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481 - 520 件 / 1161件

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Namingの検索結果481 - 520 件 / 1161件

  • TechFeed Conference 2022 で React の useEvent について話した

    TechFeed Conference 2022 という LT 会のイベントで React の提案中の Hooks である useEvent について話しました。 イベント https://techfeed.io/events/techfeed-conference-2022 発表資料 https://speakerdeck.com/koba04/how-useevent-would-change-our-applications 当初は React v18 で Suspense を Data Fetching に対して使うことについての現状について話す予定だったのですが、この useEvent という提案が出てきてこれは React の書き方や考え方を変えるポテンシャルがあるものなので急遽差し替えて紹介しました。 詳しくは資料を見つつ、RFC を見てもらえればと思います。 https:/

      TechFeed Conference 2022 で React の useEvent について話した
    • Faster, cheaper, and better: A story of breaking a monolith

      Faster, cheaper, and better: A story of breaking a monolith Faster, cheaper, and better: A story of breaking a monolith Published on Jul 17, 2019 by Sep Dehpour Table Of Contents Intro Disclaimer: Fair is Sep Dehpour’s employer at the time of writing this article. If you don’t know about Fair, we are a vehicle subscription app. So when it came to naming the monolith that was dealing with vehicles,

      • Visual Nettools For Mac

        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 5596 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 19 After Microsoft today the general availability of, many developers on forum sites questioned if it's really the same IDE that Windows users have known and loved for years, or a refactored, rebadged and rebranded version of - and no less than Xamarin chief Miguel de Icaza himself weighed in with some answers. De Icaza co-f

          Visual Nettools For Mac
        • ハンドメイドショップのお店のネーミング付けは、どれも5分もかからなかったのでした。 - 明日にplus+

          皆さん、こんにちは!コマさんです。 相変わらず、ハンドメイドに熱中しております(≧▽≦) ミシンは本当に好きですね~! 先ほども、ハンドメイドサイトのミンネでレターというものを書いていました。 レターは、皆さまに読んでもらうお手紙のことなんです。 レターを書いていたら、すごくブログを書きたい気持ちになりました! ところ皆さんは、何かの名前を決めるときは時間をかけてつける方ですか? 何日も悩むほう? それとも、すぐに決めるほうでしょうか。 私はいろんなことは結構考えるほうなのですが、このネーミングに関しては即決することが多いです(^^)/ ハンドメイドのサイトは、現在3つ持っているのですが、どれも5分もかからなかった💦 ひとつは「coma の雑貨店」。 コマさんがするお店だから、すぐに決まりました(≧▽≦) 雑貨店か雑貨屋さんのどっちにしようか…と少し考えたくらい。 もう一つは「 coma

            ハンドメイドショップのお店のネーミング付けは、どれも5分もかからなかったのでした。 - 明日にplus+
          • 突然変異で「腐った魚のニオイ」を感じない人が生まれている

            鮮度の下がった魚から放たれる生臭いニオイは、多くの人にとっては不快なものです。しかし、そんな魚の臭いを感じないという特殊能力を持つ人間が突然変異によって生まれてきていることが研究によって新たに判明しました。この能力を持つ人はアイスランド人のおよそ2%ほどで、アイスランド以外の国ではさらに希少です。 Sequence Variants in TAAR5 and Other Loci Affect Human Odor Perception and Naming: Current Biology https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(20)31343-9 Can’t smell stinky fish? It might be in your genes : Research Highlights https://ww

            • Using secrets in GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs

              About secrets Secrets are variables that you create in an organization, repository, or repository environment. The secrets that you create are available to use in GitHub Actions workflows. GitHub Actions can only read a secret if you explicitly include the secret in a workflow. For secrets stored at the organization-level, you can use access policies to control which repositories can use organizat

                Using secrets in GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs
              • Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine

                I have read from Unity Blog long time ago that talks about project stripping, explaining reproduce steps, making it easier for the QA team to make it... It's scary. If you are Unity devs, you know the feeling of checking Unity Hub every morning for update, and hope that it will randomly fix your years old bug, while introducing the less amount of new bugs as possible. It really make you sweats ner

                  Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine
                • GitHub - huggingface/pytorch-image-models: PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT), MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, Swin Transformer, MaxViT, CoAtNet, ConvNeXt, and more

                  ❗Updates after Oct 10, 2022 are available in version >= 0.9❗ Many changes since the last 0.6.x stable releases. They were previewed in 0.8.x dev releases but not everyone transitioned. timm.models.layers moved to timm.layers: from timm.models.layers import name will still work via deprecation mapping (but please transition to timm.layers). import timm.models.layers.module or from timm.models.layer

