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121 - 160 件 / 962件

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Forthの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 962件

  • AWS CloudShell – Command-Line Access to AWS Resources | Amazon Web Services

    AWS News Blog AWS CloudShell – Command-Line Access to AWS Resources No matter how much automation you have built, no matter how great you are at practicing Infrastructure as Code (IAC), and no matter how successfully you have transitioned from pets to cattle, you sometimes need to interact with your AWS resources at the command line. You might need to check or adjust a configuration file, make a q

      AWS CloudShell – Command-Line Access to AWS Resources | Amazon Web Services
    • WSL2+Microk8s: the power of multinodes :: ~/wsl.dev — Get your Linux On

      IntroductionDuring the first ever WSLConf, which went from an onsite to online event, I did showcase Canonical Kubernetes cluster Microk8s on WSL2 The demo told a story of going from the usual local one node k8s cluster to a multi-node in WSL2. And it ended with a (huge?) surprise: everything was running on Windows Server 2019 Insider Now it’s your turn and while in the demo the first parts were a

      • Designing a Ruby Serverless Runtime

        Last week, Google announced the public beta of the Ruby runtime for Cloud Functions, Google’s functions-as-a-service (FaaS) hosting platform. Ruby support has lagged a bit behind other languages over the past year or so, but now that we’ve caught up, I thought I’d share some of the design process behind the product. This article is not a traditional design document. I won’t go through the design i

        • Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell

          by Alistair Shepherd published on Dec 14, 2023 Carefully observing websites in the wild As the murderous tortoises start to converge on Ryūji’s hideout, they pull out their phone. It’s a cheap, older device but it’s survived the toils of the tortoise-ageddon well so far. Thankfully the internet still exists, although a bit slower, so they’re able to search online for how to scare tortoises away. T

            Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell
          • New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services | Amazon Web Services

            AWS News Blog New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services I first wrote about EC2 Reserved Instances a decade ago! Since I wrote that post, our customers have saved billions of dollars by using Reserved Instances to commit to usage of a specific instance type and operating system within an AWS region. Over the years we have enhanced the Reserved Instance model to make it easier for you to take ad

              New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services | Amazon Web Services
            • We migrated 50,000 lines of code to React Server Components

              Published on July 19, 2023 (about 1 year ago) Everything I wish I knew before moving 50,000 lines of code to React Server Components React Server Components are a lot. We recently rethought our docs and rebranded Mux and, while we were at it, moved all of mux.com and docs.mux.com over to Server Components. So… believe me. I know. I also know that it’s possible and not that scary and probably worth

                We migrated 50,000 lines of code to React Server Components
              • Custom Editor API

                Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. Custom editors allow extensions to create fully customizable read/write editors that are used in place of VS Code's standard text editor for specific types of resources. They have a wide variety of use cases, such as: Previewing assets, such as shaders or 3D models, directly in VS Code. Creating WYSIWYG editors for la

                  Custom Editor API
                • A QUIC Update for Node.js | Nearform

                  In March of last year, thanks to support from NearForm and Protocol Labs , I started the process of implementing Node.js support for the new QUIC protocol . This new UDP-based transport protocol is intended to ultimately replace the use of TCP for all HTTP traffic. Anyone familiar with UDP should, at this point, rightfully question why it is being used here. UDP is notoriously unreliable, with pac

                    A QUIC Update for Node.js | Nearform
                  • 【歌詞和訳】アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「The Mob Song」でディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                    アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「The Mob Song」でディクテーションに挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル3(★★★☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com ディズニーを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事ではアニメ版「美女と野獣」(Beauty and the Beast)の「The Mob Song」を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。 www.juku

                      【歌詞和訳】アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「The Mob Song」でディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                    • A Thorough Analysis Of CSS-in-JS | CSS-Tricks

                      DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! Wondering what’s even more challenging than choosing a JavaScript framework? You guessed it: choosing a CSS-in-JS solution. Why? Because there are more than 50 libraries out there, each of them offering a unique set of features. We tested 10 different libraries, which are listed here in no p

                        A Thorough Analysis Of CSS-in-JS | CSS-Tricks
                      • Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers Discover

                        Meetings on Zoom, the increasingly popular video conferencing service, are encrypted using an algorithm with serious, well-known weaknesses, and sometimes using keys issued by servers in China, even when meeting participants are all in North America, according to researchers at the University of Toronto. The researchers also found that Zoom protects video and audio content using a home-grown encry

                          Zoom’s Encryption Is “Not Suited for Secrets” and Has Surprising Links to China, Researchers Discover
                        • Rust is coming to the Linux kernel

                          After 31 years, a second programming language will be allowed in Open Source Summit Both Linus Torvalds' Open Source Summit keynote and Jonathan Corbet's "Kernel Report" discussed efforts to allow Rust modules in Linux. The next version of the kernel will be 6.0, but as ever, the change of major version number doesn't denote any major technical changes. Torvalds acknowledged that it might have bee

