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  • 違法な職務質問をされたので東京都を訴えた裁判の控訴審は棄却、理由は突然に

    職務質問裁判の控訴は棄却された。判決文は以下から読むことができる。 https://github.com/EzoeRyou/calling-110-is-suspicious 2年前の7月3日、職務質問を受けた。 警察官に職務質問をされた話し この職務質問は明らかに違法であると感じたので、弁護士に相談の上、東京都に対して国賠訴訟を起こした。警察官というのは各都道府県の下に位置する行政組織なので、警察を訴えるというのは、その警察の所属する都道府県を訴えるということになる。 一審判決は請求棄却。理由としては、「最初の10分間は不審事由がないが、刃物などの危険物を入れることができるリュックを背負っていたから声をかけ10分間その場にとどめて話をするのは違法ではない。このとき110番通報を要請したことは不審事由にあたりその後の1時間20分の職務質問は不審事由が存在するために合法である」というわけのわ

    • 名著「UNIXという考え方 - UNIX哲学」は本当に名著なのか? 〜 著者のガンカーズは何者なのかとことん調べてみた - Qiita

      補足 1975: トンプソンはベル研を一時休職し、母校のカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に Version 6 Unix をインストールする作業を手伝う。これは後に BSD Unix として配布される。 1984-1998: ガンカーズが DEC でプリンシパル・ソフトウェア・エンジニアを務めた時期 ガンカーズは DEC の Unix Engineering Group (UEG) に所属 いつから DEC に勤めていたのかは不明 P63 より「小さな会社で Version 7 Unix を使っていた」ので 1979 年よりも後 V7M の開発には関わってなさそう おそらく 1980-1984 の間に DEC に入社したと思われる ガンカーズが「UNIX の考え方」についての本はないだろうか?と考えたのは 1991 年 1988: POSIX.1 標準化(POSIX.2 は 1992 年)

        名著「UNIXという考え方 - UNIX哲学」は本当に名著なのか? 〜 著者のガンカーズは何者なのかとことん調べてみた - Qiita
      • OpenAI API の ファインチューニングガイド|npaka

        1. ファインチューニングの利点ファインチューニングの利点は、次のとおりです。 (1) プロンプトよりも高品質な応答 (2) プロンプトに収まりきらないより多くの例の適用 (3) プロンプトの短縮によるトークン数 (コスト) の節約 (4) プロンプトの短縮による処理時間の短縮 モデルは膨大な量のテキストで事前学習されており、このモデルを効果的に利用するため、プロンプトに手順や応答の例を指定する手法が使われます。この例を使用してタスクの実行方法を示すことを「Few-Shot」と呼びます。 ファインチューニングで、プロンプトに収まりきらないより多くの例で学習することにより、さまざまなタスクでより良い結果を達成できるようになります。プロンプトに多くの例を指定する必要はなくなります。これによりトークン (コスト) が節約され、処理時間も短縮されます。 2. ファインチューニングの使用料金ファイン

          OpenAI API の ファインチューニングガイド|npaka
        • Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price

          Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price TOKYO — The finish line of the men’s triathlon Monday morning looked something like a battlefield scene, bodies sprawled out on ground, trainers coming to the aid of overheated athletes, even a few being helped off with their arms draped over shoulders. This despite the Olympics moving the start time to 6:30 a

            Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price
          • Becoming a Better Writer as a Software Engineer

            Writing is an increasingly important skill for engineering leaders. Indeed, poor writing can hamper career progression, above a certain level. Tactics for more clear, more frequent and more confident writing. I’ve observed that my writing is not up to par with my peers. How can I improve my professional writing, as someone working in tech?I get this question from many people: senior engineers who

              Becoming a Better Writer as a Software Engineer
            • 早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について Waseda University’s Policy on Tuition

              早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について 2020年5月5日 更新2020年5月15日 早稲田大学の学生の皆さん、並びに保護者の皆様へ *English version follows Japanese 今般の新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大は、日本のみならず、世界中の人々に恐怖心を抱かせると共に、経済的苦痛を与えています。この度、ご本人もしくはご家族が感染された方、なくなられた方もいらっしゃるかと存じます。また、経済的に打撃を受けていらっしゃる方もいらっしゃると存じます。そのような方たちには心からお見舞い、お悔やみを申し上げます。 早稲田大学は、5月11日(月)からオンラインによる授業を開始し、2020年度春学期を8月2日まで行い、通常どおり単位を付与することにしています。一方、早稲田大学の各キャンパスは、感染防止のために、立入禁止を継続しています。図書館・体育館などすべての施設は、利用できな

