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  • Tales of the M1 GPU - Asahi Linux

    Hello everyone, Asahi Lina here!✨ marcan asked me to write an article about the M1 GPU, so here we are~! It’s been a long road over the past few months and there’s a lot to cover, so I hope you enjoy it! What’s a GPU?You probably know what a GPU is, but do you know how they work under the hood? Let’s take a look! Almost all modern GPUs have the same main components: A bunch of shader cores, which

      Tales of the M1 GPU - Asahi Linux
    • Functional programming is finally going mainstream

      Paul Louth had a great development team at Meddbase, the healthcare software company he founded in 2005. But as the company grew, so did their bug count. That’s expected, up to a point. More code and more features mean more defects. But the defect rate was growing faster than Louth expected. “We were seeing more and more of the same types of bugs,” Louth says. “It was clear that there was an issue

        Functional programming is finally going mainstream
      • Why we are building a CLI first PaaS without a web frontend

        At the start of this hectic year I have joined Micro, an open source microservices platform. The company was born out of a Go framework. We took the concepts of the framework - interfaces for service discovery, configuration and other pieces which can run on any implementation (from mdns locally to kubernetes) and provide a live platform version of it. It’s kind of like Netlify, but for the backen

        • Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests

          Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress – how to choose? At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability,… At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability, accelerate test creation, and improve root-cause analysis. We evaluate a number of test automation frameworks to understand

            Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests
          • WebAssembly: Docker without containers!

            This is a companion article to a talk about Docker+WebAssembly that we gave at "Docker Community All Hands 7, Winter Edition" on Dec 15th, 2022. Introduction Recently Docker announced support for WebAssembly in cooperation with WasmEdge. This article will explain what is WebAssembly, why it is relevant to the Docker ecosystem and provide some hands-on examples to try on. We assume you are familiar

              WebAssembly: Docker without containers!
            • Goodbye, Node.js Buffer

              The Buffer type has been the cornerstone for binary data handling in Node.js since the beginning. However, these days we have Uint8Array, which is a native JavaScript type and works cross-platform. While Buffer is an instance of Uint8Array, it introduces numerous methods that are not available in other JavaScript environments. Consequently, code leveraging Buffer-specific methods needs polyfilling

              • Optimizing CSS for faster page loads

                Not long ago I decided to improve the loading times of my website. It already loads pretty fast, but I knew there was still room for improvement and one of them was CSS loading. I will walk you through the process and show you how you can improve your load times as well. Why loading time matters? Permalink to “Why loading time matters?” # Because Time is money. That proverb is especially true for

                  Optimizing CSS for faster page loads
                • Browser-level image lazy loading for the web  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                  Browser-level image lazy loading for the web Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. You can use the loading attribute to lazy-load images without the need to write custom lazy-loading code or use a separate JavaScript library. Here's a demo of the feature: Lazy-loaded images load as the user scrolls through the page. This page walks through the detai

                  • How are Unix pipes implemented?

                    This article is about how pipes are implemented the Unix kernel. I was a little disappointed that a recent article titled “How do Unix pipes work?” was not about the internals, and curious enough to go digging in some old sources to try to answer the question. What are we talking about? Pipes are “perhaps the single most striking invention in Unix” — a defining characteristic of the Unix philosoph

                      How are Unix pipes implemented?
                    • Why we're leaving the cloud

                      Basecamp has had one foot in the cloud for well over a decade, and HEY has been running there exclusively since it was launched two years ago. We've run extensively in both Amazon's cloud and Google's cloud. We've run on bare virtual machines, we've run on Kubernetes. We've seen all the cloud has to offer, and tried most of it. It's finally time to conclude: Renting computers is (mostly) a bad dea

                        Why we're leaving the cloud
                      • The HTTP crash course nobody asked for

                        Contents Mise en bouche Let's start with HTTP/1.1 The practicalities of proxying HTTP/1.1 Also, TLS Making HTTP/1.1 requests with reqwest Making HTTP/1.1 requests with hyper Making HTTP/1.1 requests ourselves Making HTTP/2 requests with hyper Making HTTP/2 requests with h2 Making HTTP/2 requests ourselves HTTP semantics over HTTP/2 Bugs, bugs, bugs! Afterword HTTP does a pretty good job staying ou

