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  • LLM Visualization

    A 3D animated visualization of an LLM with a walkthrough.

    • 特に個人開発者向け!CodeRabbit(自動レビューツール)を使えばコードの健康まで得られることに気づいた話

      ↑by Image Creator from Microsoft Bing CodeRabbitのレビュー もう初回コードレビューはAIに任せる時代になった - CodeRabbit -を読んだ。レビューはとても負担が多く、時間もかかる。これをAIがやってくれたら、こんな有難いことはない。というわけですぐに使ってみた。 CodeRabbitを使った結論 結論から書くと、レスポンスも速く、技術レベルも高く、気を使う必要もない上に、コミュニケーションも出来る。若干問題に対して答えを言いすぎるキライはあるが、これも使い方に依る。さらにレビューを意識することでコードの健康まで得られてしまう。良いことしかない。 CodeRabbitの価格体系 気になっていたのはやっぱり価格だが、調べてみたらオープンソースであれば無料!だった。また有料も以前はOpenAPIのトークン使用量が別途かかっていたようだが、

      • インターネットの都市伝説「The Backrooms」の起源となった画像の正体はどうやって判明したのか?

        黄色い壁紙とカーペットだけが特徴の「何もない部屋」が延々と続く空間にさまざまな怪異や恐ろしい仕掛けが潜んでいるというインターネット発祥の都市伝説「The Backrooms」は2019年頃に誕生し、映像作品やゲームにも派生し、世界的に人気のコンテンツとなっています。この「The Backrooms」が生まれるきっかけとなった写真の正体が2024年になって判明しました。 "Backrooms" photo of yellowing office was Oshkosh HobbyTown https://boingboing.net/2024/05/30/original-backrooms-photo-of-yellowing-office-dungeon-finally-identified-as-oshkosh-hobbytown.html The Backrooms of the I

          インターネットの都市伝説「The Backrooms」の起源となった画像の正体はどうやって判明したのか?
        • research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

          Posted on Monday, April 1, 2024. Updated Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a d

          • Announcing additional Linux controls for Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate | Amazon Web Services

            Containers Announcing additional Linux controls for Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate Introduction An Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) task is a number of co-located containers that are scheduled on to AWS Fargate or an Amazon EC2 container instance. Containers use Linux namespaces to provide workload isolation—and with namespaces—even though containers are scheduled together in an Amaz

              Announcing additional Linux controls for Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate | Amazon Web Services
            • HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore

              The ultimate goal of HTMX is to provide modern browser interactivity directly within HTML, without the need for JavaScript. Although relatively new, with its initial release in late 2020, this frontend library has quickly caught the attention of the IT web community. With 2nd place in the 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars “Front-end Frameworks” category (right behind React), a spot in the GitHub Accele

                HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore
              • Astro 4.0 | Astro

                Introducing Astro 4.0! New APIs, faster builds, redesigned docs, and a unique new development tool for Astro that enhances your local dev environment in new and exciting ways. What is Astro? Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites including blogs, marketing, and e-commerce. If you need a website that loads fast with great SEO, then Astro is for you. Release highlights inclu

                  Astro 4.0 | Astro
                • 個人情報販売サイトから自分のデータを削除させる「Mozilla Monitor Plus」をMozillaが発表

                  ウェブブラウザのFirefoxなどを開発するMozillaが提供している「Mozilla Monitor」(旧Firefox Monitor)に、情報漏えいした個人情報を自動で削除したり継続的に監視したりする新しい有料サブスクリプションサービスの「Mozilla Monitor Plus」が登場しました。 Introducing Mozilla Monitor Plus, a new tool to automatically remove your personal information from data broker sites https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/introducing-mozilla-monitor-plus-a-new-tool-to-automatically-remove-your-personal-informatio

                    個人情報販売サイトから自分のデータを削除させる「Mozilla Monitor Plus」をMozillaが発表
                  • Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services | Amazon Web Services

                    Containers Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services Introduction Container image tags offer a user-friendly way to manage and keep track of different versions of container images. However, they also present a security risk to organizations due to their mutable nature. Without protections in place, a container image tag can be changed in a container image repository to point

                      Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services | Amazon Web Services
                    • Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds

                      Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds07/10/2024 We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare Zaraz support of server-side rendering of embeds, featuring two Managed Components: X and Instagram. You can now use Cloudflare Zaraz to effortlessly embed posts from X or Instagram on your website in a performant, privacy-preserving, and secure way. Many traditional t

                        Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds
                      • Rethinking Serverless with FLAME

                        Rethinking Serverless with FLAME Author Name Chris McCord @chris_mccord @chris_mccord Imagine if you could auto scale simply by wrapping any existing app code in a function and have that block of code run in a temporary copy of your app. The pursuit of elastic, auto-scaling applications has taken us to silly places. Serverless/FaaS had a couple things going for it. Elastic Scale™ is hard. It’s eve

                          Rethinking Serverless with FLAME
                        • PR-Agent×GitHub Action×Azure OpenAIで実現するAIコードレビュー - ROUTE06 Tech Blog

                          Pull requestのタイトルや説明文を書いている時、「これ絶対AIでできるよな」と感じたことがある開発者は少なくないと思います。 もちろん変更の経緯や背景など、コードの差分からは読み取れない情報もありますが、コードの差分からわかることはAIが書いてくれるといいですよね。 この願いを叶えてくれるのがCodiumAIが提供しているPR-Agentです。GitHub Actionで実行でき、OpenAIはもちろんAzure OpenAIやAmazon Bedrockも使えます。 PR-Agentはすでにいろいろなところで取り上げられています*1 *2 *3ので、このブログ記事では、これまでにあまり紹介されていないPR-AgentでLLMとしてAzure OpenAIで使う方法と、使ってみた感想を紹介します。 どうしてPR-Agentを使うのか コードレビューをできるAIエージェントはいくつ

                            PR-Agent×GitHub Action×Azure OpenAIで実現するAIコードレビュー - ROUTE06 Tech Blog
                          • Compile-time type-checked truth tables

                            With simple and easy-to-understand examples in F# and Haskell. Eve Ragins recently published an article called Why you should use truth tables in your job. It's a good article. You should read it. In it, she outlines how creating a Truth Table can help you smoke out edge cases or unclear requirements. I agree, and it also beautifully explains why I find algebraic data types so useful. With languag

                              Compile-time type-checked truth tables
                            • CS388

                              CS388: Natural Language Processing (online MS version) These are the course materials for an online masters course in NLP. All lectures are videos available on YouTube. Note on enrollment for on-campus students: This course is listed in the course catalog as "Natural Language Processing-WB". It is a partially asynchronous course taught for certain online masters programs at UT ("Option III" progra

                              • LangSmith クイックスタートガイド|npaka

                                「Google Colab」で「LangSmith」をはじめる方法をまとめました。 1. LangSmith「LangSmith」は、LLMアプリケーションのデバッグ、テスト、監視のための統合プラットフォームです。 「LangChain」でLLMアプリケーションのプロトタイプを作成するのは簡単ですが、プロトタイプから本番まで持っていくのはまだまだ困難です。高品質の製品を作成するには、プロンプト、チェーン、その他のコンポーネントを大幅にカスタマイズして、反復する必要があります。このプロセスを支援するために、「LangSmith」は開発されました。 次のような場面で役立ちます。 ・新しいチェーン、エージェント、ツールを迅速にデバッグ ・コンポーネント (チェーン、LLM、リトリバーなど) がどのように関係し、使用されるかを視覚化 ・単一コンポーネントのさまざまなプロンプトとLLMを評価 ・デー

                                  LangSmith クイックスタートガイド|npaka
                                • Announcing remote cache support in Amazon ECR for BuildKit clients | Amazon Web Services

                                  Containers Announcing remote cache support in Amazon ECR for BuildKit clients This feature will be pre-installed and supported by Docker when version 25.0 is released. This feature is already released in Buildkit versions of 0.12 or later and is available now on Finch versions 0.8 or later. Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed container registry that custo

                                    Announcing remote cache support in Amazon ECR for BuildKit clients | Amazon Web Services
                                  • Remix v2

