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361 - 400 件 / 4529件

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Simple is bestの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 4529件

  • Setting Up Redux For Use In A Real-World Application — Smashing Magazine

    Redux is a robust state-management library for single-page JavaScript apps. It is described on the official documentation as a predictable state container for Javascript applications and it’s fairly simple to learn the concepts and implement Redux in a simple app. Going from a simple counter app to a real-world app, however, can be quite the jump. Redux is an important library in the React ecosyst

      Setting Up Redux For Use In A Real-World Application — Smashing Magazine
    • WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020

      Home/ WHO Director-General/ Speeches/ Detail/ WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020 Good afternoon everyone. In the past week, we have seen a rapid escalation of cases of COVID-19. More cases and deaths have now been reported in the rest of the world than in China. We have also seen a rapid escalation in social distancing measures, like closing sc

        WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020
      • 8 best practices for optimizing Lambda functions — Cloudash Blog

        Published onMonday, April 18, 20228 best practices for optimizing Lambda functionsAuthorsNameTomasz ŁakomyTwitter@tlakomy AWS Lambda is the backbone of every serverless architecture. While browsing endless serverless patterns, architectures and solutions available online, it's hard to find one without at least a single lambda function. Since its announcement in 2014, AWS Lambda has become a de-fac

          8 best practices for optimizing Lambda functions — Cloudash Blog
        • YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass

          60年代から約40年間、その時代の最先端の音楽を積極的に紹介した、英BBC Radioの名物DJ、ジョン・ピール(John Peel)。BBC Radio 1で放送された『Peel Sessions』では、2,000人以上のアーティストが招かれてスタジオ・セッションを録音。このパフォーマンスは番組で放送され、また1986年にジョン・ピールらによって設立されたStrange Fruit Recordsから『Peel Session EP』シリーズとしてリリースされています。 YouTubeには、『Peel Sessions』の音源が大量にアップロードされており、YouTubeで見つけた全ての『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーのDave Stricksonが話題に。全部で1000近くあります。 ■Dave Stricksonブログ John Peel Ses

            YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass
          • Deep Learning において,漢字はどの単位で分割・エンコードされるべきなのだろう? - Qiita

            subcharacterに関しては,BERTやELMoといった文脈情報を扱える言語モデルでの検証はまだ少ないようで,さっと調べた感じだと見つけられませんでした。 論文間にまたがって分割単位が同じ部分がわかるように,分割ごとに色合いを変えた図を作成しました(見易さを優先し,作成した図の次元サイズ等は簡略化しています)。 論文リンクは下部の参考文献に記載しています。 1.Sub-character Neural language Modeling in Japanese (Nguyen et al.) 漢字の表現方法を部首(shallow)・さらに部首より小さい単位(deep)に分解。 言語モデルは単方向のLSTM 言語モデルのパープレキシティーの良さの順は,shallow > deep > baselineとなった。 論文内で紹介されている漢字の4つのデータセットを見ると,同じ漢字でもそれぞ

              Deep Learning において,漢字はどの単位で分割・エンコードされるべきなのだろう? - Qiita
            • Changing std::sort at Google’s Scale and Beyond

              TL;DR; We are changing std::sort in LLVM’s libcxx. That’s a long story of what it took us to get there and all possible consequences, bugs you might encounter with examples from open source. We provide some benchmarks, perspective, why we did this in the first place and what it cost us with exciting ideas from Hyrum’s Law to reinforcement learning. All changes went into open source and thus I can

                Changing std::sort at Google’s Scale and Beyond
              • A non-mathematical introduction to Kalman Filters for programmers - Pravesh Koirala

                Read my manifesto on Code as an alternative to Mathematics. Code for this article can be found on this Colab Notebook should you choose to follow along. Why Kalman Filters? Kalman filters are ingenius. If you have never heard of them, then a very intuitive (and arguably reductive) way to think about them is to consider them as a funnel where you pour information from multiple noisy sources to cond

                • Blogged Answers: A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior

                  Random musings on React, Redux, and more, by Redux maintainer Mark "acemarke" Erikson This is a post in the Blogged Answers series. Details on how React rendering behaves, and how use of Context and React-Redux affect rendering I've seen a lot of ongoing confusion over when, why, and how React will re-render components, and how use of Context and React-Redux will affect the timing and scope of tho

