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writingの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 4450件

  • Writing An Hadoop MapReduce Program In Python

    In this tutorial I will describe how to write a simple MapReduce program for Hadoop in the Python programming language. Motivation What we want to do Prerequisites Python MapReduce Code Map step: mapper.py Reduce step: reducer.py Test your code (cat data | map | sort | reduce) Running the Python Code on Hadoop Download example input data Copy local example data to HDFS Run the MapReduce job Improv

    • Writing Better JavaScript with Flow — SitePoint

      How often have you found yourself tracking down a bug in some code, only to find the error was something simple that should have been avoidable? Maybe you passed the arguments to a function in the wrong order, or perhaps you tried to pass a string instead of a number? JavaScript’s weak typing system and willingness to try to coerce variables into different types can be a source of a whole class of

        Writing Better JavaScript with Flow — SitePoint
      • とりあえずPerlコミュニティの皆さんに言ってみたい - iDeaList::Writing

        以前に、プログラム言語のコミュニティ毎によって、初心者の質問のしやすさが違う?という話 - iDeaList::Writingというエントリーを書いて 実際にサービスを作る作らないに関わらず、個人的に早めに行動したいと思い Yahoo!PipesでPerlの質問まとめフィードの作成をしてみました。 Perl FAQ in Japan http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=7rq6Lwh23RGGsJjwbLsjiw Pipesのフィードを使ってスクリプト書いた事はあるのですが、Pipesでフィードを一度も作成した事は無かったです。 思っている以上に簡単で、ソートやユニオンなどを利用して生成できました。 質問サービスってもっと多くないの?って思った人は、各社のサイトから内容を比較してみてください。 業務提携なのか会社からAPIの提供があるのか知

          とりあえずPerlコミュニティの皆さんに言ってみたい - iDeaList::Writing
        • WordPressのちょっとしたテクニック備忘録 - やっぱりWebが好き - Writing Mode

          ここ最近、Writing Modeの構築をはじめとするプライベートワークやら、「自分で全部作っちゃえ」的な小規模コーポレートサイトのお仕事などがいくつかあって、久しぶりにWordPressを本格的に弄っています。いい機会なので、これまでに蓄積したWordPressのちょっとしたテクニックをまとめておくことにします。Writing Modeでは初めて、そしてHiGash.Netのエントリーを振り 返ってみてもお久しぶりのWordPressネタ。 WordPressを使いはじめて、もう5年以上。この間、いろいろWordPressサイトを作ってきて、毎回必ず使う定番テクニックもあれば、いまだに「お。こんなタグあったんだ?」みたいな思わぬ発見に出くわすことも珍しくありません。 今日はこれまでに蓄積してきたWordPressのちょっとしたテクニックを、自分のための備忘録を兼ねてまとめてご紹介。 wp

            WordPressのちょっとしたテクニック備忘録 - やっぱりWebが好き - Writing Mode
          • Letterfu - Letter-writing without envelopes, cutting or glue

            Why send a letterfu folding letter? They're original, colourful and attractive. All you need to send one is a printer, an A4 or Letter-sized sheet of paper and a stamp. The letter is the envelope! It holds itself closed, secured by the stamp - so it doesn't even need any glue. You use the entire sheet of paper, so there's nothing to cut either! They're light. Ideal for international mail. Letter-w

            • Writing a Microservice in Rust

              Let me begin this article on Writing a Microservice in Rust by talking about C++. I’ve been a reasonably active member of the C++ community for quite a while now, attending and contributing talks to conferences, following the development and evangelism of the language’s more modern features and of course writing lots of it. C++ is a language that gives its users very fine-grained control over all

              • Writing Testable JavaScript

                We’ve all been there: that bit of JavaScript functionality that started out as just a handful of lines grows to a dozen, then two dozen, then more. Along the way, a function picks up a few more arguments; a conditional picks up a few more conditions. And then one day, the bug report comes in: something’s broken, and it’s up to us to untangle the mess. As we ask our client-side code to take on more

                  Writing Testable JavaScript
                • Writing your first Django app, part 1 | Django documentation

                  Writing your first Django app, part 1¶ Let’s learn by example. Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of a basic poll application. It’ll consist of two parts: A public site that lets people view polls and vote in them. An admin site that lets you add, change, and delete polls. We’ll assume you have Django installed already. You can tell Django is installed and which version

                    Writing your first Django app, part 1 | Django documentation
                  • Why we’re writing machine learning infrastructure in Go, not Python

                    Source: Free Gopher PackAt this point, it should be a surprise to no one that Python is the most popular language for machine learning projects. While languages like R, C++, and Julia have their proponents—and use cases—Python remains the most universally embraced language, being used in every major machine learning framework. So, naturally, our codebase at Cortex—an open source platform for deplo