                                    We are excited to announce that after nearly 2 years of sustained effort since releasing Remix version 1 — 19 minor releases, over 100 patch releases, and thousands of closed issues and pull requests — we are releasing Remix v2 into the world today. Back in March we discussed at length our views on semantic versioning and building stable software, and described our approach to moving Remix forward

                                      Remix v2
                                    • Hack The Boxで、実践的なペネトレーションテスト技術者のスキルを学ぼう | サイバーセキュリティ情報局

                                      ペネトレーションテストは、システムの脆弱性やセキュリティ上の問題点を洗い出すための侵入テストです。またHack The Boxは、ペネトレーションテスト技術者に必要な知識やスキルを、実際に手を動かして、楽しみながら学べるサイトです。脆弱性がどのように攻撃に利用されるのか、といった具体例を理解できるため、サイバーセキュリティ技術をこれから学びたい方にもお勧めです。 ペネトレーションテストは「侵入テスト」とも呼ばれており、その名のとおり対象のシステムに対して実際にサイバー攻撃の各種手法を用いて侵入を試みることで、システムの脆弱性やセキュリティ上の問題点を洗い出すテスト手法だ。そのため、ペンテスター(ペネトレーションテストの技術者)は、さまざまな攻撃手法に関する知識やスキルを習得する必要がある。 今回紹介する「Hack The Box」は、実際に手を動かして、ペンテスターに必要な知識やスキルを学

                                        Hack The Boxで、実践的なペネトレーションテスト技術者のスキルを学ぼう | サイバーセキュリティ情報局
                                      • Tool Calling with LangChain

                                        TLDR: We are introducing a new tool_calls attribute on AIMessage. More and more LLM providers are exposing API’s for reliable tool calling. The goal with the new attribute is to provide a standard interface for interacting with tool invocations. This is fully backwards compatible and is supported on all models that have native tool-calling support. In order to access these latest features you will

                                          Tool Calling with LangChain
                                        • Personalize your generative AI applications with Amazon SageMaker Feature Store | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS Machine Learning Blog Personalize your generative AI applications with Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing fields like search engines, natural language processing (NLP), healthcare, robotics, and code generation. The applications also extend into retail, where they can enhance customer experiences through dynamic chatbots and AI assistants, and into

                                            Personalize your generative AI applications with Amazon SageMaker Feature Store | Amazon Web Services
                                          • A deep dive into simplified Amazon EKS access management controls | Amazon Web Services

                                            Containers A deep dive into simplified Amazon EKS access management controls Introduction Since the initial Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) launch, it has supported AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) principals as entities that can authenticate against a cluster. This was done to remove the burden—from administrators—of having to maintain a separate identity provider. Usin

                                              A deep dive into simplified Amazon EKS access management controls | Amazon Web Services
                                            • PromptIDE

                                              xAI PromptIDEIntegrated development environment for prompt engineering and interpretability research November 6, 2023 The xAI PromptIDE is an integrated development environment for prompt engineering and interpretability research. It accelerates prompt engineering through an SDK that allows implementing complex prompting techniques and rich analytics that visualize the network's outputs. We use it

                                              • Announcing the New Foundational C# Certification with freeCodeCamp - .NET Blog

                                                Announcing the New Foundational C# Certification with freeCodeCamp Hello Students and Developers! We are excited to announce the release of the new Foundational C# Certification in collaboration with freeCodeCamp. freeCodeCamp is a charity that creates free learning resources for math, programming, and computer science. The Foundational C# Certification is completely free, globally available, and

                                                  Announcing the New Foundational C# Certification with freeCodeCamp - .NET Blog
                                                • Introducing Struct: a feed-centric chat platform - Struct

                                                  For conversations that matter: Struct is a radical new chat platform designed around threads, feeds and AI to 2x your productivity. For conversations that matter: Struct is a radical new chat platform designed around threads, feeds and AI to 2x your productivity. For conversations that matter: Struct is a radical new chat platform designed around threads, feeds and AI to 2x your productivity. Endl

                                                    Introducing Struct: a feed-centric chat platform - Struct
                                                  • WebAssembly: An Updated Roadmap for Developers

                                                    The WebAssembly (Wasm) ecosystem is transforming. Developers can look forward to a modular, virtualizable, and robust environment for building applications, libraries, and services. We are excited to be working towards this with implementations for WASI-Preview 2. This roadmap reflects changes occurring in standards within the WebAssembly Community Group (CG) and the WASI Subgroup within the W3C.

