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mappingの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 646件

  • GitHub - pcyin/tranX: A general-purpose neural semantic parser for mapping natural language queries into machine executable code

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      GitHub - pcyin/tranX: A general-purpose neural semantic parser for mapping natural language queries into machine executable code
    • Using the Room framework as SQL object mapping library

      This tutorial describes how to work with the Room framework to manage SQLite database in Android applications. It also describes the direct usage of the SQLite database in Android applications. It demonstrates how to use existing ContentProvider and how to define new ones. Also the usage of the loader framework is described.

      • Episode 8: Interview with Ryan Dahl, Creator of Node.js - Mapping The Journey

        Ryan Dahl is a Software Engineer working at Google Brain. He is the creator of Node.js, JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Currently, he is working on deep learBrowserifyning research projects. His focus is mostly on image-to-image transformations like colorization and super-resolution. He has contributed to several open source projects including HTTP Parser, libuv. Pramod:

          Episode 8: Interview with Ryan Dahl, Creator of Node.js - Mapping The Journey
        • Mapzen · an open, sustainable, and accessible mapping platform

          Route. Search. Map. Make fast and responsive maps look good anywhere your customers are. Search the planet, and get there fast with turn by turn navigation. View all Projects View Documentation Maps for every device and platform. Build a map in minutes, whether you're using JavaScript, Android, iOS, or Tizen. With Mapzen's developer tools, you can get a map anywhere: on a browser, a phone, a table

          • Mapping CharFilterFactoryの使い方 - エメラルドアオキロック

            Solrには文字列解析の為の仕組みがたくさん用意されています。またそれらは柔軟に組み合わせやパラメータによるカスタマイズが可能で、色んな用途に対応できるようになっています。それらは個々のカスタマイズ可能なコンポーネントとして、下記のURLで説明されています。 http://wiki.apache.org/solr/AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters コンポーネントによっては、上記ページの他にjavadocを見てもあまり詳しく説明がなかったり、パラメータにも何を設定できるのかまでは細かく書かれていません。そこで勉強がてら、これらのコンポーネントの使い方を一つずつ紹介していきます。また、使い方だけではなく、ソースコードから内部の詳細についても一緒に見ていこうと思っています。 (全体的な仕組みの詳細はSolr本を参照してください。機会があれば書いてみるつもりです。)

              Mapping CharFilterFactoryの使い方 - エメラルドアオキロック
            • Toyota Auris Hybrid: 'Get Your Energy Back' 3D projection mapping

              An extraordinary projection mapping event, for an extraordinary car. Relive the story of a car which recycles energy as it drives - the Toyota Auris with Hybrid Synergy Drive. To find out more, visit http://www.getyourenergyback.co.uk or http://www.toyota.co.uk/cgi-bin/toyota/bv/frame_start.jsp?id=CC-AurisHSD-landing Filmed on location in Shoreditch, London on 22 September 2010. Film -

                Toyota Auris Hybrid: 'Get Your Energy Back' 3D projection mapping
              • MusicBox: Mapping and visualizing music collections

                MusicBox demo video Posted by Anita on October 28th, 2008 — in videos I finally had the time (and the computer!) to put together a demo video of MusicBox. This video, more than the others on this site, shows a wide range of features, all from the most recent version of the software.  I hope you find it a helpful introduction to my thesis project. [Go to the video: QuickTime | YouTube (Note the HD

                • Elasticsearch の Mapping 管理を Go + CUE に移行した - 好奇心に殺される。

                  Go / Elasticsearch Elasticsearch の Mapping 管理を Go + CUE に移行した Elasticsearch の Mapping JSON を全て Go の構造体で定義していたのを Go + CUE に移行したので知見を共有します。 Overview こんにちはponです。私が働いている白ヤギコーポレーションではElasticsearchを利用しているのですが、顧客ごとにIndexの設定、言語、Analyzerなどをカスタマイズできるようになっています。そのため、顧客の設定をDBから取得してGoで構造体を通してJSONを生成し、Mappingを作成/更新する機構が存在します。これを Go + CUE に移行して課題が解決できたので共有します。少し珍しいCUEのusecaseだと思います。 Before CUEの紹介の前に、まずは弊社が抱えていた課題

                    Elasticsearch の Mapping 管理を Go + CUE に移行した - 好奇心に殺される。
                  • Ebola: Mapping the outbreak

                    The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and rapidly became the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976. In fact, the epidemic killed five times more than all other known Ebola outbreaks combined. More than 21 months on from the first confirmed case recorded on 23 March 2014, 11,315 people have been reported as having died from the disease in six

