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"stack overflow"の検索結果281 - 320 件 / 520件

  • Just shut up and let your devs concentrate, advises Stack Overflow CEO Joel Spolsky

    Just shut up and let your devs concentrate, advises Stack Overflow CEO Joel Spolsky by Dan Richman on October 5, 2016 at 10:57 amOctober 10, 2016 at 3:26 pm Developer Joel Spolsky (left) speaks with GeekWire co-founder Todd Bishop on the second day of the 2016 GeekWire Summit (Photos by Dan DeLong). If you want to attract and keep developers, don’t emphasize ping-pong tables, lounges, fire pits an

      Just shut up and let your devs concentrate, advises Stack Overflow CEO Joel Spolsky
    • ruby on rails 3 - When using shallow routes, different routes require different form_for arguments - Stack Overflow

      I'm using Simple Form here, but this is an issue with normal Rails forms, too. When using shallow routes, form_for needs different arguments depending in what context it's used. Example: For editing (http://localhost:3000/notes/2/edit), _form.html.erb needs to have simple_form_for(@note). But for creating a new note (http://localhost:3000/customers/2/notes/new) _form.html.erb needs simple_form_for

        ruby on rails 3 - When using shallow routes, different routes require different form_for arguments - Stack Overflow
      • Salary Transparency at Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow

        Capture, share, & collaborate on knowledge internally. We believe (and developers tell us) that job seekers should be empowered with as much information as possible when looking for a job – especially salary. So we ran an experiment on Stack Overflow Jobs to see if the evidence would support it. Remarkably, we learned that job listings which include a salary range got 75% more clicks than job list

          Salary Transparency at Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow
        • Data Scientist - Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow

          site design / logo © 2016 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required

            Data Scientist - Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow
          • One year as a Data Scientist at Stack Overflow

            David Robinson Director of Data Scientist at Heap, works in R. Email Twitter Github Stack Overflow Subscribe Recommended R Bloggers RStudio Blog R4Stats Simply Statistics Upfront One day in January 2013 I found myself wasting time on the internet. This wasn’t a good idea: I was as busy as anyone 2.5 years into their PhD. I had to finish a presentation on some yeast genetics research, I was months

              One year as a Data Scientist at Stack Overflow
            • Git - push current branch shortcut - Stack Overflow

              Is there a shortcut to tell Git to push the current tracking branch to origin? Note: I know that I can change the default push behavior, but I am looking for an ad-hoc solution that does not change the default behavior. For example, suppose I am on branch feature/123-sandbox-tests I would be using git push origin feature/123-sandbox-tests which is tedious. I am looking for a shortcut, something li

                Git - push current branch shortcut - Stack Overflow
              • Why We (Still) Believe in Private Offices - Stack Overflow

                Capture, share, & collaborate on knowledge internally. There was a time where it seemed like we barely even needed to talk about this: Joel had won the argument, the Internet agreed that private offices were the future, and only incompetent management (or a tight budget) was still putting developers in cubicle farms. A glorious future lay before us. The original Fog Creek Bionic Office, way back i

                  Why We (Still) Believe in Private Offices - Stack Overflow
                • Great programming quotes - Stack Overflow

                  There are a lot of great programming quotes out there. Which do you like? Today (Sept 12, 2008) I heard a new one from a friend, Lars-Gunnar, he said "Gud finns i Emacs" (in Swedish). This basically means "God is in Emacs". Still laughing about it here :) What he meant was that a function "gud is grand-unified-debugger" is in Emacs. A great one I think all programmers should know is The Three Grea

                  • You should be reading academic computer science papers - Stack Overflow

                    [Ed. note: While we take some time to rest up over the holidays and prepare for next year, we are re-publishing our top ten posts for the year. This is our number one post of 2022! Thanks for reading and we’ll see you in the new year. ] As working programmers, you need to keep learning all the time. You check out tutorials, documentation, Stack Overflow questions, anything you can find that will h

                      You should be reading academic computer science papers - Stack Overflow
                    • javascript - Accessing Redux state in an action creator? - Stack Overflow

                      There are differing opinions on whether accessing state in action creators is a good idea: Redux creator Dan Abramov feels that it should be limited: "The few use cases where I think it’s acceptable is for checking cached data before you make a request, or for checking whether you are authenticated (in other words, doing a conditional dispatch). I think that passing data such as state.something.it

                        javascript - Accessing Redux state in an action creator? - Stack Overflow
                      • Options for HTML scraping? - Stack Overflow

                        Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career.

