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  • Why I Won't Use Next.js

    You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

      Why I Won't Use Next.js
    • Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 1 Released

      Posted by naruse on 25 Sep 2020 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0-preview1. It introduces a number of new features and performance improvements. RBS RBS is a language to describe the types of Ruby programs. Type checkers including type-profiler and other tools supporting RBS will understand Ruby programs much better with RBS definitions. You can write down the definition of clas

      • Deep Dive: NewSQL Databases

        Overview One of my colleagues, @margo_hdb, recently posted a great article Database Architectures & Use Cases - Explained here on dev.to. In response a user asked for a deeper dive on NewSQL databases, so I thought I would put one together. The term NewSQL was coined in 2011 by 451 Group analyst Matthew Aslett. Wikipedia defines the term below: “ NewSQL is a class of relational database management

          Deep Dive: NewSQL Databases
        • Announcing TypeScript 4.5 - TypeScript

          Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 4.5! If you’re not yet familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding statically checked types. When you use static types, you can run the TypeScript compiler to check for bugs like typos and mismatches in the shapes of your data, and get handy suggestions. These types don’t change your program, and you can re

            Announcing TypeScript 4.5 - TypeScript
          • Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning

            Automating the end-to-end lifecycle of Machine Learning applications Machine Learning applications are becoming popular in our industry, however the process for developing, deploying, and continuously improving them is more complex compared to more traditional software, such as a web service or a mobile application. They are subject to change in three axis: the code itself, the model, and the data

              Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning
            • DevTools architecture refresh: migrating DevTools to TypeScript  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

              This post is part of a series of blog posts describing the changes we are making to DevTools' architecture and how it is built. Following up on our migration to JavaScript modules and migration to Web Components, today we are continuing our blog post series on the changes we are making to Devtools' architecture and how it is built. (If you have not seen it already, we posted a video on our work of

              • SRE for single-tiered software applications | Google Cloud Blog

                In cloud operations, we often hear about the benefits of microservices over monolithic architecture. Indeed, microservices help manage hardware being abstracted away and push developers towards resilient, distributed designs. However, many enterprises still have monolithic architectures which they need to maintain. For this post, we’ll use Wikipedia’s definition of a monolith: “A single-tiered sof

                  SRE for single-tiered software applications | Google Cloud Blog
                • Post-Incident Review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage - Atlassian Engineering

                  This PIR is available in the following languages:日本語 | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | Deutsch | English | Español | Français | Italiano | 한국어 | Polski | Português | русский. Letter from our co-founders & co-CEOs We want to acknowledge the outage that disrupted service for customers earlier this month. We understand that our products are mission critical to your business, and we don't take that responsibility light

                    Post-Incident Review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage - Atlassian Engineering
                  • Ruby 3.0.0 Released

                    Posted by naruse on 25 Dec 2020 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0. From 2015 we developed hard toward Ruby 3, whose goal is performance, concurrency, and Typing. Especially about performance, Matz stated “Ruby3 will be 3 times faster than Ruby2” a.k.a. Ruby 3x3. With Optcarrot benchmark, which measures single thread performance based on NES’s game emulation workload, it achieved

                    • The Fediverse is Already Dead | Nora Codes

                      Leonora Tindall 2023/02/23 The Fediverse is not dying, nor is it crumbling. As an ideoform in the collective consciousness of the ’net, the Fediverse is already dead. What was the Fediverse? Stripped of technical terminology, the Fediverse (“federated universe”) refers to a bunch of web services which let people share text, images, video and audio with each other without a centralized authority. I

                      • Ruby 3.1.0 Released

                        Posted by naruse on 25 Dec 2021 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.1.0. Ruby 3.1 keeps compatibility with Ruby 3.0 and also adds many features. YJIT: New experimental in-process JIT compiler Ruby 3.1 merges YJIT, a new in-process JIT compiler developed by Shopify. Since Ruby 2.6 introduced MJIT in 2018, its performance greatly improved, and finally we achieved Ruby3x3 last year. But

                        • ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transp|堀 あきこ

                          ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transphobia in the Japanese Twittersphere - Akiko Hori (English follows Japanese) この記事は『福音と世界』2019年6月号に書いたものです。日本のインターネットにおけるトランス女性への排除言説をまとめ、差別を考え、差別に抗うために書きました。 私は、こうした記事執筆やハッシュタグキャンペーン、反トランスフォビア声明の発表(2,715人が賛同署名)を、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ研究者たちと一緒にカウンターアクションとして行ってきました。 しかし、これらのアクションを受け、日本におけるトランス排除的言説を擁護する英語の投稿が

                            ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transp|堀 あきこ
                          • Japanese conservative messages propagate to moderate users better than their liberal counterparts on Twitter - Scientific Reports