                    Blogged Answers: A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior
                  • Beating C with 80 lines of Haskell: wc

                    Despite the click-bait title I hope you'll find this post generally illuminating, or at the very least a bit of fun! This article makes no claims that Haskell is "better" than C, nor does it make claims about the respective value of either language, or either implementation. It's simply an exploration into high-performance Haskell, with a few fun tricks and hacks along the way. You can find source

                      Beating C with 80 lines of Haskell: wc
                    • Announcing TypeScript 5.2 - TypeScript

                      Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.2! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like typos, issues with null and undefined, and more. Types also power TypeScript’s edi

                        Announcing TypeScript 5.2 - TypeScript
                      • Storybook 5.2

                        Storybook powers component development for design systems like Shopify Polaris, IBM Carbon, Salesforce Lightning, Auth0 Cosmos, Airbnb Lunar, and more than 25,000 public GitHub projects. Storybook 5.2 streamlines component documentation for all Storybook users. Our goal is to make best practice documentation — like the kind found in the high profile design systems above — easy for all Storybook pr

                          Storybook 5.2
                        • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                          I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                          • BeyondProd  |  Documentation  |  Google Cloud

                            Send feedback BeyondProd Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This content was last updated in May 2024, and represents the status quo as of the time it was written. Google's security policies and systems may change going forward, as we continually improve protection for our customers. This document describes how Google implements security in our i

                              BeyondProd  |  Documentation  |  Google Cloud
                            • Accidentally Turing-Complete

                              Accidentally Turing-Complete Some things were not supposed to be Turing-complete. This is a collection of such accidents. Stuff which is somehow limited (stack overflows, arbitrary configuration, etc) is still considered Turing complete, since all "physical" Turing machines are resource limited. C++ Templates Although they were initially not supposed to, C++ templates are Turing-complete. For proo

                              • Rethinking Visual Programming with Go · divan's blog

                                This is a blog version of the talk I gave at GopherCon Europe 2019 (Canary Islands Edition), where I shared my thoughts on why Visual Programming Languages have failed and revealed for the first time my experiment on visualizing Go code. I could dive in straight into the project, but I do believe to truly appreciate it, I have to explain the thought line behind it first. It starts with an almost e

                                  Rethinking Visual Programming with Go · divan's blog
                                • How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage

                                  Users spend a large proportion of their online time on mobile devices, and a significant fraction of the rest is users on untethered laptop computers. For both, battery life is critical. In this post, we’ll talk about factors that affect battery life, and how you, as a web developer, can make your pages more power efficient so that users can spend more time engaged with your content. What Draws Po

                                    How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage
                                  • Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework

                                    Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework03/02/2023 In this blog post, we are proud to introduce Oxy - our modern proxy framework, developed using the Rust programming language. Oxy is a foundation of several Cloudflare projects, including the Zero Trust Gateway, the iCloud Private Relay second hop proxy, and the internal egress routing service. Oxy leverages our years of expe

                                      Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework
                                    • 4 Pandas Anti-Patterns to Avoid and How to Fix Them

                                      pandas is a powerful data analysis library with a rich API that offers multiple ways to perform any given data manipulation task. Some of these approaches are better than others, and pandas users often learn suboptimal coding practices that become their default workflows. This post highlights four common pandas anti-patterns and outlines a complementary set of techniques that you should use instea

                                        4 Pandas Anti-Patterns to Avoid and How to Fix Them
                                      • Manual Memory Management in Go using jemalloc - Dgraph Blog

                                        Become part of a community passionate about building better apps. Manual Memory Management in Go using jemalloc Dgraph Labs has been a user of the Go language since our inception in 2015. Five years and 200K lines of Go code later, we’re happy to report that we are still convinced Go was and remains the right choice. Our excitement for Go has gone beyond building systems, and has led us to even wr

                                          Manual Memory Management in Go using jemalloc - Dgraph Blog
                                        • HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack

                                          HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack10/10/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record b

