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BUT THE BUTTERの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 117件

  • 100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying

    3 Tip: the quickest supermarket queue is always behind the fullest trolley (greeting, paying and packing take longer than you think). 4 Bring fruit to work. Bring fruit to bed! 5 Consider going down to four days a week. It’s likely a disproportionate amount of your fifth day’s work is taxed anyway, so you’ll lose way less than a fifth of your take-home pay. 6 Everyone has an emotional blind spot w

      100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying
    • The History of DNS Vulnerabilities and the Cloud

      By Daniel Prizmant December 28, 2020 at 6:00 AM Category: Unit 42 Tags: DNS, vulnerabilities This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese) Introduction Every now and then, a new domain name system (DNS) vulnerability that puts billions of devices around the world at risk is discovered. DNS vulnerabilities are usually critical. Just imagine that you browse to your bank account website, but instead

        The History of DNS Vulnerabilities and the Cloud
      • Building LLM applications for production

        [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

          Building LLM applications for production
        • You can't trust Google

          Google will eventually kill every single service you care about, if they can't find a way to directly monetize it with ads at a scale of billions. They're institutionally incapable of being in the product or service business, because neither products nor services butter Google's bread. Advertisement does. You can see this emphasis in a myriad of ways, but my favorite lens is customer service. Goog

            You can't trust Google
          • 🌶️ IMHO 🌶️ - Rich Harris on frameworks, the web, and the edge.

            この記事はSvelte/Sveltekitの作者であるRich Harris氏による講演「🌶️ IMHO 🌶️」を翻訳したものです。 この記事の作成には、Whisperによる書き起こし、DeepLおよびChatGPTによる翻訳を補助的に使用しています。 また、本文中には適宜訳注を入れています。 この場を借りて、翻訳を許可していただいたRich氏、 またこの翻訳をきめ細かくレビューしていただいたtomoam氏、英文解釈の相談に乗っていただいたshamokit氏へ感謝を表明したいと思います。 So, I'm going to be giving a talk tonight called In My Humble Opinion, and it's a collection of loosely connected thoughts about recent trends in front

              🌶️ IMHO 🌶️ - Rich Harris on frameworks, the web, and the edge.
            • How React server components work: an in-depth guide

              React server components (RSC) is an exciting new feature that will have huge implications on page load performance, bundle size, and how we write React applications in the near future. We at Plasmic make a visual builder for React, and we care a lot about React performance — many of our customers use Plasmic to build performance-critical marketing and e-commerce sites. And so, even though RSC is s

                How React server components work: an in-depth guide
              • Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

                Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I'll be doing just that. Just to be clear, this is not going to be a tutorial post. Covering such a vast amount of material in a single blog post, while starting from the beginning is p

                  Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
                • How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux

                  Things will never be the same again after the dust settles. And yes, I’m talking about Linux. As I write this, most of the world is in lockdown due to COVID-19. It’s hard to say how things will look when this is over (it will be over, right?), but one thing is for sure: the world is no longer the same. It’s a weird feeling: it’s as if we ended 2019 in one planet and started 2020 in another. While

                    How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux
                  • Learn These Words First

                    Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                    • デル主催CGコンテスト「CGごはん」結果発表!優秀賞&審査員講評コメント一挙公開 | 特集 | CGWORLD.jp

                      2020/06/10 PR デル主催CGコンテスト「CGごはん」結果発表!優秀賞&審査員講評コメント一挙公開 デル株式会社主催、CGWORLD企画・運営の3DCGコンテスト「CGごはん」が開催された。タイトルの通りコンテストのテーマは、3DCGで作る「美味しいごはん」。「美味しそう」な「食べもの」が主題として表現されていれば、一品モノの料理や定食などのワンプレート、さらには食のある風景といったものでも応募可の本コンテスト。プロアマ問わず多くの作品が集まった。審査員には「食のエキスパート」と「CGのエキスパート」の2チームが参加し、「3DCG作品としての技術点」と「美味しそうかどうか」の2軸で評価した。 今回、応募作品総数はプロ部門が36作品、学生部門が98作品。厳正なる採点の結果、各部門で優秀賞を勝ちとった12名、そして惜しくも優秀賞は逃したが優秀な結果を残した14名の作品を一挙に紹介する

                        デル主催CGコンテスト「CGごはん」結果発表!優秀賞&審査員講評コメント一挙公開 | 特集 | CGWORLD.jp
                      • ラグビーワールドカップ、海外メディアの間で「ランチパック」が謎の流行。“マーマイトだね”