                      Why we’re writing machine learning infrastructure in Go, not Python
                    • Writing HTTP Middleware in Go · Justinas Stankevičius

                      In the context of web development, "middleware" usually stands for "a part of an application that wraps the original application, adding additional functionality". It's a concept that usually seems to be somewhat underappreciated, but I think middleware is great. For one, a good middleware has a single responsibility, is pluggable and self-contained. That means you can plug it in your app at the i

                      • Writing an API Wrapper in Ruby with TDD | Envato Tuts+

                        Sooner or later, all developers are required to interact with an API. The most difficult part is always related to reliably testing the code we write, and, as we want to make sure that everything works properly, we continuosly run code that queries the API itself. This process is slow and inefficient, as we can experience network issues and data inconsistencies (the API results may change). Let’s

                          Writing an API Wrapper in Ruby with TDD | Envato Tuts+
                        • エンジニアtypeさんの連載:ギークな女子会 acotie編の原稿について補足と私信 - iDeaList::Writing

                          http://engineer.typemag.jp/brightw/2011/07/-acotie.php の補足と私信です。 思いのほか長くなってしまったので、一部の方以外はスルーしてください>< 今回のエントリーを書くに至った経緯、ごく一部の方に誤解を招くような表現 エンジニアtypeさんで座談会企画をさせて頂いた内容ですが、実際に私がドワンゴで働いていなかったような表現になっているのは事実です。 時間の制約がある中で、私が元ドワンゴ社員ということは自己紹介の際にも、取材中にも編集部の方にも何度もお伝えしましたし 実際には全面的にドワンゴの開発部の内情を知った上でつっ込んだ内容の話や質問もしていました。*1 しかし編集の方が必要ないと判断されたのか内容がバッサリ消されていたり、編集部の方が質問した内容が私が言ったようにすり変えられていました。 結果的にできあがった原稿全体の流れとして

                            エンジニアtypeさんの連載:ギークな女子会 acotie編の原稿について補足と私信 - iDeaList::Writing
                          • GitHub - BoostIO/BoostNote-Legacy: This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing. https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote-App

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                              GitHub - BoostIO/BoostNote-Legacy: This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing. https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote-App
                            • GitHub - laobubu/HyperMD: A WYSIWYG Markdown Editor for browsers. Break the Wall between writing and previewing.

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                                GitHub - laobubu/HyperMD: A WYSIWYG Markdown Editor for browsers. Break the Wall between writing and previewing.
                              • 不動産投資に役立つ資格を厳選!おすすめの資格と資格取得のメリット・デメリットを解説します | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所

                                不動産投資を成功させるために必要なことの1つとして、知識を身に付けることが挙げられます。 不動産投資をするのに必須の資格はありませんが、「不動産投資に関連する知識を身に付ける」という目的で資格の勉強をすることは役立つでしょう。 そこで今回は、不動産投資に役立つ資格を厳選してご紹介します。 不動産投資におすすめの資格と資格を取得するメリット・デメリットを解説しますので、興味のある人はぜひ挑戦してみてください。 不動産投資に関連する資格を取得するメリット・デメリット 不動産投資をするにあたって、絶対に取得しなければならない資格はありません。 しかし、不動産投資で成功させたいのであれば、不動産投資に関連した資格の勉強をすることも役立つでしょう。 ここでは、不動産投資に関連する資格を取得するメリット・デメリットを解説します。 不動産投資に興味のある人・不動産投資に関連する資格の取得を検討している人

                                  不動産投資に役立つ資格を厳選!おすすめの資格と資格取得のメリット・デメリットを解説します | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所
                                • Writing a TrueType font renderer

                                  This post was discussed further on Hacker News. 09 Jan, 2024: There was an issue with newsletter signups. If you tried to sign up, please try again! You should see a success message. Text is the medium of digital interaction, and text rendering has an outsized impact on the overall fit and finish of any system. It therefore pains me that axle has for years relied on a low-resolution 8x8 bitmap fon

                                  • Lessons Learned While Writing "peco"

                                    Lessons Learned While Writing "peco" Daisuke Maki Engineer, LINE Corporation This Slide go-talks.appspot.com/github.com/lestrrat/go-slides/2014-gree-techtalk6/main.slide 2 Who Is This Guy? @lestrrat LINE / Japan Perl Association / YAPC::Asia (2008~2013) STF / peco (new!) 3 Background Perl/C guy for last 16 yrs Picked up Go about a year ago 4 Look Ma! I'm (now) more Gopher than you! Go歴は短いけどがっつりGo書

