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VideoConferencingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 390件

  • オンデマンドCRMのリーディングカンパニー セールスフォース・ドットコム - salesforce.com


      オンデマンドCRMのリーディングカンパニー セールスフォース・ドットコム - salesforce.com
    • Googleがオンラインビデオ会議アプリ「Zoom」の使用を禁止

      オンライン会議アプリ「Zoom」は人々のリモートワークの移行に伴い利用されるようになっていきましたが、ユーザーの許可なくカメラが有効化される脆弱性や、OSの資格情報を盗まれる脆弱性、Facebookアカウントを持っていないユーザーであってもデータをFacebookに送信されてしまうことなど、数々の問題が指摘されています。このような状況を受けて、Googleは従業員に対し、ZoomアプリをインストールしたノートPCをリモート環境で使うことを禁止しました。 Google Bans Zoom Videoconferencing Software From Employees' Computers https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pranavdixit/google-bans-zoom ビデオ会議サービス「Zoom」は2019年に上場したアメリカ・カリフォ

      • Move Over Google Plus Hangouts. Appear.in Is Here & It's Really Good

        Video conferencing isn't something most people get excited about. Until recently, the field has been dominated by the likes of Polycom and Cisco in the enterprise sphere, and Skype and Google Plus picking up the slack in the consumer sphere. Commonly, video conferencing hasn't been done especially well. For the most part Skype stutters and glitches out more than a Max Headroom marathon, even with

          Move Over Google Plus Hangouts. Appear.in Is Here & It's Really Good
        • ビデオ会議中にマイクをミュートにしてもアプリはマイクの音声を収集し続けている

          ビデオ会議や音声チャットの途中で諸用を済ませるために一時的に離席する時、余計な音声が相手に届かないようにマイクをミュートにすることがあります。しかし、「ビデオ会議中にマイクをミュートにすると、たとえ相手に音声は届かなくても、アプリ自体は音声データを収集している」と、ウィスコンシン大学電気・コンピューター工学科のカッセム・ファワズ助教の研究チームが発表しました。 Are You Really Muted?: A Privacy Analysis of Mute Buttons in Video Conferencing Apps (PDFファイル)https://wiscprivacy.com/papers/vca_mute.pdf You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen even when mic is of

          • Video API

            Vonage Ranked Highest in Video Use Case in Gartner Critical Capabilities for CPaaS Report Learn more Bring people together globally with Vonage Video API Integrate live interactive video directly into your web, mobile, and desktop applications with the Vonage global video platform. Create rich built-for-purpose experiences, or quickly add video to your app with a low-code/no-code offering.

              Video API
            • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

              Welcome to Week in Review: TechCrunch’s newsletter recapping the week’s biggest news. This week Apple unveiled new iPad models at its Let Loose event, including a new 13-inch display for…

                TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
              • Double Robotics - Telepresence Robot for the Hybrid Office

                Double 3 is a self-driving, two-wheeled videoconferencing robot that revolutionizes the way you work or learn remotely. With more and more employers allowing flexible or remote schedules, these hybrid offices and hybrid classrooms need tools designed for this environment. Double 3 is the ultimate tool for remote workers and students to feel more connected to their colleagues by giving them a physi

                • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                  VCs are clamoring to invest in hot AI companies, willing to pay exorbitant share prices for coveted spots on their cap tables. Even so, most aren’t able to get into such deals at all. Yet, small, unknown investors, including family offices and high-net-worth individuals, have found their own way to get shares of the hottest…

                    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                  • iCalendar

                    目次 はじめに 概要 仕様(別ページ) 実装状況 サンプル 制限事項 関連リソース Versit Consortium 用語集 はじめに Windows CE 機 (Jornada 820) を携帯するようになり、家や勤務先のデスクトップ PC の Outlook と [仕事] や [予定表] を同期してのスケジュール管理に凝りだした。 Outlook はメニューの [ツール]-[オプション] で予定表に各国の祝日を追加することができる(元データは Office ディレクトリの OUTLOOK.TXT)が、アイテムが1年単位になっている。アイテムを一覧すると同じ祝日が大量に並び、同一の祝日をまとめて保守したい時には繁雑だ。 同一の祝日は Outlook の予定や仕事のオプション「定期的なアイテム」でまとめられないかと考え、さらに、OUTLOOK.TXT のように Outlook から独立し