                          Options for HTML scraping? - Stack Overflow
                        • Five years ago, Stack Overflow launched. Then, a miracle occurred. - Stack Overflow

                          Capture, share, & collaborate on knowledge internally. Stack Overflow officially launched on September 15, 2008. In five short years, you've answered over 5 million questions on more than 100 sites, and helped hundreds of millions of people find the answers they needed. Today, we want to celebrate how, together, we changed one small corner of the Internet for the better. We want to hear your stori

                            Five years ago, Stack Overflow launched. Then, a miracle occurred. - Stack Overflow
                          • Good open source Ruby on Rails projects to learn from? - Stack Overflow

                            I am a .net developer who would like to learn more about Ruby on Rails. I have followed the 5-minute(?!) marketware tutorials, etc, out on the rails site, but would like to learn more by reading real live code. So what's the best open source resource for learning about RoR in depth? EDIT: A slight clarification, I am a .net developer working on a Mac, and plan to develop for RoR on OS X (at least

                            • Stack Overflow Thanks YOU!

                              And your efforts here matter: 7,522,902,979 times a developer found your solutions here (that's 7.5 billion, with a “B”) If a dev found a solution just half of those times, and it saved them just 30 minutes, that's nearly 1.85 billion hours saved. That's enough work hours to build 250 Empire State Buildings, or 170 Burj Khalifas. It's enough to read all of Wikipedia. 12,000 times. Or watch all the

                              • How do I view the type of a scala expression in IntelliJ - Stack Overflow

                                The Eclipse scala plugin has a nice feature which shows you the type of a variable when you hover the mouse over it. How do I see the same information with the IntelliJ plugin?

                                  How do I view the type of a scala expression in IntelliJ - Stack Overflow
                                • 日本人のスタックオーバーフローの入門: How to use Stack Overflow for Japanese People - Qiita

                                  日本人のスタックオーバーフローの入門: How to use Stack Overflow for Japanese Peopleプログラミング日本語StackOverflowEnglishプログラミング初心者 最近こういうことを思ったことがありますか? 英語が苦手! 英語のマニュアルがよめない! このQiita記事はくそ古いが、日本語でこれしかない! 外国人の同僚はまったく残業をやってないのに、アウトプットはすごい! 外国人の必殺技はStackOverflowです。 質問があれば、あのサイトに質問を投げて、エキスパートはその質問を答えています。一番いい答えは勝ち、その投稿者はポイントをいっぱいもらいます。ポイントをいっぱいもらっている人は自己自慢ができます。 とりあえず、すごいサイトだから、今日はその使い方を説明させていただきます。 始まる前に uBlock Originというアドブロッ

                                    日本人のスタックオーバーフローの入門: How to use Stack Overflow for Japanese People - Qiita
                                  • ruby - 'require': cannot load such file -- 'nokogiri\nokogiri' (LoadError) when running `rails server` - Stack Overflow

                                    I'm running a clean install of Ruby 2.2.1 on Windows 8.1 with DevKit. After the installation I run: gem install rails rails new testapp cd testapp rails server leaving everything else at default. The process fails at the last line when, instead of running the server, I get the error message in 'require': cannot load such file -- 'nokogiri\nokogiri' (LoadError) It happens every time and I've looked

                                      ruby - 'require': cannot load such file -- 'nokogiri\nokogiri' (LoadError) when running `rails server` - Stack Overflow
                                    • QAサイトStack OverflowがChatGPTによるAI文章を一時禁止。有害な誤回答が殺到したため | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge

                                      プログラマー向けQAサイト Stack Overflow が、OpenAIのChatGPTで生成したテキストの一時禁止を告知しました。 理由は質問に対する正しい回答である割合があまりに低く、QAサイトとして有害であること。 同時に、AI生成による回答は一見もっともらしく書かれているため、検証には知識をもった人間が時間を費やす必要があるうえ、そうした回答が数千件単位で大量に投稿され、ボランティアベースの品質維持に支障を来すようになったことを理由として挙げています。 ChatGPTは人工知能研究機関のOpenAIが開発した言語生成モデルによるチャットボット。自然な言葉で話しかけたり質問すると、まるで人間が書いたような、一見して破綻のない文章を返せること、人間にとって難しい質問や抽象概念まで理解しているかのような回答ができることで大きな話題となりました。 しかし問題は、あくまで理解している「かの

                                        QAサイトStack OverflowがChatGPTによるAI文章を一時禁止。有害な誤回答が殺到したため | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge
                                      • ruby on rails - What's the difference between "validate" and "validates"? - Stack Overflow

                                        I added a validation to an objects using: validate :field, presence: true I found they do not give error messages. I changed them to validates and got the error messages. This ticket is relevant. I tried to add a custom validation with validates and got an error: You need to supply at least one validation I changed it to validate, and everything went along as expected. My understanding is to use v

                                          ruby on rails - What's the difference between "validate" and "validates"? - Stack Overflow
                                        • Introducing the Overflow Offline project - Stack Overflow

