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launchに関するエントリは80件あります。 awslibraryiOS などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『GitHub - ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH: ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand』などがあります。
  • GitHub - ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH: ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand

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      GitHub - ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH: ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
    • A New AWS SDK for Rust – Alpha Launch | Amazon Web Services

      AWS Developer Tools Blog A New AWS SDK for Rust – Alpha Launch We’re excited to announce the alpha release of a new AWS SDK for Rust. AWS customers developing in Rust want a native Rust SDK so they can use the language constructs they are used to, and customers new to Rust want an SDK that behaves similarly to SDKs they have used in other language environments. With this alpha release, customers c

        A New AWS SDK for Rust – Alpha Launch | Amazon Web Services
      • Docker fails to launch on Apple Silicon · Issue #4733 · docker/for-mac

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          Docker fails to launch on Apple Silicon · Issue #4733 · docker/for-mac
        • Bio Link: Launch Your Site in Seconds

          A simple “bio link” for your socials. Designed for mobile, but packed with features for a complete website

            Bio Link: Launch Your Site in Seconds
          • Under the hood: Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate increase task launch rates | Amazon Web Services

            Containers Under the hood: Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate increase task launch rates Since 2015, hundreds of thousands of developers have chosen Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) as their orchestration service for cluster management. Developers trust Amazon ECS with the lifecycle of their mission-critical applications, from initial deployment to rolling out new versio

              Under the hood: Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate increase task launch rates | Amazon Web Services
            • GitHub - amzn/awsssmchaosrunner: Amazon's light-weight library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2 and ECS (with EC2 launch type).

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - amzn/awsssmchaosrunner: Amazon's light-weight library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2 and ECS (with EC2 launch type).
              • Design launch screens for seamless starts - Discover - Apple Developer

                Instantaneous app launches are a big part of providing a great experience on iPhone or iPad. Whether someone is tapping on your app icon for the first time or returning from elsewhere, they should be able to get started immediately. A launch screen lets you provide that seamless and adaptive experience while your app loads any pertinent information in the background, and you can create it directly

                  Design launch screens for seamless starts - Discover - Apple Developer
                • 110億円調達の米国ロケットベンチャー企業Vector Launchの破産はナゼ?|ina111 / 稲川貴大

                  2019年12月Vector Launch Inc.という超小型ロケットを開発する米国のスタートアップ企業が破産した。 正確には米連邦破産法の第11条なので再建型な手続きであり、事業再開する可能性はある。同社は2016年創業で、crunchbaseによると$102.8M(日本円で110億円ほど)の資金調達が報道されていたので破産は話題になっている。 破産の経緯は、世界最大のベンチャーキャピタルのSequoia Capitalが8月に資金を引き上げたことがトリガーになったとのこと。8月に当時のCEOが退任し、150人以上の従業員をレイオフしている。 110億円調達するも創業3年で破産はなぜか?Vector Launch Inc.は突然生まれた会社なのではなく、00年代からGarvey Spacecraft Corporation(GSC)の会社の技術と構想を実現するための会社であった。GSC

                    110億円調達の米国ロケットベンチャー企業Vector Launchの破産はナゼ?|ina111 / 稲川貴大
                  • Launch Night In

                    • 小惑星を好きな場所に落として大災害を起こせる「Asteroid Launch」シミュレーター | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge

                      ガジェット全般、サイエンス、宇宙、音楽、モータースポーツetc... 電気・ネットワーク技術者。実績媒体Engadget日本版, Autoblog日本版, Forbes JAPAN他 クリエイターのNeal Agarwal氏が、地球上の好きな場所に小惑星を落として、推定される被害の規模を確認できるシミュレーター「Asteroid Launcher」を公開しています。 設定できるパラメーターは4項目で、材質は鉄、岩石、炭素、彗星(氷?)、金のなかから選択でき、他にも直径、衝突速度、衝突の角度を自由に設定できます。 たとえば、鉄を材質とした直径30mの小惑星を秒速18km、角度45度で東京駅に落下させた場合をシミュレーションしてみると、小惑星は地表に到達することなく、上空11kmでバーストしてしまう一方、その威力は2メガトンのTNT爆弾に匹敵し、直径741mの火球が発生、推定約19万人が死亡し

