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internet speed testの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 341件

  • Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare

    Test your Internet connection. Check your network performance with our Internet speed test. Powered by Cloudflare's global edge network.

      Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare
    • 訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

      翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! 去年アップした『訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より』で翻訳紹介した論考のなかで、参照文献として挙げられていた文献のうち2つ、ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ著『GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURE(物語による建築物としてのゲームデザイン)』とボニー・ルバーク取材『Clint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration(クリント・ホッキングが語る冒険の美徳)』。別記事1つ、ドン・カーソン著『Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive

        訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
      • Time on Unix

        Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

          Time on Unix
        • Consider SQLite

          If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

          • OpenAI API ドキュメント 日本語訳|#2 GET STARTED 後編|ゑぐみかるちゃあ

            OpenAI API ドキュメントの日本語訳をこちらでまとめます。文字量の多いドキュメントなので、セクションごとに記事を分割しています。 今回は「GET STARTED 」のセクションからLibraries 、Models、TutorialsそしてUsage policiesを抜粋した後編です。 基本 DeepLで翻訳して、気になるところだけ書き換えています(ほぼ気になるところがないのが、DeepLのすごいところ)。原文との突き合わせができるようにはじめに原文を入れてますので、間違いなど見つけられましたら、ぜひご指摘ください。ご指摘箇所は随時反映させていただきます。 原文のリンクが有効になってますので、それぞれ必要な場合は原文リンクの方を参照ください。 前回のおさらいはこちら Python library|Python ライブラリWe provide a Python library, w

              OpenAI API ドキュメント 日本語訳|#2 GET STARTED 後編|ゑぐみかるちゃあ
            • xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

              xz-backdoor.md FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) This is still a new situation. There is a lot we don't know. We don't know if there are more possible exploit paths. We only know about this one path. Please update your systems regardless. This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything abo

                xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)
              • Remix vs Next.js

                Easily the biggest question we get asked is something like: How is Remix different from Next.js? It appears we have to answer this question! We'd like to address it directly and without drama. If you're a fan of Remix and want to start tweeting smug reactions to this article, we kindly ask that you drop the smugness before hitting the tweet button 🤗. A rising tide lifts all boats. We've been frie

                  Remix vs Next.js
                • Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS Machine Learning Blog Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of scalable compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across industries are transforming their businesses. Just recently, generative AI app

                    Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                  • Go: A Documentary

                    Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                    • GitHub - google/cdc-file-transfer: Tools for synching and streaming files from Windows to Linux

                      CDC File Transfer Born from the ashes of Stadia, this repository contains tools for syncing and streaming files from Windows to Windows or Linux. The tools are based on Content Defined Chunking (CDC), in particular FastCDC, to split up files into chunks. History At Stadia, game developers had access to Linux cloud instances to run games. Most developers wrote their games on Windows, though. Theref

                        GitHub - google/cdc-file-transfer: Tools for synching and streaming files from Windows to Linux
                      • Advanced macOS Commands - saurabhs.org

                        macOS is fortunate to have access to the huge arsenal of standard Unix tools. There are also a good number of macOS-specific command-line utilities that provide unique macOS functionality. To view the full documentation for any of these commands, run man <command>. caffeinate - set Mac sleep behavior Running caffeinate with no flags or arguments prevents your Mac from going to sleep as long as the

                        • プロと読み解く Ruby 3.2 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ

                          技術部の笹田(ko1)と遠藤(mame)です。クックパッドで Ruby (MRI: Matz Ruby Implementation、いわゆる ruby コマンド) の開発をしています。お金をもらって Ruby を開発しているのでプロの Ruby コミッタです。 昨日 12/25 に、恒例のクリスマスリリースとして、Ruby 3.2.0 がリリースされました(Ruby 3.2.0 リリース)。今年も Ruby 3.2 の NEWS.md ファイルの解説をします。NEWS ファイルとは何か、は以前の記事を見てください。 プロと読み解く Ruby 2.6 NEWS ファイル - クックパッド開発者ブログ プロと読み解くRuby 2.7 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ プロと読み解くRuby 3.0 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ プロと読み解く Ruby 3.1 NEWS -