                          The HTTP crash course nobody asked for
                        • An in-depth guide to performance optimization with webpack - LogRocket Blog

                          These days, you have to use a module bundler like webpack to benefit from a development workflow that utilizes state-of-the-art performance optimization concepts. Module bundlers are built by brilliant people just to help you with these difficult tasks. In addition, I recommend using a starter kit or a modern boilerplate project with webpack configuration best practices already in place. Building

                            An in-depth guide to performance optimization with webpack - LogRocket Blog
                          • Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks

                            Sometimes our sites need a little sprinkling of content management. Not always. Not a lot. But a bit. The CMS market is thriving with affordable, approachable products, so we’re not short of options. Thankfully, it is a very different world to the one that used to force companies to splash out a ga-jillionty-one dollars (not an exact cost: I rounded to the nearest bazillion) for an all-singing, al

                              Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks
                            • 【オッペンハイマー】徹底解説:アインシュタインとの会話|まいるず

                              記事の中で映画、ゲーム、漫画などのネタバレが含まれているかもしれません。気になるかたは注意してお読みください。 #ネタバレ 映画の核心部分ですが、あまり語られてないので、解説してみます。 映画の中でアインシュタインが出てくるシーンは4箇所ありますが、この記事ではあくまで時系列に沿って3つに分けて記載します。 ▼1943年:核の連鎖反応についてニューメキシコ州のロスアラモスのオフィスが準備できるまでカリフォルニア州バークレーのオッペンハイマーの研究室で、マンハッタン計画は進んでいました。そこでテラーが核連鎖反応理論を提唱します。すぐに数学者たちで理論が正しいのか計算に取り組みますが、オッペンハイマーは別行動でニュージャージー州のプリンストン高等研究所のアインシュタインに会いに行きます。部外者だからこそ意見をもらう価値があると思ったからです。 OPPENHEIMER Neutron smash

                              • Post-GPT Computing

                                Yesterday, I watched someone upload a video file to a chat app, ask a language model “Can you extract the first 5 s of the video?”, and then wait as the language model wrote a few lines of code and then actually executed that code, resulting in a downloadable video file. Oh, and writing and executing code is only one of the many new capabilities that can be seamlessly stitched together by the lang

                                • [PATCH 000/190] Revertion of all of the umn.edu commits - Greg Kroah-Hartman

                                  linux-kernel.vger.kernel.org archive mirror help / color / mirror / Atom feedFrom: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org> To: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org Cc: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>, Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>, Aditya Pakki <pakki001@umn.edu>, Kangjie Lu <kjlu@umn.edu>, Qiushi Wu <wu000273@umn.edu>, x86@kernel.org, Bjorn Helgaas <bhelgaas@googl

                                  • DevTools architecture refresh: migrating DevTools to TypeScript  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                    This post is part of a series of blog posts describing the changes we are making to DevTools' architecture and how it is built. Following up on our migration to JavaScript modules and migration to Web Components, today we are continuing our blog post series on the changes we are making to Devtools' architecture and how it is built. (If you have not seen it already, we posted a video on our work of

                                    • Modern alternatives to BEM

                                      Brainstorming a handful of new CSS organization acronyms August 26, 2022 When I first heard Nicole Sullivan talk about OOCSS, I thought “Oooh, smart.” When I read Jonathan Snook’s riff on that idea in SMACSS I thought “Oooh, smart.” When I heard Harry Roberts say “never use IDs in your CSS files” I said “Oooh, smart.” But when BEM and roboclasses came around… I didn’t have the same reaction. I nev

                                        Modern alternatives to BEM
                                      • ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020

                                        The selection of areas and methods is heavily influenced by my own interests; the selected topics are biased towards representation and transfer learning and towards natural language processing (NLP). I tried to cover the papers that I was aware of but likely missed many relevant ones—feel free to highlight them in the comments below. In all, I discuss the following highlights: Scaling up—and down

                                          ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020
                                        • 第609回 LXDからコンテナではなく仮想マシンを起動する | gihyo.jp