                    GitHub - huggingface/pytorch-image-models: PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT), MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, Swin Transformer, MaxViT, CoAtNet, ConvNeXt, and more
                  • セブで見かける日本語【日本人の誇り?編】 - happykanapyのCebuライフ

                    みなさん、おはようございます。 昨日の記事のブックマーク、スターありがとうございます。 本当に見事なくらい茶色いお弁当で言葉が出ませんでした💦 でも完食している自分・・・💦💦 そして、フィリピン人が好きな野菜料理と言えば、八宝菜ですね~ あとはなすとか何かしら野菜をオイスターソースで炒めるのが定番っぽいです。 あ!そして先日のDIET IN A BOXのメニューに出てきた安っぽいスクランブルエッグですが、Cheesy Scrambled eggが原文なので安っぽいの部分はCheesyのようです。 スラングで安っぽい意味があるのでグーグル翻訳が誤訳したっぽいですね。 さて、久々のセブで見かける日本語です。 最近iPadの電源が入らないことが多いため、写真がなかなか撮れずネタの仕入れができておりません💦 手持ちネタから今回は【日本人の誇り?編】です。 ヨービック セブンイレブンで見つけ

                      セブで見かける日本語【日本人の誇り?編】 - happykanapyのCebuライフ
                    • Boring Python: code quality

                      Boring Python: code quality December 19, 2022 Django, Python This is the second in a series of posts I intend to write about how to build, deploy, and manage Python applications in as boring a way as possible. In the first post in the series I gave a definition of what I mean by “boring”, and it’s worth revisiting: I don’t mean “reliable” or “bug-free” or “no incidents”. While there is some overla

                        Boring Python: code quality
                      • Anchasl-l Anchasl Scholarships For Anchasl Fall Meeting And For Mac - giganames

                        Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 1456 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 20 2 University Libraries Part 1 Highlights Part 2 Strategic Planning Unit Assessment Report Part 3 Library Achievements Part 4 Significant Achievements Part 5 Active Committees/Teams Part 6 Annual Statistics Part 7 - Financial Statement of Expenditures Part 1 Highlights Highlights of for the University Libraries at UNCG Eac

                          Anchasl-l Anchasl Scholarships For Anchasl Fall Meeting And For Mac - giganames
                        • Why Did Microsoft Skip Windows 9?

                          Windows 7, Windows 8... Windows 10? Where did 9 go? As it turns out, it's not just Microsoft being forgetful. Over the year, Microsoft has followed a pretty consistent naming scheme for its major OS releases. For example, we had Windows 95, 98, 2000, all the way up to Windows 8. But when the company released the next major version of Windows after Windows 8, it decided to call it “Windows 10” skip

                            Why Did Microsoft Skip Windows 9?
                          • Proper use of Git tags | Dan Aloni

                            In the Linux kernel project, the first Git-managed project in existence, due to its proper use of Git tags, the revision v4.11-rc7-87-g28cf22d0ba28 is equivalent to 28cf22d0ba28. This is due to existence of the annotated v4.11-rc7 tag for an ancestor commit. The nicer string above is the output of git describe 28cf22d0ba28. The git describe command can relate any commit to tags in the history. Any

                            • Hacker News folk wisdom on visual programming

                              I’m a fairly frequent Hacker News lurker, especially when I have some other important task that I’m avoiding. I normally head to the Active page (lots of comments, good for procrastination) and pick a nice long discussion thread to browse. So over time I’ve ended up with a good sense of what topics come up a lot. “The Bay Area is too expensive.” “There are too many JavaScript frameworks.” “Bootcam

                                Hacker News folk wisdom on visual programming
                              • A Small Guide for Naming Stuff in Front-end Code

                                Reading Time: 9 minutes Phil Karlton has famously said that the two hardest things in computer science are naming things and cache invalidation1. That’s still kinda true in front-end development. Naming stuff is hard, and so is changing a class name when your stylesheet is cached. For quite a few years, I’ve had a gist called “Tiny Rules for How to Name Stuff.” Which is what you think: little tiny

                                  A Small Guide for Naming Stuff in Front-end Code
                                • WP REST API × NuxtJS で SSG するサイト作り|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                  ebi です。定期ネタの WordPress 芸をやっていきます。 今回は一度やってみたかった WP REST API を利用したサイトに少し手出してみます。 React より Vue.js の方がまだ触ったことあるので NuxtJS を使ってみます。 また、 SSR だとホスティングするサーバをどうするかの問題が出てくるので SSG 前提のサイト構成にしてみようと思います。 ​ そんなわけで実験がてらこう言う構成のサイト作りをやってみることにしました。 GitHub にコードも晒しておくので最終的なコードの細かい詳細見たい方は後で確認してください。 CMS として WordPress を採用している理由 正直自分自身にとって馴染みがある以外の理由は特にないです。 近年、 ContentFul や microCMS などのヘッドレスCMSが台頭してきているので、好みでそう言う CMS を選

                                    WP REST API × NuxtJS で SSG するサイト作り|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                  • Advanced Active Record: Using Subqueries in Rails

                                    Active Record provides a great balance between the ability to perform simple queries simply, and also the ability to access the raw SQL sometimes required to get our jobs done. In this article, we will see a number of real-life examples of business needs that may arise at our jobs. They will come in the form of a request for data from someone else at the company, where we will first translate the

                                      Advanced Active Record: Using Subqueries in Rails
                                    • How Hype Will Turn Your Security Key Into Junk

                                      How Hype Will Turn Your Security Key Into Junk In the last few months there has been a lot of hype about "passkeys" and how they are going to change authentication forever. But that hype will come at a cost. Obsession with passkeys are about to turn your security keys (yubikeys, feitian, nitrokeys, ...) into obsolete and useless junk. It all comes down to one thing - resident keys. What is a Resid

                                      • The React Cheatsheet for 2022

                                        Do you want to get up to speed with React as quickly as possible? I’ve put together a super helpful cheatsheet to give you a complete overview of all of the React concepts you need to know in 2022. Click here to download the cheatsheet in PDF format. It includes all of the essential information in this article as a convenient PDF guide. Let’s get started! Table of ContentsReact ElementsReact Eleme

                                          The React Cheatsheet for 2022
                                        • 赤ちゃんに人気な名前が入れ替わるメカニズムを解明! - ナゾロジー

                                          赤ちゃんの名前を決めていたのは親の「センス」だけではないようです。 米国ミシガン大学(UM)で行われた研究では、現在人気な赤ちゃんの名前ほど、将来の赤ちゃんにつけられる可能性が低くなる一方で、最も不人気な名前は時代が経つににつれて使用頻度が増加していくことが示されました。 研究では、このような名前の栄枯盛衰を、生物の自然淘汰や進化に当てはめた分析が行われており、「人気そのものが人気を落とす要因」として働くと結論付けられています。 なぜ、人気が逆に人気を落としてしまうのでしょうか? 研究内容の詳細は2022年5月30日付で『Nature Human Behaviour』にて掲載されています。 What’s in a name? Glimmers of evolution in naming babies, choosing a dog, according to U-M researcher

                                            赤ちゃんに人気な名前が入れ替わるメカニズムを解明! - ナゾロジー
                                          • Modules: Packages | Node.js v22.3.0 Documentation

                                            Remove the --experimental-conditional-exports option. In 12.16.0, conditional exports are still behind --experimental-modules. Introduction# A package is a folder tree described by a package.json file. The package consists of the folder containing the package.json file and all subfolders until the next folder containing another package.json file, or a folder named node_modules. This page provides

                                            • 4 ways GitHub engineers use GitHub Copilot

                                              Just recently, I was coding a new feature for GitHub Copilot Chat. My task was to enable the chat to recognize a user’s project dependencies, allowing it to provide magical answers when the user poses a question. While I could have easily listed the project dependencies and considered the task complete, I knew that to extract top-notch responses from these large language models, I needed to be car

                                                4 ways GitHub engineers use GitHub Copilot
                                              • DNS Lookup

                                                Dns lookupOnline nslookup is a web based DNS client that queries DNS records for a given domain name. It allows you to view all the DNS records for a website. It provides the same information as command line tools like dig and nslookup, from the convenience of your web browser. Nslookup.io does not cache the DNS responses it shows, but the DNS servers that are queried usually do respond with a cac

                                                  DNS Lookup
                                                • AWS Amplify announces the new GraphQL Transformer v2. More feature-rich, flexible, and extensible. | Amazon Web Services

                                                  Front-End Web & Mobile AWS Amplify announces the new GraphQL Transformer v2. More feature-rich, flexible, and extensible. Today, AWS Amplify announces the GraphQL Transformer version 2, enabling developers to develop more feature-rich, flexible, and extensible GraphQL-based app backends even with minimal cloud expertise. The AWS Amplify CLI is a command line toolchain that helps frontend developer

                                                    AWS Amplify announces the new GraphQL Transformer v2. More feature-rich, flexible, and extensible. | Amazon Web Services
                                                  • slowtec | Porting a JavaScript App to WebAssembly with Rust (Part 1)

                                                    20. 12. 2019 TL;DR We will demonstrate how to do a complete port of a web application from React+Redux written in JavaScript to WebAssembly (WASM) with Rust. This is the first part of a blog post series. Here are Part 2 and Part 3. Motivation Maintaining software that is written in a dynamically typed language like JavaScript is costly. Maintaining a JavaScript frontend that is built with React, N

                                                    • Announcing Rust 1.37.0 | Rust Blog

                                                      The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.37.0. Rust is a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, getting Rust 1.37.0 is as easy as: $ rustup update stable If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detai

                                                        Announcing Rust 1.37.0 | Rust Blog
                                                      • Surfing Wallpaper For Mac

                                                        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 11320 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Surfing Desktop Backgrounds. Cool Collections of Surfing Desktop Backgrounds For Desktop, Laptop and Mobiles. We've gathered more than 3 Million Images uploaded by our users and sorted them by the most popular ones. 1920x1200 Surfing desktop PC and Mac wallpaper 1920x1200 View. Computer wallpapers 10 Surfing Wallpapers 1

                                                          Surfing Wallpaper For Mac
                                                        • Understanding positioning in CSS

                                                          I was at JSConf China earlier this year, which happened in Shanghai from 19–20 Oct. There was fairly decent representation from Singapore I would say. Wei (whom I probably mention every second blog post I write) was the opening keynote for Day 2, and it was one of the best if not THE best talk of the conference IMHO. We also had Yong Jun (another good friend of mine), who gave a workshop on the ra

                                                            Understanding positioning in CSS
                                                          • Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries

                                                            Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries Majorities say China has handled COVID-19 outbreak poorly How we did this This analysis focuses on cross-national views of China. The work builds on previous studies released in the summer of 2020 on Americans’ views of China and the international image of the U.S. This study was conducted in countries where nationally representativ

                                                              Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries
                                                            • Best practices for using Terraform  |  Google Cloud

                                                              Send feedback Best practices for using Terraform Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This document provides guidelines and recommendations for effective development with Terraform across multiple team members and work streams. This guide is not an introduction to Terraform. For an introduction to using Terraform with Google Cloud, see Get started

                                                                Best practices for using Terraform  |  Google Cloud
                                                              • Inside the Log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

                                                                This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Français, Deutsch. In previous versions of this blog post slightly different mitigation techniques were recommended. The Apache Log4j project has updated their official guidance and we have updated this blog post in line with their recommendations Yesterday, December 9, 2021, a very serious vulnerability in the popular Java-based logging package

                                                                • Free Story Writing App For Mac

                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5131 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Contents. Authors Planning and Writing Applications. (Windows, 45 USD, generally goes on 50% sale around Nanowrimo time): is a full planning, research and writing environment that is meant to be set up to the way you write. Includes all kinds of planning tools: sequences, storyboards, outlines, dossiers, and many more. (W

                                                                    Free Story Writing App For Mac
                                                                  • Tips on naming boolean variables - Cleaner Code

                                                                    Michael Z Posted on Oct 3, 2019 • Updated on Jan 9, 2022 • Originally published at michaelzanggl.com Originally posted at michaelzanggl.com. Subscribe to my newsletter to never miss out on new content. There is a convention to prefix boolean variables and function names with "is" or "has". You know, something like isLoggedIn, hasAccess or things like that. But throughout my career I have seen and

                                                                      Tips on naming boolean variables - Cleaner Code
                                                                    • C++ Core Guidelines

                                                                      C++ Core Guidelines May 11, 2024 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This is a living document under continuous improvement. Had it been an open-source (code) project, this would have been release 0.8. Copying, use, modification, and creation of derivative works from this project is licensed under an MIT-style license. Contributing to this project requires agreeing to a Contributor License. See

                                                                      • Node.js — Node v22.3.0 (Current)

                                                                        2024-06-11, Version 22.3.0 (Current), @RafaelGSS Notable Changes [5a41bcf9ca] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: traverse parent folders while running --run (Yagiz Nizipli) #53154 [1d5934524b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) buffer: add .bytes() method to Blob (Matthew Aitken) #53221 [75e5612fae] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,permission: --allow-wasi & prevent WASI exec (Rafael Gonzaga) #53124 [b5c30e2f5e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: pr

                                                                          Node.js — Node v22.3.0 (Current)
                                                                        • Action Mailerのpreview機能を使って、Railsアプリケーションから送るメールを一覧するページを作った - pockestrap

                                                                          ある時「アプリケーションがどういうタイミングでどういうメールを送るか、エンジニア以外も把握したい」という要望が社内で上がりました。 これはもっともな要望で、アプリケーションがどういうメールを送っているのか分からずユーザーサポートするのはしんどいことが容易に想像できます。 ところが、今まではどういうメールが送られるかを調べるにはコードを読むしかありませんでした。 この問題を解決するためにAction Mailerのpreview機能を使ったので、紹介します。 なおRailsのバージョンはv5.2.4.2を対象としています。 Action Mailerのpreview機能とは Action Mailerのpreview機能の情報はあまり多くありません。 とはいえRails Guideに少しだけ記述があるので、まずはそれを見てみましょう。 Action Mailerのプレビュー機能は、レンダリン

                                                                            Action Mailerのpreview機能を使って、Railsアプリケーションから送るメールを一覧するページを作った - pockestrap
                                                                          • ある程度複雑なiOSアプリに必要なClean Architectureのベストプラクティスを考えてみた - Qiita

                                                                            読者の対象 iOSのモバイル開発において、MVC, MVVM, MVPでは手に負えなくなってきたと感じている人 動機 iOSで中大規模のアプリを作成する上で、クリーンアーキテクチャの採用する上でどういった実装がベストプラクティスなのかということをメモと勉強を兼ねて残したいと思います。 自分が考えているオレオレな解釈でクリーンアーキテクチャを理解したつもりでいるので、間違っているところが多々あるかもしれないです! 複数の現場を経験してきて自分の考えうるベストプラクティスとして作ったものですが、ツッコミどころなどあればissueやプルリクを投げてもらえば議論させていただきたいです! プロジェクト概要 SwiftでTodoアプリをクリーンアーキテクチャであるVIPER, View Interactor Presenter Entity Routerでつくりました。 クリーンアーキテクチャと一口に

                                                                              ある程度複雑なiOSアプリに必要なClean Architectureのベストプラクティスを考えてみた - Qiita
                                                                            • 『SymfonyとDoctrineで簡単クリーンアーキテクチャ』をやってみる

                                                                              PHP Conference Japan 2021でお話しさせていただいた、『SymfonyとDoctrineで簡単クリーンアーキテクチャ』ですが、実際にやってみようと思います。 当日のセッションはこちら やってみるユースケース 『ユーザが商品を購入する』『複数いる配送係に注文内容連絡する』っていうのをやります。 モデリング 概念モデル図 ユーザは複数の注文ができます。注文にはどの商品をいくつ買ったかがわかる注文明細が紐づいています。 配送係に連絡はするものの、注文には紐づかないので独立した形にしました。 クラス図 『ユーザが商品を注文する』というユースケースを実装するクラスと、『配送係に注文内容を連絡する』というユースケースを実装するクラスを用意します。 ここで、配送係に連絡するためには配送係を取得しないといけないので、データサービスを用意し、『配送係を取得する』処理を別途用意します。

                                                                              • GraphQL at PayPal: An Adoption Story

                                                                                Photo by Parrish Freeman on UnsplashState of GraphQL todayWe started our GraphQL adoption journey by building our checkout experience. We saw tremendous benefits in adopting GraphQL when our checkout app built with GraphQL became our guiding light.We built more apps, provided infrastructure support, launched a public GraphQL API, and provided trainings and learning materials across the company. We

                                                                                  GraphQL at PayPal: An Adoption Story
                                                                                • Ruby 2.7 NEWS: Commentary by Cookpad’s Full Time Ruby Comitters

                                                                                  We are Koichi Sasada (ko1) and Yusuke Endoh (mame) from Cookpad Inc. tech team. Cookpad sponsors us to work full time developing the Ruby interpreter (MRI: Matz Ruby Implementation). We released a Japanese article “Ruby 2.7 NEWS explained by Ruby Professionals” when Ruby 2.7 was released on 25th Dec. 2019. This is an English translation of the article with help from Miles Woodroffe. “NEWS” is a te

                                                                                    Ruby 2.7 NEWS: Commentary by Cookpad’s Full Time Ruby Comitters