                      Ebola: Mapping the outbreak
                    • Apple acquired mind-blowing 3D mapping company C3 Technologies, looking to take iOS Maps to the next level - 9to5Mac

                      AAPL Company Apps iOS iOS Devices iPhone Apple acquired mind-blowing 3D mapping company C3 Technologies, looking to take iOS Maps to the next level A 3D model of Las Vegas Strip created by Apple purchased C3 Since the original iPhone’s debut in 2007, Apple’s iOS devices have made use of an Apple-built Google Maps application to provide users with a quick glance at driving directions, traffic, rout

                        Apple acquired mind-blowing 3D mapping company C3 Technologies, looking to take iOS Maps to the next level - 9to5Mac
                      • Novamind – Mind Mapping and Visual Thinking Tool

                        Novamind enables you to quickly organize your ideas and thoughts by putting them in an interactive visual map. This Mind Map starts out with your central topic and allows you to brainstorm and organize all the details of your project while providing you with a literal big picture along the way. Whether you use Novamind for planning your next meeting, your holidays or even your wedding, you'll see

                        • GitHub - cartographer-project/cartographer: Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.

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                            GitHub - cartographer-project/cartographer: Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
                          • Top - International Steering Committee for Global Mapping

                            Copyright (C) 2005 ISCGM. All Rights Reserved Secretariat of the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping Comments and Queries: sec@iscgm.org

                            • Amazon.co.jp: IMPACT MAPPING: インパクトのあるソフトウェアを作る: ゴイコアジッチ (著), 平鍋健児 (翻訳), 上馬里美 (翻訳): 本

                                Amazon.co.jp: IMPACT MAPPING: インパクトのあるソフトウェアを作る: ゴイコアジッチ (著), 平鍋健児 (翻訳), 上馬里美 (翻訳): 本
                              • Risugami's Mods - Updated. - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding: Java Edition - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum

                                Everything updated for 1.6.2. The mods directory will now be located in the same directory as minecraft jar, unless the default game directory is changed, where it will act like it had on older versions. Read this entire post. All of it. Downloading the mods means you agree to the disclaimer. You can skip the FAQ, but if you have an issue, consult it first, before consulting us. If you have an iss

                                • WiGLE: Wireless Network Mapping

                                  Notes: Zoom in to see individual SSIDs. cell tower: blue QoS: Quality of Signal is a metric based on the number of observations and observers

                                  • Mappingのすばらしいリファクタリング(日本語訳)

                                    ※この記事は次のブログを翻訳したものになります。 原文:The Great Mapping Refactoring Elasticsearchのユーザの悩みの最も大きなものの一つは、 タイプとフィールドのマッピングに関する多義性です。 この多義性は、インデックス時の例外やクエリ時の例外、 正しくない結果、リクエストからリクエストへ変化する結果、 また、インデックスの故障やデータのロスを結果として引き起こします。 Elasticsearchをより強固で予測可能な振る舞いをするようにする作業において、 フィールドやタイプのマッピングをより厳格でより信頼性を高くするかといったことに 多くの変更を費やしました。 多くのケースで、Elasticsearch v2.0で新しいインデックスを作るときにのみ、 新しいルールを強制し、これまでのインデックスに関しては後方互換性を保つようにします。 しかし、幾

                                    • Terraformでmappingをmoduleに渡す方法 | DevelopersIO

                                      はじめに こんにちは、中山です。 みなさんはTerraformのmappingやmoduleを利用していますか。mappingについては弊社八幡のTerraformで複数台のEC2インスタンスを構築する場合のTIPSに詳しいです。簡単に説明すると、mappingとはいわゆるhashのように変数を管理するデータ構造です。moduleとは要するに関数ですね。Terraformで利用するresourceをひとまとめにして再利用可能な形にパッケージ化できます。Terraformにはこのようにプログラミング言語と同等の機能があるので表現力がとても高く、小さなプログラミング言語のような側面があります。 私はこれらの機能をよく利用しているのですが、ふとこう思ったことがあります。「mappingで定義した変数をmoduleに渡せたら便利だな」と。私はTerraformを利用するとき main.tf に全て

                                        Terraformでmappingをmoduleに渡す方法 | DevelopersIO
                                      • NoSQLデータストアのためのHibernate Object Mapping

                                        Rustが再評価される:エコシステムの現状と落とし穴 In this article, we share findings and insights about the Rust community and ecosystem and elaborate on the peculiarities and pitfalls of starting new projects with Rust or migrating to Rust from othe...

