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1 - 40 件 / 199件

新着順 人気順

Tomorrow is another day!の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 199件

  • IBM-J テレコン英会話小冊子(PDF配布用)

    テレコン英会話小冊子 Practical Expressions for Conference Calls - BETTER ENGLISH WITH US! - Table of Contents テレコンへの心構え (1) テレコンのはじまり (3) テレコンでの決まり文句 (11) 質問やお願いをする (25) 具体的な説明例 (33) ウェブカンファレンス表現 (37) テレコンの終わり (51) 間違えやすい単語 (55) 英語らしく発音しよう (61) 略語 (63) (1) テレコンへの心構え <会議前>  日本側の status を確実に把握しておく。 質問されて 「I don’t know」 では失礼だし、相手に「本当にテレコンで Push するような問題 なの?」と思われる。配布された資料があるときは事前に目を通 し、最新の内容を把握しておく。  事前に日本側のコン

    • 型破り出版社「Discover 21」が、逆風からベストセラーを生み出すまで|干場弓子の履歴書 #ぼくらの履歴書 - ぼくらの履歴書|トップランナーの履歴書から「仕事人生」を深掘り!

      ※この記事は2019年12月に取材・撮影した内容です ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワンの設立に携わり、30歳で取締役社長に就任。以来経営全般に携わり、自らも編集者として数多くのヒット作を生み出してきた干場弓子(ほしば・ゆみこ/ @hoshibay )さん。 自著やさまざまなインタビューで、現代のビジネスシーンにおける当たり前や常識に小気味よく切り込む印象から、私たちは干場さんに“強い女性”を期待してしまいます。しかし、ご自身を振り返り語られたのは、劣等感、焦りに突き動かされてきた来歴でした。 2019年12月下旬、取締役社長を退く直前の干場さんに、キャリアグラフを紐解きつつ、これまでの歩みを聞きました。 念願だったファッション誌編集部を1年半で退職 ──22歳で世界文化社に入社され、『家庭画報』編集部のファッション班に配属されたのですね。キャリアグラフも好調です。 当時は第二次オイルショッ

        型破り出版社「Discover 21」が、逆風からベストセラーを生み出すまで|干場弓子の履歴書 #ぼくらの履歴書 - ぼくらの履歴書|トップランナーの履歴書から「仕事人生」を深掘り!
      • 「リコリス・リコイル」新作アニメーションの制作が決定(動画あり)

        これは本日2月11日に開催されたイベント「喫茶リコリコプレゼンツ アフターパーリィ! Tomorrow is another day.」で発表されたもの。新作の制作決定と合わせて、錦木千束と井ノ上たきなの名シーンを集めた映像も公開された。新作の情報は続報を待とう。なお「喫茶リコリコプレゼンツ アフターパーリィ! Tomorrow is another day.」の見逃し配信が2月19日まで行われており、チケットはStagecrowdで販売されている。

        • 増税を回避する方法 - 沖縄で島猫と遊ぶ日々・(ΦωΦ)フフフ版

          A new day begins. Fresh is the day. The morning sun shines on you. You feel happy. Let's go. --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 救急車利用を有料にする 先日、東京で救急車が中央分離帯に衝突して横転し、 救急隊員3人が軽いけがをする事故があった。 過労による居眠り運転だったそうだ。 隊員たちは17時間連続で、現場対応していたそうだ。 軽いけがで幸いだったけど、これは働きすぎだ。 過労はいけない。2次災害に繋がる可能性がある。 --------------------------------------------- これはシステムを変える必要がある。 ま

            増税を回避する方法 - 沖縄で島猫と遊ぶ日々・(ΦωΦ)フフフ版
          • Go: A Documentary

            Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

            • Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable

              Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today. Source control is one of the most important tools for modern developers,

                Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable
              • The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast

                00:00 - Introduction 01:45 - The Battleship 02:49 - NP-Complete Problems 06:24 - Building SQLite V1 07:54 - Motorola Phones 09:40 - America Online Phones 11:12 - Symbian OS and Nokia 13:01 - The Bus Factor and the Consortium 15:11 - Enter Android 17:05 - Guys, This Is Important 18:18 - Testing and Aviation Standards 21:29 - Billions of Tests 25:30 - Building From First Principles 28:05 - B-Trees a

                  The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast
                • きめてやる 今夜 - 沖縄で島猫と遊ぶ日々・(ΦωΦ)隠居編

