
ブックマーク / www.economist.com (3)

  • Spin and substance

    IN OSAKA’s strongly Korean Tsuruhashi district, a 14-year-old Japanese girl went out into the streets last year calling through a loudspeaker for a massacre of Koreans. In Tokyo’s Shin-Okubo neighbourhood, home to one of the largest concentrations of Koreans in Japan, many people say the level of anti-foreigner vitriol—on the streets and on the internet—is without modern precedent. Racists chant s

    Spin and substance
  • Gulag for gaijin

    Gulag for gaijinAn account of horrid treatment for foreign travellers in the "special legal zone" of Narita international airport By K.N.C. | TOKYO AN EXTRAORDINARY story is making the rounds among the hacks and other expats in Japan. A Canadian freelance journalist who has lived in Japan for years fell into the ugly whirlpool of Japan's immigration-and-detention system. For years human-rights mon

  • Hit the road

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineWar in the Middle EastThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineWar in the Middle EastThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world this weekChinaUnited StatesEurope

    twilightmoon99 2011/08/03
    RT @TheEconomist: Japan's sexist labour market: Skirting the country's self-defeating lack of child care
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