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wantsに関するエントリは45件あります。 google社会仕事 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Linus Torvalds wants Apple’s new M1-powered Macs to run Linux』などがあります。
  • Linus Torvalds wants Apple’s new M1-powered Macs to run Linux

    Earlier this month,  Apple revealed its own ARM-based M1 processor, along with new MacBooks and a desktop Mac Mini powered by this chip. Reviewers across the globe have been praising Apple’s first attempt, giving it high marks for performance and battery life. All this positive coverage has tempted many to take the plunge and buy one of the new machines — even if some apps are not running natively

      Linus Torvalds wants Apple’s new M1-powered Macs to run Linux
    • Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to 'ignore' Web3: 'Web3 is not the web at all'

      Tim Berners-Lee, the computer scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web, said he doesn't view blockchain as a viable solution for building the next iteration of the internet."In fact, Web3 is not the web at all," he told an audience at the Web Summit tech conference in Lisbon.Berners-Lee said people too often conflate Web3 with "Web 3.0," his own proposal for reshaping the internet.

        Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to 'ignore' Web3: 'Web3 is not the web at all'
      • If You Choose an Answer to This Question at Random | Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

        So, Yeah, This Image Of Greta Thunberg You Keep Seeing Is A Photoshop

          If You Choose an Answer to This Question at Random | Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
        • Why South Korea wants Japan to ban the Rising Sun flag from the Tokyo Olympics | CNN

          The organizers of Japan’s 2020 Summer Olympics have refused to ban a controversial flag that South Koreans say stirs memories of the violent, brutal life endured under Japanese rule during the early to mid-1900s. South Korea’s parliamentary committee for sports wants the so-called Rising Sun flag to be banned from venues at next year’s Tokyo Olympics as it is viewed in South Korea as a symbol of J

            Why South Korea wants Japan to ban the Rising Sun flag from the Tokyo Olympics | CNN
          • This copilot is stupid and wants to kill me: Matthew Butterick

            This week, Microsoft released an AI-based tool for writing soft­ware called GitHub Copilot. As a lawyer and 20+ year partic­i­pant in the world of open-source soft­ware, I agree with those who consider Copilot to be primarily an engine for violating open-source licenses. Still, I’m not worried about its effects on open source. Why? Because as a matter of basic legal hygiene, I expect that orga­ni­

              This copilot is stupid and wants to kill me: Matthew Butterick
            • Clojure: the Lisp that wants to spread — Simon Gray's blog

              NOTE: this blog post was originally published on my Github pages. At the time, it generated a lot of discussion on Hacker News. From its humble beginnings, Clojure was always meant to be a “hosted” language. It is important to note that while the Clojure of today is definitely a tightly integrated JVM (Java Virtual Machine) language, there were always multiple implementations of Clojure. The langu

              • World wants apology for Tokyo claim

                The Tokyo Olympics Organising Committee appeared to make false claims when submitting details about the weather conditions athletes are facing this Games. Oppressive, muggy heat has wreaked havoc across outdoor sports. Novak Djokovic lashed out and demanded a schedule change earlier this week, while beach volleyballers also complained about sand being too hot to stand on. The tough conditions were

                  World wants apology for Tokyo claim
                • China wants to ban clothes that 'hurt nation's feelings'

                  A draft law sparks debate with locals calling it absurd and questioning how they would be policed.

