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Discussionに関するエントリは380件あります。 githubarchitectureweb などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『ぼくのかんがえる最高のデータ分析基盤 / strongest-data-architecture-discussion』などがあります。
  • ぼくのかんがえる最高のデータ分析基盤 / strongest-data-architecture-discussion

    # みんなの考えた最強のデータアーキテクチャ https://datatech-jp.connpass.com/event/258157/ ## イベント説明 datatech-jpで集ったデータエンジニアが、それぞれみんなの考えた最強のデータアーキテクチャを紹介し合うという夢のような企画が実現しました! たくさんの新しいプロダクトが群雄割拠する現在、モダンデータスタックなどという言葉も登場しています。 今こそ、どんなプロダクトを選び、どのようなデータ基盤を作れば、効率的にやりたいことが実現できるのか。 5人の猛者からおすすめの構成をご紹介いただきながら、参加者のみなさんとも一緒に考えていく時間としたいと思います。 ぜひ奮ってご参加ください! ## 発表概要 広告配信システムで発生する大量で多種多様のデータ。そして、人間の多種多様なデータへのニーズに耐えるために至ったデータアーキテクチャに

      ぼくのかんがえる最高のデータ分析基盤 / strongest-data-architecture-discussion
    • var / let / const と言う脈略のない三銃士ども · Ubugeeei/work-log · Discussion #136

      序 ここ数日、for文の由来は何か? と言う話題が上がった。 シンタックスのキーワードの由来については自分も関心があって、好きなトピック。 中でも、いつも思っていたことがあって、JavaScriptの変数宣言に使われるキーワード選定が謎と言うのがある。 このことについてツイートしたところたくさんの方に反応をいただけたので備忘録として。 元ツイ: https://twitter.com/ubugeeei/status/1691491304428236800?s=20 お気持ち: https://twitter.com/ubugeeei/status/1691623230812123376?s=20 その他お気持ち: https://twitter.com/ubugeeei/status/1691519021957672961?s=20 https://twitter.com/ubugeeei

        var / let / const と言う脈略のない三銃士ども · Ubugeeei/work-log · Discussion #136
      • Replacing Sass · Discussion #44 · Shopify/foundational-design-system-proto

        We’ve noticed several growing pain points to using Sass at scale. Some of these apply to Polaris and teams using Polaris, while others impact development across Shopify. In Polaris, the original Sass variables, functions, and mixins are creating a burden with newer technologies that have been introduced: CSS variables and JS utilities. This has led to added overhead in how these technology layers

          Replacing Sass · Discussion #44 · Shopify/foundational-design-system-proto
        • Proposal for dropping ie11 support in Vue 3 · vuejs/rfcs · Discussion #296

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            Proposal for dropping ie11 support in Vue 3 · vuejs/rfcs · Discussion #296
          • RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #5

            RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components In this technical deep dive, we'll implement a very simplified version of React Server Components (RSC) from scratch. This deep dive will be published in several parts: Part 1: Server Components (this page) Part 2: Client Components (not written yet) Part 3: TBD (not written yet) Seriously, this is a deep dive! This deep dive doesn't explain the benefits

              RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #5
            • New Suspense SSR Architecture in React 18 · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #37

              Overview React 18 will include architectural improvements to React server-side rendering (SSR) performance. These improvements are substantial and are the culmination of several years of work. Most of these improvements are behind-the-scenes, but there are some opt-in mechanisms you’ll want to be aware of, especially if you don’t use a framework. The primary new API is renderToPipeableStream, whic

                New Suspense SSR Architecture in React 18 · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #37
              • エッセイ: React with React Compiler は "Just JavaScript" であるか · Ubugeeei/work-log · Discussion #429

                Twitter で散らかしてしまったので軽くまとめておく. 序・前提 まず前提として、コンパイラを使った最適化を行うという方針については私はとても賛成である. インターフェースを崩さずに DX を改善するにあたってこのアプローチはしばしば有効的であるし、私自身もそれを全面に押し出すフレームワークを使っている. ただし、コンパイラが介入するにあたってのメンタルモデルの変更(または統一 1) についていくつかの疑問がある. 私は普段から React を書いているわけでもなく専門家でもないので、これから話すことは React に対する意見というより、「React を使っている人は、この点どう感じているのだろうか?」という好奇心からくるもので、その是非に対するものではない. 何度も言うが私は 賛成 している. また、これらは https://react.dev/blog で React Compi

