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  • 『ガールズバンドクライ』のCG表現はなぜ親しみやすいか - 悠々自適

    『ガールズバンドクライ』のCGのどこに新規性があり、それでいて何故親しみやすいのか、日常芝居を中心に今までのセルルックCGや手描き作画と比較しながら、いち視聴者の目線で分析しました。 アニメ『ガールズバンドクライ』公式サイトより 1. セルルックCGとは ⅰ. 特徴 ⅱ. 発展の歴史 -セルルックCGの現在地- 2. ガルクラのCGは従来のセルルックCGと何が違うのか 3.ガルクラのCGはどうして視聴者に受け入れられたか ⅰ. ”手描きアニメらしい”モーションの追求 ⅱ. CGの常識を覆す表情のバリエーション ⅲ. 硬さを感じないキャラクターモデリング ⅳ. その他セルルックCGの課題を克服する様々な工夫 4. まとめ 1. セルルックCGとは 『ガールズバンドクライ』(以下ガルクラ)のCGの話に入る前に、まずは既存の日本のCGアニメの表現手法、いわゆるセルルックCGについて見ていきます。

      『ガールズバンドクライ』のCG表現はなぜ親しみやすいか - 悠々自適
    • UUIDv7 in 32 languages

      UUIDv7 is a 128-bit unique identifier like it's older siblings, such as the widely used UUIDv4. But unlike v4, UUIDv7 is time-sortable with 1 ms precision. By combining the timestamp and the random parts, UUIDv7 becomes an excellent choice for record identifiers in databases, including distributed ones. Let's briefly explore the UUIDv7 structure and move on to the zero-dependency implementations i

        UUIDv7 in 32 languages
      • 音楽プレイヤー「Winamp」のiOS&Android向けアプリが公開されたので使ってみた

        2000年代に人気を博した音楽プレイヤーソフト「Winamp」が、2024年になってiOS&Androidアプリ化されたので、実際にどんな感じなのか使ってみました。 Good news: the Winamp Mobile App is here. Available on iOS and Android, this mobile version of the new Winamp player is packed with new features while retaining the same ones that have made Winamp such a success. iOS: https://t.co/rKeNo4RsIS Android: https://t.co/lmquzQe2pm pic.twitter.com/QJxbPamord— Winamp (@winam

        • Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica

          Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Treesitter for Typescript & TSX LSP Support Completion setup Linter setup LSP Setup Eslint (Optional) Tailwind LSP Server LSP Performance Emacs LSP Booster Structural editing Formatting buffers with Prettier Other resources Conclusion Introduction I've worked within the JS ecosystem for the past 8 years using editors like Webstorm and VSCode, I started using

          • gRPC Over HTTP/3

            Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

              gRPC Over HTTP/3
            • Don’t Build Useless Features

              A guide to scaling product & engineering teams from $0 to past $100M ARR. © 2024. Stay SaaSy. As a product manager, it’s important to hone the minimum set of activities that allow you to keep a product line moving forward productively. One of the most important core product management skills: the ability to triage unsuccessful products and avoid spending unnecessary effort on products that are des

                Don’t Build Useless Features
              • What is a Bug Bash? And how do you run it?

                So what is a Bug Bash?Bug Bash literally means to hunt for bugs. Bug Bash is a collaborative team effort where a cross-functional team aims to find as many bugs as possible in a product they develop. My understanding is actually quite close to what is stated in Wikipedia. So the idea of a Bug Bash session is to find as many bugs as possible in a time-boxed period. Usually, a Bug Bash is conducted

                  What is a Bug Bash? And how do you run it?
                • The plan-execute pattern

                  The plan-execute pattern ✏ 2024-06-20 ✂ 2024-06-20 Background Plan Execution Build system example Instances and relatives Conclusion I feel uneasy about design patterns. On the one hand, my university class on design patterns revived my interest in programming. On the other hand, I find most patterns in the Gang of Four book to be irrelevant to my daily work; they solve problems that a choice of p

                  • Transactions blocks with endless methods

                    I previously wrote a quick intro to the endless method in Ruby and now I will try to use it to name transaction blocks in Rails. This is a technique Kasper Timm Hansen shared in a reply to my previous post. I will try to refactor some examples from two open-source Rails repositories just to explore how the code looks. This open-ended exercise is a playground for experimenting with the code shape a

                      Transactions blocks with endless methods
                    • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

                      Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

                        A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
                      • Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!

