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SourceNavigatorに関するihagのブックマーク (2)

  • source navigator NG

    source navigator source navigator NG is a source code analysis tool. with it, you can edit your source code, display relationships between classes and functions and members, and display call trees. you can navigate your source code and easily get to declarations or implementations of functions, variables and macros (commonly called "symbols") which helps you discovering and mapping unknown source

  • foohogehoge's blog

    Public Type UserRevision Name As String Revision As String End Type Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub auto_open() ' F1キーを殺す Application.OnKey "{F1}", "" 'キー コード 'Shift + 'Ctrl ^ 'Alt % Application.OnKey "^+c", "CleanCopy" Application.OnKey "^+v", "PasteValue" End Sub ' コピー時、末尾にLFがつくのを防ぐ Sub CleanCopy() Application.StatusBar = "copied." ' 全ての選択されたセル値をCRLFで結

    foohogehoge's blog
  • 1