                            プロと読み解く Ruby 3.2 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ
                          • 自分の回線速度は遅いのか速いのか1時間ごとにインターネット接続速度をテストし最大30日間分を記録して分析できる「MySpeed」レビュー、WindowsやLinuxでセルフホスト可能なオープンソース

                            MySpeedは継続的にインターネットの回線速度を計測・記録してくれるツールです。どんなアプリなのか、実際に使って試してみました。 gnmyt/myspeed: A speed test analysis software that shows your internet speed for up to 30 days https://github.com/gnmyt/myspeed 今回はWindowsで動作を試すので、「Installation」の項目にある「Windows」をクリックします。 Windowsマシンへのインストール手順が解説されているので、この手順に従って進めていきます。 最初にNode.jsのインストールが必要とのこと。Node.jsの公式サイトへ行き、「LTS」と書かれたバージョンのボタンをクリックします。 実行ファイルがダウンロードされるので、ダブルクリックして実

                            • SpaceX(スペースX)を徹底解剖! 事業概要、ビジネスモデル、歴史、組織、今後の展望まとめ|soranome inc.

                              ( 🚀🚀🚀2020年12月30日アップデートしました🚀🚀🚀) sorano me編集部では『宇宙ビジネスモデル図鑑』と題し、Space Exploration Technologies Corp.(以下、SpaceX)を第1回として、様々な宇宙ビジネス企業を徹底解剖を行う連載を本日より開始します。 SpaceXと言えば、毎年多くのロケットを打ち上げ、民間による月周回旅行に株式会社ZOZOの創業者である前澤さんを世界初の乗客とすることを発表するなど、世界中の多くの人が知っているであろう世界有数の宇宙ビジネス企業。 また、直近ではロケットの開発だけではなく、大量の通信衛星を打ち上げ、ブロードバンド通信を世界中に提供するビジネスを展開するなど、その事業モデルは多岐にわたります。 名実ともに破竹の勢いで成長を続けるSpaceXは民間宇宙ビジネスのトップランナーと言っても過言ではありませ

                                SpaceX(スペースX)を徹底解剖! 事業概要、ビジネスモデル、歴史、組織、今後の展望まとめ|soranome inc.
                              • Building LLM applications for production

                                [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

                                  Building LLM applications for production
                                • Speedtest CLI: Internet speed test for the command line

                                  Speedtest® CLIInternet connection measurement for developers Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. Built for software developers, system administrators and computer enthusiasts alike, Speedtest CLI is the first official Linux-native Speedtest application backed by Ookla®. With Speedtest CLI, you can easily: Measure internet conn

                                    Speedtest CLI: Internet speed test for the command line
                                  • GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy | Jay Mody

                                    January 30, 2023 In this post, we'll implement a GPT from scratch in just 60 lines of numpy. We'll then load the trained GPT-2 model weights released by OpenAI into our implementation and generate some text. Note: This post assumes familiarity with Python, NumPy, and some basic experience training neural networks. This implementation is missing tons of features on purpose to keep it as simple as p

                                    • My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023

                                      In this post I will hopefully detail my entire home network. Some of this has been in separate posts explaining single items, but nowhere do I have all of the network in one post with all the changes since last year. Here is a full shot of the rack in my house. Its in a centrally located closet which happens to have a 2ft x 2ft chase into the attic, which is very handy for running network cables.

                                        My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023
                                      • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                                        Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                                          Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                                        • Fastly Launches Highly-Secure Serverless JavaScript

                                          Compute@Edge’s unique isolation sandbox technology enables a fast, secure JavaScript experience as developers continue to enter into the growing serverless computing landscape. SAN FRANCISCO -- JULY 21, 2021 -- Fastly, Inc. (NYSE: FSLY), a global edge cloud platform provider, today announced the availability of JavaScript in Compute@Edge, allowing developers to build with even more flexibility in

                                            Fastly Launches Highly-Secure Serverless JavaScript
                                          • How I made a heap overflow in curl | daniel.haxx.se