                  エッセイ: React with React Compiler は "Just JavaScript" であるか · Ubugeeei/work-log · Discussion #429
                • 【新社長×Data Technology】はたらく×テクノロジーを共に創る、考える  #discussion for the future - techtekt

                  2022年4月 パーソルキャリアでは新経営体制への移行が決定し、代表取締役社長として瀬野尾 裕が就任しました。掲げるポリシーは「どんなに大きくなっても、10人のベンチャー企業のような “オープンでフラットな議論ができる組織” である」こと―― そんな瀬野尾がパーソルキャリアの今とこれからについてメンバーとディスカッションする様子を、全3回にわたってお届けしています。 今回のテーマは、「テクノロジー活用による、“はたらく”の変革の可能性」です。テクノロジーとデータを司り、高い技術力を生かした業務で数多くの事業を支援してきた、デジタルテクノロジー統括部のシニアエンジニア・シニアストラテジストの4名とと対談します。 “変化をただ待っていても仕方がない”ミッションの実現に向け、社会や企業に対する働きかけが重要 社会や企業への働きかけとして、テクノロジー観点からできること キャリアオーナーシップを考

                    【新社長×Data Technology】はたらく×テクノロジーを共に創る、考える  #discussion for the future - techtekt
                  • Complete rewrite of ESLint · eslint/eslint · Discussion #16557

                    Introduction ESLint was first released in 2013, meaning it will be ten years old next year. During that time, the way people write JavaScript has changed dramatically and we have been using the incremental approach to updating ESLint. This has served us well, as we've been able to keep up with changes fairly quickly while building off the same basic core as in 2013. However, I don't believe contin

                      Complete rewrite of ESLint · eslint/eslint · Discussion #16557
                    • CTO に求められる役割から年収、持ち株割合まで。著名 CTO・CEO が徹底討論【CTO Night & Day 2019 – Panel Discussion】 | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS Startup ブログ CTO に求められる役割から年収、持ち株割合まで。著名 CTO・CEO が徹底討論【CTO Night & Day 2019 – Panel Discussion】 CTO や VPoE など、技術の立場から企業経営に関与するリーダー・マネージャーのための招待制オフサイト・カンファレンスである CTO Night & Day。2019年10月9日に行われた Day1 では、日本やアメリカ、イギリスといった国々で活躍する4名の CTO・CEO が、CTO のロールについて技術やステージ、グローバルなどの視点からディスカッションを実施。CTO Night & Day 参加者の実態調査の結果もふまえ、日米の違いについても議論しました。議論を通じて見えた「CTO の役割そして求められる素養」とは? <パネリスト> グリー株式会社 取締役 上級執行役員 最高技術責任者

                        CTO に求められる役割から年収、持ち株割合まで。著名 CTO・CEO が徹底討論【CTO Night & Day 2019 – Panel Discussion】 | Amazon Web Services
                      • Cut Russia from Github due to massive invasion of Ukraine · community · Discussion #12042

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                          Cut Russia from Github due to massive invasion of Ukraine · community · Discussion #12042
                        • GitHub - mozilla/TTS: :robot: Deep learning for Text to Speech (Discussion forum: https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/tts)

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                            GitHub - mozilla/TTS: :robot: Deep learning for Text to Speech (Discussion forum: https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/tts)
                          • 長期のインプット・アウトプットマクロデータを用いた日本の大学の論文生産の分析[DISCUSSION PAPER No. 180]の公表について - 科学技術・学術政策研究所 (NISTEP)