                                          Jessica Hicklin was 16 when she entered a juvenile correctional facility. Earlier this year, after 26 years, she left the justice system a free woman, and set to work in her new role, as CTO of Unlocked Labs. The organization supports coding education programs in three prisons across the state of Missouri, and runs a development shop at one prison, empowering currently incarcerated individuals to

                                            Introducing the Overflow Offline project - Stack Overflow
                                          • What's so great about Go? - Stack Overflow

                                            To paraphrase the indie band Cracker, what the world needs now is another programming language like I need a hole in the head. That said, Go has slowly but surely inundated the development world like a creeping vine, covering everything that came before it in a lush—and in many ways superior—cover of programming power. With its growing popularity, there are a number of reasons you should take a cl

                                              What's so great about Go? - Stack Overflow
                                            • Why is the Migration to Python 3 Taking So Long? - Stack Overflow

                                              In Pycon in 2014, Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python and, at the time, the Benevolent Dictator For Life of the language, stood on stage in a shirt that had a large 2.8 written on it in block letters, with a big red no entry sign through it. “It’s time to move on to Python 3,” he said, telling the audience that they should start adopting the new version of the language into their workflows. Af

                                                Why is the Migration to Python 3 Taking So Long? - Stack Overflow
                                              • python - Problem running Selenium to scrape JavaScript website - Stack Overflow

                                                I'm trying to scrape www.regulations.gov with Python using Selenium. The website only works with JavaScript and is quite terrible in a number of ways. But, using a combination of Selenium and BeautifulSoup, I've had some success loading the JS and the scraping the data in a Python interactive environment (in Terminal on Mac OS 10.6 with Python Enthought distribution). However, when I put the code

                                                • Google CloudとStack Overflowが提携--AI機能で技術知識共有サイトを強化

                                                  印刷する メールで送る テキスト HTML 電子書籍 PDF ダウンロード テキスト 電子書籍 PDF クリップした記事をMyページから読むことができます Google CloudとStack Overflowは米国時間2月29日、戦略的提携を発表した。「Gemini for Google Cloud」と開発者向け技術知識共有プラットフォーム「Stack Overflow」を統合するとともに、Google CloudのAIサービスで同プラットフォームを強化する。 Stack OverflowとGoogle Cloudは、Gemini for Google CloudとStack Overflowの信頼あるコミュニティー検証済み知識を組み合わせることで、開発者の生産性を向上させる。Gemini for Google Cloudは、オープンソースやサードパーティープラットフォームで公開されてい

                                                    Google CloudとStack Overflowが提携--AI機能で技術知識共有サイトを強化
                                                  • Why solve a problem twice? Design patterns let you apply existing solutions to your code - Stack Overflow

                                                    The most satisfying problems in software engineering are those that no one has solved before. Cracking a unique problem is something that you can use in job interviews and talk about in conferences. But the reality is that the majority of challenges you face will have already been solved. You can use those solutions to better your own software. Software design patterns are typical solutions for th

                                                      Why solve a problem twice? Design patterns let you apply existing solutions to your code - Stack Overflow
                                                    • go - How to get the directory of the currently running file? - Stack Overflow

                                                      Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives

                                                        go - How to get the directory of the currently running file? - Stack Overflow
                                                      • Which tutorial on Clojure is best? - Stack Overflow

                                                        I'm interested in learning Clojure. The Getting Started page on Clojure.net is pretty minimal. Is there a good language introduction or tutorial out there? Which would you recommend? Answer: I have watched the videos on youtube called Intro to Clojure. I don't recommend those. They are a little too brief and don't give a lot of background. The talks by Clojure creater Rich Hickey. I am finding the

                                                        • Keyboard for programmers - Stack Overflow

                                                          I'm trying to improve my working environment and I'm still searching for that perfect keyboard that practically types bug-free code all by itself. At the moment I'm using a Logitech Wave for my Windows need and an Apple Wireless Keyboard (the one without a numeric keypad) when doing OS X stuff. I'm quite happy with the Logitech Wave but I would prefer one without all the extra multimedia buttons.