                    China wants to ban clothes that 'hurt nation's feelings'
                  • The internet wants to be fragmented

                    Five years ago I was sitting around drinking a beer with my college buddy Dayv. I was scrolling through Twitter and watching people get mad at Donald Trump’s latest outrage, and I said “You know…fifteen years ago, the internet was an escape from the real world. Now the real world is an escape from the internet.” “Tweet that!”, Dayv said, so I did. That banal observation became my most popular twee

                      The internet wants to be fragmented
                    • Opinion | Why MAGA Wants to Betray Ukraine

                      So the federal government wasn’t shut down over the weekend, although we may have to go through this whole drama again in six weeks. Kevin McCarthy, the speaker of the House, ended up doing the obvious: bringing a funding bill to the floor that could pass only with Democratic votes, because the hard-liners in his own party wouldn’t agree to anything feasible. And the bill didn’t include any of the

                        Opinion | Why MAGA Wants to Betray Ukraine
                      • Microsoft Wants exFAT in Linux Kernel, Opens File System Specs

                        HomeNewsMicrosoftMicrosoft Wants exFAT in Linux Kernel, Opens File System Specs Microsoft announced today that it supports the inclusion of its exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) file system for USB flash drives and SD cards in the Linux kernel through the Open Invention Network. "Today we’re pleased to announce that Microsoft is supporting the addition of Microsoft’s exFAT technology to the L

                          Microsoft Wants exFAT in Linux Kernel, Opens File System Specs
                        • Everybody Wants To Be Famous (2018年, Superorganism) - 音楽ソムリエ

                          ファンファン・ピコピコ・いままでにない音楽がすごい! ポップベースに・・・ サイケデリック フォーク ヒップホップ エレクトロなどなど 入り交じっており、新しいっす 何よりもオフィシャルのホームページ、そのガチャガチャ感が楽しい❗ https://www.wearesuperorganism.com/ *マリオクリックすると時空が流れ出す SUPERORGANISM(スーパーオーガニズム)のEverybody Wants To Be Famousです。 スーパーオーガニズム(SUPERORGANISM) は、イギリスのロンドンを拠点とする多国籍インディー・ポップバンド。 メンバーはリードヴォーカリストのOrono Noguchi、Emily、Harry、Tucan、Robert Strange、Ruby、B、Soulの8名で構成されます。 国籍、音楽背景もバラバラのメンバー 現代のネット社

                            Everybody Wants To Be Famous (2018年, Superorganism) - 音楽ソムリエ
                          • Devに力を授けたいSREのあゆみ / SRE that wants to empower developers

                            NRUG (New Relic User Group) SRE支部 Vol.1 〜俺たちのSREとNew Relic〜

                              Devに力を授けたいSREのあゆみ / SRE that wants to empower developers
                            • Tinder Wants Users to Find Love in the Apocalypse

                              The dating app's new end-of-the-world, choose-your-own-adventure game, called Swipe Night, will generate new matches based on your choices. It’s the last day on Earth. You’ve just heard the news, felt the tremble of the emergency alert on your phone: A meteor, barreling through deep space, will shatter the planet in a few hours, obliterating everything you know. Goodbye to your mom; toodle-oo to y

                                Tinder Wants Users to Find Love in the Apocalypse
                              • Ryan Dahl, Node.js Creator, Wants to Rebuild the Runtime of the Web

                                Photography: BRYAN DERBALLA Published February 9, 2023 In June 2018, Ryan Dahl took the stage at JSConf EU in Berlin, the largest nonprofit JavaScript conference in the world. Despite it being a high-profile event (and the fact that the majority of the 1,500 conference attendees had filed into this particular warehouse just to see him), Dahl wore a loose-fitting black T-shirt and jeans and kept th

                                  Ryan Dahl, Node.js Creator, Wants to Rebuild the Runtime of the Web
                                • Arfiya Eri Wants to Give a New Face to Japanese Politics

                                  WorldJapanMeet the Multi-Ethnic Millennial Who Just Might Represent the Future of Japanese Politics Meet the Multi-Ethnic Millennial Who Just Might Represent the Future of Japanese Politics Arfiya Eri knows she stands out in Japan’s government today. “Going in and out of Parliament now,” the 34-year-old tells TIME in an interview after her election last month, “there are very few people still in t

                                    Arfiya Eri Wants to Give a New Face to Japanese Politics
                                  • 感想OUTPUT:"Nobody wants to get rich slow." by Warren Buffett - Be financial freedom. 経済的自由の探求