                早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について Waseda University’s Policy on Tuition
              • Time on Unix

                Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

                  Time on Unix
                • WebSockets vs Server-Sent-Events vs Long-Polling vs WebRTC vs WebTransport | RxDB - JavaScript Database

                  For modern real-time web applications, the ability to send events from the server to the client is indispensable. This necessity has led to the development of several methods over the years, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Initially, long-polling was the only option available. It was then succeeded by WebSockets, which offered a more robust solution for bidirectional communicati

                    WebSockets vs Server-Sent-Events vs Long-Polling vs WebRTC vs WebTransport | RxDB - JavaScript Database
                  • A Modern C Development Environment

                    Sometimes, C/C++ projects have a long development cycle. When working on such a project, it can be easy to take our development environment for granted, and forget about the effort invested in its bring-up. The build environment works like magic, the test framework is neatly integrated, and the CI/CD pipeline relieves us of tedious, repetitive tasks. For me, all it took was a simple thought: How d

                      A Modern C Development Environment
                    • Consider SQLite

                      If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

                      • CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI (Updated Jan 13)

                        CircleCI News Last Updated Mar 13, 2023 14 min read Security update 01/12/2023 - 00:30 UTC We have partnered with AWS to help notify all CircleCI customers whose AWS tokens may have been impacted as part of this security incident. Today, AWS began alerting customers via email with lists of potentially impacted tokens. The subject line for this email is [Action Required] CircleCI Security Alert to

                          CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI (Updated Jan 13)
                        • Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

                          This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, and 한국어. By reading this, you are a participant of the web. It's amazing that we can write this blog and have it appear to you without operating a server or writing a line of code. In general, the web of today empowers us to participate more than we could at any point in the past. Last year, we mentioned the next phase of the Internet would be always

                            Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
                          • 4ADというレーベル、そしてアルバム30枚(前編) - ブンゲイブ・ケイオンガクブ

                            今回は表題のとおり、1980年代頃から現在に至るまで優れたロックアルバムやバンド等を輩出し続けているイギリスのインディーレコードレーベルである4ADについて、改めてその歴史や拘りについて書き出して、そして具体的にその長い歴史から30枚のアルバムを選んだので、それらのレビューも含めて色々と観ていこうという記事です。 この記事の前の記事でBig Thiefのライブについて書きましたが、このバンドが4AD所属なため何度かこの文字列を打っていたら思うところがあって、この記事を書くことにしました。一気に勢いで選盤して描いていこうと思ったんですが、色々と考えてたら最初20枚にしてたアルバム選定も30枚に達したり、前書き的な部分だけで相当なボリュームになったので前半と後半に分けて書きます。 4ADの歴史ーイギリスのレーベル?アメリカのレーベルじゃ…?ー その始まりーゴスな雰囲気を中心としてー Begga

                              4ADというレーベル、そしてアルバム30枚(前編) - ブンゲイブ・ケイオンガクブ
                            • Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know

                              Coming up with a title that explains the full story here was difficult, so I'm going to try to explain quickly. Yesterday, Docker sent an email to any Docker Hub user who had created an "organisation", telling them their account will be deleted including all images, if they do not upgrade to a paid team plan. The email contained a link to a tersely written PDF (since, silently edited) which was mi

                                Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know
                              • Go: A Documentary

                                Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                                • REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js

                                  I've created and consumed many API's over the past few years. During that time, I've come across good and bad practices and have experienced nasty situations when consuming and building API's. But there also have been great moments. There are helpful articles online which present many best practices, but many of them lack some practicality in my opinion. Knowing the theory with few examples is goo

                                    REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js
                                  • Ultimate Guide to Python Debugging

                                    Even if you write clear and readable code, even if you cover your code with tests, even if you are very experienced developer, weird bugs will inevitably appear and you will need to debug them in some way. Lots of people resort to just using bunch of print statements to see what's happening in their code. This approach is far from ideal and there are much better ways to find out what's wrong with

                                      Ultimate Guide to Python Debugging
                                    • What it was like working for GitLab

