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put downの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 9679件

  • The UNIX Pipe Card Game

    This is a card game for teaching kids how to combine unix commands through pipes. This game assumes the parent knows the basic unix commands: cat, grep, tail, head, wc, sort, uniq. The parent should show also show those commands in action the computer as well, if you do not have any UNIX system you can use jslinux in your browser. Buy now: €5,00 EUR print it yourself: unix-pipe-cards.pdf, unix-pip

      The UNIX Pipe Card Game
    • Announcing TypeScript 4.8 - TypeScript

      Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 4.8! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript and adds syntax for types. These types let you put your expectations and assumptions into your code, and those assumptions can then be checked by the TypeScript type-checker. This checking can help avoid typos, calling uninitialized values, mixing up

        Announcing TypeScript 4.8 - TypeScript
      • IELTS(アイエルツ)の概要と効果的な勉強法!初心者でもできる対策法やおすすめ教材を紹介

        IELTS(アイエルツ)は、ライティング・リーディング・リスニング・スピーキングの4技能を測定する英語検定試験の中でも、世界トップクラスの信頼度を誇ります。 進学を控えた高校生だけでなく、英語力を磨きたい社会人の方にも、おすすめの試験です。 ですが、IELTSはTOEFLや英検と比較すると、日本での知名度が高くありません。 そのため「IELTSは難しそう」「IELTSの勉強法や対策方法がわからない」と悩んでいる方もいることでしょう。 この記事では「IELTSという試験を初めて受験する」というIELTS初心者の方にもわかりやすいように、IELTSの活用シーンや受験方式、試験内容などを説明していきます。 アプリなど身近で活用しやすい教材や勉強法も紹介していくので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。 執筆者:Lin 小4までアメリカの現地校に通い、帰国後は「英語はネイティブ並みでしょう?」という周囲の

        • Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

          Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly Today we announce the formation of the Bytecode Alliance, a new industry partnership coming together to forge WebAssembly’s outside-the-browser future by collaborating on implementing standards and proposing new ones. Our founding members are Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and Red Hat, and we’re looking forw

            Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
          • How Rust and Wasm power Cloudflare's

            This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. ≈On April 1, 2018, Cloudflare announced the public DNS resolver. Over the years, we added the debug page for troubleshooting, global cache purge, 0 TTL for zones on Cloudflare, Upstream TLS, and for families to the platform. In this post, we would like to share some behind the scenes details and cha

              How Rust and Wasm power Cloudflare's
            • RenderingNG  |  Chromium  |  Chrome for Developers

              I'm Chris Harrelson, the engineering lead for Rendering (transforming HTML and CSS to pixels) in Blink. I've been deep in the trenches of rendering performance on the web for over eight years, with a personal goal of doing whatever I can to make delivering excellent UX on the web faster, easier, and more reliable. I'm excited for us to tell you about what we've done in that time to build a new, cu

              • お砂糖なし舟和風の芋羊羹/安納芋/焼き芋(動画レシピ) | ほっこりおうちごはん

                超簡単!材料3つ【芋羊羹】安納芋/焼き芋/お砂糖なし/舟和 超簡単!材料3つ【芋羊羹】安納芋/焼き芋/お砂糖なし✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈┈┈┈••✼こんにちは!みすすです今日は焼き芋で作る「芋羊羹」筋トレ中の方や糖質制限ダイエット中の方がよ… TikTok(2019-11-29) 材料(13×5cm) 安納芋 正味230g(8個) 塩 ひとつまみ 粉寒天 2g 水 90cc 【レシピ1/4量の栄養素】 ☑︎エネルギー 76.12g ☑︎脂質 0.11g ☑︎炭水化物 18.75g ☑︎食物繊維 1.71g ☑︎タンパク質 0.69g 文部科学省 科学技術・学術審議会資源調査分科会報告書「日本食品標準成分表2020年版(八訂)」から引用 材料アレンジ さつまいもはその他の品種でもOK 甘くしたい場合は砂糖を40gほど加えます。 棒寒天を使う場合は4g(1/2本)です 南瓜で作る南瓜ようかん