                            A growing body of research indicates fragmentation of political communication on social media1. Not only do people tend to consume politically homogeneous information on social media selectively, but they also tend to “friend” politically like-minded others selectively and disassociate from others with incongruent views2. As a result, politically cross-cutting communication on social media decreas

                              Japanese conservative messages propagate to moderate users better than their liberal counterparts on Twitter - Scientific Reports
                            • Separation of positional and keyword arguments in Ruby 3.0

                              Posted by mame on 12 Dec 2019 This article explains the planned incompatibility of keyword arguments in Ruby 3.0 tl;dr In Ruby 3.0, positional arguments and keyword arguments will be separated. Ruby 2.7 will warn for behaviors that will change in Ruby 3.0. If you see the following warnings, you need to update your code: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated, or Passing the ke

                              • The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?

                                Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution.Internet regulation is upon us.Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local.The end of the betting economy. Inventing the future “The best way to

                                  The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?
                                • Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship

                                  By Zachary C. Lipton* & Jacob Steinhardt* *equal authorship Originally presented at ICML 2018: Machine Learning Debates [arXiv link] Published in Communications of the ACM 1   Introduction Collectively, machine learning (ML) researchers are engaged in the creation and dissemination of knowledge about data-driven algorithms. In a given paper, researchers might aspire to any subset of the following

                                  • Announcing .NET Core 3.0 - .NET Blog

                                    .NET Conf 2023 The biggest .NET virtual event is back, November 14-16! Announcing .NET Core 3.0 We’re excited to announce the release of .NET Core 3.0. It includes many improvements, including adding Windows Forms and WPF, adding new JSON APIs, support for ARM64 and improving performance across the board. C# 8 is also part of this release, which includes nullable, async streams, and more patterns.

                                      Announcing .NET Core 3.0 - .NET Blog
                                    • Python’s “Type Hints” are a bit of a disappointment to me

                                      2022-04-21 Preface You are reading version 2.0 of this blog post. Readers shared this link on Hacker News and lobsters, which unexpectedly blew up and sparked many heated discussions. I’ve incorporated some of this feedback into this revised version. (Some time later, there was also a discussion about this article on The Real Python Podcast.) Introduction Over the course of several Python 3.x vers

                                      • Coroutines and effects

                                        For the past few months I’ve been mulling over some things that Russell Johnston made me realize about the relationship between effect systems and coroutines. You can read more of his thoughts on this subject here, but he made me realize that effect systems (like that found in Koka) and coroutines (like Rust’s async functions or generators) are in some ways isomorphic to one another. I’ve been pon

                                        • Rust: A Critical Retrospective « bunnie's blog

                                          Since I was unable to travel for a couple of years during the pandemic, I decided to take my new-found time and really lean into Rust. After writing over 100k lines of Rust code, I think I am starting to get a feel for the language and like every cranky engineer I have developed opinions and because this is the Internet I’m going to share them. The reason I learned Rust was to flesh out parts of t

                                          • Debian reconsiders init-system diversity [LWN.net]

                                            Please consider subscribing to LWNSubscriptions are the lifeblood of LWN.net. If you appreciate this content and would like to see more of it, your subscription will help to ensure that LWN continues to thrive. Please visit this page to join up and keep LWN on the net. Many community-based Linux distributions have made the decision to switch to systemd, and most of those decisions were accompanied

                                            • Critics Pounce on Naomi Osaka After Loss, Denting Japan’s Claim to Diversity (Published 2021)

                                              TOKYO — Just four days after Naomi Osaka mounted the stairs to light the Olympic cauldron, presented as a symbol of a new, more inclusive Japan, that image was undermined on Tuesday by a backlash that followed her surprise defeat in Tokyo. Many Japanese were stunned by Ms. Osaka’s third-round loss to Marketa Vondrousova of the Czech Republic after she had been favored to take the women’s tennis go

                                                Critics Pounce on Naomi Osaka After Loss, Denting Japan’s Claim to Diversity (Published 2021)
                                              • Types in Ruby 3, RBS, and Sorbet · Sorbet

                                                Yesterday Square posted an article to their blog introducing RBS (Ruby Signature), a type syntax format for Ruby 3. We’d like to take a second to speak to how RBS relates to Sorbet. The short version: Sorbet will happily incorporate RBS as a way to specify type annotations, in addition to the existing syntax Sorbet supports. Stripe still has a very strong commitment to Sorbet’s continued progress

                                                  Types in Ruby 3, RBS, and Sorbet · Sorbet
                                                • Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 2 Released

