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  • MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5

    A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was released 40.5 years before this post, and is a pretty cool machine especially considering that the hardware is very simple. I

    • 映画で学ぶ英語表現:映画「オンリー・ザ・ブレイブ」〜豆知識のオンパレード〜 - Bossの英語旅

      実話を元にした森林消防団の物語:「オンリー・ザ・ブレイブ」 家族愛、チーム愛に胸が熱くなる! 日本人英語講師のBossです。 初めに 今回の作品 :「オンリー・ザ・ブレイブ」 予告編 ストーリー 個人的なオススメの見方 事前にチェック!:ホットショットとは? どれだけ過酷か? (シャドウイング練習付き) どんな職業か? え?驚いた消化方法 過酷な職務 実践!映像作品を使った英語表現の広げ方 メモのポイント Bossがメモした英語表現 1. メモ④ :思わず使いたくなる頻出表現 2. メモ④ :思わず使いたくなるクールな表現 3. メモ①/④:感情移入&使いたくなる表現 最後に 実際のニュース映像で噛みしめる 初めに 英単語の「出会い」と「再会」を →ワンセットにした企画 映画で楽しく学ぶ英単語&使いたくなる英語表現 前回取り上げたのは →再注目のパンデミック映画「コンテイジョン」 www.

        映画で学ぶ英語表現:映画「オンリー・ザ・ブレイブ」〜豆知識のオンパレード〜 - Bossの英語旅
      • Monitoring Machine Learning Models in Production

        Introduction Once you have deployed your machine learning model to production it rapidly becomes apparent that the work is not over. In many ways the journey is just beginning. How do you know if your models are behaving as you expect them to? What about next week/month/year when the customer (or fraudster) behavior changes and your training data is stale? These are complex challenges, compounded

        • An update from the Faker team | Faker

          An update from the Faker team ​January 14th, 2022 👋 We're pretty excited to give new life to this project. We want the project to have a fresh start and become even cooler. What is Faker? ​Faker is a library that generates fake (but reasonable) data for you. Mock data. Data for testing, development, and the like. Faker was first implemented in Perl in 2004 by Jason Kohles (he reached out to us in

            An update from the Faker team | Faker
          • 「スマホ18の約束 (Gregory's iPhone Contract)」 英語原文と和訳 - まったり英語育児雑記帳

            前回、スマホを子供に与える前に、ネットリテラシーを高めるための本をご紹介しました。 www.pandamama-eigoikuji.xyz 3冊の本を読んだのですが、どれも大変参考になりました。 その中の1冊、『ネット依存症から子供を救う本』に載っていた「スマホ18の約束」がとても参考になったので、ご紹介したいと思います。 「ネット依存症から子どもを救う本」 ネット依存症から子どもを救う本 樋口 進 (監修) 単行本 – 2014/4/26 Amazon 楽天 「スマホ18の約束」とは、2012年のクリスマスに、アメリカのマサチューセッツ州で、13歳の息子グレゴリー君にiPhoneをプレゼントした母親が書いた使用契約書です。 とてもよく考えられた契約書なので、我が子にスマホを渡す際に真似しようかと考えています。 そこで、 (英語育児らしく?) 原文も読んで和訳してみました。 「スマホ18の

              「スマホ18の約束 (Gregory's iPhone Contract)」 英語原文と和訳 - まったり英語育児雑記帳
            • Inside the GitHub Load Balancer | HAProxyConf2019

              In this presentation, Joe Williams describes the architecture of the GitHub Load Balancer (GLB). GitHub built a resilient custom solution on top of HAProxy to intelligently route requests coming from a variety of different clients including Git, SSH and MySQL. The GLB is split into two major components: the GLB Director and GLB proxies. The latter is built upon HAProxy, which provides many benefit

                Inside the GitHub Load Balancer | HAProxyConf2019
              • Not Using Serverless Yet? Why You Need to Care about re:Invent 2019’s Serverless Launches

                Why Container Devs Need to Care about re:Invent 2019’s Serverless Launches Another re:Invent is over, and an army of weary AWS employees have flown back home, their launch tasks complete. The AWS Serverless teams, including AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge and others were especially prolific in in the run up to, and during, re:Invent. But what does it all mean

                • Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS News Blog Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available Time series are a very common data format that describes how things change over time. Some of the most common sources are industrial machines and IoT devices, IT infrastructure stacks (such as hardware, software, and networking components), and applications that share their results over ti

                    Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                  • Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native

                    Our project name for the RN app rewrite, DenaliBackgroundHi, I am Naoya, a Senior Engineering Manager at Mercari. Along with my small but mighty team of frontend developers, I am responsible for delivering the Mercari app experience to our customers. Today, I’m here to explain why we’ve made the ambitious decision to completely rewrite our apps using React Native. Growth drives changeCurrently, we