                                    こんにちは、株もっちーです。 金曜日は、本などのINPUTした情報に対するOUTPUTをしていきたいと思います。 要するに読書感想文的な活動ですね。 読んだ本:なし 気づいたこと 行動したこと まとめ 読んだ本:なし 最近、本が読めていないので、気になるお言葉というか名言を紹介します。 ウォーレン・バフェットの言葉です。 Nobody wants to get rich slow. ゆっくり金持ちになりたい人なんていないよ。 YouTubeに紹介があったので、リンクしておきます。 youtu.be 気づいたこと 資産の増減を毎週見ていて、もっと増えないかなーと思うときに、ふと思い出す言葉です。 インデックスETFなんて売り払って、急騰する銘柄や、レバレッジ商品に飛びつきたくなる。 そんな衝動を抑える効果があると思います。 コロナショック付近で暴落にあった石油株も、我慢して持っていればかなり

                                      感想OUTPUT:"Nobody wants to get rich slow." by Warren Buffett - Be financial freedom. 経済的自由の探求
                                    • A startup wants to democratize the tech behind DALL-E 2, consequences be damned

                                      This startup is setting a DALL-E 2-like AI free, consequences be damned DALL-E 2, OpenAI’s powerful text-to-image AI system, can create photos in the style of cartoonists, 19th century daguerreotypists, stop-motion animators and more. But it has an important, artificial limitation: a filter that prevents it from creating images depicting public figures and content deemed too toxic. Now an open sou

                                        A startup wants to democratize the tech behind DALL-E 2, consequences be damned
                                      • Coronavirus: Italy's hardest-hit city wants you to see how COVID-19 is affecting its hospitals

                                        Coronavirus: Italy's hardest-hit city wants you to see how COVID-19 is affecting its hospitals The sheer numbers of people succumbing to the coronavirus is overwhelming every hospital in northern Italy.

                                          Coronavirus: Italy's hardest-hit city wants you to see how COVID-19 is affecting its hospitals
                                        • お客さまへのアプローチはNeedsよりもWantsを刺激すること

                                          お客さまは、Needs(欲求)せは、動かないけど、Wants(欲しい)で行動する この基本原則が理解できると、お客さまへのアプローチが変わってきます。実は、ブログで成果がや結果が出ないとお悩みの方のほとんどが、この言葉を理解できていないんです。 この記事では、NeedsとWantsについての解説と、使い方についてお伝えします。あなたがこの記事を読むことで、読者に行動を促す記事が書けるようになります。是非、最後まで読んでくださいね。 人は「Wants」で行動する生き物 最初に結論からお伝えすると人は「Wants 」を感じると行動する生き物です。「Wants = 欲しい」ですね。欲しいと感じさせることが出来れば行動を促しやすくなります。 じゃあ、どうすれば「Wants」を感じてもらえるのかと言うと、「Needs = 必要性」を伝えると「Wants = 欲しい」気持ちが芽生えてきます。 「欲しい

                                          • Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See

                                            Bong Joon Ho has long been one of South Korea’s best filmmakers thanks to acclaimed movies such as “Memories of Murder,” “Mother,” and “The Host,” but it wasn’t until 2019 that Bong become a worldwide cinema superstar. With “Parasite,” Bong vaulted himself into the topmost echelon of the world’s best directors working today. “Parasite” premiered to the world at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, where

                                              Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See
                                            • 宇宙に着いた前澤から、みなさんへ伝えたいこと。 What MZ Wants to Tell You From Space