                        1次リーグも佳境を迎えているラグビーワールドカップ。世界中からラグビーファンや関係者らが日本に詰めかけているが、代表チームの取材に訪れた各国のメディアの間で、コンビニや駅のキオスクでお馴染みの「ランチパック」が流行しているようだ。 Not sure how or why, but these are quickly becoming a cult classic in the media lounges @rugbyworldcup. Peanut Butter ‘cream’ sandwich. Yep. I know...marmite. pic.twitter.com/ExLgSdVUHI — Rob Vickerman (@robvickerman) October 2, 2019

                        • Golang Mini Reference 2022: A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY)

                          Golang Mini Reference 2022 A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY) Harry Yoon Version 0.9.0, 2022-08-24 REVIEW COPY This is review copy, not to be shared or distributed to others. Please forward any feedback or comments to the author. • feedback@codingbookspress.com The book is tentatively scheduled to be published on September 14th, 2022. We hope that when the release da

                          • A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup

                            Setting up VS Code for Ruby on Rails development can be tricky, so I wrote this article to help. Plus, I've turned the extensions in this article into a VS Code Extension Pack. Use it to install all the extensions from this article in 1-click, to get started quickly with VS Code + Ruby on Rails. Table of Contents Using VS Code as a Ruby on Rails editor shouldn't be so hard! It's tricky deciding wh

                              A decent VS Code + Ruby on Rails setup
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                              • Forget tikka masala - chicken katsu is the new true British national dish

                                Forget tikka masala – chicken katsu is the new true British national dishIt's not particularly authentic, nor is it even what the Japanese call katsu - but Britons have gone wild for itKatsu Curry from ‘The Japanese Larder’ by Luiz Hara, £26 White Lion Publishing It is nearly 20 years since the late Robin Cook, then foreign secretary, declared chicken tikka masala to be a “true British national di

                                  Forget tikka masala - chicken katsu is the new true British national dish
                                • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                                  transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                                    My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
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                                    • What Is Copilot and Is It Better Than ChatGPT?

                                      Microsoft has rebranded everything involving its AI systems to be called Copilot. Here's what you need to know. Last year, Microsoft unveiled a special version of its Bing search engine that was also powered by AI. Over the past year and some months, the company has continued to expand its offerings, eventually utilizing that same search engine service as an AI chatbot that it used to call Bing Ch

                                        What Is Copilot and Is It Better Than ChatGPT?
                                      • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

                                        Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the design decisions behind, and implementation details of async/a

                                          How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
                                        • MY FIRST CSS | Kablamo Engineering Blog

                                          My First CSSWhat I Wish I Knew About CSS When Starting Out As A Frontender CSS can be hard to grasp when you're starting out. It can seem like magic wizardry and you can very easily find yourself playing whack-a-mole adjusting one property only to have something else break. It is frustrating, and that was my experience for quite a long time before things suddenly seemed to "click". Reflecting back

                                            MY FIRST CSS | Kablamo Engineering Blog
                                          • Error Handling Survey

                                            Error Handling Survey — 2019-11-13 introduction libraries error-chain failure context-attribute err-derive auto_enums snafu fehler anyhow thiserror std::error::error features returning result from main error-based assertions causes backtraces creating errors from strings early returns with string errors context on result custom errors other / miscellaneous try blocks verbose io errors error pointe

                                              Error Handling Survey
                                            • How to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub Copilot

                                              EngineeringHow to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub CopilotIn this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to use GitHub Copilot to build an application with OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo model. At the beginning of the year, I started working out with a trainer who wanted me to start tracking my food, but I’ve always been super against tracking my meals because it just doesn’t work for m

                                                How to build a GPT-3 App with Nextjs, React, and GitHub Copilot
                                              • Elementary Science Fair Planning Guide

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                                                • 24 Things Great Scrum Masters Don’t Do. » Growing Scrum Masters

                                                  Growing Scrum Masters Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Certified Scrum Trainer and Entrepreneur Being a great scrum master is not just about what you do but also about what you don’t do. It’s all about sidestepping the pitfalls, avoiding the traps, and resisting the lure of those seemingly practical shortcuts that ultimately lead down the rocky road to chaos. In this spirit, we present to you your survi

                                                    24 Things Great Scrum Masters Don’t Do. » Growing Scrum Masters
                                                  • Announcing support for gRPC

                                                    Today we're excited to announce beta support for proxying gRPC, a next-generation protocol that allows you to build APIs at scale. With gRPC on Cloudflare, you get access to the security, reliability and performance features that you're used to having at your fingertips for traditional APIs. Sign up for the beta today in the Network tab of the Cloudflare dashboard. gRPC has proven itself to be a p