                      Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native
                    • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「George's Woolly Hat」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                      Peppa Pigの「Wendy Wolf's Birthday」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル1(★☆☆☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pi

                        【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「George's Woolly Hat」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                      • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                        transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                          My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                        • HTTP/3 Prioritization Demystified

                          Robin Marx is a Web Performance Architect at Akamai Technologies. His main expertise is in network protocol performance, including HTTP/3 and QUIC, which was the topic of his PhD research. In a previous life he was a multiplayer game programmer and co-founder of LuGus Studios. YouTube videos of Robin are either humoristic technical talks or him hitting other people with longswords. If you deal wit

                            HTTP/3 Prioritization Demystified
                          • イーロン・マスクが共有した「ハイチでの人食い行為」と称する真偽不明のビデオを「ルール違反」としてX(旧Twitter)が削除

                            治安の急激な悪化が進むハイチ共和国について、イーロン・マスク氏が自身のX(旧Twitter)アカウントで「食人行為の証拠」と称した真偽不明の動画を共有しました。これに対しXは「ガイドラインに違反している」として動画を削除しています。 Cannibal claims about Haiti crisis used by Musk to smear migrants https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/haiti-migrants-cannibal-claims-barbeque-army-2024-rcna142878 Unverified video Elon Musk shared claiming to show cannibalism in Haiti removed by X https://www.axios.com/2024/03/14/

                            • promptoMANIA: AI art community with prompt generator

                              promptoMANIA Prompt Generator AI art community with an online prompt builder Do you want to become a CF Spark, Midjourney or Stable Diffusion master today? The human-friendly prompt builder will help you. You can also try it with other diffusion models, such as DALL-E 2, Disco Diffusion, WOMBO Dream, or any diffusion model. If it does, share the experience on social media. Now with Stable Diffusio

                                promptoMANIA: AI art community with prompt generator
                              • Stranger Strings: An exploitable flaw in SQLite

                                By Andreas Kellas Trail of Bits is publicly disclosing CVE-2022-35737, which affects applications that use the SQLite library API. CVE-2022-35737 was introduced in SQLite version 1.0.12 (released on October 17, 2000) and fixed in release 3.39.2 (released on July 21, 2022). CVE-2022-35737 is exploitable on 64-bit systems, and exploitability depends on how the program is compiled; arbitrary code exe

                                  Stranger Strings: An exploitable flaw in SQLite
                                • Tragedy in an Animation Utopia: Horror, Heartbreak and Mystery After an Arson Massacre

                                  The fire burned relentlessly for five hours and wasn’t completely extinguished until the next morning. The interior of Studio One, as the building was known, was eviscerated, with only a warped and charred shell remaining. By that evening, rescue workers had collected the bodies of 33 employees. Dozens more were treated for injuries, many of them severe. In the following weeks, three more victims

                                    Tragedy in an Animation Utopia: Horror, Heartbreak and Mystery After an Arson Massacre
                                  • 買収されたメールサービス「Skiff」が突然サービス終了を発表して非難殺到、メールアドレス消失でユーザーが大混乱

                                    プライバシーに配慮した暗号化電子メールサービスを展開していたSkiffが、多機能クラウドツールを提供するNotionに買収されることを発表しました。ところが、買収後はメールサービスを継続せず、わずか半年でメールアドレスが消えてしまう上に、そのことを適切にユーザーに説明しなかったことから、さまざまなアカウントのIDや連絡先としてSkiffのメールアドレスを利用していたユーザーからの問い合わせが殺到していると伝えられています。 The Skiff Privacy Fiasco, or How not to Shutdown Your Startup https://blog.notesnook.com/the-skiff-privacy-fiasco/ Encrypted email service Skiff gets acquired, will shut down in six mont

                                    • The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla

                                      In 2018 Bryan Cantrill gave a brilliant talk where he shared his recent experiences with the Rust programming language. More profoundly, he explored a facet of software that is oftentimes overlooked: the values of the software we use. To paraphrase him slightly: Values are defined as expressions of relative importance. Two things that we're comparing could both be good attributes. The real questio

                                        The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla
                                      • Dates and Times in JavaScript

                                        tl;dr: We are looking for feedback on the Temporal proposal. Try out the polyfill, and complete the survey; but don't use it in production yet! JavaScript Date is broken in ways that cannot be fixed without breaking the web. As the story goes, it was included in the original 10-day JavaScript engine hack and based on java.util.Date, which itself was deprecated in 1997 due to being a terrible API a