                            トップ » 調査研究成果公表 » 長期のインプット・アウトプットマクロデータを用いた日本の大学の論文生産の分析[DISCUSSION PAPER No. 180]の公表について - 科学技術・学術政策研究所 (NISTEP) 長期のインプット・アウトプットマクロデータを用いた日本の大学の論文生産の分析[DISCUSSION PAPER No. 180]の公表について 科学技術・学術政策研究所(NISTEP)では、日本が生み出す論文数が停滞している要因を明らかにするために、日本の大学を対象に1980年代からの論文数、研究者数、研究開発費の長期マクロデータを整備し、過去、日本の論文数が増加している時期も含めて重回帰分析及び要因分析を行いました。 その結果、2000年代半ばからの、日本の論文数の停滞は、1)教員の研究時間割合低下に伴う研究専従換算係数を考慮した教員数の減少(2000年代半ば~20

                              長期のインプット・アウトプットマクロデータを用いた日本の大学の論文生産の分析[DISCUSSION PAPER No. 180]の公表について - 科学技術・学術政策研究所 (NISTEP)
                            • v1.0.0 Beta · openai/openai-python · Discussion #631

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                                v1.0.0 Beta · openai/openai-python · Discussion #631
                              • Emulate NovelAI · AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui · Discussion #2017

                                Disclaimer: I have no relationship with Automatic1111/Voldy, i take all responsability for this discussion and everything shared here compiled, edited and tested by aiamiauthor Newsfeed https://rentry.org/sdupdates author: questianon !!YbTGdICxQOw (malt#6065) November 22, 2022 Anything 3.0 VAE is just the NovelAI VAE but renamed November 11, 2022 NAI's "Variations" feature does (by enhance anon):

                                  Emulate NovelAI · AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui · Discussion #2017
                                • redefining for loop variable semantics · golang/go · Discussion #56010

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                                    redefining for loop variable semantics · golang/go · Discussion #56010
                                  • [Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) · community · Discussion #16925

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                                      [Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) · community · Discussion #16925
                                    • Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532

                                      Japanese Languages support officially supported Current behavior, pointed out issues, and Possible enhancement Language Detection Current behavior Meilisearch Language detection is handled by an external library named whatlang, then, depending on the detected Script and Language, a specialized segmenter and specialized Normalizers are chosen to tokenize the provided text. related to: meilisearch#2

                                        Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532
                                      • I'm sorry · dotnet-foundation/Home · Discussion #39

                                        I'm Claire Novotny, Executive Director for the .NET Foundation, and I made a mistake this last week when I made a PR and merged it to a project without discussion. While I’d been involved in this project as a founder and maintainer for many years – long before the foundation – I was not active recently and I overstepped. I failed to consider how the interaction would look through the lens of my cu

                                          I'm sorry · dotnet-foundation/Home · Discussion #39
                                        • Glossary + Explain Like I'm Five · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #46

                                          tl;dr This thread contains plain English and explain-like-I'm-five definitions of the terms and concepts used throughout other discussions. Scroll to comments to find (or add) a term and explanations connected to it ✨ First of all, thank you for amazing discussions and articles shared here so far. It has been an amazing reading adventure 💕 As has been pointed out in another thread, complicated te

                                            Glossary + Explain Like I'm Five · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #46
                                          • Discussion with Rosa Menkman, Nukeme, ucnv | MASSAGE MAGAZINE マッサージマガジン

                                            Interview: Nukeme, ucnv, Text: Yusuke Shono, Translation: Goh Hirose (Introduction), Chocolat(Interview part), Interpreter: Natsumi Fujita 2011年、Rosa Menkmanは「Network Notebook#04:The Glitch Moment(um)」を発表した。コンピューターエラーまたは「誤作動」に関するアートである「グリッチアート」という用語は、当時まだ一般的なものではなかった。論文Glitch Moment(um)は、グリッチアートを現代アートの新しいジャンルとして理解しようという試みだった。彼女はまた、グリッチをテーマにしたGLI.TC/Hというアートフェスティバルを運営するファシリテーターの1人であり、そして自身の理論を体現した作品

                                              Discussion with Rosa Menkman, Nukeme, ucnv | MASSAGE MAGAZINE マッサージマガジン
                                            • [Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) · community · Discussion #16925