                                                  Posted by naruse on 8 Dec 2020 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0-preview2. It introduces a number of new features and performance improvements. Static Analysis RBS RBS is a language to describe the types of Ruby programs. Type checkers including TypeProf and other tools supporting RBS will understand Ruby programs much better with RBS definitions. You can write down the definiti

                                                  • Transformers from scratch | peterbloem.nl

                                                    18 Aug 2019 code on github video lecture I will assume a basic understanding of neural networks and backpropagation. If you’d like to brush up, this lecture will give you the basics of neural networks and this one will explain how these principles are applied in modern deep learning systems. A working knowledge of Pytorch is required to understand the programming examples, but these can also be sa

                                                    • Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem

                                                      Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem Posted by Bartosz Milewski under Category Theory, Programming [9] Comments The main idea of functional programming is to treat functions like any other data types. In particular, we want to be able to pass functions as arguments to other functions, return them as values, and store them in data structures. But what kind of data type is a function? It’s a type

                                                        Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem
                                                      • Deep Dive into Site Isolation (Part 1)

                                                        Posted Nov 10, 2020 2020-11-10T10:00:00-08:00 by Jun Kokatsu Back in 2018, Chrome enabled Site Isolation by default, which mitigates attacks such as UXSS and Spectre. At the time, I was actively participating in the Chrome Vulnerability Reward Program, and I was able to find 10+ bugs in Site Isolation, resulting in $32k rewards. In this blog post series, I will explain how Site Isolation and relat

                                                          Deep Dive into Site Isolation (Part 1)
                                                        • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200601前編)Active Recordに新機能「delegated typing」追加、RuboCopのデフォルト設定アンケートほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                          2020.06.01 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200601前編)Active Recordに新機能「delegated typing」追加、RuboCopのデフォルト設定アンケートほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。この記事↓にどよめきました👍🎉😂。 ⚓オープニングつっつき: 経産省のnpmモジュールが素晴らしい 元記事: 経産省発の npm モジュール!住所や電話番号の正規化、ジオコーディングなどができる IMI コンポーネントツールを試した! - Geolonia developer's blog サイト: IMI 情報共有基盤 コンポーネントツール 経産省が住所変換や法人種別名、電話番号の正規化に使えるIMIコンポーネントツールを公開しました。 ソースコードも公開。README にも使い方が丁寧に書かれていました。https://t.co/fPbV00EgZP 素晴ら

                                                            週刊Railsウォッチ(20200601前編)Active Recordに新機能「delegated typing」追加、RuboCopのデフォルト設定アンケートほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                          • レノボユーザーの僕がideaPad S540・S340・C340の違いを徹底比較【2020年最新版】 - 2221blog

                                                            2020年9月16日 《キャンペーン・セール情報》 半期決算セール!今なら抽選で777名様に当たる!  レノボ・ショッピング公式 レノボのノートパソコンを検討中だけどS340とかS540とかC340とか、似たようなラインナップばかりで、いったい何が違うんだろ? パッと見は同じじゃね? 今回はそういった疑問や悩みについて、レノボC340ユーザーの僕が徹底比較してみます。 この記事では、それぞれの違いや特徴をわかりやすく解説しているので、最後まで読み終えるとIdeaPadの中でどれが自分に合うかわかるようになりますよ。 ✔ この記事の信憑性 僕はIdeaPad C340(AMD製 Ryzen搭載)の14inchを使い始めて6ヶ月目です。 他にもレノボレビュー記事をたくさん公開しているので是非読んでみてください😌 それから記事の最後におすすめランキングベスト3を選んでみたのでお見逃しなく! 最

                                                              レノボユーザーの僕がideaPad S540・S340・C340の違いを徹底比較【2020年最新版】 - 2221blog
                                                            • Upcoming Browser Behavior Changes: What Developers Need to Know

                                                              Browser ChangesUpcoming Browser Behavior Changes: What Developers Need to KnowLearn about upcoming changes to browser cookie behavior that may make your web applications incompatible. Are you operating a web application with sessions (e.g. for saving user preferences, shopping carts)? Do you allow users to sign in using identity providers such as Google and Apple, or use solutions such as Auth0? W

                                                                Upcoming Browser Behavior Changes: What Developers Need to Know
                                                              • Why Cities: Skylines 2 performs poorly

                                                                The teeth are not the only problem 2023-11-05 Table of contents (This is not) a performance review Pulling back the curtain Engine and architecture Attachment issues Renderdoc analysis DOTS instance data update Simulation Virtual texturing cache update Skybox generation Pre-pass The teeth controversy Pre-pass continued, featuring the high poly hall of shame Motion vectors Roads and decals Main pas