                                            In association with the release of curl 8.4.0, we publish a security advisory and all the details for CVE-2023-38545. This problem is the worst security problem found in curl in a long time. We set it to severity HIGH. While the advisory contains all the necessary details. I figured I would use a few additional words and expand the explanations for anyone who cares to understand how this flaw work

                                            • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

                                              The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

                                                The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
                                              • New – AWS App Runner: From Code to a Scalable, Secure Web Application in Minutes | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS News Blog New – AWS App Runner: From Code to a Scalable, Secure Web Application in Minutes Containers have become the default way that I package my web applications. Although I love the speed, productivity, and consistency that containers provide, there is one aspect of the container development workflow that I do not like: the lengthy routine I go through when I deploy a container image for t

                                                  New – AWS App Runner: From Code to a Scalable, Secure Web Application in Minutes | Amazon Web Services
                                                • Speeding up Linux disk encryption

                                                  Data encryption at rest is a must-have for any modern Internet company. Many companies, however, don't encrypt their disks, because they fear the potential performance penalty caused by encryption overhead. Encrypting data at rest is vital for Cloudflare with more than 200 data centres across the world. In this post, we will investigate the performance of disk encryption on Linux and explain how w

                                                    Speeding up Linux disk encryption
                                                  • M1RACLES: An Apple M1 Vulnerability

                                                    M1RACLES (CVE-2021-30747) is a covert channel vulnerability in the Apple Silicon “M1” chip. Executive Summary A flaw in the design of the Apple Silicon “M1” chip allows any two applications running under an OS to covertly exchange data between them, without using memory, sockets, files, or any other normal operating system features. This works between processes running as different users and under

                                                      M1RACLES: An Apple M1 Vulnerability
                                                    • Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

                                                      This all started with a blog post back in 2020, from a tech curiosity: what's the fastest way to scale containers on AWS? Is ECS faster than EKS? What about Fargate? Is there a difference between ECS on Fargate and EKS on Fargate? I had to know this to build better architectures for my clients. In 2021, containers got even better, and I was lucky enough to get a preview and present just how fast t

                                                        Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
                                                      • The End of AMP

                                                        I am hopeful that 2021 will be the beginning of the end for two of my least favorite things – the pandemic and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). For the past few months, I’ve been focusing on Google’s Page Experience update due to launch in May and what it means for publishers. The largest and most talked-about item in the update is Google announcing that sites with passing core web vitals will rece

                                                          The End of AMP
                                                        • LogLog Games

                                                          The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

                                                          • SSH Pentesting Guide

                                                            What are SSH and SFTP? SSH is a secure remote shell protocol used for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. The default SSH port is 22, it’s common to see it open on servers on Internet or Intranets. SFTP is the SSH File Transfer Protocol, a protocol used to transfer files over an SSH connection. Most SSH implementations are also supporting SFTP. SSH servers/libs The most

                                                              SSH Pentesting Guide
                                                            • Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests

                                                              Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress – how to choose? At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability,… At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability, accelerate test creation, and improve root-cause analysis. We evaluate a number of test automation frameworks to understand

                                                                Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests
                                                              • Use Fast Data Algorithms | Joey Lynch's Site

                                                                Disclaimer: There are lies, damn lies, and benchmarks from some random person on the internet. If you are considering taking some of the advice in this post please remember to test your specific workloads, which might have different bottlenecks. Also the implementation quality in your particular software stack for your particular hardware matters a lot. For this post I’ll be playing with a ~5 GiB

                                                                • 全部めんどいけんAnsibleで自動化しよ?❤️ | 奴隷インフラエンジニアの日常

                                                                  みなさま、こんばんわ。梶松です。 タスクに追われ、更新が不定期ですが、梶松は元気です。 最近は7payの1件などで世間は大騒ぎですね。 この件に限ったことではありませんが、セキュリティは仕事もプライベートも意識していきたいものです。 さて、前回の”pythonでsambaにアクセス!”の記事から24時間も立ってませんが、今回はansibleという構成管理ツールを使用して自動化を実施していきます。 Ansibleについて Ansibleとは? なんてググれば星の数ほど記事が出てきますが、簡単にどんなものか記載します 突然ですが、大量のサーバ群に対して多量の作業を短時間で実施する必要が出た場合、どうしますか? 量も時間的制約も関係ねぇ、気合いで乗り切るぜ!と人力で実施します? その場合オペミスはもちろん、作業にかける時間等も懸念点としてあげられます。 もちろん、俺はエンジニアだぜ?スクリプトを