                                                      WebAssembly: An Updated Roadmap for Developers
                                                    • Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire

                                                      It’s been two decades since Rails changed the way we build web apps. As the demand for richer and richer UIs grew, teams came up with different frontends to deliver on those expectations. Client-side frameworks such as Angular, Ember, and React emerged as popular choices. One of Rails’ strengths has always been to empower individual programmers to not just contribute to, but to ship entire full st

                                                        Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire
                                                      • Host the Whisper Model on Amazon SageMaker: exploring inference options | Amazon Web Services

                                                        AWS Machine Learning Blog Host the Whisper Model on Amazon SageMaker: exploring inference options OpenAI Whisper is an advanced automatic speech recognition (ASR) model with an MIT license. ASR technology finds utility in transcription services, voice assistants, and enhancing accessibility for individuals with hearing impairments. This state-of-the-art model is trained on a vast and diverse datas

                                                          Host the Whisper Model on Amazon SageMaker: exploring inference options | Amazon Web Services
                                                        • New localllm lets you develop gen AI apps locally, without GPUs | Google Cloud Blog

                                                          No GPU? No problem. localllm lets you develop gen AI apps on local CPUs In today's fast-paced AI landscape, developers face numerous challenges when it comes to building applications that use large language models (LLMs). In particular, the scarcity of GPUs, which are traditionally required for running LLMs, poses a significant hurdle. In this post, we introduce you to a novel solution that allows

                                                            New localllm lets you develop gen AI apps locally, without GPUs | Google Cloud Blog
                                                          • Using the circuit-breaker pattern with AWS Lambda extensions and Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Compute Blog Using the circuit-breaker pattern with AWS Lambda extensions and Amazon DynamoDB This post is written by Alan Oberto Jimenez, Senior Cloud Application Architect, and Tobias Drees, Cloud Application Architect. Modern software systems frequently rely on remote calls to other systems across networks. When failures occur, they can cascade across multiple services causing service disru

                                                              Using the circuit-breaker pattern with AWS Lambda extensions and Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS Compute Blog Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway This post is written by Marcos Ortiz, Principal AWS Solutions Architect and Khubyar Behramsha, Sr. AWS Solutions Architect. In this post, you learn how organizations can evolve from a single-Region architecture API Gateway to a multi-Region one, using a reliable failover mechanism without dependencies on AWS control plane o

                                                                Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Digital Solution Offerings: Techniques to Deliver Success for Digitalization

                                                                When we talk about digital solution offerings, first of all, let’s discuss what digital solutions are, what are digitalization and digitization, and what are the needs for that. What is Digitalization Simply put, digitalization is the journey of shifting business activities – processes, data management, communication, and more – from paper to an online environment. It involves utilizing digital to

                                                                  Digital Solution Offerings: Techniques to Deliver Success for Digitalization
                                                                • Intro to LLM Agents with Langchain: When RAG is Not Enough

                                                                  Hello everyone, this article is a written form of a tutorial I conducted two weeks ago with Neurons Lab. If you prefer a narrative walkthrough, you can find the YouTube video here: As always, you can find the code on GitHub, and here are separate Colab Notebooks: Planning and reasoningDifferent types of memoriesVarious types of toolsBuilding complete agentsIntroduction to the agents Illustration b

                                                                    Intro to LLM Agents with Langchain: When RAG is Not Enough
                                                                  • New – Improve Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Restore Time By Up To 85% Using Standard Retrieval Tier and S3 Batch Operations | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS News Blog New – Improve Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Restore Time By Up To 85% Using Standard Retrieval Tier and S3 Batch Operations Last year, Amazon S3 Glacier celebrated its tenth anniversary. Amazon S3 Glacier is the leader in cloud cold storage, and I wrote about its innovations over the last decade. The Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes provide you with long-term, secure, and durable stora

                                                                      New – Improve Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Restore Time By Up To 85% Using Standard Retrieval Tier and S3 Batch Operations | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • Open Sourcing the Remix Website