                                          NoSQLデータストアのためのHibernate Object Mapping
                                        • 日本の生物多様性地図化プロジェクト Japan Biodiversity Mapping Project:J-BMP

                                          J-BMP: 生物多様性の保全に関連する50項目以上の地理情報を高解像度(1km x 1km)で可視化。都道府県・市区町村などの地理スケールで集約した保全カードをPDFで表示

                                          • エバンジェリスト 西脇資哲 on Twitter: "なんじゃコレーーー!!! すげぇーーーぇーぇ!!! プロジェクションマッピングとセンシングの頂点!!! ーDynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface https://t.co/2SEyji00aV"

                                            なんじゃコレーーー!!! すげぇーーーぇーぇ!!! プロジェクションマッピングとセンシングの頂点!!! ーDynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface https://t.co/2SEyji00aV

                                              エバンジェリスト 西脇資哲 on Twitter: "なんじゃコレーーー!!! すげぇーーーぇーぇ!!! プロジェクションマッピングとセンシングの頂点!!! ーDynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface https://t.co/2SEyji00aV"
                                            • Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM)

                                              Video results for an Augmented Reality tracking system. A computer tracks a camera and works out a map of the environment in realtime, and this can be used to overlay virtual graphics. Presented at the ISMAR 2007 conference. Source code available. http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~gk/

                                                Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM)
                                              • Enjoyable - Joystick and gamepad mapping for Mac OS X ~ Yukkuri Games

                                                Use your gamepad or joystick like a mouse and keyboard on Mac OS X. Enjoyable-1.2.zip (311KB) git clone http://git.yukkurigames.com/enjoyable.git Requirements Mac OS X 10.7+ One or more HID-compatible (e.g. USB or Bluetooth) input devices Mappings I play games with a Playstation 3 controller, so these will be useless if you have a different controller. These are the mappings I use for games I like

                                                • visualcomplexity.com | A visual exploration on mapping complex networks

                                                  Project Description: Please provide a description of the project.

                                                  • GitHub - glowbox/maptasticjs: Javascript/CSS projection mapping utility

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                                                      GitHub - glowbox/maptasticjs: Javascript/CSS projection mapping utility
                                                    • Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps

                                                      Thematic mapping library for Google Maps Download This is an early stage release. While reasonably stable, you can expect that future versions will contain functionality and API changes. Download v 0.1 Alpha Cartographer.js is licensed under the MIT license. Feedback, bugs, and feature requests can be recorded at the Google Code project page. Demos 10,000 random Twitter users – area-scaled circles

                                                      • Mapping Place Pins

                                                        Over the past year, we noticed more and more people were using Pinterest to plan trips and collect their favorite places around the world. We decided we wanted to make that process better through Place Pins, which let you add a map to any of your boards. To help people learn more about how we work at Pinterest, we wanted to share the story behind Place Pins. Building a location-based product is a

                                                        • List of concept- and mind-mapping software - Wikipedia

                                                          Concept mapping and mind mapping software is used to create diagrams of relationships between concepts, ideas, or other pieces of information. It has been suggested that the mind mapping technique can improve learning and study efficiency up to 15% over conventional note-taking.[1] Many software packages and websites allow creating or otherwise supporting mind maps. File format[edit] Using a stand

                                                          • Global Street Style Report: Mapping Out the 15 Coolest Neighborhoods in the World

                                                            Global Street Style Report: Mapping Out the 15 Coolest Neighborhoods in the World In honor of Vogue September 2014’s street style news, Vogue.com presents the globe’s fifteen coolest neighborhoods for fashion and beyond. In _Vogue’_s September 2014 issue, we highlight street style’s new paradigm—a seismic shift, essentially, away from the look-at-me and take-my-picture vibes of yesteryear. 2014’s

                                                              Global Street Style Report: Mapping Out the 15 Coolest Neighborhoods in the World
                                                            • 360° 3D Mapping Projection with Rabarama

                                                              On the 10th of June 2011, an exciting new merge between technology and art was unveiled in Florence at the ANTIconforme exhibition. Using state of the art 3D mapping, 360 projection and tailored graphics, production studio DrawLight and the renowned artist Rabarama have given a new lease of life to her famous sculpture 'Bozzolo'. ____________ Il 10 giugno 2011, un'eccitante unione tra tecnologia

                                                                360° 3D Mapping Projection with Rabarama
                                                              • Simultaneous localization and mapping - Wikipedia