                                        • Reinforcement Learning for Language Models

                                          rl-for-llms.md Reinforcement Learning for Language Models Yoav Goldberg, April 2023. Why RL? With the release of the ChatGPT model and followup large language models (LLMs), there was a lot of discussion of the importance of "RLHF training", that is, "reinforcement learning from human feedback". I was puzzled for a while as to why RL (Reinforcement Learning) is better than learning from demonstrat

                                            Reinforcement Learning for Language Models
                                          • 5 Reasons Why Microsoft Teams Is Better Than Slack

                                            The battle between Microsoft Teams and Slack has been going on for years now, with both giants trying to take over the top spot in workplace collaboration. Following the announcement made in early December 2020 that Salesforce—one of Microsoft's biggest competitors—had acquired Slack for a whopping $27.7 billion, the supremacy battle has heightened even further. So who is king, you ask? Here are f

                                              5 Reasons Why Microsoft Teams Is Better Than Slack
                                            • February service disruptions post-incident analysis

                                              EngineeringProductFebruary service disruptions post-incident analysisIn-depth analysis of February service disruptions that impacted GitHub services. In late February, GitHub experienced multiple service interruptions that resulted in degraded service for a total of eight hours and 14 minutes over four distinct events. Unexpected variations in database load, coupled with an unintended configuratio

                                                February service disruptions post-incident analysis
                                              • Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects

                                                Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects2023-09-28 Last year, we announced the Browser Rendering API – letting users running Puppeteer, a browser automation library, directly in Workers. Puppeteer is one of the most popular libraries used to interact with a headless browser instance to accomplish tasks like taking screenshots, generating PDFs, crawling web pages, and testing w

                                                  Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects
                                                • J-pop megastar Hikaru Utada on teen fame, discrimination, and grief

                                                  In a rare English interview, the pop sensation reflects on her ‘traumatic’ rise to fame, working on Hideaki Anno’s Evangelion franchise, and her crush on Megan Thee StallionTextGünseli Yalcinkaya When Hikaru Utada first released her debut album First Love in 1999, the Japanese public had never heard anything like it. Aged 16, the American-Japanese artist ripped up the J-pop rulebook with genre-hop

                                                    J-pop megastar Hikaru Utada on teen fame, discrimination, and grief
                                                  • Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices

                                                    Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best PracticesMarch 14, 2022 • 48 minute read One of the main benefits of JavaScript is that it runs both in the browser and the server. As an engineer you need to master a single language and your skills will have a variety of applications. This is what drew me to Node in 2015 - I didn’t have to switch between languages and tech stacks. Node allows you to reus

                                                      Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
                                                    • 利上げ時のインフレと失業率には因果関係はあるのか? - himaginary’s diary

                                                      という点についてオリビエ・ブランシャールとリカルド・ライスが議論している。具体的には、利上げでインフレを下げる際に失業率が上昇するのは副作用に過ぎず、失業率上昇という経路を通じてインフレが低下するわけではない、とリカルド・ライスがデビッド・ベックワースとの対談で述べ、その言葉をベックワースがツイッターで紹介したところ、ブランシャールが反応して以下のようにツイートしている。 Dear Ricardo, I am puzzled. For me, the increase in unemployment is causal, not a side effect, for inflation. Do you mean to say that, if we could avoid the side effect, we could decrease inflation without higher

                                                        利上げ時のインフレと失業率には因果関係はあるのか? - himaginary’s diary
                                                      • Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line

                                                        “Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advance: GUIs. GUIs were - and still are - valuable, but they fail to scale to the demands of today's systems. So now command line interfaces are back again, hiding under the name of search. Now you see them, now you don't. Now you see them again. And they will get better and better w

                                                          Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line
                                                        • How to speed up the Rust compiler one last time – Nicholas Nethercote

                                                          Due to recent changes at Mozilla my time working on the Rust compiler is drawing to a close. I am still at Mozilla, but I will be focusing on Firefox work for the foreseeable future. So I thought I would wrap up my “How to speed up the Rust compiler” series, which started in 2016. Looking back I wrote ten “How to speed up the Rust compiler” posts. How to speed up the Rust compiler.The original pos

                                                          • Why I use Astro

                                                            Why I use Astro Dec 13, 2023 I’ve been thinking about writing this since a few months ago when some prominent people in the industry were battling “why I use Next.js” vs “why I use Remix”. Now, I don’t try to claim that this is the thing you should do. It’s just a collection of thoughts on why I use Astro. What works for me. And what works for me might not be what works for you. That said, I’ve be

                                                              Why I use Astro
                                                            • Google may be looking to jump start its cloud competition with Salesforce acquisition - OnMSFT.com