                                                                      Today, we're thrilled to announce that this very website is now open source! We invite you to explore and learn from the source code and maybe even consider contributing. Why we are open sourcing Over 2 years ago Remix the framework went open source. For 10 years now Ryan and Michael have been working on open source software. Even reactrouter.com is a public repo. Needless to say, we're big believ

                                                                        Open Sourcing the Remix Website
                                                                      • Build and deploy ML inference applications from scratch using Amazon SageMaker | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        AWS Machine Learning Blog Build and deploy ML inference applications from scratch using Amazon SageMaker As machine learning (ML) goes mainstream and gains wider adoption, ML-powered inference applications are becoming increasingly common to solve a range of complex business problems. The solution to these complex business problems often requires using multiple ML models and steps. This post shows

                                                                          Build and deploy ML inference applications from scratch using Amazon SageMaker | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • Summarization | 🦜️🔗 Langchain

                                                                          Use case​Suppose you have a set of documents (PDFs, Notion pages, customer questions, etc.) and you want to summarize the content. LLMs are a great tool for this given their proficiency in understanding and synthesizing text. In this walkthrough we'll go over how to perform document summarization using LLMs. Overview​A central question for building a summarizer is how to pass your documents into t

                                                                            Summarization | 🦜️🔗 Langchain
                                                                          • Visual Studio Code March 2024

                                                                            Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. March 2024 (version 1.88) Update 1.88.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the March 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights

                                                                              Visual Studio Code March 2024
                                                                            • IDEとしても使えるNvChadを『わかりやすさ重視で』インストールからカスタマイズの方法まで説明してみた - Qiita

                                                                              みなさんこんにちは。おとかです。 かなり久々の投稿になります。 最近、Vimの勉強をし始めたところなんですが、せっかくならVimをIDEライクに、かつ手軽に使えたらなと思っていました。 いくつか気になったVimIDEっぽいものはあったのですが、色々試してみた中、今のところ一番しっくり来ているのはNvChadです。 勘違いしてはいけないので、念の為先に断っておきますが、NvChadは I D E で は あ り ま せ ん 。(迫真 あくまでも、neovimの基本構成を拡張したものであり、最小構成で使うvimmerにも手に馴染みやすくなってます。 また、基本構成から拡張するのも容易で、様々なニーズに答えてくれることから、現在世界中のVimmerから注目を集めているのがgithubのスター数から見て取れます。 ただ…残念なことに、NvChadに関する情報が日本ではまだ少なかったので、今回はNv

                                                                                IDEとしても使えるNvChadを『わかりやすさ重視で』インストールからカスタマイズの方法まで説明してみた - Qiita
                                                                              • Integrating AWS WAF with your Amazon Lightsail instance | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS Compute Blog Integrating AWS WAF with your Amazon Lightsail instance This blog post is written by Riaz Panjwani, Solutions Architect, Canada CSC and Dylan Souvage, Solutions Architect, Canada CSC. Security is the top priority at AWS. This post shows how you can level up your application security posture on your Amazon Lightsail instances with an AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) integrati

                                                                                  Integrating AWS WAF with your Amazon Lightsail instance | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • CloudFormationの新機能「Git Sync」をGitLabで試してみた #AWSreInvent | DevelopersIO

                                                                                  AWS re:Invent 2023期間中(直前?)に発表されたGit Sync、連携先のリポジトリにGitLabも選択できるので、実際に試してみました 本記事はクラスメソッド DevOps・セキュリティのカレンダー | Advent Calendar 2023の22日目の記事です。 日本時間で 11/27 早朝に発表されたCloudFormationの新機能、Git Sync(Git 同期)、みなさんはもう試されましたでしょうか。 公式のアナウンス(日本語)はこちらになります。 AWS CloudFormation、スタックの Git 管理を導入 こちらの機能、本格的な CI/CD を構築するにはシンプル過ぎるのではと思われますが、ちょっとした「CFnをGit管理したい」というアドホック運用目的としては、個人的に可能性を感じる機能です。なぜCodeCommitに対応していない。。。 とは

                                                                                    CloudFormationの新機能「Git Sync」をGitLabで試してみた #AWSreInvent | DevelopersIO