                        Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!Published July 12, 2024 First, a few announcements: Yesterday, py-free-threading.github.io launched! It's both a resource with documentation around adding support for free-threaded Python, and a status tracker for the rollout across open source projects in the Python ecosystem. We hope and expect both of these to be very useful, with the status tra

                          Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
                        • Booting Linux off of Google Drive

                          Competitiveness is a vice of mine. When I heard that a friend got Linux to boot off of NFS, I had to one-up her. I had to prove that I could create something harder, something better, faster, stronger. Like all good projects, this began with an Idea. My mind reached out and grabbed wispy tendrils from the æther, forcing the disparate concepts to coalesce. The Mass gained weight in my hands, and a

                            Booting Linux off of Google Drive
                          • How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                            How to use container queries now Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Recently, Chris Coyier wrote a blog post posing the question: Now that container queries are supported in all browser engines, why aren't more developers using them? Chris's post lists a number of potential reasons (for example, lack of awareness, old habits die hard), but there'

                              How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                            • 英語絵本「Night-Night, Spot」:寝る時間になっても遊びたいスポットの冒険!

                              寝る時間になっても、なかなか寝てくれないお子さんに手を焼いた経験はありませんか? 「Night-Night, Spot」は、そんなパパママの気持ちを代弁してくれるような、楽しくて心温まるお話です。 ここでは、この絵本のあらすじと、作中に登場する日常的な英語表現、そして読み聞かせにおすすめの動画や日本語訳をご紹介します。 どんなお話?主人公のわんぱく犬スポットは、寝る時間になっても元気いっぱい!おもちゃで遊び、お風呂で遊んでも、なかなか眠くなりません。ママに絵本を読んでもらっても、もっと!とリクエスト。 ついにママが部屋を出てしまうと、スポットはこっそりベッドから抜け出し、海賊やカウボーイに変身して、夜遅くまで遊び続けます。 おもちゃの片付け、お風呂、絵本の読み聞かせなど、寝る前のルーティーンが描かれており、お子さんも共感しやすい内容ですね。 読んであげるママパパも、聞いているお子さんも、き

                                英語絵本「Night-Night, Spot」:寝る時間になっても遊びたいスポットの冒険!
                              • Taylor Swift Is Not a Good Role Model

                                Taylor Swift is not just a pop icon; she's an economic powerhouse of epic proportions. When Taylor Swift comes to town, excitement grows, and cash flows. In fact, Swift is so influential that she has even birthed a new branch of economics called "Swiftonomics." Her current tour, the Eras Tour, has proven to be a veritable goldmine for host cities around the world, generating hundreds of millions i

                                  Taylor Swift Is Not a Good Role Model
                                • Hajj death toll tops 1,000 after extreme heat: AFP tally

                                  A Turkish pilgrim pours cold water on her head to cool off in Saudi Arabia's holy city of Mecca © Abdel Ghani BASHIR / AFP The new deaths reported Thursday included 58 from Egypt, according to an Arab diplomat who provided a breakdown showing that of 658 Egyptians who died, 630 were unregistered pilgrims. Around 10 countries have reported 1,081 deaths during the pilgrimage, one of the five pillars

                                    Hajj death toll tops 1,000 after extreme heat: AFP tally
                                  • Nostr and ATProto - Shreyan Jain

                                    This post could’ve been titled “Nostr vs ATProto”, but that really isn’t what I wanted to do here. While I will be comparing and contrasting them a lot, and that’s kind of even the point of writing this, I didn’t want to really pit the two against each other at all, and especially not with the title. I also want to try avoiding commenting on the differences between the communities that have formed