                  Japan is at peace. Nothing will change. It's another beautiful day. Are you happy ? ------------------------------------------ 読者数が2,500人を超えてしまった。 このブログも賞味期限が来たようだ。 さて、選択すべきは過去をすべて捨てて 再始動する事だろう。 新たにやりたいことがあるんだ。 先延ばしはしない。 だから自分に正直に行動する。 僕は立ち止まらず、変化していくのが好き。 誰にも止められない。 僕に過去は不要だ。 現在を生きるだけ。 楽しいな。 ------------------------------------------ そう。太陽は毎日僕を照らす。 新鮮な今日の太陽。 そして夜が来る。 今まで遊んでくれたみなさん、 ありがとうございました。 ま

                    きめてやる 今夜 - 沖縄で島猫と遊ぶ日々・(ΦωΦ)隠居編
                  • Exclusive: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Japan's Future

                    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida inside the great hall at his official residence in Tokyo on April 28.Ko Tsuchiya for TIME The official residence of Japan’s Prime Minister is a spooky place. Inspired by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the stone and brick mansion in central Tokyo had been around for only three years when young naval officers charged in and assassinated Prime Minister Ts

                      Exclusive: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Japan's Future
                    • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                      Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                        Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                      • The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs

                        Watch videos of Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the wildly successful book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and you will hear him being asked the most astonishing questions. “A hundred years from now, do you think we will still care about being happy?” — Canadian journalist Steve Paikin, on the “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” “What I do, is it still relevant, and how do I prepare for my futu

                          The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs
                        • The Zen of Go | Dave Cheney

                          This article was derived from my GopherCon Israel 2020 presentation. It’s also quite long. If you’d prefer a shorter version, head over to the-zen-of-go.netlify.com. A recording of the presentation is available on YouTube. How should I write good code? Something that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently, when reflecting on the body of my own work, is a common subtitle, how should I write good c

                          • LogLog Games

                            The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

                            • Donald Trump 日本語訳 退任演説全文

                              2024-05 « 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 » ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 全国への、最後の挨拶 ホワイトハウスにて 2021年1月20日 親愛なるアメリカ国民諸君 「われわれの国家を再建し、その魂を甦えらせ、そして国民への奉仕の心を、政府に取り戻させる」 われらすべての国民が、この壮大な事業を開始したのは、4年前のことになる。 すなわち我々は、すべてのアメリカ国民にとり、アメリカを再び偉大にする、その事業に着手したのである。 第45代アメリカ大統領としての任期を終える今、私は諸君の前にいて、我々がともに成し遂げたことを、実に誇りに思っている。 我々はここに来たときやるべきだった仕事、そしてそれ以上の成果をあげた。 今週、わが国には新しい政権が発足する。アメリカを安全で繁栄する国にするため、新政府の成功を

                              • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                                Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                                  An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
                                • Learn These Words First

                                  Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                                  • Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly

                                    Today we announce the formation of the Bytecode Alliance, a new industry partnership coming together to forge WebAssembly’s outside-the-browser future by collaborating on implementing standards and proposing new ones. Our founding members are Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and Red Hat, and we’re looking forward to welcoming many more. We have a vision of a WebAssembly ecosystem that is secure by default,

                                      Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly
                                    • Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                      Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly Today we announce the formation of the Bytecode Alliance, a new industry partnership coming together to forge WebAssembly’s outside-the-browser future by collaborating on implementing standards and proposing new ones. Our founding members are Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and Red Hat, and we’re looking forw

                                        Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                      • Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned

                                        For the past few years, I've been building and operating a large distributed system: the payments system at Uber. I've learned a lot about distributed architecture concepts during this time and seen first-hand how high-load and high-availability systems are challenging not just to build, but to operate as well. Building the system itself is a fun job. Planning how the system will handle 10x/100x t

                                          Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned
                                        • VVVVVV’s source code is now public, 10 year anniversary jam happening now! – distractionware

                                          Today is the 10th anniversary of VVVVVV’s release! Or possibly tomorrow is, depending on who you ask – technically, the game first went live at 3am GMT on the 11th January 2010, after a very, very long day of fixing every last bug I could, making last minute builds, and trying to slowly upload everything on an extremely unreliable internet connection that kept cutting out. But I’ve always gone by

                                          • Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team

                                            The perils of the modern communications conveyor belt that never ends, divides your attention, fractures your time, and chains you to FOMO. Group chat is like being in an all-day meeting, with random participants, and no agenda Over the past few years, persistent group chat tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams have taken hold — and strangled companies. What began as a novel way to quickly communic

                                              Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team
                                            • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                              Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                                The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                              • アイドルコンテンツ(アニメ・ゲーム )CD売上ランキング2020 - 輝きが向こう側へ!