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                                                [Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) · community · Discussion #16925
                                              • Why do Client Components get SSR'd to HTML? · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #4

                                                If you're familiar with React, your mental model before RSC might look similar to this (blank space on the left is intentional): RSC does not change that mental model, but it adds a new layer before any of that existing code runs: The RSC Server layer might remind you of Remix loaders, Astro templates, build-time scripts, and other code that runs ahead-of-time — but in the form of React components

                                                  Why do Client Components get SSR'd to HTML? · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #4
                                                • Open sourcing Ezno's checker and trying out / previewing the JavaScript type checker today · kaleidawave/ezno · Discussion #21

                                                  Firstly, to not waste anyone's time, do not bother running this currently on any existing projects. It does not currently support import, loops, async and loads of other JavaScript features. This is an early release to showcase functions, object, events and basic typing. More of those features coming shortly, once the architecture has been initially tried out. I have created a quick start guide fo

                                                    Open sourcing Ezno's checker and trying out / previewing the JavaScript type checker today · kaleidawave/ezno · Discussion #21
                                                  • Bintray shuts down · Homebrew · Discussion #691

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                                                      Bintray shuts down · Homebrew · Discussion #691
                                                    • [RFC] Time to maintain a fork of Next.js? · blitz-js/blitz · Discussion #1990

                                                      Problem Our custom compiler approach has done fairly well thus far, but we are reaching its limits. Currently we compile a blitz codebase into a next.js code base (inside .blitz/build) and then run next from .blitz/build. This allows us to override and customize most things about next.js. But honestly this is a bit hacky and introduces a whole slew of problems that we have to try and work around.

                                                        [RFC] Time to maintain a fork of Next.js? · blitz-js/blitz · Discussion #1990
                                                      • Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828

                                                        It's been some time since we gave any update on the Browser Mode, and Vitest 2.0 seems like a good time to explain how we feel about it. And we have a lot of plans! The initial purpose of Vitest was to allow running tests without a complex Jest setup but with the battle-tested Jest API everyone is already familiar with. This also meant faking the browser environment (with jsdom or happy-dom). With

                                                          Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828
                                                        • Deep Dive: Caching and Revalidating · vercel/next.js · Discussion #54075

                                                          The Next.js App Router introduced new heuristics around caching and revalidating. To ensure we’re all discussing the intended behavior of how caching is designed to work, I thought it would be helpful to have a discussion going in-depth on how each piece works. This complements the recently published caching documentation. It’s a follow up to an issue where some members of the community were confu

                                                            Deep Dive: Caching and Revalidating · vercel/next.js · Discussion #54075
                                                          • `large-v3` release · openai/whisper · Discussion #1762

                                                            We're pleased to announce the latest iteration of Whisper, called large-v3. Whisper-v3 has the same architecture as the previous large models except the following minor differences: The input uses 128 Mel frequency bins instead of 80 A new language token for Cantonese The large-v3 model is trained on 1 million hours of weakly labeled audio and 4 million hours of pseudolabeled audio collected using

                                                              `large-v3` release · openai/whisper · Discussion #1762
                                                            • Temptations of an open-source browser extension developer · extesy/hoverzoom · Discussion #670

                                                              Over the years, I have received many proposals to monetize this extension so I think I'll just start posting them here for fun (but not for profit). The main reason I continue to maintain this extension is because I can hardly trust others to not fall for one of these offers. I'm fortunate to have a job that pays well enough to allow me to keep my moral compass and ignore all of these propositions

                                                                Temptations of an open-source browser extension developer · extesy/hoverzoom · Discussion #670
                                                              • SSG - How to localize/i18n the Next.js 404 page? · vercel/next.js · Discussion #12477

                                                                The pages/404.tsx page allows to customise the 404 error displayed to the end user. See https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/custom-error-page#404-page But, since it lives in /pages and not /pages/[locale] as do my other Pages, it doesn't benefit from i18n support. I have successfully displayed the 404 page, but it's the same for all languages (no i18n support). I tried to use getStaticPaths,