                  お砂糖なし舟和風の芋羊羹/安納芋/焼き芋(動画レシピ) | ほっこりおうちごはん
                • Head-of-Line Blocking in QUIC and HTTP/3: The Details

                  Robin Marx is a Web Performance and network protocol researcher at Hasselt University, Belgium. He is mainly looking into HTTP/3 and QUIC performance, and develops the qlog and qvis tools to make this easier. In a previous life he was a multiplayer game programmer and co-founder of LuGus Studios. YouTube videos of Robin are either humoristic technical talks or him hitting other people with longswo

                    Head-of-Line Blocking in QUIC and HTTP/3: The Details
                  • 200 Greatest Dance Songs of All Time

                    From Chic to Skrillex, from Chicago house classics to festival rave anthems, from songs that filled the floor at the Loft and the Warehouse to ones that blew up on TikTok. What do we mean by “dance songs”? Good question. In a sense, any song that ever got any one person moving in any perceptible direction is a dance song. The Beatles made great dance songs — as did Slayer. Nearly all the hip-hop a

                      200 Greatest Dance Songs of All Time
                    • Announcing Svelte 4

                      Announcing Svelte 4 Updated performance, developer experience, and site The Svelte team Jun 22 2023 After months in the making, we're excited to announce the stable release of Svelte 4. Time flies - Svelte 3 was released more than four years ago! In JavaScript-framework-time, that's eons. Svelte’s freshness has persisted throughout, but Node.js and browser APIs have evolved during that time and to

                        Announcing Svelte 4
                      • 楽天モバイル退任のタレック・アミン氏がコメント「簡単な決断ではなかったが、正しいと信じている」

                        既報の通り、タレック・アミン(Tareq Amin)氏が8月7日、楽天モバイルの共同CEO(最高経営責任者)、Rakuten Sympony(楽天シンフォニー)のCEO、楽天グループの副社長を退任した。 →タレック・アミン氏が楽天モバイルとRakuten Symphonyから去る 「家庭の事情」で アミン氏はビジネス向けのSNS「LinkedIn(リンクトイン)」で在籍時に成し遂げたことなどをつづった。 これまでに数々の会見や説明会などでメディアの前に姿を現したアミン氏。ネットワークの管理に必要な機能をソフトウェアで賄い、専用機器を使わずに汎用(はんよう)サーバで運用する、楽天モバイルの仮想化技術をけん引してきた人物だ。 LinkedInにアミン氏は「自分の情熱を追求し、夢を実現してきた」とコメント。同社に在籍していた頃の思いを「業界に変革をもたらし、世界に永続的な影響を残した、楽天モバイ

                        • Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count

                          For weeks now, Elon Musk has been preoccupied with worries about how many people are seeing his tweets. Last week, the Twitter CEO took his Twitter account private for a day to test whether that might boost the size of his audience. The move came after several prominent right-wing accounts that Musk interacts with complained that recent changes to Twitter had reduced their reach. On Tuesday, Musk

                            Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count
                          • Don’t Build Useless Features

                            A guide to scaling product & engineering teams from $0 to past $100M ARR. © 2024. Stay SaaSy. As a product manager, it’s important to hone the minimum set of activities that allow you to keep a product line moving forward productively. One of the most important core product management skills: the ability to triage unsuccessful products and avoid spending unnecessary effort on products that are des

                              Don’t Build Useless Features
                            • Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team

                              The perils of the modern communications conveyor belt that never ends, divides your attention, fractures your time, and chains you to FOMO. Group chat is like being in an all-day meeting, with random participants, and no agenda Over the past few years, persistent group chat tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams have taken hold — and strangled companies. What began as a novel way to quickly communic

                                Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team
                              • Announcing Coinbase’s successful transition to React Native | by Coinbase | The Coinbase Blog