                                              12月8日についに!念願の!ISS(国際宇宙ステーション)に到着しました!! 宇宙からの記念すべき第1本目の動画は、初めて自分の目で宇宙を見た前澤からのメッセージです。 夢を叶えるために頑張るみなさんの力に、少しでもなればいいなと願っています。 そして、12日間に及ぶ宇宙旅行期間中は、みなさんからいただいた「前澤に宇宙でやってほしい100のこと」の中から 日々さまざまなことにチャレンジし、その様子を撮影・ご紹介していければと思います。 随時YouTubeで発信していきますのでお楽しみに! Finally...! MZ successfully arrived at the ISS (international Space Station) on the 8th Dec!! The very first video MZ wishes to share with you is a

                                                宇宙に着いた前澤から、みなさんへ伝えたいこと。 What MZ Wants to Tell You From Space
                                              • 5. Needs, Wants, and Demands その違い - #1sheetMktg|高広伯彦(Ph.D. of Management Science)

                                                マーケティング従事者は、needs, wants, demands といった言葉について、明確に理解をしていないことが実は多い。しかし、Kotlerらによってまとめられた 『Marketing Management』 においては、その3つの違いについて定義がなされている。 この違いを理解することで、マーケティング従事者は、「何に」対して働きかけるのかが明確になる。 その違いについて、一枚のシートにまとめた。 ※PDF版は以下からダウンロードできます。

                                                  5. Needs, Wants, and Demands その違い - #1sheetMktg|高広伯彦(Ph.D. of Management Science)
                                                • Shigeru Miyamoto Wants to Create a Kinder World

                                                  The legendary designer on rejecting violence in games, trying to be a good boss, and building Nintendo’s Disneyland. In 1977, Shigeru Miyamoto joined Nintendo, a company then known for selling toys, playing cards, and trivial novelties. Miyamoto was twenty-four, fresh out of art school. His employer, inspired by the success of a California company named Atari, was hoping to expand into video games

                                                    Shigeru Miyamoto Wants to Create a Kinder World
                                                  • What Is Antifa, the Movement Trump Wants to Declare a Terror Group?

                                                    Anti-fascist demonstrators gathered in protest at an alt-right rally in Portland, Ore., last year.Credit...Stephanie Keith/Getty Images As President Trump and his Democratic opponent Joseph R. Biden Jr. enter the final stretch of the presidential campaign, a loosely affiliated group of far-left anti-fascism activists, known as “antifa,” has been the focus of a series of misleading rumors and false

                                                      What Is Antifa, the Movement Trump Wants to Declare a Terror Group?
                                                    • 和訳 Who Wants to Live Forever 「リヴ・フォーエヴァー」 Queenを英語の歌詞の意味つきで聴く - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                                                      Who Wants to Live Forever クイーン youtu.be クイーンとシールの「フレディ追悼コンサート」で聴く youtu.be シールの歌声が好きです この曲もです クイーンとアダム・ランバートのエピソードで観る・聴く youtu.be 和訳つきで英語の歌詞つきで聴く 永遠に生きたい者は誰だ!Queen/Who Wants To Live Forever - YouTube 感謝です ありがとうございます 「永遠に」愛を誓ったりしますが、 現実には「永遠の愛」を持ち続けられるひとは多くはありませんよね 「永遠に」などと軽々しく言わない方がいいよねなんて思ったりもしますが、 うん この歌詞ですね Forever is our today その日その日 この時、現在こそが「永遠」なんですよね 過去も未来もなく、 今だけが、ここにある ここに「永遠」があるのかもしれませんね

                                                        和訳 Who Wants to Live Forever 「リヴ・フォーエヴァー」 Queenを英語の歌詞の意味つきで聴く - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                                                      • Google’s Ivy Ross Wants You to Simply Be – SURFACE

                                                        The Boundaries Issue Google’s Ivy Ross Wants You to Simply Be Ivy Ross, vice president of hardware design and user experience at Google, has embarked on a lifelong journey to ascertain how art and design impact our physiology. By Ryan Waddoups Photographs by Jeff Vespa October 15, 2019 Tucked away within Google’s sprawling Silicon Valley campus is a building unlike any of its neighbors. It’s welco