                                    • BBC tracks down man behind Channel crossing which killed Sara, 7

                                      By Andrew Harding, Reporting from France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the UK As he ambled, nonchalantly, across a sunlit public square, the smuggler appeared to have no idea he was being followed. He was a short, stocky, 39-year-old in a pale green shell suit and baseball cap - an unremarkable figure taking an afternoon stroll from a tented migrant reception centre to a nearby tram station. Our team b

                                        BBC tracks down man behind Channel crossing which killed Sara, 7
                                      • サブプライム・ガジェット――トラステッド・コンピューティング時代の取り立て屋 | p2ptk[.]org

                                        以下の文章は、コリイ・ドクトロウの「Subprime gadgets」という記事を翻訳したものである。 Pluralistic 封建的セキュリティの約束:「あなたのデジタルライフの管理を私たちに委ねてください。そうすれば、賢明で巨大な企業である私たちが、破滅を招く致命的な間違いを、あなたが犯さないようにしてさしあげます」。 https://locusmag.com/2021/01/cory-doctorow-neofeudalism-and-the-digital-manor/ 大手テクノロジー企業は封建領主であり、プラットフォームはその要塞だ。要塞に身を寄せれば、領主は城壁の外に広がる無法地帯を徘徊する盗賊からあなたを守ってくれる。 これが約束であり、ここに失敗がある。領主があなたを攻撃しだしたらどうなるだろうか? 大手テック企業があなたに危害を加えようとすれば、要塞はすぐさま牢獄と化し

                                          サブプライム・ガジェット――トラステッド・コンピューティング時代の取り立て屋 | p2ptk[.]org
                                        • Entering text in the terminal is complicated

                                          The other day I asked what folks on Mastodon find confusing about working in the terminal, and one thing that stood out to me was “editing a command you already typed in”. This really resonated with me: even though entering some text and editing it is a very “basic” task, it took me maybe 15 years of using the terminal every single day to get used to using Ctrl+A to go to the beginning of the line

                                          • ブランシャール「We'll always have centrists」 - himaginary’s diary

                                            ブランシャールが、前回エントリで紹介した連ツイで予告した中道派に関するスレッドを立てている(仏語版)。 1/9. Last tweet thread in the trilogy (FN, NFP, now Ensemble). Then, I intend to take a break.😃 I am struck by the prevalence of the following argument: If you reject the RN, you must vote NFP. As if there was no alternative. There is obviously one, voting for one of the center parties, be it Ensemble, or the LR who did not join the RN, or the “

                                              ブランシャール「We'll always have centrists」 - himaginary’s diary
                                            • How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study - Zyppy SEO Consulting

                                              How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study SEOs need to rethink “over-optimization” Are recent Google updates now targeting SEO practices to demote informational sites that are “too optimized?” Using metrics provided by Ahrefs (thank you, Patrick Stox!) and collecting thousands of data points across impacted sites, I conducted a 50-site case study to look for answers. To begin w

                                                How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study - Zyppy SEO Consulting
                                              • Flaxを使用したRecurrentGemma2Bグリフィンモデルのファインチューニングチュートリアル(Kaggle、GoogleColabノート付) - Sun wood AI labs.2

                                                セットアップ まずは必要なライブラリをインストールし、環境を整えていきます。 !pip list --format=freeze > requirements.kaggle.txt !pip list pip listコマンドでインストール済みのライブラリを一覧表示し、requirements.kaggle.txtファイルに出力しています。これは現在の環境を再現するために必要な情報です。 次に、RecurrentGemmaライブラリをインストールします。このライブラリはグリフィンモデルを扱うために必要です。 !pip install git+https://github.com/google-deepmind/recurrentgemma.git これでRecurrentGemmaがインストールできました。続いて、必要なライブラリをインポートしていきます。 import pathlib f