                                      I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

                                      • Building LLM applications for production

                                        [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

                                          Building LLM applications for production
                                        • GitHub - bregman-arie/devops-exercises: Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions

                                          In general, what do you need in order to communicate? A common language (for the two ends to understand) A way to address who you want to communicate with A Connection (so the content of the communication can reach the recipients) What is TCP/IP? A set of protocols that define how two or more devices can communicate with each other. To learn more about TCP/IP, read here What is Ethernet? Ethernet

                                            GitHub - bregman-arie/devops-exercises: Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
                                          • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

                                            My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

                                              The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
                                            • ネットの音楽オタクが選んだ2020年のベストトラック、ベストアルバムの詳細 - 音楽だいすきクラブ

                                              順位のまとめ、補足、おまけです。画像や文章を見たくない。スクロールが大変な方はこちらがおすすめです。 2020年のベストトラック 2020年のベストアルバム 国内トップ150アルバム 海外トップ150アルバム 2020年のベストトラック 1. 米津玄師「感電」 2. BTS「Dynamite」 3. GEZAN「東京」 4. 宇多田ヒカル「Time」 5. サニーデイ・サービス「春の風」 6. The 1975「Me & You Together Song」 7. The 1975「Guys」 8. 藤井風「優しさ」 9. 赤い公園「pray」 10. 折坂悠太「トーチ」 11. 舐達磨「BUDS MONTAGE」 12. 赤い公園「オレンジ」 13. KID FRESINO「Cats & Dogs (feat.カネコアヤノ)」 14. RYUTist「ALIVE」 15. あいみょん「裸

                                                ネットの音楽オタクが選んだ2020年のベストトラック、ベストアルバムの詳細 - 音楽だいすきクラブ
                                              • Speculation in JavaScriptCore

                                                This post is all about speculative compilation, or just speculation for short, in the context of the JavaScriptCore virtual machine. Speculative compilation is ideal for making dynamic languages, or any language with enough dynamic features, run faster. In this post, we will look at speculation for JavaScript. Historically, this technique or closely related variants has been applied successfully t

                                                • A DX7 USB Dongle

                                                  The amazing Rene Stange added USB Gadget (i.e. device) support to the Circle bare metal Raspberry Pi environment a while ago so I’ve now incorporated that into MiniDexed. This allows MiniDexed to be used as a USB device – i.e. it can just be plugged into a PC and used via USB MIDI directly, as long as your Raspberry Pi supports USB Gadget mode and you have some means of audio output. This post loo

                                                    A DX7 USB Dongle
                                                  • React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application

                                                    There is no consensus on the right way to organize a React application. React gives you a lot of freedom, but with that freedom comes the responsibility of deciding on your own architecture. Often the case is that whoever sets up the application in the beginning throws almost everything in a components folder, or maybe components and containers if they used Redux, but I propose there's a better wa

                                                      React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application
                                                    • How to Clean Up Your Computer to Its Original State (Without Reinstalling Windows)

                                                      Is your computer slow? Or maybe you want to clear everything before you sell it? Here's the easiest way to wipe your Windows computer clean! The easiest way to revert your Windows computer to its original state is to wipe it clean, but what if you don't want to go through the hassle of reinstalling Windows? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can clean your PC of virtual cobwebs without usin

                                                        How to Clean Up Your Computer to Its Original State (Without Reinstalling Windows)
                                                      • Podcasting Setup 2020

                                                        It’s been a while since the last time I wrote about my podcasting setup (link in Japanese). Although I haven’t changed most of the setup since the stability is one of the most important things, I’d like to note the current setup since it might be interesting to a future podcaster. Beta87A and US2x2 Recording Environment Before getting to the gears, it is important to pick where to record. The most

                                                        • 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs

                                                          50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs 50 Shades of Go in Other Languages Chinese Translation: blog post, segmentfault (by wuYin) - needs updates Another Chinese Translation: blog post (by Shadowwind LEY) - needs updates Russian Translation: blog post (by Ilia Ozhereliev, Mail.Ru Group Blog) - needs updates Overview Go is a simple and fun language, but, like any o

                                                          • Load Balancing

                                                            Past a certain point, web applications outgrow a single server deployment. Companies either want to increase their availability, scalability, or both! To do this, they deploy their application across multiple servers with a load balancer in front to distribute incoming requests. Big companies may need thousands of servers running their web application to handle the load. In this post we're going t