                                    • Learn x86-64 assembly by writing a GUI from scratch

                                      Published on 2023-05-31. Learn x86-64 assembly by writing a GUI from scratch Most people think assembly is only to be used to write toy programs for learning purposes, or to write a highly optimized version of a specific function inside a codebase written in a high-level language. Well, what if we wrote a whole program in assembly that opens a GUI window? It will be the hello world of the GUI worl

                                      • Amazon.com: Improv Electronics Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet 【簡易パッケージ版】: Electronics

                                        ■Size: 5.6 x 8.8 inches (141 x 222 mm), Thickness: 0.1 inches (3 x 6 ■Weight: Approx. 4.2 oz (120 g) ■ Internal battery cannot be replaced ■Product Contents: Main unit, Stylus pen

                                          Amazon.com: Improv Electronics Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet 【簡易パッケージ版】: Electronics
                                        • DAILY WRITING TIPS

                                          Storytelling is an art form as old as language itself. Every culture, every civilization, has its unique approaches to narrating stories and engaging the reader. Storytelling is directly linked to the way we perceive reality, and by learning how to captivate our readers through powerful narrative techniques, we take them on an unforgettable journey.  Storytelling … Read more A formerly useful and

                                          • 13.1. csv — CSV File Reading and Writing — Python 2.7.18 documentation

                                            This document is for an old version of Python that is no longer supported. You should upgrade and read the Python documentation for the current stable release. The so-called CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is the most common import and export format for spreadsheets and databases. There is no “CSV standard”, so the format is operationally defined by the many applications which read and write i

                                            • GitHub - textlint-ja/textlint-rule-preset-ja-technical-writing: 技術文書向けのtextlintルールプリセット

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                                                GitHub - textlint-ja/textlint-rule-preset-ja-technical-writing: 技術文書向けのtextlintルールプリセット
                                              • Copy writing (@Copy__writing) | Twitter


                                                  Copy writing (@Copy__writing) | Twitter
                                                • Ginger Software | English Grammar & Writing App

                                                  Write with Confidence With Ginger, the AI-powered writing assistant, correct your texts, improve your style and boost your creativity. Add to Chrome It's free Add to Microsoft Edge It's free Add to Safari It's free Download for Mac It's free Download for Windows It's free Download Ginger for Mac Download for Windows and MS Office Rated 4.6★ - Trusted by 8 million users Rated 4.6★ - Trusted by 8 mi

                                                  • A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World: 10 tips on writing reusable code

                                                    I have been trying to increase code reuse in the projects I have been doing recently. In my first few years of coding I hardly ever got to reuse any of my code because it was always too coupled together and dependant upon other parts of the code. So recently I have been trying to write code which I can reuse. It has been interesting that since I have been doing this I have noticed that my library

                                                    • Talk: Writing a language in 15 minutes – The If Works

                                                      I gave a talk at London Ruby User Group yesterday, based on the work I’ve been doing on Heist, my Scheme interpreter project. I wrote the core of a basic Scheme interpreter in about 15 minutes as a live-coded demo (well, kind of – the coding was pre-recorded so I could focus on talking), which seemed to go down pretty well. If you missed it (or if you were there and want to watch it again in slow

                                                      • GitHub - shqld/tish: A replacement of shell script with TypeScript, for those who love TypeScript and tired of writing shell script, aiming to emulate shell script in TypeScript.

                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                          GitHub - shqld/tish: A replacement of shell script with TypeScript, for those who love TypeScript and tired of writing shell script, aiming to emulate shell script in TypeScript.
                                                        • Writing Python like Rust · Questions Nobody Asked..

                                                          Writing Python like Rust 10 May 2020 Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the type annotations. Listen, I didn’t plan on making a whole ‘writing X like Y’ series. But here we are. I’ve recently been working on a new project at work - my first project in pure Python 3. Meaning, I get to play with all the new toys! And as I was writing this code, it struck me that was borrowing a lot of trick

                                                          • Writing AWS Lambda Functions in Scala | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Compute Blog Writing AWS Lambda Functions in Scala Tim Wagner, AWS Lambda General Manager Sean Reque, AWS Lambda Software Developer AWS Lambda’s Java support also makes it easy to write Lambda functions in other jvm-based languages. Let’s take a look at how you can do that for Scala. Getting Started with Scala If you’re an old hand at Scala, skip ahead…otherwise: We’ll step you through the pro

                                                              Writing AWS Lambda Functions in Scala | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • why is academic writing important for us

                                                              2017-10-26, 研究室内勉強会資料 (1) なぜライティングスキルは重要なのか (2) 論文投稿先に関する基礎知識

                                                                why is academic writing important for us
                                                              • bobbyvandersluis.com | Ten good practices for writing JavaScript in 2005

                                                                Ten good practices for writing JavaScript in 2005 Published on April 19, 2005 1. Make sure your JavaScript code is in balance with its environment Web Standards are a three-legged stool, or without metaphors, a threesome of technologies that should live together in harmony. (X)HTML adds structure and semantics to your content, CSS is responsible for its presentation, and the DOM provides an interf

                                                                • Stop writing Regular Expressions. Express them with Verbal Expressions.