                                                      Announcing support for gRPC
                                                    • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200511前編)Rails 6.0.3リリース、rails newに--masterオプションが追加、system specとfeature specの違いほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                      2020.05.11 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200511前編)Rails 6.0.3リリース、rails newに--masterオプションが追加、system specとfeature specの違いほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。『みんなで筋肉体操』を今頃知って、軌道に乗せようと試行錯誤中です。 元記事: 【コロナ自粛】谷本道哉監修「おうちで筋肉近大体操」第一弾!裏切らない筋肉を手に入れろ! | Kindai Picks 元記事: 筋肉は裏切らない! NHK『みんなで筋肉体操』の筋トレ指導者・谷本道哉に直撃インタビュー | Kindai Picks つっつきボイス:「筋肉体操一時期流行ってましたね💪」「当時まるで気づいてなくて、『筋肉は裏切らない』の出どころもやっとわかりました😅」「おうちでやる版が出たのね☺️」「今や空前の筋トレブーム」「みんな家にいますし😆」

                                                        週刊Railsウォッチ(20200511前編)Rails 6.0.3リリース、rails newに--masterオプションが追加、system specとfeature specの違いほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                      • Jam Forex Dunia Forex Trading Platforms For Mac

                                                        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 11320 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Jam Forex Dunia Forex Trading Platforms For Mac ProJam Forex Dunia Forex Trading Platforms For MacForex platforms have become the bread and butter for many foreign exchange traders in the recent years due to their numerous features. They are available on all major PC platforms but are found in large numbers for Windows P

                                                          Jam Forex Dunia Forex Trading Platforms For Mac
                                                        • Foodista 5 Mouth-watering Recipes For Mac

                                                          Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4555 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Philly Cheesesteak Mac and Cheese Last week I did a demo at the Coolidge Corner Meat House featuring my. Once I had made the dip and had set it out for people to sample, I got to staring at it and sort of zoned out, totally mesmerized by the way the cheese was perfectly coating the paper thin slices of steak and the diced

                                                            Foodista 5 Mouth-watering Recipes For Mac
                                                          • ランチパック ◆エリア限定 関東・北陸・中京◆ゴーゴーカレー監修 メンチカツカレー/人気1位のピーナッツ - ことり日和

                                                            多くの方が口にしたことがあるであろうヤマザキ製パン「ランチパック」。 2回目のレポはエリア限定のゴーゴーカレー監修、メンチカツカレーです! ご存じな方はお馴染みの、たくましいゴリラマークのカレー。 「ゴーゴーカレー」 お店を利用したことのない方も、 このゴリラマークを目にすれば記憶に残るのではないでしょうか。 ゴーゴーカレーは石川県の金沢カレーの火付け役。 日本各地に店舗を広げています。 アメリカやブラジルにも出店していますよ! そんなゴーゴーカレーとランチパックの期間限定コラボ、 どういったお味でしょうか (´-`*) エリア限定ランチパック / 関東・北陸・中京 メンチカツカレー (ゴーゴーカレー監修) 栄養成分表示/1個当たり お味の方は・・・ 人気第1位 ロングセラーのピーナッツ 外国人にも大人気 エリア限定ランチパック / 関東・北陸・中京 メンチカツカレー (ゴーゴーカレー監修

                                                              ランチパック ◆エリア限定 関東・北陸・中京◆ゴーゴーカレー監修 メンチカツカレー/人気1位のピーナッツ - ことり日和
                                                            • The Land That Doesn't Need Ozempic

                                                              Pedestrians cross an intersection in the Shibuya district of Tokyo on Thursday, May 2, 2024.Toru Hanai—Bloomberg/Getty Images In March 2023, the Japanese medical authorities announced that the new weight loss drug Wegovy—which was in staggering demand across the world, causing shortages everywhere—had been approved to treat obesity in their country. It sounded, at first glance, like great news for

                                                                The Land That Doesn't Need Ozempic
                                                              • CUPID—the back story

                                                                “If you had to offer some principles for modern software development, which would you choose?” At a recent Extreme Tuesday Club (XTC) virtual meet-up, we were discussing whether the SOLID principles are outdated. A while ago I gave a tongue-in-cheek talk on the topic, so ahead of the meet-up one of the organisers asked what principles I would replace SOLID with since I disagreed with them. I have