                                            HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack
                                          • Why you should use `python -m pip`

                                            Fellow core developer and Canadian, Mariatta, asked on Twitter about python -m pip and who told her about that idiom along with asking for a reference explaining it: I learned sometime ago that we should be doing `python -m pip install ...` instead of simply `pip install ...` but now I can't remember the source of this information. Likely from @brettsky or @zooba, any of you have a talk/blog post

                                              Why you should use `python -m pip`
                                            • ts-migrate: A Tool for Migrating to TypeScript at Scale

                                              TypeScript is the official language of frontend web development at Airbnb. Yet, the process of adopting TypeScript and migrating a mature codebase containing thousands of JavaScript files didn’t happen in one day. TypeScript adoption went through the process of an initial proposal, adoption by multiple teams, a beta phase and, finally, landing as the official language of frontend development at Ai

                                                ts-migrate: A Tool for Migrating to TypeScript at Scale
                                              • Innovation Isn’t All Fun and Games — Creativity Needs Discipline

                                                The Frustration The conventional wisdom is that successful innovation depends on providing an environment where there’s a tolerance for failure and a willingness to experiment, it’s safe to speak up, and it’s highly collaborative and nonhierarchical. The reality is that these elements do not suffice. What’s Missing Each of these easy-to-like behaviors must be counterbalanced by tougher behavior th

                                                  Innovation Isn’t All Fun and Games — Creativity Needs Discipline
                                                • Choose Postgres queue technology

                                                  Introduction⌗ Postgres queue tech is a thing of beauty, but far from mainstream. Its relative obscurity is partially attributable to the cargo cult of “scale”. The scalability cult has decreed that there are several queue technologies with greater “scalability” than Postgres, and for that reason alone, Postgres isn’t suitably scalable for anyone’s queuing needs. The cult of scalability would rathe

                                                    Choose Postgres queue technology
                                                  • Prompt injection: What’s the worst that can happen?

                                                    Prompt injection: What’s the worst that can happen? 14th April 2023 Activity around building sophisticated applications on top of LLMs (Large Language Models) such as GPT-3/4/ChatGPT/etc is growing like wildfire right now. Many of these applications are potentially vulnerable to prompt injection. It’s not clear to me that this risk is being taken as seriously as it should. To quickly review: promp

                                                      Prompt injection: What’s the worst that can happen?
                                                    • Powered by AI: Instagram’s Explore recommender system

                                                      Over half of the Instagram community visits Instagram Explore every month to discover new photos, videos, and Stories relevant to their interests. Recommending the most relevant content out of billions of options in real time at scale introduces multiple machine learning (ML) challenges that require novel engineering solutions. We tackled these challenges by creating a series of custom query langu

                                                        Powered by AI: Instagram’s Explore recommender system
                                                      • When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

                                                        When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think07/26/2022 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. Over the years I've been lurking around the Linux kernel and have investigated the TCP code many times. But when recently we were working on Optimizing TCP for high WAN throughput while preserving low latency, I realized I have gaps in my knowledge about how Linux

                                                          When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think
                                                        • Working with GitHub Actions

                                                          Image credit: GitHub's Hubot from the Octodex GitHub Actions are still in beta and are changing quickly. But if you are looking to get started the possibilities are endless. This guide is mostly about pointing to documentation and exploring some fun ways to use GitHub Actions. In this post we’ll create a repository which contains a GitHub Action - built in TypeScript - and an associated workflow.

                                                            Working with GitHub Actions
                                                          • Git branch naming conventions - DeepSource

                                                            We use git branches at DeepSource to organize ongoing work to ensure that software delivery stays effective. If you use git today, there are high chances that you're either using the famed git-flow or the more recent GitHub flow. Both these workflows depend extensively on using branches effectively — and naming a new branch is something many developers struggle with. A consistent branch naming con

                                                              Git branch naming conventions - DeepSource
                                                            • Optimizing your LLM in production

                                                              Note: This blog post is also available as a documentation page on Transformers. Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT3/4, Falcon, and LLama are rapidly advancing in their ability to tackle human-centric tasks, establishing themselves as essential tools in modern knowledge-based industries. Deploying these models in real-world tasks remains challenging, however: To exhibit near-human text unders