                                                          • Which python framework is best for web development in google app engine? - Stack Overflow

                                                            I don't think this answers the question very well. I'd like to see a few more options mentioned. In particular, what I want to know is what it takes to set the other options up such as Pylons and Turbo Gears. – allyourcode Nov 7 at 10:25 webapp is the framework which is bundled with google app engine. The webapp framework is already installed in the app engine environment and in the SDK, so you do

                                                            • objective c - Where can I find sample iPhone code? - Stack Overflow

                                                              Sample code is one of the most useful tools for learning about programming. There seem to be many sources on the web for iPhone sample code, but some are harder to find than others. Here's a collection of links I've found so far. Does anyone know of some other sources for iPhone sample code? Apple Sample Code: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/navigation/SampleCode.html Apps Amuck 31 days:

                                                              • Nick Craver - Stack Overflow: The Hardware - 2016 Edition

                                                                This is #2 in a very long series of posts on Stack Overflow’s architecture. Previous post (#1): Stack Overflow: The Architecture - 2016 Edition Next post (#3): Stack Overflow: How We Do Deployment - 2016 Edition Who loves hardware? Well, I do and this is my blog so I win. If you don’t love hardware then I’d go ahead and close the browser. Still here? Awesome. Or your browser is crazy slow, in whic

                                                                  Nick Craver - Stack Overflow: The Hardware - 2016 Edition
                                                                • Stack Overflow

                                                                  See how technologies have trended over time based on use of their tags since 2008, when Stack Overflow was founded. Enter up to 15 tags to compare growth and decline. Don't know what tags to look at? Try one of our presets: Most Popular Languages (TIOBE Index for May 2017) Operating SystemsMobile Operating SystemsJavascript FrameworksSmaller Javascript Frameworks Closed-source Browser PluginsData

                                                                  • 最も成長しているプログラミング言語は? - Stack Overflow

                                                                    Stack Overflowは9月6日(米国時間)、「The Incredible Growth of Python - Stack Overflow Blog」において、所得の高い国においてはプログラミング言語「Python」の成長が明らかに他のプログラミング言語よりも高い傾向にあると伝えた。また、所得が低い国においてもPythonは成長しているという。 Growth of major programming languages based on Stack Overflow question views in World Bank high-income countries - 資料: Stack Overflow提供 Projections of future traffic for major programming languages - Future traffic is pr

                                                                      最も成長しているプログラミング言語は? - Stack Overflow
                                                                    • How can I force homebrew to recompile? - Stack Overflow

                                                                      I'm trying to install wxWidgets on Mac OS X 10.9. It's already installed, but I'm having the problem described here. Someone suggested to add ENV.append_to_cflags "-stdlib=libc++". I did, but I'm not able to recompile the code. $ brew install wxmac Warning: wxmac-3.0.0 already installed $ brew edit wxmac => ok, modifications done, now I want to recompile and reinstall $ brew uninstall wxmac Uninst

                                                                        How can I force homebrew to recompile? - Stack Overflow
                                                                      • 最も成長しているプログラミング言語は? - Stack Overflow - ライブドアニュース

                                                                        2017年9月11日 7時30分 by ライブドアニュース編集部 ざっくり言うと シェアが増加しているプログラミング言語「Python」を紹介している Stack Overflowは6日、所得の高い国において同言語の成長が高いと伝えた 規模と成長率を比較するとJavaやJavaScriptなどに匹敵するほど大きいという Stack Overflowは9月6日(米国時間)、「The Incredible Growth of Python - Stack Overflow Blog」において、所得の高い国においては「Python」の成長が明らかに他のプログラミング言語よりも高い傾向にあると伝えた。また、所得が低い国においてもPythonは成長しているという。 「Python」のシェアが増加していることはStack Overflowに限らず、ほかのランキングデータも同様の傾向を示している。Sta

                                                                          最も成長しているプログラミング言語は? - Stack Overflow - ライブドアニュース
                                                                        • Stack Overflow 10月「DevDays」

                                                                          The form "Stack Overflow 10月「DevDays」" is no longer accepting responses. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.

                                                                            Stack Overflow 10月「DevDays」
                                                                          • Stack Overflow Launches

                                                                            I’m Joel Spolsky, a software developer in New York City. More about me. Read the archives in dead-tree format! Many of these articles have been collected into four books, available at your favorite bookstore. It’s an excellent way to read the site in the bath, or throw it at your boss. Ready to level up? Stack Overflow Jobs is the job site that puts the needs of developers first. Whether you want

                                                                              Stack Overflow Launches
                                                                            • getColor(int id) deprecated on Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) - Stack Overflow

                                                                              The Resources.getColor(int id) method has been deprecated. @ColorInt @Deprecated public int getColor(@ColorRes int id) throws NotFoundException { return getColor(id, null); } What should I do?

                                                                                getColor(int id) deprecated on Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) - Stack Overflow
                                                                              • Want to exclude file from "git diff" - Stack Overflow

                                                                                Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives

                                                                                  Want to exclude file from "git diff" - Stack Overflow
                                                                                • Getting Started with RSpec - Looking for tutorials - Stack Overflow

                                                                                  I'm looking to get started building a project and want to use RSpec from day one. My Ruby background is limited, however, I do have a good understanding of MVC and the structure within Ruby. In doing some research for books and tutorials, I've found no currently published books, and have found no tutorials that give a good "hello world" type write up. And the documentation on the RSpec site is spa