                                                                • 2019: July - October Political Notes - Richard Stallman

                                                                  Richard Stallman's personal political notes from 2019: July - October These are my personal opinions and do not speak for the GNU Project, the FSF, or anyone else. [ 2023 July - October | 2023 March - June | 2022 November - February | 2022 July - October | 2022 March - June | 2021 November - February | 2021 July - October | 2021 March - June | 2020 November - February | 2020 July - October | 2020

                                                                  • The balance has shifted away from SPAs

                                                                    21 May The balance has shifted away from SPAs Posted May 21, 2022 by Nolan Lawson in Web. Tagged: spas. 24 Comments There’s a feeling in the air. A zeitgeist. SPAs are no longer the cool kids they once were 10 years ago. Hip new frameworks like Astro, Qwik, and Elder.js are touting their MPA capabilities with “0kB JavaScript by default.” Blog posts are making the rounds listing all the challenges

                                                                      The balance has shifted away from SPAs
                                                                    • ツイッタージャパン「シャドウバンはしてません」は嘘か:ファクトチェックのようなまとめ - 事実を整える

                                                                      シャドウバンを現象とみるか行為とみるか ツイッタージャパン「シャドウバンはしてません・ツイートのランク付けを行ってます」 「我々が定義したシャドウバンの意味通りの現象は無い」 通知のない種々の機能制限という現象への不誠実な態度 総務省のヒアリングシートに記載されているTwitterの偽情報対策 まとめ:TwitterのShadowBanのファクトチェックもどき ツイッタージャパン「シャドウバンはしてません・ツイートのランク付けを行ってます」 Twitterがシャドウバンを行っていると指摘されますが、現在も過去にも行ったこともありません。ただ、利用者の皆さんがより快適に利用できるように、ツイートのランク付けを行っています(トップツイート表示の場合)。なお、皆さんがフォローしているアカウントのツイートは常に表示されます。 — Twitter Japan (@TwitterJP) 2020年6月

                                                                        ツイッタージャパン「シャドウバンはしてません」は嘘か:ファクトチェックのようなまとめ - 事実を整える
                                                                      • What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airplane

                                                                        Updated at 10:25 a.m. ET on June 17, 2019. 1. The DisappearanceAt 12:42 a.m. on the quiet, moonlit night of March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777-200ER operated by Malaysia Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur and turned toward Beijing, climbing to its assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. The designator for Malaysia Airlines is MH. The flight number was 370. Fariq Hamid, the first officer, was flying t

                                                                          What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airplane
                                                                        • On the ‹dl›

                                                                          Introduction The <dl>, or description list, element is underrated. It's used to represent a list of name–value pairs. This is a common UI pattern that, at the same time, is incredibly versatile. For instance, you've probably seen these layouts out in the wild… Each of these examples shows a list (or lists!) of name–value pairs. You might have also seen lists of name–value pairs to describe lodging

                                                                            On the ‹dl›
                                                                          • Raspberry Pi 4 PCI Express: It actually works! USB3, SATA… GPUs?

                                                                            Content follows this message If you have enjoyed my articles, please consider these charities for donation: Young Lives vs Cancer - Donate. Blood Cancer UK - Donate. Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group - Donate. Recently, Tomasz Mloduchowski posted a popular article on his blog detailing the steps he undertook to get access to the hidden PCIe interface of Raspberry Pi 4: the first Raspberry Pi t

                                                                            • Sigmatel Audio Driver For Mac

                                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4298 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Hi, I bought a Gateway MT3422 Laptop and I downgraded the system from vista to genuine Windows XP SP2. Everything works fine except for the audio. I installed KB888111 hotfix and the Sigmatel HD audio driver from Gateway, but it wont work, and in Device manager under the Sigmatel HD audio codec sign there is a yellow dot.

                                                                                Sigmatel Audio Driver For Mac
                                                                              • GraphQL vs. REST APIs: Why you shouldn’t use GraphQL - LogRocket Blog

                                                                                Editor’s note: This post was last updated on 14 December 2023 to inform readers about REST API and GraphQL security concerns, as well as alternatives to GraphQL, such as tRPC and gRPC. GraphQL is great if you want to work in a declarative style, as it enables you to select only the information or operations you need. However, depending on your use case, performance requirements, and tolerance for

                                                                                  GraphQL vs. REST APIs: Why you shouldn’t use GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
                                                                                • Download Convert Smm To Cpr Formula For Mac

                                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4555 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Keeping a desk Best free calendar app for mac Template on your office desk is share of the corporate culture. Many people have them in their homes too! Its a great auxiliary to have. If you would behind to own a desk Best free calendar app for mac which has got a design of your choosing, we suggest you to pick any one of

                                                                                    Download Convert Smm To Cpr Formula For Mac