                        小惑星を好きな場所に落として大災害を起こせる「Asteroid Launch」シミュレーター | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge
                      • Writing an x86 bootloader in Rust that can launch vmlinux

                        I've been developping an x86 bootloader in Rust that can use Linux boot protocol. In this article, I'd like to write about my motivation, features of this project, and issues. KRaBs - Kernel Reader and Booters KRaBs is a 4-stage chain loader for x86/x86_64 written in Rust. It can boot an ELF-formatted kernel placed on a FAT32 filesystem in the EFI System Partition. The ELF-formatted kernel is read

                          Writing an x86 bootloader in Rust that can launch vmlinux
                        • Meta, Google, Isovalent, Microsoft and Netflix Launch eBPF Foundation as Part of the Linux Foundation - Linux Foundation

                          4 MIN READ Meta, Google, Isovalent, Microsoft and Netflix Launch eBPF Foundation as Part of the Linux Foundation Maresa Fowler | 12 August 2021 Industry leaders come together to drive the growth of eBPF as a transformational technology to redefine networking, security, tracing and observability SAN FRANCISCO, August 12, 2021 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovati

                            Meta, Google, Isovalent, Microsoft and Netflix Launch eBPF Foundation as Part of the Linux Foundation - Linux Foundation
                          • VSCodeで全ワークスペースで使うdebug launch設定をする - $shibayu36->blog;

                            VSCodeでデバッガを起動したい時に、毎回.vscode/launch.jsonの追加をしていた。これ面倒だなと思っていたのだが、普通にsettings.jsonのlaunchというキー名で全ワークスペースで使うdebug launch configurationの設定ができた。 例えばRubyのデバッグのためにvscode-rdbgを使っていた場合、.vscode/settings.jsonに次のように設定しておくと全ての場所でVSCode上でRubyのデバッグができる。便利ですね。 "launch": { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "rdbg", "name": "Debug current file with rdbg", "request": "launch", "script": "${file}", "

                              VSCodeで全ワークスペースで使うdebug launch設定をする - $shibayu36->blog;
                            • No time to fail: How to stop databases from damaging your game launch

                              No time to fail: How to stop databases from damaging your game launch Percona discusses how to choose your database and approach its implementation Being a database ninja isn't necessarily a high priority for many game developers. But your database implementation can be the difference between a smooth and successful game launch or a bumpy ride punctuated with bottlenecks, failed logins, and unhapp

                                No time to fail: How to stop databases from damaging your game launch
                              • Quick tip: clearing your app’s launch screen cache on iOS | Rambo Codes

                                Every time I’ve had to change something in the launch screen on any of my iOS apps, I’ve faced an issue: the system caches launch images and is really bad at clearing said cache, even after the app has been deleted. Sometimes I’d change the launch screen storyboard, delete the app and re-launch, and it would show the new storyboard, but any images referenced in the storyboard wouldn’t show up, mak

                                  Quick tip: clearing your app’s launch screen cache on iOS | Rambo Codes
                                • スペースマウンテンのリニューアル!Disneyland to launch rebuilt Space Mountain

                                  大人気アトラクション「スペースマウンテン」が、40年たちリニューアルへ!2024年にクローズし、2027年に新バージョンに。AをBに置き換えるを英語でreplace A with B。光と音のエフェクト増!で…… The Asahi Shimubun June 10, 2022 より (対訳をとりやすいように、なるべく冒頭から訳しています) 【本文】 After four *decades, Oriental Land Co. plans to close its popular Space Mountain attraction at Tokyo Disneyland in 2024 40年(*10年)を経て、オリエンタルランドは、2024年に東京ディズニーランドで人気のアトラクション「スペースマウンテン」を閉じることを計画、 and replace it with a new vers

                                    スペースマウンテンのリニューアル!Disneyland to launch rebuilt Space Mountain
                                  • Launch of CNCF Japan Chapter “Cloud Native Community Japan” | Cloud Native Computing Foundation