                                                              Google may be looking to jump start its cloud competition with Salesforce acquisition Late in 2019, executives within Google’s Cloud Platform issued a relatively herculean challenge to its engineers and developers by publicly stating it not only wants to bolster its presence in the market among its biggest rivals by 2023 but beat the likes of AWS and Azure by that same modest three-year projection

                                                                Google may be looking to jump start its cloud competition with Salesforce acquisition - OnMSFT.com
                                                              • Challenging projects every programmer should try

                                                                Austin Z. Henley Associate Teaching Professor Carnegie Mellon University Challenging projects every programmer should try 12/11/2019 This post spurred a lot of discussion on Hacker News, Reddit, and again on Hacker News. I collected some of the suggested projects and put them in a list at the end of this post. Check out the sequel to this post: More challenging projects every programmer should try

                                                                  Challenging projects every programmer should try
                                                                • LocalStack and AWS Parity Explained

                                                                  At LocalStack we are committed to constantly improve the cloud dev experience. Here is how our AWS Server Framework and a new snapshot testing framework help us to stay on top of AWS changes. Parity for LocalStack means that when you, as a cloud developer, make an AWS API call to LocalStack’s cloud emulator, it behaves the same way AWS would. Keeping parity with AWS has been our mission at LocalSt

                                                                    LocalStack and AWS Parity Explained
                                                                  • Examining the Deception infrastructure in place behind code.microsoft.com

                                                                    The domain name code.microsoft.com has an interesting story behind it. Today it’s not linked to anything but that wasn’t always true. This is the story of one of my most successful honeypot instances and how it enabled Microsoft to collect varied threat intelligence against a broad range of actor groups targeting Microsoft. I’m writing this now as we’ve decided to retire this capability. In the pa

                                                                      Examining the Deception infrastructure in place behind code.microsoft.com
                                                                    • COVID-19: Implications for business

                                                                      Our latest perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal. COVID-19: Briefing note #100, April 13, 2022 As COVID-19 becomes endemic in much of the world, we turn our focus to sustainable and inclusive growth. On March 2, 2020, just over a week before a global pandemic was declared, we published COVID-19: Br

                                                                        COVID-19: Implications for business
                                                                      • What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog

                                                                        On Saturday 8 July 2023, user accounts started disappearing from the Vivaldi Social Mastodon instance. What was going on, how did this happen, and what were the consequences? This is a very long blog post, but to be fair, this was also to be a very long weekend. If you want to skip to the conclusion, there’s a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) section at the end. Something’s not right It was around 17

                                                                          What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog
                                                                        • The things I love about Google are the things I dislike about Google

                                                                          I spent 11 years at Amazon (as a Principal Engineer in Developer Tools), and have been at Google for the last 2.5 years (as a Senior Staff Engineer on Developer Infrastructure for Integration Testing). Both positions were company-wide engineering productivity roles that put me in touch with a vast array of teams and exposed me to both cultures deeply. And I’ve come to the following epiphany and pa

                                                                            The things I love about Google are the things I dislike about Google
                                                                          • 【歌詞和訳】アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「Belle」でディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                                                            アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「Belle」でディクテーションに挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル3(★★★☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com ディズニーを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事ではアニメ版「美女と野獣」(Beauty and the Beast)の「Belle」を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事に

                                                                              【歌詞和訳】アニメ版「美女と野獣」の「Belle」でディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                                                            • NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 | Amazon Web Services

                                                                              Containers NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 Today, we are announcing the ability for all Amazon ECS users including developers and operators to “exec” into a container running inside a task deployed on either Amazon EC2 or AWS Fargate. This new functionality, dubbed ECS Exec, allows users to either run an interactive shell or a single command agai

                                                                                NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 | Amazon Web Services
                                                                              • What's New in Unicode 14.0

                                                                                Today the latest emoji list will be released by the Unicode Consortium, with additions including Biting Lip, Troll, Saluting Face, as well as two heart-related gestures: Heart Hands and Hand with Index Finger and Thumb Crossed (aka finger heart, popular in K-Pop circles). The release date for version 14.0 of the Unicode Standard was aptly set for the 14th day of September, and formalizes what has

                                                                                  What's New in Unicode 14.0
                                                                                • How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%

                                                                                  At Discord, we’re always thinking about ways to improve our services and increase performance. After all, the faster our app gets, the sooner you can return to your friends and conversations! Over the last six months, we embarked on a quest to support this endeavor, working to reduce the amount of bandwidth our clients use, especially on iOS and Android, hoping that decreasing bandwidth usage woul

                                                                                    How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%