                                As of January 2021, the Coinbase iOS and Android apps have transitioned away from native development to React Native, and all mobile engineers are now collaborating in a single codebase. The transition from native to React Native did not happen overnight, and in the interest of helping those contemplating such a decision, we want to tell the story of how we got here. Specifically, we want to share

                                  Announcing Coinbase’s successful transition to React Native | by Coinbase | The Coinbase Blog
                                • xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained

                                  Links / Blogs → dragonsector.pl → vexillium.org Security/Hacking: j00ru's blog lcamtuf's blog invisible things (new) invisible things (old) liveoverflow's site /dev/null's site pi3's blog icewall's blog taviso's blog pawel's blog sandeep's blog koto's blog carstein's blog zaufana trzecia strona niebezpiecznik sekurak Reverse Eng./Low-Level: rewolf's blog gdtr spinning mirrors security news rev3rse

                                    xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained
                                  • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Emily Elephant」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                    Peppa Pigの「Emily Elephant」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル1(★☆☆☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pigの「Emil

                                      【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Emily Elephant」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                    • How Google got to rolling Linux releases for Desktops | Google Cloud Blog

                                      Hero image credit: Markus Teich At Google we run large production fleets that serve Google products like YouTube and Gmail. To support all our employees, including engineers, we also run a sizable corporate fleet with hundreds of thousands of devices across multiple platforms, models, and locations. To let each Googler work in the environment they are most productive in, we operate many OS-platfor

                                        How Google got to rolling Linux releases for Desktops | Google Cloud Blog
                                      • Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot

                                        EngineeringProductInside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub CopilotDevelopers behind GitHub Copilot discuss what it was like to work with OpenAI’s large language model and how it informed the development of Copilot as we know it today. The first time that engineers at GitHub worked with one of OpenAI’s large language models (LLM), they were equal parts excited and astonished. Alireza Goud

                                          Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot
                                        • Raspberry Pi 3 Fastboot - Less Than 2 Seconds - Bir Coder'ın Günlüğü

                                          Bu yazıyı Türkçe oku.|Read the post in Turkish. This post tells about my journey of fast-booting a Raspberry Pi 3 (RPI). In addition to that, some optimizations are discussed that can be applied to a Qt (QML) application. In the end, we will have a RPI that boots from power-up to Linux shell in 1.75 seconds, power-up to Qt (QML) application in 2.82 seconds. Edit : There are requests for a demo ima

                                            Raspberry Pi 3 Fastboot - Less Than 2 Seconds - Bir Coder'ın Günlüğü
                                          • We've added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers

                                            We've added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers04/05/2024 Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system enabling seamless Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with almost no boilerplate. You just define a class: export class MyService extends WorkerEntrypoint { sum(a, b) { return a + b; } } And then you call it: let three = await env.

                                              We've added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers
                                            • Continuous testing with new Android emulator tools

                                              Posted by Lingfeng Yang, Android Studio team Developers often use the Android Emulator during their day-to-day development to quickly test the latest changes before they are being committed. In addition, developers are increasingly using the emulator in their continuous integration (CI) systems to run a larger suite of automated tests. To better support this use-case, we are open sourcing the Andr

                                                Continuous testing with new Android emulator tools
                                              • Rob Pike's simple C regex matcher in Go

                                                Rob Pike’s simple C regex matcher in Go August 2022 Back in 1998, Rob Pike – of Go and Plan 9 fame – wrote a simple regular expression matcher in C for The Practice of Programming, a book he wrote with fellow Unix hacker Brian Kernighan. If you haven’t read Kernighan’s “exegesis” of this code, it’s definitely worth the 30-minute time investment it takes to go through that slowly. With Go’s C herit

                                                • GameBoy CPU Manual

                                                  Sources by: Pan of Anthrox, GABY, Marat Fayzullin, Pascal Felber, Paul Robson, Martin Korth, kOOPa, Bowser Contents: Assembly Language Commands, Timings and Opcodes, and everything you always wanted to know about GB but were afraid to ask. THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED ON DIN A5 SIZE PAPER (148mm x 210mm)! Note: Game BoyTM , Game Boy PocketTM , Super Game BoyTM and Game Boy ColorTM are registered trade