                                    By Cloud Native Community Japan Today we are thrilled to announce that leaders of the cloud native community in Japan have collaboratively established “Cloud Native Community Japan” as the Japanese Chapter of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). CNCF hosts major open source projects in the cloud native field, and global tech conferences and events such as KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, where innov

                                      Launch of CNCF Japan Chapter “Cloud Native Community Japan” | Cloud Native Computing Foundation
                                    • Pixel 6は「グーグルがこんなのつくってくれないかな」を現実化したスマホ #Pixel6Launch

                                      Pixel 6は「グーグルがこんなのつくってくれないかな」を現実化したスマホ #Pixel6Launch2021.10.20 07:3060,703 Sam Rutherford - Gizmodo US [原文] ( 福田ミホ ) GoogleがついにPixel 6、Pixel 6 Proを発表しました。多くの人が「Google、こんなの作ってくれないかな?」と待望してきたPixelが、満を持して出てきた感じです。 今年の夏以降、GoogleはPixel 6の情報を小出しにしてきました。Googleが設計したTensorチップを発表してAI・機械学習の性能を格段に向上させるとうたい、それだけでも目玉と言えるインパクトでしたが、それだけじゃありませんでした。Pixel 6は599ドル(日本国内価格7万4800円)、Pixel 6 Proも899ドル(日本国内価格11万6600円)と、低めっ

                                        Pixel 6は「グーグルがこんなのつくってくれないかな」を現実化したスマホ #Pixel6Launch
                                      • Amazon Elastic Container Service now supports Environment files for the EC2 launch type

                                        Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) now supports environment files to store environment variables for containers using the EC2 Launch type. This simplifies configuration of environment variables by editing or referencing centrally located files, instead of manual edits to environment variables as key value pairs across all your containers. Large scale applications consisting of different types

                                          Amazon Elastic Container Service now supports Environment files for the EC2 launch type
                                        • FAME MMA - Tenset Gem Launch Platform史上、最大規模のプロジェクトが開幕!

                                          2022年4月4日にTenset Gem Launch Platform(TGLP)の第4のGEM「MMA」[FAMEトークン]が発表されました。 MAAが独自の「トークン」を発行したことで、チケットの販売やPPV視聴代金、グッズの購入などの取引がトークンを通じて行われる予定です。 Tensetの最新情報はこちらから https://tenset.fun/ FAME MMAとは MMAとは2018年にヨーロッパのポーランド共和国で誕生した格闘技イベント。 略称で「MMA」とも呼ばれています。 MMAは、世界的に有名なYouTuberやTiktoker、Instagramer・トップアスリートなどが格闘技で戦い合うイベントなどを開催する格闘技組織です。 UFCに次ぐ世界第2位のPPV販売実績があるイベントでもあり、有名なMMA祭はヨーロッパ最大のホールを埋め尽くし、イベントチケットは数分で完

                                          • Russia could launch chemical attack in Ukraine - White House

                                            Russia has been shelling Ukrainian cities, including Irpin, near the capital Kyiv Russia could be planning a chemical or biological weapon attack in Ukraine - and "we should all be on the lookout", the White House has said. Press secretary Jen Psaki said Russia's claims about US biological weapon labs, and chemical weapon development in Ukraine, were preposterous.

                                              Russia could launch chemical attack in Ukraine - White House
                                            • Mozilla Social Private Beta Launch | The Mozilla Blog

                                              The internet isn’t just about browsers. Browsers are a critical part of the human experience on the internet and will always be core to our work at Mozilla. But the internet is bigger than browsers — it’s every piece of content, app and experience on your device. Our mission will always be to make the internet better for everyone, and because of that, just like with browsers over the last quarter

                                                Mozilla Social Private Beta Launch | The Mozilla Blog
                                              • Chinese hackers abuse VLC Media Player to launch malware loader

                                                HomeNewsSecurityChinese hackers abuse VLC Media Player to launch malware loader Security researchers have uncovered a long-running malicious campaign from hackers associated with the Chinese government who are using VLC Media Player to launch a custom malware loader. The campaign appears to serve espionage purposes and has targeted various entities involved in government, legal, and religious acti