                            Rust is coming to the Linux kernel
                          • Adobe、macOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたMacで報告されているPhotoshopやLightroom/Classicの既知の不具合を公開。

                            AdobeがmacOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたMacで報告されているPhotoshopやLightroom/Classicの既知の不具合を公開しています。詳細は以下から。 Adobeは現地時間2019年10月09日~10日にかけて、AppleがリリースしたmacOS 10.15 CatalinaでPhotoshopやLightroom、Lightroom Classicアプリでいくつかの不具合が報告されているとしてサポートページを公開しています。 Photoshop 20.0.6 and later versions work with macOS 10.15 (Catalina) but have these known compatibility issues. You may want to remain on your current version of

                              Adobe、macOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたMacで報告されているPhotoshopやLightroom/Classicの既知の不具合を公開。
                            • research!rsc: Storing Data in Control Flow

                              A decision that arises over and over when designing concurrent programs is whether to represent program state in control flow or as data. This post is about what that decision means and how to approach it. Done well, taking program state stored in data and storing it instead in control flow can make programs much clearer and more maintainable than they otherwise would be. Before saying much more,

                              • Chromium’s DNS Cache

                                text/plain ericlaw talks about security, the web, and software in general Last Update: June 24, 2024 From the mailbag: Q: How long does Chromium cache hostnames? I know a user can clear the hostname cache using the Clear host cache button on about://net-internals/#dns, but how long it will take for the cache to be removed if no manual action is taken? After changing DNS records on my server, nsloo

                                  Chromium’s DNS Cache
                                • New WebKit Features in Safari 13.1

                                  This year’s spring releases of Safari 13.1 for macOS Catalina, iPadOS, iOS, and watchOS bring a tremendous number of WebKit improvements for the web across Apple’s platforms. All of this with many more updates for improved privacy, performance, and a host of new tools for web developers. Here’s a quick look at the new WebKit enhancements available with these releases. Pointer and Mouse Events on i

                                    New WebKit Features in Safari 13.1
                                  • Prism in 2024

                                    In Ruby 3.3.0, a new standard library was added to CRuby called Prism. Prism is a parser for the Ruby language, exposed as both a C library (optionally usable by CRuby) and a Ruby library (usable as a Ruby gem). The Prism project represents many person-years worth of effort, and is the result of a collaboration between Shopify, CRuby core contributors, other Ruby implementation authors, and Ruby t

                                      Prism in 2024
                                    • はすみさん、焦る気持ちもわかりますが、ある意味あなたのほうが伊藤詩織さんより有名ですよ。 - 読む・考える・書く

                                      テニスの大坂なおみ選手とともに、ジャーナリストの伊藤詩織さんが、米TIME誌の「世界で最も影響力のある100人」に選ばれた。 伊藤さんの紹介文を、社会学者の上野千鶴子東大名誉教授が書いている。 time.com (2020/9/22) Shiori Ito has forever changed life for Japanese women with her brave accusation of sexual violence against her harasser. Though the accused man, close to political power, escaped criminal prosecution, Ito won a civil suit against him in December. Her victory was widely shared by s

                                        はすみさん、焦る気持ちもわかりますが、ある意味あなたのほうが伊藤詩織さんより有名ですよ。 - 読む・考える・書く
                                      • 新刊無料公開『新しいカレーの歴史 上』 その3 アングロインディアンとカレー粉|近代食文化研究会

                                        新刊では海外の最新研究動向をふまえ、嘘・間違いだらけの日本のカレー史研究を全面的に刷新します。 『新しいカレーの歴史 上』冒頭部分無料公開 その3です。 3.アングロインディアンとカレー粉 インドからイギリスにカレー粉がもたらされた18世紀後半は、イギリスがインドを半植民地化していった時期に当たる。 当初貿易会社であったイギリスの東インド会社は、1757年の「プラッシーの戦い」以降、「会社」とは名ばかりの、半植民地化したインドを統治するための軍事・行政組織へと変貌し、巨大化していく。 “the numbers of British soldiers in India increased from a few hundred in the 1740S to 18,000 by 1790” “1740年代には数百人しかいなかったインドのイギリス兵は、1790年までに18,000人に増加した”

                                          新刊無料公開『新しいカレーの歴史 上』 その3 アングロインディアンとカレー粉|近代食文化研究会
                                        • Accordion Icons: Which Signifiers Work Best?