                                          第521回の「入門システムコンテナマネージャーLXD 3.0」をはじめとして本連載で何度も登場している「LXD」は、システムコンテナの管理ツールです。つまりホストマシン上で動いているLinuxカーネルのコンテナ関連機能を用いて構築された隔離システムを立ち上げることを想定しています。そんなLXDが最近のリリースで、コンテナだけでなく「仮想マシン」もサポートするようになりました。今回はLXDの最新版を使って仮想マシンを起動してみましょう。 QEMUを利用した仮想マシンサポート 繰り返しになりますが、LXDはシステムコンテナの管理ツールです。Dockerのようなプロセスコンテナ(アプリコンテナ)とは異なり、システムコンテナではinitプロセスも含むシステム一式をまるまるコンテナの中で立ち上げます。つまりホストとゲストでカーネルを共有し、コンテナ機能を用いてホストと隔離していること以外は、「⁠軽量

                                            第609回 LXDからコンテナではなく仮想マシンを起動する | gihyo.jp
                                          • research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

                                            Posted on Monday, April 1, 2024. Updated Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a d

                                            • Dramnate 50mg order no prescription - Where Can I Buy Dimenhydrinate in Approved Pharmacy - Ask Lesko and Friends

                                              Brand and Generic Drugs at Discount Prices - Excellent Quality DRAMNATE Online Order Dramnate Online! Bargain Price Guaranteed Really Low Prices and Free Delivery Best Online Pharmacy to Buy DRAMNATE Fast Worldwide Delivery No Prescription Required DRAMNATE, 10% Discount for All Next Purchases => Enter Here to Buy Dramnate Online Right Now <= </a> enalapril for men order cheapest generic dramnate

                                              • BashPitfalls - Greg's Wiki

                                                Bash Pitfalls This page is a compilation of common mistakes made by bash users. Each example is flawed in some way. 1. for f in $(ls *.mp3) One of the most common mistakes BASH programmers make is to write a loop like this: for f in $(ls *.mp3); do # Wrong! some command $f # Wrong! done for f in $(ls) # Wrong! for f in `ls` # Wrong! for f in $(find . -type f) # Wrong! for f in `find . -type f` # W

                                                • How we built JSR

                                                  We recently launched the JavaScript Registry - JSR. It’s a new registry for JavaScript and TypeScript designed to offer a significantly better experience than npm for both package authors and users: It natively supports publishing TypeScript source code, which is used to auto-generate documentation for your package It’s secure-by-default, supporting token-less publishing from GitHub Actions and pa

                                                    How we built JSR
                                                  • Interview with Ryan Dahl, Node.js & Deno creator by Evrone

                                                    In an interview with Evrone, Ryan Dahl speaks about the main challenges in Deno, the future of JavaScript and TypeScript, and tells how he would have changed his approach to Node.js if he could travel back in time. Introduction Ryan Dahl is a software engineer and the original developer of the Node.js, and the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime. We are glad to have had an opportunity to speak

                                                      Interview with Ryan Dahl, Node.js & Deno creator by Evrone
                                                    • Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

                                                      Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I'll be doing just that. Just to be clear, this is not going to be a tutorial post. Covering such a vast amount of material in a single blog post, while starting from the beginning is p

                                                        Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
                                                      • JavaScript performance beyond bundle size

                                                        23 Feb JavaScript performance beyond bundle size Posted February 23, 2021 by Nolan Lawson in performance, Web. 8 Comments There’s an old story about a drunk trying to find his keys in the streetlight. Why? Well, because that’s where it’s the brightest. It’s a funny story, but also relatable, because as humans we all tend to take the path of least resistance. I think we have the same problem in the

                                                          JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
                                                        • Am I FLoCed?

                                                          Google is testing FLoC on Chrome users worldwide. Find out if you're one of them. Google is running a Chrome "origin trial" to test out an experimental new tracking feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka "FLoC"). According to Google, the trial currently affects 0.5% of users in selected regions, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Phili

                                                            Am I FLoCed?
                                                          • Announcing Rome v10

                                                            We are thrilled to announce Rome v10, the first stable release since the start of the Rust rewrite. Rome is an ambitious project aiming to unify the dozens of frontend language tools into a single easy-to-use tool built from scratch. This release includes our fast linter and formatter; they require minimal configuration, come with beautiful and descriptive diagnostics, and have built-in support fo

                                                              Announcing Rome v10
                                                            • Relational Databases Explained

                                                              It is often surprising how little is known about how databases operate at a surface level, considering they store almost all of the states in our applications. Yet, it's foundational to the overall success of most systems. So today, I will explain the two most important topics when working with RDBMSs indexes and transactions. So, without fully getting into the weeds on database-specific quirks, I