                                                • Documentation | Pipes

                                                  What Pipes is Pipes is a spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes, but if you did not know that site, you can think of Pipes as a visual programing editor specialized on feeds, or a visual shell, or simply as a glorified feed configurator. Pipes gives you blocks that can fetch and create feeds, and manipulate them in various ways. Think filtering, extracting, merging and sorting. All you need to do is

                                                  • Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou

                                                    The CSS WG resolved to add if() to CSS, but that won’t be in browsers for a while. What are our options in the meantime? A couple days ago, I posted about the recent CSS WG resolution to add an if() function to CSS. Great as it may be, this is still a long way off, two years if everything goes super smoothly, more if not. So what can you do when you need conditionals right now? You may be pleased

                                                      Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou
                                                    • Technology

                                                      The ambition Computer users are trained people, they should not be restricted: Ergonomics should be supurbThe location of their desk should not matterTheir device should not slow them downTypeware’s vision for the future of human-computer interaction outlines a significant leap forward. Here's a breakdown of the key requirements Typeware is the world’s first company to achieve 10 out of 10, while

                                                      • Understanding the Polyfill Attack (Polykill)

                                                        Supply chain threats are growing. Most concerningly, it seems more and more like we’re dealing with nation level threats taking over small unmaintained open source projects. Once again, I’ve got to start by talking about Tidelift being the only company focusing on the real problem here - helping companies treat maintainers like the contractors/vendors they are. If maintainers had any financial ben

                                                          Understanding the Polyfill Attack (Polykill)
                                                        • Dive into native Windows development with new WinUI workload and template improvements - Visual Studio Blog

                                                          At //Build 2024, the WinUI team announced a renewed focus on WinUI as one of the premier app development frameworks we recommend for native Windows app development. To make it as seamless and easy as possible to get into coding, we created a new Windows Dev Center page, streamlined our Getting Started with WinUI documentation, and partnered with Visual Studio to improve the developer experience wi

                                                            Dive into native Windows development with new WinUI workload and template improvements - Visual Studio Blog
                                                          • 7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!

                                                            Introduction As a programmer, you know that your work requires high focus, so it often takes up a lot of your time. Yes, this also happens to me, I spend a lot of time doing tasks but sometimes the results don't meet expectations. I realized several things that I had gained from my work experience and insights from my colleagues, and there was a book that was interesting and very helpful in improv

                                                              7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!
                                                            • Understanding React Compiler | Tony Alicea

                                                              React's core architecture calls the functions you give it (i.e. your components) over and over. This fact both contributed to its popularity by simplifying its mental model, and created a point of possible performance issues. In general, if your functions do expensive things, then your app will be slow. Performance tuning, therefore, became a pain point for devs, as they had to manually tell React

                                                                Understanding React Compiler | Tony Alicea
                                                              • Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

                                                                Office connectors in Microsoft Teams deliver content and service updates directly from third-party services into a Teams channel. By using Office connectors, users can receive updates from popular services such as Azure DevOps Services, Trello, Wunderlist, GitHub, and more. Office connectors post these updates directly into the chat stream. This functionality makes it easy for all team members to

                                                                  Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
                                                                • How I Found A 55 Year Old Bug In The First Lunar Lander Game

                                                                  Update: This kinda blew up! Featured in Hacker News, Ars Technica and PC Gamer, among others. Just months after Neil Armstrong’s historic moonwalk, Jim Storer, a Lexington High School student in Massachusetts, wrote the first Lunar Landing game. By 1973, it had become “by far and away the single most popular computer game.” A simple text game, you pilot a moon lander, aiming for a gentle touch dow

                                                                    How I Found A 55 Year Old Bug In The First Lunar Lander Game
                                                                  • The sad state of property-based testing libraries

                                                                    The sad state of property-based testing libraries Posted on Jul 2, 2024 Property-based testing is a rare example of academic research that has made it to the mainstream in less than 30 years. Under the slogan “don’t write tests, generate them” property-based testing has gained support from a diverse group of programming language communities. In fact, the Wikipedia page of the original property-bas