                                                アイドルコンテンツCD売上ベストテン 参考記録(A3!、ヒプマイ、バンドリ) 音楽配信が主流となり、CD売上が減少していく状況にあって、アニメ・ゲームのアイドルコンテンツから生まれた音楽CDもその流れには逆らえず、全体的には減少傾向にあるのですが、その中でも売上を伸ばしているコンテンツも。そこで2020年のアイドルコンテンツCD売上ランキングをまとめてみました。これは売上金額合計によるランキングです。(※集計期間は2019年12月から2020年11月までです)売上の数値については、少ない場合に集計から外れますので、最低でもこの売上数値と考えていただければと思います。 1位(前年2位) ラブライブ!サンシャイン(ランティス) 9タイトル(前年8) 売上枚数合計:      284,200枚 売上枚数前年:      484,300枚 売上DL合計:      012,900DL 売上DL前年

                                                  アイドルコンテンツ(アニメ・ゲーム )CD売上ランキング2020 - 輝きが向こう側へ!
                                                • The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead (Published 2020)

                                                  michael barbaroFrom The New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.” Today: As President Trump urges states to begin reopening their economies, a debate begins over when and how to end the lockdowns. Science reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr. on what that might look like. It’s Monday, April 20. So Donald, we have come to you at just about every turn in this pandemic to understand what’s ne

                                                    The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead (Published 2020)
                                                  • Visual Studio Code June 2022

                                                    Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code June 2022 (version 1.69) Update 1.69.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.69.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the June 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version

                                                      Visual Studio Code June 2022
                                                    • 【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Rebecca Rabbit」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                                      Peppa Pigの「Rebecca Rabbit」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル1(★☆☆☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 「Peppa Pig」は日本で手軽に見られる英語アニメの中でも、もっとも簡単な番組のひとつです。 そして日本のアンパンマンのように、イギリスで親しまれているキャラクターです。 「Peppa Pig」については、こちらで詳しく解説しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では「Peppa Pig」の実際の動画を使って、英語多観の練習ができるように構成されています。 この記事に沿って英語多観をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 Peppa Pigの「Rebe

                                                        【和訳あり】Peppa Pigの「Rebecca Rabbit」で字幕なし英語動画に挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                                      • How to Master the Reminders App on Your iPhone or iPad

                                                        The Reminders app for iPhone and iPad got a big upgrade with iOS 13. Here's how to master the new features of Apple Reminders. We all have tasks, both large and small, that we have to take care of each day. There's just one problem---actually remembering what we need to get done. Modern technology has thankfully made that job just a bit easier. Apple has always offered a Reminders app for the iPho

                                                          How to Master the Reminders App on Your iPhone or iPad
                                                        • h1-h4 [更新済み].ai

                                                          International Planning Division, International Affairs Department, NagoyaUniversity 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 157 158 159 164 166 167 170 171 176 177 178 179 180 1 1

                                                          • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                                                            transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                                                              My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                                                            • COVID-19: Implications for business

                                                              Our latest perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal. COVID-19: Briefing note #100, April 13, 2022 As COVID-19 becomes endemic in much of the world, we turn our focus to sustainable and inclusive growth. On March 2, 2020, just over a week before a global pandemic was declared, we published COVID-19: Br

                                                                COVID-19: Implications for business
                                                              • An Engineer's Hype-Free Observations on Web3 (and its Possibilities)

                                                                The Web3 ecosystem has been variously described as a collective hallucination, a massive grift, an environmental disaster, a decentralized renaissance, and the future of the Internet. That’s a lot to live up (and down) to. Here in the PSL Studio, our veteran engineering team (hi, nice to meet you!) has been building fun new Web3 projects. Along the way, we’ve been taking notes on what we’ve learne

                                                                  An Engineer's Hype-Free Observations on Web3 (and its Possibilities)
                                                                • Angular without SSR is faster than Next.js with SSR. I have the data.