                                                                  SSG - How to localize/i18n the Next.js 404 page? · vercel/next.js · Discussion #12477
                                                                • Design Trade-offs in Bundler: The Rationale Behind Creating Rspack · web-infra-dev · Discussion #1

                                                                  chinese version Before embarking on the development of Rspack, we explored various build tools and frameworks, including extensive use of Webpack, Vite, esbuild, and Rollup in real-world production environments. To provide some context, our team, known as the WebInfra Team, is responsible for overseeing the company's suite of front-end build tools and frameworks. Some of these are open-source, whi

                                                                    Design Trade-offs in Bundler: The Rationale Behind Creating Rspack · web-infra-dev · Discussion #1
                                                                  • Is Turbopack really 10x Faster than Vite? · yyx990803/vite-vs-next-turbo-hmr · Discussion #8

                                                                    Interestingly, the growth curve here shows that Next/turbo got 4x slower in the root case compared to the leaf case, whereas Vite only got 2.4x slower. This implies a curve where Vite HMR scales better in even larger components. In addition, switching to SWC should also improve Vite's cold start metrics in Vercel's benchmarks. Performance on Different Hardware Since this is a composite benchmark t

                                                                      Is Turbopack really 10x Faster than Vite? · yyx990803/vite-vs-next-turbo-hmr · Discussion #8
                                                                    • RFC: Incremental Static Regeneration · vercel/next.js · Discussion #11552

                                                                      Update: This has been released. See the docs for more information. The RFC will remain for historical context. Summary Fully automatic re-rendering of statically exported pages without a full rebuild. With regards to static site generators this feature has been referred to in multiple ways, most commonly "Incremental builds" or "Incremental rebuilds". This RFC exclusively discusses API additions.

                                                                        RFC: Incremental Static Regeneration · vercel/next.js · Discussion #11552
                                                                      • structured, leveled logging · golang/go · Discussion #54763

                                                                        This discussion has led to a proposal and is now finished. Please comment on the proposal. We would like to add structured logging with levels to the standard library. Structured logging is the ability to output logs with machine-readable structure, typically key-value pairs, in addition to a human-readable message. Structured logs can be parsed, filtered, searched and analyzed faster and more rel

                                                                          structured, leveled logging · golang/go · Discussion #54763
                                                                        • What is tearing? · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #69

                                                                          Overview Tearing is a term traditionally used in graphics programming to refer to a visual inconsistency. For example, in a video, screen tearing is when you see multiple frames in a single screen, which makes the video look “glitchy”. In a user interface, by “tearing” we mean that a UI has shown multiple values for the same state. For example, you may show different prices for the same item in a

                                                                            What is tearing? · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #69
                                                                          • Fraud Alert: Fake GitHub Job Opportunity Email · community · Discussion #109171

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                                                                              Fraud Alert: Fake GitHub Job Opportunity Email · community · Discussion #109171
                                                                            • user-defined iteration using range over func values · golang/go · Discussion #56413

                                                                              There is no standard way to iterate over a sequence of values in Go. For lack of any convention, we have ended up with a wide variety of approaches. Each implementation has done what made the most sense in that context, but decisions made in isolation have resulted in confusion for users. In the standard library alone, we have archive/tar.Reader.Next, bufio.Reader.ReadByte, bufio.Scanner.Scan, con

                                                                                user-defined iteration using range over func values · golang/go · Discussion #56413
                                                                              • Severity HIGH security problem to be announced with curl 8.4.0 on Oct 11 · curl/curl · Discussion #12026

                                                                                We are cutting the release cycle short and will release curl 8.4.0 on October 11, including fixes for a severity HIGH CVE and one severity LOW. The one rated HIGH is probably the worst curl security flaw in a long time. The new version and details about the two CVEs will be published around 06:00 UTC on the release day. CVE-2023-38545: severity HIGH (affects both libcurl and the curl tool) CVE-202

                                                                                  Severity HIGH security problem to be announced with curl 8.4.0 on Oct 11 · curl/curl · Discussion #12026
                                                                                • Trigger workflow only on pull request MERGE · community · Discussion #26724

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                                                                                    Trigger workflow only on pull request MERGE · community · Discussion #26724