                                                  Chinese hackers abuse VLC Media Player to launch malware loader
                                                • Stable Diffusion launch announcement — Stability AI

                                                  Stability AI and our collaborators are proud to announce the first stage of the release of Stable Diffusion to researchers. Our friends at Hugging Face will host the model weights once you get access. The code is available here, and the model card is here. We are working together towards a public release soon. This has been led by Patrick Esser from Runway and Robin Rombach from the Machine Vision

                                                    Stable Diffusion launch announcement — Stability AI
                                                  • GitHub - huggingface/accelerate: 🚀 A simple way to launch, train, and use PyTorch models on almost any device and distributed configuration, automatic mixed precision (including fp8), and easy-to-configure FSDP and DeepSpeed support

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - huggingface/accelerate: 🚀 A simple way to launch, train, and use PyTorch models on almost any device and distributed configuration, automatic mixed precision (including fp8), and easy-to-configure FSDP and DeepSpeed support
                                                    • 【VSCode】launch.jsonについて理解する

                                                      VSCodeのlaunch.jsonについて、どんなファイルなのか、何を設定するのか、実際にlaunch.jsonを利用してPythonのデバッグ実行をしてみたいと思います。 launch.jsonについてはこれまでなんとなくでやっていたため、これを機にしっかり理解したいと思います。 launch.jsonとは launch.jsonとは、VSCodeでデバッグ実行するための設定ファイルとなります。どの言語でどのファイルを実行するかなどを設定します。 作業ディレクトリ(プロジェクトのルートディレクトリやworkspace)に作成される.vscode配下に作成されます。

                                                      • Stadia launch dev: Game makers are worried “Google is just going to cancel it”

                                                          Stadia launch dev: Game makers are worried “Google is just going to cancel it”
                                                        • AWS and Docker extend collaboration to launch new features in Docker Desktop

                                                          As part of the ongoing collaboration between AWS and Docker, we are excited to announce the newest features that allows developers to use Docker Compose and Docker Desktop to deploy applications on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) on AWS Fargate from either Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) or Docker Hub. This release extends the functionality of deploying and managing containers in AW

                                                            AWS and Docker extend collaboration to launch new features in Docker Desktop
                                                          • [レポート] (ANT230) [NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon Redshift の再設計: RA3 と AQUA #reinvent2019 | DevelopersIO

                                                            こんにちは!DA事業本部の石川です! 本記事はAWS re:Invent 2019のセッションレポートとなります。先日(12/3)のキーノートで発表のあったRedshiftの次世代ノードタイプRA3とAQUA(Advanced Query Accelerator)について、急遽追加された最新セッションのレポートです。今日現在、次世代インスタンスRA3 と AQUA(Advanced Query Accelerator)に関する詳細情報はこのセッションの内容以外にないため、まめに書いてみました。 概要 Amazon Redshift continues to change the scale and economics of data warehousing. Learn more about announcements from the keynote and how they enabl

                                                              [レポート] (ANT230) [NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon Redshift の再設計: RA3 と AQUA #reinvent2019 | DevelopersIO
                                                            • Launch HN: Neptyne (YC W23) – A programmable spreadsheet that runs Python | Hacker News

                                                              Hi HN! We are Douwe and Jack, founders of https://neptyne.com. Neptyne is a programmable spreadsheet that runs Python. It’s like Google Sheets, but for software engineers and data scientists. If you have three minutes, go to https://neptyne.com/neptyne/tutorial and it gives you a taste.The world runs on spreadsheets, and for good reason: they are a universal data canvas. But building on top of and

                                                              • WormGPT - The Generative AI Tool Cybercriminals Are Using to Launch BEC Attacks | SlashNext

                                                                In this blog post, we delve into the emerging use of generative AI, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and the cybercrime tool WormGPT, in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks. Highlighting real cases from cybercrime forums, the post dives into the mechanics of these attacks, the inherent risks posed by AI-driven phishing emails, and the unique advantages of generative AI in facilitating such attacks.