                                                          Google’s Ivy Ross Wants You to Simply Be – SURFACE
                                                        • いま再び注目を集めるティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズの名曲『Everybody Wants to Rule The World』を聴く(高橋芳朗の音楽コラム) | トピックス | TBSラジオ FM90.5 + AM954~何かが始まる音がする~

                                                          高橋芳朗:本日はこんなテーマでお届けいたします! 「いま再び注目を集めるティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズの名曲『Everybody Wants to Rule The World』を聴く」。1980年代に活躍したイギリスのポップデュオ、ティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズが先週2月25日

                                                            いま再び注目を集めるティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズの名曲『Everybody Wants to Rule The World』を聴く(高橋芳朗の音楽コラム) | トピックス | TBSラジオ FM90.5 + AM954~何かが始まる音がする~
                                                          • 人気Vtuber動画まとめ | 【Emily Wants to Play】あばばばばば…逃げ続けていた最恐ホラーゲームをやるぺこ!!!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】

                                                            ブロトピ:今日のブログ更新 ブロトピ:更新しました ブロトピ:ブログ更新しました! ブロトピ:ブログ更新通知をどうぞ! ブロトピ:★ブログの更新にお役立て下さい。 🐰ぺこらとのお約束🐰 ・待機所でお喋りしない(初見さんが輪に入りずらいから) ・喧嘩しない!不快なコメントがあっても触れないでブロック(スルー大事) ・伝書鳩をしない (他の配信者さんの放送でもぺこらの話をしていないのに「ぺこらちゃんが~」はやめよう!) 約束を破っている人を見かけてもぺこらが対応するので自治はしないで下さいませぺこ ぺこらはあんまり決めごとは作らないで楽しい放送にしたいからみんなよろぺこ(*´×`*) ⋈ —————————————————————————- ⋈ 🥕兎田ぺこらメンバーシップ始めました!! 【特典】 ■専用スタンプ解禁!名前の横にメンバーバッチの追加! ■月に1回コミュニティに壁紙やイラスト

                                                              人気Vtuber動画まとめ | 【Emily Wants to Play】あばばばばば…逃げ続けていた最恐ホラーゲームをやるぺこ!!!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】
                                                            • He Abused Kids For 24 Years. Now He Wants Manga Sexualizing Children to be Banned.

                                                              At adult book shops, he’d visit the section selling comics that show children having sex. Once home, he’d masturbate to these images. The comics were “completely different” from pictures and videos of real children engaged in sex, according to Kato. “They could depict things that could never happen in reality,” he told VICE World News. Increasingly, he sought more explicit content. When he physica

                                                                He Abused Kids For 24 Years. Now He Wants Manga Sexualizing Children to be Banned.
                                                              • 【解説・和訳】 Everybody Wants To Rule The World / ティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズ

                                                                洋楽は解説聞けば好きになる 曲ができた経緯や背景、歌詞(和訳、対訳)、ビルボード Hot 100における最高位や各種記録など新旧問わず解説します。 1985年の今日(6月8日)、1位を獲得した Tears For Fears(ティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズ)の “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” を解説・和訳しました。 権力の探求とそれが引き起こす悲劇がテーマになっていると言われている曲で、ドラムのシャッフルビートと2つのギターソロが印象的な80年代を代表するニューウェーブ。 もともと “Everybody Wants To Go To War”(みんな戦争に行きたがる)というタイトルだったというこの曲のソングライターはメンバーのローランド・オーザバルとイアン・スタンリー、そしてプロデューサーも務めているクリス・ヒューズの3人。 遡及的というか懐古的とい

                                                                  【解説・和訳】 Everybody Wants To Rule The World / ティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズ
                                                                • Nobody wants to be another Oppenheimer.