                                                                Optimizing your LLM in production
                                                              • An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ

                                                                Introduction Recently I've had to work on code which seemed to be based on clean architecture, but after a while I concluded that it is probably not and it made me think about clean coding in general and the principles of clean architecture in particular. Is it about a set of rules, and we are guaranteed to achieve cleanness as long as we follow them? Or is it about abstract principles, which we c

                                                                  An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ
                                                                • Content delivery networks (CDNs)  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                  Content delivery networks (CDNs) Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Content delivery networks (CDNs) improve site performance by using a distributed network of servers to deliver resources to users. Because CDNs reduce server load, they reduce server costs and are well-suited to handling traffic spikes. This article discusses how CDNs work and pr

                                                                  • What developers need to know about generative AI

                                                                    EngineeringEnterpriseOpen SourceWhat developers need to know about generative AIGenerative AI has been dominating the news lately—but what exactly is it? Here’s what you need to know, and what it means for developers. By now, you’ve heard of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GitHub Copilot, among others. They’re gaining widespread interest thanks to the fact t

                                                                      What developers need to know about generative AI
                                                                    • Preview: Amazon OpenSearch Serverless – Run Search and Analytics Workloads without Managing Clusters | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS News Blog Preview: Amazon OpenSearch Serverless – Run Search and Analytics Workloads without Managing Clusters Most AWS analytics services have compelling serverless offerings that make it even easier for customers to analyze vast amounts of data without having to configure, scale, or manage the underlying infrastructure. Along with other serverless analytics, such as Amazon QuickSight for bus

                                                                        Preview: Amazon OpenSearch Serverless – Run Search and Analytics Workloads without Managing Clusters | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • Announcing TypeScript 4.8 - TypeScript

                                                                        Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 4.8! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript and adds syntax for types. These types let you put your expectations and assumptions into your code, and those assumptions can then be checked by the TypeScript type-checker. This checking can help avoid typos, calling uninitialized values, mixing up

                                                                          Announcing TypeScript 4.8 - TypeScript
                                                                        • Text Editor: Data Structures

                                                                          The first step in building my text editor is to implement the core API. If you’re wondering why I want to do this, the original article is here. I researched several data types, and I tried to be language agnostic. I wanted my decision to not be influenced by any particular language, and first see if there was a “best way” out there, solely based on operations. Of course, a “best way” rarely exist

                                                                          • Why Rust is the Future of Game Development | thefuntastic

                                                                            Rust, not related to the video game also called Rust, is a promising systems programming language with novel features ideally suited for game development. Exposure and awareness within the game developer community, however, remains limited. In this post, I provide a gentle introduction to Rust and attempt to justify its place on your radar. A Short History Lesson​What is Rust, and where did it com

                                                                            • WebKit Features in Safari 17.0

                                                                              Sep 18, 2023 by Jen Simmons and the Safari / WebKit Team Today’s the day for Safari 17.0. It’s now available for iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. [Update September 26th] And now, Safari 17.0 is available for macOS Ventura, and macOS Monterey, and macOS Sonoma. Safari 17.0 is also available in the vision OS Simulator, where you can test your website by downloading the latest beta of Xcode 15, which supports t

                                                                                WebKit Features in Safari 17.0
                                                                              • Amazon Prime Day 2022 – AWS for the Win! | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS News Blog Amazon Prime Day 2022 – AWS for the Win! As part of my annual tradition to tell you about how AWS makes Prime Day possible, I am happy to be able to share some chart-topping metrics (check out my 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021 posts for a look back). My purchases this year included a first aid kit, some wood brown filament for my 3D printer, and a non-stick frying pan! According to

                                                                                  Amazon Prime Day 2022 – AWS for the Win! | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • Job Titles and Levels: What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know — Holloway

                                                                                  Job Titles and Levels: What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know Your guide to what software engineering job titles really mean, how companies standardize levels, and how they relate to your work and pay. Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash. This post is excerpted from Holloway’s Guide to Technical Recruiting and Hiring. Typically, everyone on a software team has a job title and knows it. It could b

                                                                                    Job Titles and Levels: What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know — Holloway