                                                                  WormGPT - The Generative AI Tool Cybercriminals Are Using to Launch BEC Attacks | SlashNext
                                                                • AWS, Microsoft, Mozilla and others launch the Rust Foundation

                                                                  The Rust programming language finds a new home in a nonprofit foundation Rust — the programming language, not the survival game — now has a new home: the Rust Foundation. AWS, Huawei, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla banded together to launch this new foundation today and put a two-year commitment to a million-dollar budget behind it. This budget will allow the project to “develop services, programs,

                                                                    AWS, Microsoft, Mozilla and others launch the Rust Foundation
                                                                  • Our Solo v2 launch is official!

                                                                    Our Kickstarter campaign for our next generation of Solo products launches on January 26th.  To get alerted when the campaign is live, you can sign up here. Update: The campaign is now live!  Check it out to see all the details. Humble beginnings I've been working on Solo for almost 3 years now.  It started back when I was in college and on a whim, ordered a run of 1000 security keys that I design

                                                                      Our Solo v2 launch is official!
                                                                    • ESP32-C3 WiFi & BLE RISC-V processor to launch at ESP8266 price - CNX Software

                                                                      CNX Software – Embedded Systems News Reviews, tutorials and the latest news about embedded systems, IoT, open-source hardware, SBC's, microcontrollers, processors, and more [Update December 2020: While we first reported ESP32-C3 would be pin-to-pin compatible to ESP8266 based on the tweet mentioned in the post, the datasheets show both are clearly not pin-to-pin compatible, and instead it looks li

                                                                        ESP32-C3 WiFi & BLE RISC-V processor to launch at ESP8266 price - CNX Software
                                                                      • AWS EC2 Mac Instances Launch - macOS in the cloud for the first time, with the benefits of EC2

                                                                        Amazon EC2 Mac instances are built on Mac mini computers, feature the macOS operating system and are powered by AWS Nitro. EC2 Mac instances enable customers to run on-demand macOS workloads in the cloud for the first time, giving developers an efficient development environment with the benefits of AWS. Developers who rely on the Xcode IDE for Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, iPadOS, or

                                                                          AWS EC2 Mac Instances Launch - macOS in the cloud for the first time, with the benefits of EC2
                                                                        • S-PULSE REBRANDING PROJECT LAUNCH


                                                                            S-PULSE REBRANDING PROJECT LAUNCH
                                                                          • Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space! (#LaunchAmerica Success May 30, 2020)

                                                                            Watch history unfold on Saturday, May 30, as NASA and SpaceX launch astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley to the International Space Station. This mission marks the first time since the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011 that humans will fly to the space station from U.S. soil. The mission's first launch attempt on Wednesday, May 27 was scrubbed due to weather conditions.  Tune in sta

                                                                              Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space! (#LaunchAmerica Success May 30, 2020)
                                                                            • North Korea says spy satellite launch crashed into sea

                                                                              Pyongyang was planning to send up its first space satellite to monitor US military activities.

                                                                                North Korea says spy satellite launch crashed into sea
                                                                              • [レポート] (New Launch) Introducing Amazon Redshift Serverless #reinvent2021 | DevelopersIO

                                                                                [レポート] (New Launch) Introducing Amazon Redshift Serverless #reinvent2021 データアナリティクス事業本部コンサルティングチームの石川です。これまでのRedshift (Provisioned Cluster)が持つ全て機能と接続性を備えたその名の通り、インスタンスを持たないサーバレスなRedshift Serverless(Preview)が登場しました。 弊社では、Redshift ServerlessのPrivate Previewの段階から、AWS様と連携して事前に技術検証やフィジビリティについてフィードバックさせていただきました思い入れの深いサービスであり、Amazon.comのプレスリリースでも私のコメントを紹介させて頂いております。 Amazon RedshiftのVP(Vice President)であるY

                                                                                  [レポート] (New Launch) Introducing Amazon Redshift Serverless #reinvent2021 | DevelopersIO
                                                                                • Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more!

                                                                                  Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more! It's launch day for the Lit project, and we have a bunch of exciting releases to share with the Lit and web components communities! After several months of development, the Lit team is happy to announce the final release of Lit 3.0 – our first major version since Lit 2.0 in early 2021, the first graduating class of Lit Labs packages @

                                                                                    Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more!