                                                                  GitHub user jehna has fashioned a runaway hit with his unique way of constructing difficult regular expressions. VerbalExpressions turns the often-obscure-and-tricky-to-type regular expression operators into descriptive, chainable functions. The result of this is quite astounding. Here’s the example URL tester from the README: var tester = VerEx() .startOfLine() .then( "http" ) .maybe( "s" ) .then

                                                                    Stop writing Regular Expressions. Express them with Verbal Expressions.
                                                                  • Writing a Ractor-based web server<!-- --> • Kir Shatrov

                                                                    Ractor, the new concurrency primitive in Ruby, has been merged to the upstream few days ago. I’ve been following that PR and watching the author’s talk at RubyKaigi (in Japanese, I wasn't able to find the translated version but it should be available somewhere), which got me excited to try Ractor myself. A web application server is the first thing that comes to mind when playing with concurrency.

                                                                    • GitHub - abema/go-mp4: Go library for reading and writing MP4 file

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                                                                        GitHub - abema/go-mp4: Go library for reading and writing MP4 file
                                                                      • Kazuho@Cybozu Labs: Writing Hot-deployable servers (introduction of Server::Starter)

                                                                        Yesterday at YAPC::Asia 2009, I did a LT introducing verious techniques to write hot-deployable servers, and introduced a perl module called Server::Starter that encapsulates the burden of developing support for hot-deployment within each TCP server program. The presentation slides are on Slideshare.

                                                                        • Writing signal-aware waitpid in Perl

                                                                          As I have talked in YAPC::Asia couple of years ago, the wait functions (e.g. wait, waitpid) of Perl do not return EINTR when receiving a signal. This is a problem if you would want to wait for child processes until receiving a signal. Proc::Wait3 can be a solution, however the module may be hard to install as it is an XS module. It should also be noted that the module provides replacement for wait

                                                                          • 原田朱美 on Twitter: "これいい記事だなあ。書いた高校生の感性あってこその記事。→→@Copy_writing中の人インタビュー!「インターネットは、すべての話を良い方向に持って行こうとする傾向があるけど、暗いことは暗いことでいいじゃない、と言いたい」 https://t.co/fy4NIeABJ3"

                                                                            これいい記事だなあ。書いた高校生の感性あってこその記事。→→@Copy_writing中の人インタビュー!「インターネットは、すべての話を良い方向に持って行こうとする傾向があるけど、暗いことは暗いことでいいじゃない、と言いたい」 https://t.co/fy4NIeABJ3

                                                                              原田朱美 on Twitter: "これいい記事だなあ。書いた高校生の感性あってこその記事。→→@Copy_writing中の人インタビュー!「インターネットは、すべての話を良い方向に持って行こうとする傾向があるけど、暗いことは暗いことでいいじゃない、と言いたい」 https://t.co/fy4NIeABJ3"
                                                                            • 戸建て投資物件の探し方|失敗しないための選び方も解説【初心者向け】 | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所

                                                                              不動産投資に興味のある人の中には、比較的少額から始めやすい戸建て投資を検討している人もいるのではないでしょうか? 実際、私たちも不動産投資の1棟目は中古戸建てでした。なかなか融資が通りにくかったので、まずは現金で購入できる金額の戸建てから始めて少しずつ実績を作ろうと考えたからです。 とはいえ、いざ戸建て投資を始めたいと思っても、どのように物件を探して、どのような物件を選べば良いのかわからず悩む方もいるでしょう。 そこで今回は、戸建て投資物件の探し方について解説します。失敗しないための選び方もご紹介しますので、戸建て投資に興味のある方はぜひ参考にしてみてください。

                                                                                戸建て投資物件の探し方|失敗しないための選び方も解説【初心者向け】 | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所
                                                                              • GitHub - remogatto/mandala: A Go framework for writing native Android applications

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                                                                                  GitHub - remogatto/mandala: A Go framework for writing native Android applications
                                                                                • The Ultimate Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Go Web-apps

                                                                                  You probably want to use Docker with Go, because: Packaging as a container is required if you’re running it on Kubernetes (like me!)You have to work with different versions of Go on the same machine.You need exact, reproducible, shareable and deterministic environments for development as well as production.You need a quick and easy way of building and deploying a final compiled binary.You might wa

                                                                                    The Ultimate Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Go Web-apps