                                                                2005 DARPA Grand Challenge winner Stanley performed SLAM as part of its autonomous driving system. A map generated by a SLAM Robot Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the computational problem of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of an agent's location within it. While this initially appears to be a chicken or the egg problem, t

                                                                  Simultaneous localization and mapping - Wikipedia
                                                                • GitHub - system-sekkei/ccsr-object-mapping: オブジェクトと画面・テーブル・JSONのマッピング

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                                                                    GitHub - system-sekkei/ccsr-object-mapping: オブジェクトと画面・テーブル・JSONのマッピング
                                                                  • amazarashi 『エンディングテーマ』Real Time Face Mapping Music Video

                                                                    http://www.amazarashi.com/sekaishuusoku2116/  二一一六年の病室。人々が遺したメッセージ「エンディングノート」を手繰り寄せながら、最期の言葉を探す男 - 秋田ひろむ。世界初、アーティストの歌う動きにあわせてリアルタイムのフェイスマッピングを実現した世界収束ミュージックビデオ。 A hospital ward in 2116. A man named Hiromu Akita collects messages left by people who are no longer with us, their "ending notes", in order to find his last words. This is a world convergence video- and the world's first music video whe

                                                                      amazarashi 『エンディングテーマ』Real Time Face Mapping Music Video
                                                                    • streetartlocator.com mapping street art the world over.

                                                                      streetartlocator.com is a community google map mashup mapping street art the world over since 2008. You can find all aspects of street art here from Graffiti to the Galleries that host lowbrow exhibitions and street art produced using more formal Painting styles. Stickers are everywhere and quick slick way to get up, many go unnoticed except to the keen observer. Banksy and Blek Le Rat are the kin

                                                                      • Emergency Mapping Team 東北地方太平洋沖地震緊急地図作成チーム/京都大学防災研究所

                                                                        平成23年3月11日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震(M=9.0)は、複数の都県が同時被災した超広域災害となりました。 わたしたちは、全国に広がる各種の被害および対応に関する状況認識の統一のため、以下の活動を行っています。 国レベルでの広域的な状況認識のための情報の地図による可視化 都県レベルでの活動の調整に必要な情報の地図による可視化 緊急性・重要性が高い現場での活動を支援する情報の地図による可視化

                                                                        • Soma - Sql Oriented MApping framework

                                                                          すべての Microsoft 製品 Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox セール 法人向け サポート ソフトウェア Windows アプリ AI OneDrive Outlook Skype OneNote Microsoft Teams PC とデバイス Xbox を購入する アクセサリ VR & 複合現実 エンタメ Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Live Gold Xbox とゲーム PC ゲーム Windows ゲーム 映画とテレビ番組 法人向け Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security Azure Dynamics 365 一般法人向け Microsoft 365 Microsoft Industry Microsoft Power Platform W

                                                                            Soma - Sql Oriented MApping framework
                                                                          • GitHub - lumenwrites/nulis: Mind-mapping software that helps writers collect and organize their knowledge, develop their ideas. Built with React, Redux, Node.js, hosted on Digital Ocean.

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                                                                              GitHub - lumenwrites/nulis: Mind-mapping software that helps writers collect and organize their knowledge, develop their ideas. Built with React, Redux, Node.js, hosted on Digital Ocean.
                                                                            • CSS Selector Profiler, Source Mapping and Software Rendering « Peter Beverloo

                                                                              Published on January 3rd, 2012 in Google Chrome, Last Week, tech, WebKit. Version: Chrome 18 Happy New Year! Since I didn’t publish an update last week, this one will cover all 680 WebKit and 986 Chromium commits made in the past two weeks. Highlights include a ton of Web Inspector changes, Jarred’s work on XMLHttpRequest and access to new JavaScript features through about:flags. Besides support f

                                                                              • 3D mapping with Kinect style depth camera

                                                                                Top view of a 3D map generated by walking through the lab carrying the depth camera underlying Kinect. The system automatically estimates the motion of the camera and detects loop closures, which help it to globally align the camera frames. No external information or sensor is used. Click http://www.cs.washington.edu/ai/Mobile_Robotics/projects/rgbd-3d-mapping/ to download a research paper descr

                                                                                  3D mapping with Kinect style depth camera
                                                                                • Mapping the riots with poverty

                                                                                  Data journalist Matt Stiles has taken our data on deprivation - and the riot incidents over the last few days and mashed the two up together. The darker reds represent poorer places, the blues are the richer areas. What do you think? Is there a correlation between the two? • Interactive map of the riot events • More on how we mapped deprivation

                                                                                    Mapping the riots with poverty