this Preview available so that our developer-community can help us catch issues before the final release. As fixes are implemented, we will release updated previews throughout the development cycle. Please be aware that the preview releases are not fully quality tested, that they are still und
2016年7月30日に行われたライセンシー様向けライトマス勉強会のポストモーテムをこちらで行おうと思います。 新たな知見が得られた場合、是非是非情報共有していただけると幸いです! 資料公開などもこちらでおこなっていこうと思います。 —当日のアジェンダと資料— 基礎編①: Lightmassの仕組み ~Lightmap編~ (Epic Games Japan: 篠山範明) 資料(pdf): SlideShare: 実践編①: 建築ビジュアライズにおけるLightmass実践使用方法 (フリーランス 真茅健一様) 動画:
I am overwhelmed by the response from Lightmass developer himself - I want to ask like million things right now, but certainly that’s not possible. So I quickly created this Unreal project to ask for the solution to some of the basic/fundamental problem I (we all) are encountering during self learning of Lightmass. In Vray or Corona we can visualize/see the actual samples taken into consideration
anonymous_user_60a37539 (anonymous_user_60a37539) April 16, 2014, 11:45pm 1 We are creating a game that will be using 3 monitors two of which will have the same resolution, but the third will be a non standard resolution. Can UE4 output different cameras to each monitor and also support non-standard resolutions?