                                          Summary: The caret icon most clearly indicated to users that it would open an accordion in place, rather than linking directly to a new page. For good reasons, accordions are a popular UI element today: on mobile, they are an essential tool because they collapse content and make page length manageable, but even on desktop, they mitigate visual complexity and allow users to focus on the content mos

                                            Accordion Icons: Which Signifiers Work Best?
                                          • Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale

                                            Rust is awesome, for certain things. But think twice before picking it up for a startup that needs to move fast. All of the art for this post was generated using DALL-E.I hesitated writing this post, because I don’t want to start, or get into, a holy war over programming languages. (Just to get the flame bait out of the way, Visual Basic is the best language ever!) But I’ve had a number of people

                                              Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale
                                            • A new way to bring garbage collected programming languages efficiently to WebAssembly · V8

                                              A recent article on WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) explains at a high level how the Garbage Collection (GC) proposal aims to better support GC languages in Wasm, which is very important given their popularity. In this article, we will get into the technical details of how GC languages such as Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, and C# can be ported to Wasm. There are in fact two main approaches:

                                              • Etsy Engineering | Etsy’s Journey to TypeScript

                                                Over the past few years, Etsy’s Web Platform team has spent a lot of time bringing our frontend code up to date. It was only a year and a half ago that we modernized our Javascript build system in order to enable advanced features, things like arrow functions and classes, that have been added to the language since 2015. And while this upgrade meant that we had futureproofed our codebase and could

                                                  Etsy Engineering | Etsy’s Journey to TypeScript
                                                • Chromium Docs - Respectful Code Reviews

                                                  A Guide for Code ReviewersFor the code author counterpart, see Respectful Changes. Assume competence & goodwillWe attract competent people - and that means even when they‘re wrong, it most likely comes from lack of information, not from inability. A “bad” CL usually means one of the parties is in possession of information the other one isn’t aware of. Discuss in personIf there is a disagreement, h

                                                  • Faster Ruby: Thoughts from the Outside — Matthew Gaudet

                                                    (This is Part II of the Faster Ruby posts, which started with a retrospective on Ruby+OMR, a Ruby JIT compiler I worked on five years ago) As someone who comes from a compiler background, when asked to make a language fast, I’m sympathetic to the reaction: “Just throw a compiler at it!”. However, working on SpiderMonkey, I’ve come to the conclusion that a fast language implementation has many movi

                                                    • jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho

                                                      Assumed audience: People who have worked with Git or other modern version control systems like Mercurial, Darcs, Pijul, Bazaar, etc., and have at least a basic idea of how they work. Jujutsu is a new version control system from a software engineer at Google, where it is on track to replace Google’s existing version control systems (historically: Perforce, Piper, and Mercurial). I find it interesti

                                                        jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
                                                      • The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering

                                                        The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow When Spotify launched in 2008 in Sweden, and in 2011 in the United States, people were amazed that they could access almost the world’s entire music catalog instantaneously. The experience felt like magic and as a result, music aficionados dug in and organized that content into millions of unique pl

                                                          The Winding Road to Better Machine Learning Infrastructure Through Tensorflow Extended and Kubeflow - Spotify Engineering
                                                        • Closing the gap: cross-language LTO between Rust and C/C++

                                                          Link time optimization (LTO) is LLVM's way of implementing whole-program optimization. Cross-language LTO is a new feature in the Rust compiler that enables LLVM's link time optimization to be performed across a mixed C/C++/Rust codebase. It is also a feature that beautifully combines two respective strengths of the Rust programming language and the LLVM compiler platform: Rust, with its lack of a

                                                          • Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time

                                                            Whilst the trend is seemingly to rewrite every JavaScript build tool in other languages such as Rust or Go, the current JavaScript-based tools could be a lot faster. The build pipeline in a typical frontend project is usually composed of many different tools working together. But the diversification of tools makes it a little harder to spot performance problems for tooling maintainers as they need

                                                              Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time
                                                            • New – Additional Checksum Algorithms for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS News Blog New – Additional Checksum Algorithms for Amazon S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is designed to provide 99.999999999% (11 9s) of durability for your objects and for the metadata associated with your objects. You can rest assured that S3 stores exactly what you PUT, and returns exactly what is stored when you GET. In order to make sure that the object is transmitted back-a

                                                                New – Additional Checksum Algorithms for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • 島根県で「Ruby尽くめ」の1週間 ー開発者・まつもとゆきひろ氏が語った30年とこれから

                                                                島根県でプログラミング言語「Ruby」に関するイベントを集中的に実施するキャンペーン「Ruby Week」が開催された。そのうちRubyWorld Conferenceを中心に、Rubyの今とこれからを解説する。 島根県で、プログラミング言語「Ruby」の自由さや楽しさ、コミュニティへの貢献という価値観を表現するキャンペーンとして「Ruby Week」が開催された。これまでも開催していた「Ruby biz Grand prix」「RubyWorld Conference」「Ruby Prize」の3イベントを1週間にまとめるとともに、数多くの取り組みを実施。エンジニアやビジネス関係者が数多く島根を訪れる期間となった。 Ruby Weekの中心である3イベントのうち、最も歴史が深いRubyWorld Conferenceは、今回で15回目の開催。国内最大級のビジネスカンファレンスとして、Ru