                                                                • 2019年上半期ベストアルバム 40 Selected by FNMNL編集部

                                                                  2019年上半期を終え、今年も様々なアルバムがリリースされた。その中から、FNMNL編集部によってベストアルバムとして厳選した40枚をコメントと共に紹介していく。登場順序は作品名のA~Z順となっている。 1. Rico Nasty, Kenny Beats - Anger Management 今年を代表するプロデューサーといえばKenny Beats。EDM出身らしい楽曲の構成力と、フロア映えバッチリの硬質なトラックは、間違いなく2019年を象徴するサウンド。そしてそのKenny Beatsのエネルギッシュなトラックに一番合うラッパーはRico Nasty。その2人のタッグ作が悪いはずもなく、圧倒的にフレッシュなバンガー揃いで本当に最高でした。(和田) 2. Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY ついに今夏のSummer Sonicで初来日を果たすBrockhamp

                                                                    2019年上半期ベストアルバム 40 Selected by FNMNL編集部
                                                                  • Huge Massive Natural Tit Porn Vod For Mac

                                                                    Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 6569 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Huge Massive Natural Tit Porn Vod For Mac OsIs trying to fill her brain with knowledge by studying with her buddy Michael, but she just is not into it at all. She can’t even remember what chapter they are supposed to be on so, she lays down her book saying she would much rather be studying anatomy. I think we know what th

                                                                      Huge Massive Natural Tit Porn Vod For Mac
                                                                    • How React server components work: an in-depth guide

                                                                      React server components (RSC) is an exciting new feature that will have huge implications on page load performance, bundle size, and how we write React applications in the near future. We at Plasmic make a visual builder for React, and we care a lot about React performance — many of our customers use Plasmic to build performance-critical marketing and e-commerce sites. And so, even though RSC is s

                                                                        How React server components work: an in-depth guide
                                                                      • Buy Monocor 5mg Low Price. Where to Order Bisoprolol Fumarate Fast Delivery - Colibris-wiki Q&A

                                                                        Welcome to Colibris-wiki Q&A, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community. Buy Monocor 5mg Low Price. Where to Order Bisoprolol Fumarate Fast Delivery Generic Monocor Review Australia. Generic Monocor Seychelles. Monocor Buy From Usa Order Monocor Cheap! Cheapest Bisoprolol Fumarate available online! BUY Monocor (Bisoprolol Fumarate) ONLINE! - CLICK HERE! Be

                                                                        • Linear Algebra of Types

                                                                          It gives my brain a pleasant thrum to learn new mathematics which mimics the algebra I learned in middle school. Basically this means that the new system has operations with properties that match those of regular numbers as much as possible. Two pretty important operations are addition and multiplication with the properties of distributivity and associativity. Roughly this corresponds to the mathe

                                                                            Linear Algebra of Types
                                                                          • Performance Improvements in .NET 8 - .NET Blog

                                                                            I look forward to summer every year. Sun, beach, warm nights, and putting the finishing touches on the next version of .NET. It’s also the time I get to continue a tradition I started for myself back in 2017 of writing about the performance improvements that have gone into the latest .NET incarnation. A year ago that was Performance Improvements in .NET 7, which followed similar posts for .NET 6,

                                                                              Performance Improvements in .NET 8 - .NET Blog
                                                                            • Apple Silicon: The Passing of Wintel

                                                                              by Jean-Louis Gassée We’re about to enter an exciting, messy transition. Not only will Apple Silicon make better Macs, it will force Microsoft to polish its Windows on ARM act, both hardware and software. In turn, this will cause PC OEMs to reconsider their allegiance to x86 silicon…and that will have serious consequences for the old Wintel partnership. Why should Intel worry about Apple’s decisio

                                                                                Apple Silicon: The Passing of Wintel
                                                                              • Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem

                                                                                Enlarge / We don't recommend allowing btrfs to directly manage a complex array of disks—floppy or otherwise. Btrfs—short for "B-Tree File System" and frequently pronounced "butter" or "butter eff ess"—is the most advanced filesystem present in the mainline Linux kernel. In some ways, btrfs simply seeks to supplant ext4, the default filesystem for most Linux distributions. But btrfs also aims to pr

                                                                                  Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem
                                                                                • Black Milk For Mac

                                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4885 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 The hot, drained macaroni is tossed with butter in a heatproof pan or bowl. Evaporated milk, hot red pepper sauce, dry mustard, eggs and a large quantity of cheese are stirred into the noodles. The macaroni and cheese is baked for 20 minutes, with cheese and milk. This is one of the best simple Maca recipes ever. It's the

                                                                                    Black Milk For Mac