                                                  • kyju.org - Piccolo - A Stackless Lua Interpreter

                                                    Piccolo - A Stackless Lua Interpreter 2024-05-01 History of piccolo A "Stackless" Interpreter Design Benefits of Stackless Cancellation Pre-emptive Concurrency Fuel, Pacing, and Custom Scheduling "Symmetric" Coroutines and coroutine.yieldto The "Big Lie" Rust Coroutines, Lua Coroutines, and Snarfing Zooming Out piccolo is an interpreter for the Lua language written in pure, mostly safe Rust with a

                                                    • 5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools

                                                      In addition, htop provides system overview information at the top and a command bar at the bottom to trigger commands using the function keys, and you can customize it by pressing F2 to enter the setup screen. In setup, you can change its colors, add or remove metrics, or change display options for the overview bar. While you can configure recent versions of top to achieve similar results, htop pr

                                                        5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools
                                                      • The tar archive format, its extensions, and why GNU tar extracts in quadratic time - Mort's Ramblings

                                                        Date: 2022-07-23 Git: https://gitlab.com/mort96/blog/blob/published/content/00000-home/00014-tar.md (If you're here from Google and just need help with tar being slow: If you trust the tar archive, extract with -P to make tar fast.) A couple of days ago, I had a 518GiB tar.gz file (1.1 TiB uncompressed) that I had to extract. At first, GNU tar was doing a great job, chewing through the tar.gz at a

                                                        • Why Charging Your Phone Overnight Is Bad

                                                          Charging your smartphone overnight can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan. Here's everything you need to know. How do you increase the charge on your smartphone battery? You might think charging it while you're asleep to regularly hit 100 percent is beneficial, but that actually harms your battery and shortens its life. Here's the truth about maintaining smartphone batteries—and why you s

                                                            Why Charging Your Phone Overnight Is Bad
                                                          • The Web’s Next Transition

                                                            The web is made up of technologies that got their start over 25 years ago. HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JS were all first standardized in the mid-nineties (when I was 8 years old). Since then, the web evolved into a ubiquitous application platform. As the web has evolved, so too has the architecture for the development of these applications. There are many core architectures for building applications for

                                                              The Web’s Next Transition
                                                            • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                                              Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                                                The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                                              • Understanding Garbage Collection in JavaScriptCore From Scratch

                                                                JavaScript relies on garbage collection (GC) to reclaim memory. In this post, we will dig into JSC’s garbage collection system. Before we start, let me briefly introduce myself. I am Haoran Xu, a PhD student at Stanford University. While I have not yet contributed a lot to JSC, I found JSC a treasure of elegant compiler designs and efficient implementations, and my research is exploring ways to tr

                                                                • Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド編④|Yuu's Memo

                                                                  皆さんこんにちは!! 前回に引き続き、フロント(Vue.js)側の開発を始めていきます。 Vue.jsに皆さんも大分慣れてきたのではないでしょうか? 前回は、予定の詳細表示ダイアログを作成しました。 前回までの記事はこちらからどうぞ Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】準備編Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】API作成編①Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】API作成編②Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド準備編Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フ

                                                                    Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド編④|Yuu's Memo
                                                                  • Why You Shouldn't Always Close Apps on Your Android Phone

                                                                    Do you regularly close apps on your Android phone? Doing this is not as beneficial as you might think. Here's why. A lot of people think that constantly closing the background applications on their Android phone will increase its performance. Misconceptions like this had some validity in the early days of Android, but the landscape has changed since. In reality, you can do more harm than good if y

                                                                      Why You Shouldn't Always Close Apps on Your Android Phone
                                                                    • Highlights from Git 2.44

                                                                      Open SourceHighlights from Git 2.44The first Git release of 2024 is here! Take a look at some of our highlights on what's new in Git 2.44. The open source Git project just released Git 2.44 with features and bug fixes from over 85 contributors, 34 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.43 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here is GitHub’s look a