                                                                    全部めんどいけんAnsibleで自動化しよ?❤️ | 奴隷インフラエンジニアの日常
                                                                  • How we built JSR

                                                                    We recently launched the JavaScript Registry - JSR. It’s a new registry for JavaScript and TypeScript designed to offer a significantly better experience than npm for both package authors and users: It natively supports publishing TypeScript source code, which is used to auto-generate documentation for your package It’s secure-by-default, supporting token-less publishing from GitHub Actions and pa

                                                                      How we built JSR
                                                                    • Composer 2: What's new and changed

                                                                      Composer, PHP dependency manager was released about 8 years ago, and its second major version is just around the corner. Over the years, Composer received many new features, and kept up with PHP standards. Composer version 2 will be mostly compatible with your existing workflows, while bringing some more great new features. Faster download times One of the most noticeable changes would be its perf

                                                                        Composer 2: What's new and changed
                                                                      • Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

                                                                        Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare02/08/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to "the other side" or experiment and learn about this new social network. Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-so

                                                                          Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare
                                                                        • DuckDB-Wasm: Efficient Analytical SQL in the Browser

                                                                          TL;DR: DuckDB-Wasm is an in-process analytical SQL database for the browser. It is powered by WebAssembly, speaks Arrow fluently, reads Parquet, CSV and JSON files backed by Filesystem APIs or HTTP requests and has been tested with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Node.js. You can try it in your browser at shell.duckdb.org or on Observable. DuckDB-Wasm is fast! If you’re here for performance numbers, h

                                                                            DuckDB-Wasm: Efficient Analytical SQL in the Browser
                                                                          • Engineers solve 50-year-old puzzle in signal processing

                                                                            Engineers solve 50-year-old puzzle in signal processing by Mike Krapfl, Iowa State University Vladimir Sukhoy and Alexander Stoytchev, left to right, with the derivation for the ICZT algorithm in structured matrix notation -- the answer to a 50-year-old puzzle in signal processing. Credit: Paul Easker Something called the fast Fourier transform is running on your cell phone right now. The FFT, as

                                                                              Engineers solve 50-year-old puzzle in signal processing
                                                                            • Techniques to make a web app load fast, even on a feature phone

                                                                              Techniques to make a web app load fast, even on a feature phone How we used code splitting, code inlining, and server-side rendering in PROXX. At Google I/O 2019 Mariko, Jake, and I shipped PROXX, a modern Minesweeper-clone for the web. Something that sets PROXX apart is the focus on accessibility (you can play it with a screenreader!) and the ability to run as well on a feature phone as on a high

                                                                                Techniques to make a web app load fast, even on a feature phone
                                                                              • スピーディーなコンテナ環境の構築とアプリケーションデプロイができる『AWS Copilot CLI』 - 継続は力なり

                                                                                タダです. 現在ベータ版ですが ECS や Fargate でのアプリケーションの作成/リリース/管理するための開発者向けツールである「AWS Copilot CLI」を触ってみました.この記事でツールの概要,ツールの導入,サンプルアプリケーションのデプロイを通じてこのツールで AWS へのコンテナ環境構築とデプロイがシュッとできる感覚が伝われば幸いです✨ ツールの概要 ecs-cli との関係 ツールのインストール Copilot CLI を使ったサンプルアプリケーションのデプロイウォークスルー ローカル環境のセットアップ コンテナの環境構築とサンプルアプリケーションのデプロイ 環境のクリーンアップ まとめ ツールの概要 「AWS Copilot CLI」(以下 Copilot CLI)は,ECS や Fargate のアプリケーションの作成,リリース,運用する時に DevOps のベス

                                                                                  スピーディーなコンテナ環境の構築とアプリケーションデプロイができる『AWS Copilot CLI』 - 継続は力なり
                                                                                • HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack

                                                                                  HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack10/10/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record b

                                                                                    HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack