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Masteringに関するエントリは31件あります。 githubプログラミングbook などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Python 3.9 時代の型安全な Pythonの極め方 / Mastering Type Safety in Python 3.9 Era』などがあります。
  • Python 3.9 時代の型安全な Pythonの極め方 / Mastering Type Safety in Python 3.9 Era

    PyCon JP 2020 の「Python 3.9 時代の型安全な Python の極め方」の発表資料です

      Python 3.9 時代の型安全な Pythonの極め方 / Mastering Type Safety in Python 3.9 Era
    • 本気でCSS芸やりたい人のためのbox-shadow講座 / Mastering box-shadow

      発表内容文字起こし https://kuroeveryday.blogspot.com/2019/07/mastering-box-shadow.html UIT meetup vol.7 集まれ!(タブン)実務では使わないフロントエンド芸発表会 https://uit.connpass.com/event/138084/ NES.css | NES-style CSS Framework https://github.com/nostalgic-css/NES.css CSS Collection(CSS芸) https://bcrikko.github.io/css-collection/ box-shadowを使ってCSSだけでドット絵を描き、アニメーションさせる https://kuroeveryday.blogspot.com/2018/10/draw-and-animate-p

        本気でCSS芸やりたい人のためのbox-shadow講座 / Mastering box-shadow
      • Mastering TypeScript Template Literal Types

        Capture By AuthorTypescript has had Template Literals since its early stages. They are really useful when you want to create types from a static string. It was not until the Typescript 4.1 release that we saw Template Literal Types. In further releases, the Typescript team has been polishing its features and fixing some quirks. As a result, it is now a mature feature. What are Template Literal Typ

          Mastering TypeScript Template Literal Types
        • Mastering Emacs is now available in Japanese

          Mastering Emacs is now available in Japanese Thanks to the hard work of USAMI Kenta and AYANOKOJI Takesi you can now read Mastering Emacs in Japanese! If you’re a Japanese speaker, you can now read my book, Mastering Emacs, in Japanese. I owe all this hard work to AYANOKOJI Takesi and USAMI Kenta, two legendary Emacs hackers and writers in the Japanese Emacs community. There’s a large Emacs commun

          • Mastering Emacs その2

            gofujita notes on outline processing, writing, and human activities for nature Mastering Emacs その2 January 13, 2023 Emacs というテキストエディタの解説書『Mastering Emacs』をよみ終わりました。 もちろん、これから何度もよみ返す章やページも少なくないと思います。よみ終わって2日たちましたが、今も頭の中が渦まいています。情報過多の状態です。 でも、よい本に出会ったと思っています。 本書の1章にもかかれていますが、初心者が主なターゲットではなく、ある程度 Emacs の経験をつんだけれどもうひと頑張りして Emacs を体系的に理解したいと思っている人、ベテランでさらに Emacs の道を究めたい人などを対象とした本だと理解しました。 その一方で、初心者がよんで

            • GitHub - rothgar/mastering-zsh: Advanced topics to take advantage of zsh 👩‍💻👨‍💻

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - rothgar/mastering-zsh: Advanced topics to take advantage of zsh 👩‍💻👨‍💻
              • Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model

                Constructing agents with planning capabilities has long been one of the main challenges in the pursuit of artificial intelligence. Tree-based planning methods have enjoyed huge success in challenging domains, such as chess and Go, where a perfect simulator is available. However, in real-world problems the dynamics governing the environment are often complex and unknown. In this work we present the

                • Mastering CSV in Ruby

                  This book is an up-to-date, well-organized knowledge base for anyone dealing with CSV files as a Ruby developer. From simple actions like reading and creating CSV files to processing CSV with Rails, parsing large files, and using advanced preprocessors, this book will be your companion. This is a book by Paweł Dąbrowski, creator of the Long Live Ruby blog. I have been working with CSV and Ruby for

                    Mastering CSV in Ruby
                  • 【ベンチで検証! CPUのキキどころ】 3世代9種類のCPUで「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」の動画エンコード速度を検証

                      【ベンチで検証! CPUのキキどころ】 3世代9種類のCPUで「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」の動画エンコード速度を検証
                    • Mastering ES6 Proxies

                      Photo by DISRUPTIVO on UnsplashECMAScript 6 version took a long time to be released. It did go out until 2015, while ECMAScript 5 was released in 1997. The dot-com bubble, EMACScript 4 failed attempt, and other factors were the cause behind this late release. As a consequence, ES6 was feature-packed. So feature-packed that many features went unnoticed. The…

                        Mastering ES6 Proxies
                      • A short guide to mastering keyboard shortcuts on GitHub

                        This is abridged content from November 2023’s Insider newsletter. Like what you see? Sign up for the newsletter to receive complete, unabridged content in your inbox twice a month. Sign up now > Did you know that just about every page on GitHub has a keyboard shortcut? In this blog post, we’ll uncover the world of GitHub keyboard shortcuts and how they can help you navigate and perform actions swi

                          A short guide to mastering keyboard shortcuts on GitHub
                        • Mastering Customer Segmentation with LLM

                          Let’s see a brief description of the columns of our dataset: age (numeric)job : type of job (categorical: “admin.” ,”unknown”,”unemployed”, ”management”, ”housemaid”, ”entrepreneur”, ”student”, “blue-collar”, ”self-employed”, ”retired”, ”technician”, ”services”)marital : marital status (categorical: “married”,”divorced”,”single”; note: “divorced” means divorced or widowed)education (categorical: “

                            Mastering Customer Segmentation with LLM
                          • Mastering systemd: Securing and sandboxing applications and services

                            This series of articles will explore some of my favorite Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 capabilities that are enabled by systemd. Thus, this series assumes familiarity with the basic concepts of systemd. If you need a good introduction, there is a wealth of product documentation on the Red Hat Customer Portal as well as on the project site. Alternatively, there are a number of presentations ava

                              Mastering systemd: Securing and sandboxing applications and services
                            • Mastering the Job Hunt: A Recruiter’s Perspective

                              A job hunt can be challenging, often filled with uncertainties and challenges. This article delves into the essential strategies that can transform your job search, encouraging you to adopt a recruiter’s mindset. By understanding the job market dynamics from the recruiter’s perspective, you can fine-tune your approach, making your job application stand out and increasing your chances of success. W

                                Mastering the Job Hunt: A Recruiter’s Perspective
                              • GitHub - lnbook/lnbook: Mastering the Lightning Network (LN)

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - lnbook/lnbook: Mastering the Lightning Network (LN)
                                • Mastering Emacs in Japaneseを入手する方法 - Qiita

                                  Mastering Emacsという本には、有志による日本語版が存在していますが、公式のページには具体的な入手方法の記述がありません。 If you own my book, you can download the translated version for free. という記述があるのみで、ネットを少し探したのですが他の方の解説も見付からず。 今回、実際に入手したので、入手方法を書いておきます。 英語版を購入すると、本のデータをダウンロードするページに飛べるようになります。 そのページに英語版のPDF版、ePub版のダウンロードリンクと並んで、日本語版ePub版のダウンロードリンクがあります。そこからダウンロードするだけなので、実質英語版の入手方法と同じです。 別途、日本語版のダウンロードページがあるのかと思ったのですが、特にそんなものはないようです。 安い買い物でもないので、せっ

                                    Mastering Emacs in Japaneseを入手する方法 - Qiita
                                  • Mastering SwiftUI previews

                                    Mastering SwiftUI previews 10 Mar 2021 This week, I want to talk about one of the most powerful Xcode features, SwiftUI previews. SwiftUI previews allow you to look at your SwiftUI views inside Xcode without running the app in the simulator. You can also preview UIKit views and controllers by wrapping them in SwiftUI. Today we will learn about all the powerful features of previews in Xcode. Enhanc

                                      Mastering SwiftUI previews
                                    • Mastering Retentionを読んだメモ

                                      以下、読んだ部分の抜粋である。 © 2017 Amplitude, Inc. https://www.productanalyticsplaybook.com/ https://amplitude.com/ playbook@amplitude.com https://info.amplitude.com/rs/138-CDN-550/images/Mastering%20Retention%20JapaneseEdition.pdf また、以下からもいくつか抜粋する https://growth-marketing.jp/knowledge/define-these-two-inputs-for-your-retention-rate-formula/ ==== About Retentionリテンションを視覚化する良い方法は、N日のそれぞれのリテンションをプロットし、リテンショ ンカー

                                        Mastering Retentionを読んだメモ
                                      • Mastering GroupBox in SwiftUI

                                        Mastering GroupBox in SwiftUI 15 Oct 2020 Styleable views is the thing I love in SwiftUI. You can separate your view logic and its style. You can easily apply different styles in different conditions whenever you need to change appearance depending on the platform or other environmental requirements. This week we will talk about GroupBox, another view container that SwiftUI provides, and allows us

                                          Mastering GroupBox in SwiftUI
                                        • Mastering Vue 3 Composables: A Comprehensive Style Guide

                                          Introduction The release of Vue 3 ushered in a transformational change, moving from the Options API to the Composition API. At the heart of this transition lies the concept of "composables" — modular functions that utilize Vue's reactive features. This change has injected greater flexibility and code reusability into the framework. However, it has also birthed challenges, notably the inconsistent

                                            Mastering Vue 3 Composables: A Comprehensive Style Guide
                                          • 【Nゲージ】巨大レンタルレイアウト「Re-Color 東京」に行って来た&動画編集ソフト「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」を購入。 - かわにょぶろぐ

                                            Nゲージは車両の走行のみを目的とした「レンタルレイアウト」と言うお店があり、ミニ四駆で言う所の「サーキット設置店」みたいなものがあります。 精巧に作られた巨大なジオラマ(レイアウト)の中を走らせられると言う事で人気のようです。 今回は、私をNゲージ沼に沈めた主のお誘いで新宿の落合にある「レンタルレイアウト Re-Color(リカラー)」と言う所に連れて行かれましたヽ( ^ω^)ノ まず、お店のレイアウトがクッソ広い(笑 写真で見るより動画の方が良いと思ったので 今回は動画メインでお届けします。 レンタルレイアウト「Re-Color東京」に行って来た (2021-10-3) 前半は所有してるNゲージ「W7系 新幹線 かがやき」で、後半は一緒に行った人の車両などを交えてます。 巨大なジオラマの中をさっそうと走ると楽しいですねヽ( ^ω^)ノ その他、スチル写真。 どれも雰囲気があって良いですね

                                              【Nゲージ】巨大レンタルレイアウト「Re-Color 東京」に行って来た&動画編集ソフト「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」を購入。 - かわにょぶろぐ
                                            • Data Engineering Design Patterns: Mastering Convergent Evolution

                                              Book: Data Engineering Design Patterns (DEDP) Hey there 👋, this is the start of a book about Data Engineering Design Patterns. About This Book This book is different from usual books. It does not come finished. I will steadily release new chapters of the book, carefully listen to all your feedback, and integrate them to create a (hopefully) great book at the end of the day. Keep an eye on the cha

                                                Data Engineering Design Patterns: Mastering Convergent Evolution
                                              • Mastering All YOLO Models from YOLOv1 to YOLO-NAS: Papers Explained (2024)

                                                What is YOLO? You Only Look Once (YOLO): Unified, Real-Time Object Detection is a single-stage object detection model published at CVPR 2016, by Joseph Redmon, famous for having low latency and high accuracy. The entire YOLO series of models is a collection of pioneering concepts that have shaped today’s object detection methods. YOLO Models have emerged as an industry de facto, achieving high det

                                                  Mastering All YOLO Models from YOLOv1 to YOLO-NAS: Papers Explained (2024)
                                                • Mastering Embed in Go 1.16: Bundle Out Static Content

                                                  The new Golang v1.16 embed directive helps us keep a single binary and bundle out static content. This post will cover how to work with embed directive by applying it to a demo application. Why Embed One of the benefits of using Go is having your application compiled into a single self-contained binary. Having a way to embed files in Go programs is the missing piece that helps us keep a single bin

                                                    Mastering Embed in Go 1.16: Bundle Out Static Content
                                                  • H.265/HEVC による8K映像出力にも対応した映像エンコーダーの最高峰 「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」

                                                    Home 製品一覧 動画変換 TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7 DVD/Blu-ray/AVCHD作成 TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7 PGMX作成 TMPGEnc PGMX CREATOR 動画管理 TMPGEnc KARMA.. Plus 2 スライドショー作成 TMPGEnc その場でスライドショー スマートレンダリング編集 TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 6 TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in Commercial Candidates Detector TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC for Premiere Pro TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC for EDIUS 11 Pro TMPGEnc Movie Plu

                                                      H.265/HEVC による8K映像出力にも対応した映像エンコーダーの最高峰 「TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7」
                                                    • Mastering PDFs: Extracting Sections, Headings, Paragraphs, and Tables with Cutting-Edge Parser — LlamaIndex, Data Framework for LLM Applications

                                                      Despite recent motivation to utilize NLP for wider range of real world applications, most NLP papers, tasks and pipelines assume raw, clean texts. However, many texts we encounter in the wild, including a vast majority of legal documents (e.g., contracts and legal codes), are not so clean, with many of them being visually structured documents (VSDs) such as PDFs. PDFs are versatile, preserving the

                                                        Mastering PDFs: Extracting Sections, Headings, Paragraphs, and Tables with Cutting-Edge Parser — LlamaIndex, Data Framework for LLM Applications
                                                      • Mastering Japan’s Year-end Tax Adjustment

                                                        The concept of year-end tax adjustments is the same across the world; however, the processes may vary. As a foreigner working in Japan, it’s crucial to understand the Japanese tax rules, including the year-end tax adjustment (Nenmatsu Chosei). What is Nenmatsu Chosei? Nenmatsu Chosei (年末調整 or ねんまつちょうせい) is the annual tax adjustment process in Japan. This tax adjustment for the previous year must b

                                                          Mastering Japan’s Year-end Tax Adjustment
                                                        • マスタリングについての一生ものの知識が手に入る。2時間強の贅沢セミナーJonathan’s Mastering Bootcamp|DTMステーション

                                                          先日Jonathan Wyner(ジョナサン・ワイナー)さんによる、約5時間にもおよぶマスタリングセミナーJonathan’s Mastering Bootcampがキング関口台スタジオにて行われました。Jonathanさんは、エアロスミス、シカゴ、デヴィッド・ボウイ、ピンク・フロイド、ニルヴァーナなどを手掛け、「マスタリング界の至宝」として知られるアメリカ音楽業界屈指のマスタリングエンジニア。そのトッププロが、普段どういった作業をしていて、なにを考えて手を加えているか、0から解説するという贅沢すぎるセミナーが行われたのです。 当日は日々プロによる業務が行われている、関口台スタジオのミキシングルームを使用していたため、定員数がありましたが、行けなかった人のためにも12月下旬から約2週間の予定でアーカイブ配信が行われます。収録版の販売価格は9,800円(税込)、12月26日23:59までの販

                                                            マスタリングについての一生ものの知識が手に入る。2時間強の贅沢セミナーJonathan’s Mastering Bootcamp|DTMステーション
                                                          • Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan

                                                            Giving gifts is a common practice in many cultures. It’s a way to show your appreciation to someone in a platonic or romantic way. Offering gifts can also help establish or maintain professional relationships for years. However, Gift-giving in Japan is a crucial part of the culture. The art of gift-giving in Japan on the surface appears easy, but there’s a bit of nuance in the type of gift, how it

                                                              Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan
                                                            • Mastering Emacsの翻訳を手伝いました|にゃんだーすわん|pixivFANBOX

                                                              Mastering EmacsはEmacsの活用方法について学べる優れた本です。 ayatakesi先生はEmacsマニュアルとElispマニュアルを翻訳して現在まで維持している偉人です。 なんか訳者として並列にクレジットされていますが、ayatakesi先生が全てを訳し、tadsanが後から読んで気になったところを突っ込んだり、意味をとりにくい一部...

                                                                Mastering Emacsの翻訳を手伝いました|にゃんだーすわん|pixivFANBOX
                                                              • Mastering Rodauth for Ruby/Rails Authentication - JetRockets

                                                                This article doesn't aim to provide a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Rodauth into your Rails application, as there are already plenty of guides that cover that topic. Instead, I will explore the intricate nature of authentication and explain why Rodauth provides an effective solution. By delving deeper into the complexities of authentication processes, we can gain a better understanding of

                                                                  Mastering Rodauth for Ruby/Rails Authentication - JetRockets