                                                                        Highlights from Git 2.44
                                                                      • The Exhibit Lauded Freedom of Expression. It Was Silenced. (Published 2019)

                                                                        The exhibition that was closed at the Aichi Triennale in Nagoya, Japan, included a statue symbolizing women forced into sexual slavery during World War II.Credit...The Yomiuri Shimbun, via Associated Press Images TOKYO — It was an exhibit meant to celebrate freedom of expression. Instead, freedom of expression was shut down. A long, bitter battle between Japan and South Korea over historical memor

                                                                          The Exhibit Lauded Freedom of Expression. It Was Silenced. (Published 2019)
                                                                        • 『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

                                                                          録り貯めたお正月の特番を消化しているかたのなかには、3が日に地上波初放送された『天気の子』や8日新年一発目の『金曜ロードSHOW!』神木隆之介さんなど豪華吹替キャストによる『パラサイト』をご覧のかたもいらっしゃるんじゃないでしょうか? 今回の記事は、そんな新海誠監督の前作で神木氏主演『君の名は。』にたいするグレッグ・イーガン氏の評価がいかにすごいか、氏のインタビューやエッセイ(『Avatar Review(「アバター」批評)』『No Intelligence Required Her, Ex Machina and Interstellar(知性は不要――「her/世界でひとつの彼女」、「エクス・マキナ」そして「インターステラー」にとって)』)などを勝手に訳して、氏の映画観・創作観と比べることで確かめてみようという感じのやつです。 訳文本文7700字{2230字+5529字(原文730語+

                                                                            『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
                                                                          • WebKit Features in Safari 17.4

                                                                            Just like Safari 15.4 and Safari 16.4, this March’s release of Safari 17.4 is a significant one for web developers. We’re proud to announce another 46 features and 146 bug fixes. You can experience Safari 17.4 on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS Sonoma 14.4, macOS Ventura, macOS Monterey, and in visionOS 1.1. Architectural improvements It’s always exciting to ship new features that you can use while b

                                                                              WebKit Features in Safari 17.4
                                                                            • 続き: 「ハマスのロケット」の前にあったこと~ブリン村でのイスラエル人入植者による放火 (接続詞のas, by the timeを使った表現, など) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)

                                                                              今回は、前回の続きで、ブリン村焼き討ちについてのMondoweissの記事を読んでいこう。前置きの類は一切省略するので、必要な方は前回のエントリをご参照いただきたい。あと、中東情勢については、ごくごく基本的なことについて必要最小限の情報共有すらできていないのが現実なので、「にゅーしょくしゃって何ですか」的な疑問をお持ちの方も少なくないと思われるが、当ブログではそこまではフォローできない。できればそういうことの説明を書きたいのだが、事態の進展の速さと激しさがそれを許さない。今さっきも、ガザ地区でアルジャジーラなど報道機関が拠点を置いている建物が破壊されたところだ。 Oh my god. The building where al Jazeera’s office is housed has just been taken down by Israeli airstrikes. There w

                                                                                続き: 「ハマスのロケット」の前にあったこと~ブリン村でのイスラエル人入植者による放火 (接続詞のas, by the timeを使った表現, など) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)
                                                                              • A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption

                                                                                Discussion on Hacker News This article and its topic were the subject of fairly detailed discussion on this thread here on Hacker News. Perusing through the comments should be well worth your time, albeit you might emerge completely confused by the experience. And no–tech guys do not hate each other, we just have a wide-ranging spectrum of view points. Introduction It is impossible to escape heari

                                                                                  A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption
                                                                                • Cheating is All You Need

                                                                                  Heya. Sorry for not writing for so long. I’ll make up for it with 3000 pages here. I’m just hopping right now. That’s kinda the only way to get me to blog anymore. I’ve rewritten this post so many times. It’s about AI. But AI is changing so fast that the post is out of date within a few days. So screw it. I’m busting this version out in one sitting. (Spoiler alert: There’s some Sourcegraph stuff a

                                                                                    Cheating is All You Need