                                                                  Tech/Google/Artificial Intelligence‘Godfather of AI’ quits Google with regrets and fears about his life’s work ‘Godfather of AI’ quits Google with regrets and fears about his life’s work / Geoffrey Hinton who won the ‘Nobel Prize of computing’ for his trailblazing work on neural networks is now free to speak about the risks of AI. By Thomas Ricker, a deputy editor and Verge co-founder with a passi

                                                                    Nobody wants to be another Oppenheimer.
                                                                  • Haaretz.com on X: "“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy" https:

                                                                    • Rocket Report: Europe wants a super-heavy lifter, Starship nets launch contract

                                                                      Rocket Lab hits milestones with next launch. The company's next mission, a launch in mid-September from New Zealand's Mahia Peninsula, is a dedicated launch for Japanese Earth-imaging satellite constellation operator Synspective. It will also be Rocket Lab's 30th launch. Rocket Lab notes that, in addition, the mission will deliver its 150th payload and 300th Rutherford engine to space. Nine Ruther

                                                                        Rocket Report: Europe wants a super-heavy lifter, Starship nets launch contract
                                                                      • Firefox has lots of room to improve if it wants to beat Chrome | the snazzblog

                                                                        I’ve found myself agreeing wholeheartedly with the recent pushes to get people to switch from Chrome to Firefox. Google keeps pulling dumb trick after dumb trick in an attempt to have more control over the web. It’s hard not to think that this kind of behavior warrants quitting Chrome and other Google products. But taking a look at Firefox usage statistics, it’s pretty obvious that the trend (look

                                                                        • Leaked Government Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption

                                                                          In response to an EU proposal to scan private messages for illegal material, the country's officials said it is “imperative that we have access to the data.” Spain has advocated banning encryption for hundreds of millions of people within the European Union, according to a leaked document obtained by WIRED that reveals strong support among EU member states for proposals to scan private messages fo

                                                                            Leaked Government Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption
                                                                          • Google Wants Workers To Return To The Office Ahead Of Schedule: This Looks Like A Blow To The Remote-Work Trend

                                                                            Google CEO Sundar Pichai has been at the forefront of the work-from-home movement. (AP Photo/Jeff ... [+] Chiu, File) ASSOCIATED PRESS It feels like we’ve gained the upper hand on the pandemic and are nearly ready to jumpstart the economy and return to work. The challenge is that there isn't one politician brave enough to flick the switch and make it happen. We need some leadership to make the tou

                                                                              Google Wants Workers To Return To The Office Ahead Of Schedule: This Looks Like A Blow To The Remote-Work Trend
                                                                            • Systemd's Lennart Poettering Wants to Bring Linux Home Directories into the 21st Century

                                                                              Join our community of software engineering leaders and aspirational developers. Always stay in-the-know by getting the most important news and exclusive content delivered fresh to your inbox to learn more about at-scale software development.

                                                                                Systemd's Lennart Poettering Wants to Bring Linux Home Directories into the 21st Century
                                                                              • Izumi Kenta wants to shake up Japan’s opposition

                                                                                IZUMI KENTA, the leader of Japan’s main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), is itching for change. In an interview with The Economist, the self-declared progressive laments the country’s slow growth and demographic woes. The culprit, he reckons, is the conservative rule of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which has endured for most of the past seven decades. “Old values have kept

                                                                                  Izumi Kenta wants to shake up Japan’s opposition
                                                                                • 近未来で殺人犯を追うノワールアドベンチャー『Nobody Wants to Die』発表。刑事となって高度なテクノロジーを駆使しながら事件を捜査 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

                                                                                  ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com ニュース 家庭用ゲーム PS5 XboxOne PCゲーム XboxSeriesX プレスリリース 近未来で殺人犯を追うノワールアドベンチャー『Nobody Wants to Die』発表。刑事となって高度なテクノロジーを駆使しながら事件を捜査

                                                                                    近未来で殺人犯を追うノワールアドベンチャー『Nobody Wants to Die』発表。刑事となって高度なテクノロジーを駆使しながら事件を捜査 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