                                                                  "If we really want to make our website faster, we should just rewrite it in Next.js." I think you'd be hard pressed to find a tech startup anywhere without at least one developer who is constantly saying this. But is it actually true? I certainly had no reason to doubt it. As someone who had just done the big upgrade from AngularJS to Angular, I was happy that all those months of work had resulted

                                                                  • research!rsc: The Principles of Versioning in Go (Go & Versioning, Part 11)

                                                                    This blog post is about how we added package versioning to Go, in the form of Go modules, and the reasons we made the choices we did. It is adapted and updated from a talk I gave at GopherCon Singapore in 2018. Why Versions? To start, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page, by taking a look at the ways the GOPATH-based go get breaks. Suppose we have a fresh Go installation and we want to write

                                                                    • 40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know

                                                                      People & Culture 40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know Given the high-stakes nature of every hire, interviewing chops are always in need of sharpening. We’ve spent the past few months reaching out to some of the most thoughtful company builders in our network to pose a simple question: What’s your favorite interview question to ask and why? Here are the Here at Fi

                                                                        40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know
                                                                      • Welcome to Developer Week 2024

                                                                        This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. It’s time to ship. For us (that’s what Innovation Weeks are all about!), and also for our developers. Shipping itself is always fun, but getting there is not always easy. Bringing something from idea to life requires many stars to align. That’s what this week is all about — helping developers, including the two mil

                                                                          Welcome to Developer Week 2024
                                                                        • ビートルズの名曲について語ろう(2) - 時の化石

                                                                          どーも、ShinShaです。 ビートルズの名曲シリーズ第2回目の記事です。 前回に続いて初期の名曲をご紹介します。 今回は超有名曲から、隠れた名曲まで選曲してみました。 「イエスタディ」「オール・マイ・ラビング」 「エイト・ディズ・ア・ウィーク」「夢の人」 歌詞の意味もさらっと読んでみてくださいね。 やはりビートルズは素晴らしいです。 ビートルズの名曲を語る(2) 「オール・マイ・ラビング」 All My Loving 1963 「エイト・ディズ・ア・ウィーク」 EIGHT DAY A WEEK 1964 「夢の人」 I've Just Seen A Face 1965 「イエスタディ」 Yesterday 1965 アフィリエイトリンク Apple Music おすすめです! Amazon 商品リンク あとがき ビートルズの名曲を語る(2) ビートルズの活動期間は1963-1970年のわ

                                                                            ビートルズの名曲について語ろう(2) - 時の化石
                                                                          • 通信教育のスクーリングが夏まですべて中止になりました - 暮らしと勉強、猫と一緒に~Bettyのブログ

                                                                            皆様、ごきげんよう。 あまりはっきりしないお天気が毎日続いていますが、明日は良いお天気のようです。 明日は明日の風が吹く。 私は大学の通信教育部で勉強しています。 レポートを書くのが苦手で、どちらかといえば、年に何度かあるスクーリングの方が好きです。 先生のお話を聞く方がわかりやすいのです。 目を見て頷きながら、納得したいのです。 でも残念ながらコロナ禍の影響で、春のスクーリングは中止になり、この後にある来月のスクーリングもすべて中止、夏期スクーリングもオンライン授業に変更になりました。 ・・・オンライン授業ってどんなの? 私のようなIT音痴にはよくわかりません。 メディア授業なら過去にも受けたことありますし、今も受講しています。 でもオンラインって? ようやくZOOMができるようになって、スマホでオンラインZUMBAはできるようになったけど、私のPCでZOOMアプリはインストールできませ

                                                                              通信教育のスクーリングが夏まですべて中止になりました - 暮らしと勉強、猫と一緒に~Bettyのブログ
                                                                            • V系バンドメンバーの歴史とCD売上 - バントーのブログ ~V-pedia~

                                                                              いろいろなV系バンドのメンバーの歴史や売上などを調べています。パチンコライターをしているので、時々パチンコの情報や、温泉情報などもあり。 A A≠ris  A9  ABOO  AC◆BLANDISH  ACE OF SPADES  ACiD  ACID ANDROID  Acid Bell  Acid Black Cherry  ADAPTER。  Ad de Vidar  ADDICT  ADEIL  After effect  A Ghost of Flare  AIDS  Aiglare  AILE  aim  AIM  AION  Aioria  AIOLIN  AISARE  Ai SICK FACE  aivi  aki  AKi  ALBATROSS  alcali-5  ALDEBARAN  ALiBi  [Alice]∽Madiel  ALICE IN MENSWEAR 

                                                                              • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

                                                                                The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

                                                                                  The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
                                                                                • The Day AppGet Died.

                                                                                  Microsoft released WinGet (Not to be mistaken with AppGet) earlier this week as part of their Build 2020 announcements. For the past few days, I’ve been collecting my thoughts figuring out what actually happened in the past 12 months. TLDR; I’m no longer going to be developing AppGet. The client and backend services will go into maintenance mode immediately until August 1st, 2020, at which point t

                                                                                    The Day AppGet Died.