                                                              Load Balancing
                                                            • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                                                              Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                                                                Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                                                              • Appeal to Ruby community from Kharkiv Rubyist

                                                                I don't build systems. I imagine them, then write them. Hi. I am Victor Shepelev from Kharkiv, Ukraine, also known as @zverok (Twitter, GitHub). I am writing in Ruby since 2003; I maintain several libraries and Ruby Changelog. You might’ve met me on several international conferences, /r/ruby and elsewhere. This year I also applied to be Ruby commiter this year and was honored to be approved. I am

                                                                  Appeal to Ruby community from Kharkiv Rubyist
                                                                • 1Password 8: The Story So Far | 1Password

                                                                  Greetings everyone! With the recent launch of our Early Access preview of 1Password 8 on macOS I wanted to take a few minutes to pull back the curtain on this software development project that is over two years in the making. Before we get into that, though, I think a bit of backstory is warranted. 1Password 7, 6, 5, 4… With a fifteen year history, 1Password has seen a lot of changes across all ou

                                                                    1Password 8: The Story So Far | 1Password
                                                                  • CR+LF has a long history...

                                                                    The ASR33, like most teletypes of the era, works at a fixed rate. It does 10 characters per second. It is 110 Baud, using 1 start, 8 data (inc parity), and 2 stop, so 10cps Tx and 10cps Rx; 10cps printing; 10cps punching tape; 10cps reading tape; 10cps maximum typing speed. Everything happens based on one motor that does this 10cps working, engaging clutches to start an operation which completes i

                                                                      CR+LF has a long history...
                                                                    • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

                                                                      The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

                                                                        The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
                                                                      • Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service Interactive applications need to process requests and respond very quickly, and this requirement extends to all the components of their architecture. That is even more important when you adopt microservices and your architecture is composed of many small independent services that communica

                                                                          Introducing Amazon MemoryDB for Redis – A Redis-Compatible, Durable, In-Memory Database Service | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • Web Scraping with Python: Everything you need to know (2022)

                                                                          Introduction: In this post, which can be read as a follow-up to our guide about web scraping without getting blocked, we will cover almost all of the tools to do web scraping in Python. We will go from the basic to advanced ones, covering the pros and cons of each. Of course, we won't be able to cover every aspect of every tool we discuss, but this post should give you a good idea of what each too

                                                                            Web Scraping with Python: Everything you need to know (2022)
                                                                          • My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

                                                                            My Python Development Environment: My Python Development Environment, 2020 EditionFor years I’ve noodled around with various setups for a Python development environment. A couple of years ago I wrote about a setup I finally liked; this is an update to that post. Bad news: this stuff still isn’t stable, and I’ve had to make some changes. Good news: the general concepts still hold, and the new tools

                                                                              My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
                                                                            • Lightsail Containers: An Easy Way to Run your Containers in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services

                                                                              AWS News Blog Lightsail Containers: An Easy Way to Run your Containers in the Cloud When I am delivering an introduction to the AWS Cloud for developers, I usually spend a bit of time to mention and to demonstrate Amazon Lightsail. It is by far the easiest way to get started on AWS. It allows you to get your application running on your own virtual server in a matter of minutes. Today, we are addin

                                                                                Lightsail Containers: An Easy Way to Run your Containers in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services
                                                                              • Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

                                                                                This all started with a blog post back in 2020, from a tech curiosity: what's the fastest way to scale containers on AWS? Is ECS faster than EKS? What about Fargate? Is there a difference between ECS on Fargate and EKS on Fargate? I had to know this to build better architectures for my clients. In 2021, containers got even better, and I was lucky enough to get a preview and present just how fast t

                                                                                  Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
                                                                                • Stimulus 3 + Turbo 7 = Hotwire 1.0

                                                                                  September 24, 2021 Stimulus 3 + Turbo 7 = Hotwire 1.0 For so long, it felt like I could only tell half the story of how we make software for the web at Basecamp. Too many of the chapters about our front-end approach were missing key pages. Sure, we had some of it out there. Turbolinks, for example, hark back to 2012, when I was inspired by Chris Wanstrath's ideas in pjax, and took them further. An

                                                                                    Stimulus 3 + Turbo 7 = Hotwire 1.0