                                                                    • Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo

                                                                      Initially, we named this guide “Tourist Attractions in Tokyo,” but we realized that the title did not do justice. Tokyo offers so many places to visit and things to do that even most long-time residents might not be able to experience them all. So, whether you plan to visit Tokyo as a tourist, for business, or to live there, we hope this guide to Tokyo’s attractions will be useful to everyone equa

                                                                        Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo
                                                                      • 劇場アニメ『ベルサイユのばら』特報第二弾/2025年新春公開

                                                                        これは、フランス革命という激動の時代の中で、それぞれの人生を懸命に生き抜いた「愛と運命の物語」 ■HP:https://verbara-movie.jp/ ■X:https://x.com/verbara_movie/ ■Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/verbara_movie/ ■YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@verbara-movie/ 【作品情報】 ■作品名:劇場アニメ『ベルサイユのばら』 ■公開:2025年新春 ■原作:池田理代子 ■STAFF: 監督:吉村 愛 脚本:金春智子 キャラクターデザイン:岡 真里子 音楽プロデューサー:澤野弘之 音楽:澤野弘之、KOHTA YAMAMOTO アニメーション制作:MAPPA 製作:劇場アニメベルサイユのばら製作委員会 配給:TOHO NEXT、エイベックス・

                                                                        • Demystify history with GitHub Copilot commit explanations - Visual Studio Blog

                                                                          Have you ever struggled to understand what a commit was doing or why it was made? Do you wish you had more clarity and context when reviewing or collaborating on code changes? If you answered yes, then you’ll love what GitHub Copilot can do for you: generate commit explanations. GitHub Copilot can analyze your code differences and produce concise summaries that highlight the key points. No more gu

                                                                            Demystify history with GitHub Copilot commit explanations - Visual Studio Blog
                                                                          • Is the party over for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches?

                                                                            Over the past decade, agile adoption in organizations has seen an upswing. Large enterprises—banks, insurance companies, automakers, and many others—have all been at the forefront of launching agile transformations to achieve business agility—the elusive elixir. The promise of increased flexibility, faster delivery, and enhanced collaboration across teams is almost impossible to resist in today’s

                                                                              Is the party over for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches?
                                                                            • Beating NumPy’s Matrix Multiplication in 150 Lines of C Code

                                                                              TL;DR The code from the tutorial is available at matmul.c. This blog post is the result of my attempt to implement high-performance fp32 matrix multiplication (=SGEMM) on CPU while keeping the code simple and scalable. The implementation follows the BLIS design, works for arbitrary matrix sizes, and outperforms OpenBLAS achieving over 1 TFLOPS across a wide range of matrix sizes on AMD Ryzen 7700.

                                                                              • Whisperのコードを斜め読みする - Qiita

                                                                                今回はWhsiperについてのコードの斜め読みのメモ. ソースコード OpenAI/Whisper https://github.com/openai/whisper 参考文献 本家解説 本家論文 日本語解説 ThothChildrenチャンネルの動画 コード読んでく 上記から transcribe.py 引数のparseなどが終わると、trascribe関数が呼び出される. cpuやgpuの環境を確認したのちに下記のdecodeの部分に来る. ここでは、音声データの最初の30秒をメルスペクトラム変換したのちに、 model,detect_launguageにて各単語の可能性probsを得ている。probsを最大にするlaunguageを取得している。 if decode_options.get("language", None) is None: if not model.is_mult

                                                                                  Whisperのコードを斜め読みする - Qiita
                                                                                • Insights from over 10,000 comments on "Ask HN: Who Is Hiring" using GPT-4o & LangChain

                                                                                  Insights from over 10,000 comments on "Ask HN: Who Is Hiring" using GPT-4o & LangChain TL;DR: By structuring 10,000 comments on Hacker News using a predefined response_scheme for GPT-4o and LangChain’s ability to force structured output from the LLM, I’ve tried to get a feeling for current job market and trends. why#Looking back at pictures of my NYC visit last year, I thought: why not live there

                                                                                    Insights from over 10,000 comments on "Ask HN: Who Is Hiring" using GPT-4o & LangChain