                                                                Relational Databases Explained
                                                              • A toy DNS resolver

                                                                Hello! I wrote a comic last week called “life of a DNS query” that explains how DNS resolvers work. In this post, I want to explain how DNS resolvers work in a different way – with a short Go program that does the same thing described in the comic. The main function (resolve) is actually just 20 lines, including comments. I usually find it easier to understand things work when they come in the for

                                                                • AWS Step Functions: What Can They Be Used For? | Dashbird

                                                                  State machines orchestrate the work of AWS services, like Lambda functions. When one function ends, it triggers another function to begin. Although Max Duration is significantly different, Express workflow allows more scalability. Moreover, Express workflow pricing is constructed with more details since users will have to pay for the number of executions, including the duration and memory used for

                                                                    AWS Step Functions: What Can They Be Used For? | Dashbird
                                                                  • Core Web Vitals workflows with Google tools  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                    Core Web Vitals workflows with Google tools Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Combine Google tools to audit, improve and monitor your website effectively. Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that assess the user experience on criteria such as load performance, responsiveness to user input, and layout stability. A workflow for improving Core Web

                                                                      Core Web Vitals workflows with Google tools  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                                    • Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks and best practices

                                                                      AI has become an integral part of my workflow these days, and with the assistance of GitHub Copilot, I move a lot faster when I’m building a project. Having used AI tools to increase my productivity over the past year, I’ve realized that similar to learning how to use a new framework or library, we can enhance our efficiency with AI tools by learning how to best use them. In this blog post, I’ll s

                                                                        Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks and best practices
                                                                      • Shifting to Zero Touch Production | Mercari Engineering

                                                                        Author: Dylan Lau (@aidiruu), Platform DX Team Zero Touch Production (ZTP) is a concept where all changes made to production are done by automation, safe proxies or audited break-glass systems. There are many kinds of production outages that stem from human error, such as: Configuration errors Script errors Running commands in the wrong environment ZTP can mitigate the risk of outages from these e

                                                                          Shifting to Zero Touch Production | Mercari Engineering
                                                                        • Kafka is dead, long live Kafka

                                                                          TL;DRWarpStream is an Apache Kafka® protocol compatible data streaming platform built directly on top of S3. It's delivered as a single, stateless Go binary so there are no local disks to manage, no brokers to rebalance, and no ZooKeeper to operate. WarpStream is 5-10x cheaper than Kafka in the cloud because data streams directly to and from S3 instead of using inter-zone networking, which can be

                                                                            Kafka is dead, long live Kafka
                                                                          • Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker

                                                                            Dockerfiles are fundamental tools for developers working with Docker, serving as a blueprint for creating Docker images. These text documents contain all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Understanding and effectively utilizing Dockerfiles can significantly streamline the development process, allowing for the automation of image creation and ensuring consiste

                                                                              Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker
                                                                            • Hertzbleed Attack

                                                                              Looking for the (unrelated) GPU.zip side channel? Check it out here! 📣 Update: Our follow-up paper expanding the scope of Hertzbleed has appeared in the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2023. See details below. Hertzbleed is a new family of side-channel attacks: frequency side channels. In the worst case, these attacks can allow an attacker to extract cryptographic keys from remote servers

                                                                                Hertzbleed Attack
                                                                              • Who murdered my lovely Prometheus container in Kubernetes cluster?

                                                                                As of October 1, 2023, LINE has been rebranded as LY Corporation. Visit the new blog of LY Corporation here: LY Corporation Tech Blog This blog post is about an interesting experience I had while investigating and resolving a problem that happened in the Prometheus container which was still in the CrashLoopBackoff state. The phenomenon itself and the solution are obvious and simple; so simple that

                                                                                  Who murdered my lovely Prometheus container in Kubernetes cluster?
                                                                                • A visual guide to React Mental models

                                                                                  I’ve learned that the biggest difference between someone that has mastered a language, framework or tool and someone who hasn’t lies in the mental models they use. One person will have a clear and advanced one and the other will not. By having a good mental model you can intuitively understand complex problems and device solutions much faster than if you had to find a solution with a step-by-step

                                                                                    A visual guide to React Mental models