                                                                  島根県で「Ruby尽くめ」の1週間 ー開発者・まつもとゆきひろ氏が語った30年とこれから
                                                                • The 6 Best Bookmark Manager Apps for Android

                                                                  You're on your phone scrolling, come across an interesting web page, click the bookmark button and move on. When the time comes where you need to access a bookmark, you open your library and have to scroll through countless bookmarks back and forth until you find what you're looking for. It's a time-consuming process that we are all too guilty of doing. It's time to break the endless bookmark curs

                                                                    The 6 Best Bookmark Manager Apps for Android
                                                                  • The RuboCop Name Drama Redux

                                                                    By now, if you’re part of the Ruby programming community, you’ve probably heard of the proposal to rename RuboCop and the unpleasant events that followed it. I really struggled with coming up with a name for this article, as there are many topics I wanted to touch upon (e.g. the burden of OSS stewardship, being respectful and adhering to the norms that once defined the Ruby community, creating a s

                                                                    • Stephen Marz: Blog

                                                                      I Need Your Support Writing these posts is a past-time right now as my full time job is educating (mostly) undergraduate college students. I will always deliver content, but I could really use your help. If you're willing, please support me at Patreon (sgmarz) I've just started and there is much to do! So, please join me! The Adventures of OS: Making a RISC-V Operating System using Rust Running ti

                                                                      • Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ...

                                                                        Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ... How are you doing since January? So many things happened since then. I hope you're all safe, wherever you are. As for today, we'll be here to talk about Yarn. And as far as Yarn goes I'm happy to report that our work continued at a very good pace! So good in fact that it's now time to release the next minor build, th

                                                                          Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ...
                                                                        • AWS Chatbot – ChatOps for Slack and Amazon Chime | Amazon Web Services

                                                                          AWS News Blog AWS Chatbot – ChatOps for Slack and Amazon Chime Last year, my colleague Ilya Bezdelev wrote Introducing AWS Chatbot: ChatOps for AWS to launch the public beta of AWS Chatbot. He also participated in the re:Invent 2019 Launchpad and did an in-depth AWS Chatbot demo: In his initial post, Ilya showed you how you can practice ChatOps within Amazon Chime or Slack, receiving AWS notificat

                                                                            AWS Chatbot – ChatOps for Slack and Amazon Chime | Amazon Web Services
                                                                          • Rust: A Critical Retrospective « bunnie's blog

                                                                            Since I was unable to travel for a couple of years during the pandemic, I decided to take my new-found time and really lean into Rust. After writing over 100k lines of Rust code, I think I am starting to get a feel for the language and like every cranky engineer I have developed opinions and because this is the Internet I’m going to share them. The reason I learned Rust was to flesh out parts of t

                                                                            • Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine

                                                                              Breadcrumbs UX are often neglected, but they can be extremely helpful when designing a complex navigation. We can improve them with sideways navigation, clearer breadcrumbs paths and accordions on mobile. Nobody gets particularly excited about breadcrumbs navigation. You know, those tiny little crumbles of pathways that illustrate where a user currently is in the intricate hierarchy of the website

                                                                                Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine
                                                                              • X68000 Zの新規勢の覚書(発売前XM6G編) - Qiita

                                                                                重要なお知らせ アーリーアクセスキット関連は別の記事にしました。Qiitaで5万文字超えてくると記事編集画面がおかしくなってつらいためです。 https://qiita.com/isimiya/items/266b2df8d4ad579118cd X68000 Zの新規勢の覚書 X68000Zではなく、半角スペースを入れてX68000 Zが正式表記。 たぶんずっと未完成で下書きママ。 編集リクエストもらったら検討するので、追記や修正してほしい内容については編集リクエストかTwitterで連絡ください。 内容は随時追加していきます。 マークダウンを整えるまではメモ書き感がすごいです。 説明が少ないのでエンジニア向けの内容メインです。 もっと良いものが欲しければ、あなたには自分で作る自由がある。 ていうか作って。 あと重要なことなのでここに書いておきたい。 X68000でPython環境ありま

                                                                                  X68000 Zの新規勢の覚書(発売前XM6G編) - Qiita
                                                                                • WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas — surma.dev

                                                                                  WebGPU is an upcoming Web API that gives you low-level, general-purpose access GPUs. I am not very experienced with graphics. I picked up bits and bobs of WebGL by reading through tutorials on how to build game engines with OpenGL and learned more about shaders by watching Inigo Quilez do amazing things on ShaderToy by just using shaders, without any 3D meshes or models. This got me far enough to

                                                                                    WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas — surma.dev