                    • Microsoft Teams stores auth tokens as cleartext in Windows, Linux, Macs

                      HomeNewsSecurityMicrosoft Teams stores auth tokens as cleartext in Windows, Linux, Macs Microsoft Teams stores auth tokens as cleartext in Windows, Linux, Macs Security analysts have found a severe security vulnerability in the desktop app for Microsoft Teams that gives threat actors access to authentication tokens and accounts with multi-factor authentication (MFA) turned on. Microsoft Teams is a

                        Microsoft Teams stores auth tokens as cleartext in Windows, Linux, Macs
                      • 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する対応について 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ | 東京大学

                        東大の活動制限指針をレベル2(制限-中)に引き上げ 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ 先週末から、東京都では一日の新型コロナウイルス感染者の数が100人を超えております。今後も急速な感染の広がりが予想されるため、東京大学はキャンパスにおける活動制限をさらに厳格化いたします。 具体的には、「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための東京大学の活動制限指針*」(令和2年4月3日発表)を、レベル2(制限-中)に引き上げます。 レベル2では、みなさまに以下の制限のご協力をお願いします。 研究活動のためのキャンパス構内への立ち入りは、現在進行中の実験・研究を継続するために必要最小限の研究室関係者のみの立ち入りが許可されます。立ち入る研究室関係者は現場での滞在時間を減らすとともに、それ以外の研究室関係者は自宅での作業をしてください。なお、研究室内で1人だけで実験・作業することは、大変危険ですので禁止しま

                          新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する対応について 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ | 東京大学
                        • Appleは約15万円の「iPadにロボットの手足が生えた卓上家庭用ロボット」の開発を優先しており2026~2027年の発売を目指しているとの報道

                          by Antonio Marín Segovia Apple関連の情報に詳しいBloombergのマーク・ガーマン氏が、Appleは家庭用卓上ロボットデバイスの開発プロジェクトを進めていると報じました。 Apple (AAPL) Pushes Ahead with Tabletop Home Device in Shift to Robotics - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-08-14/apple-pushes-ahead-with-tabletop-home-device-in-shift-to-robotics Regulatory Backlash Against Chatbots Comes as Banks Find Value in Their Use https://www.pymnts.c

                          • Salsify — A New Architecture for Real-time Internet Video

                            Salsify is a new design for real-time Internet video that jointly controls a video codec and a network transport protocol. Current systems (Skype, Facetime, WebRTC) run these components independently, which produces more glitches and stalls when the network is unpredictable. In testing, Salsify consistently outperformed today’s real-time video systems in both quality and delay. Salsify is a resear

                            • And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’ (Published 2013)

                              The 55 miles from Campbell to San Francisco make for one of the nicest commutes anywhere. The journey mostly zips along the Junipero Serra Freeway, a grand and remarkably empty highway that abuts the east side of the Santa Cruz Mountains. It is one of the best places in Silicon Valley to spot a start-up tycoon speed-testing his Ferrari and one of the worst places for cellphone reception. For Andy

                                And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’ (Published 2013)
                              • Google Summer of Code 2008  |  Google for Developers

                                Google Summer of Code 2008 Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This is a page lists the students and organizations that participated in the Google Summer of Code 2008 program. If you you are interested in the latest program information, see the main Summer of Code page. Participating Organizations AbiSource Adium ArgoUML The Apache Software Founda

                                • Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings - The Citizen Lab

                                  Read our description of Zoom’s waiting room vulnerability, as well as frequently asked question about Zoom and encryption issues. This report examines the encryption that protects meetings in the popular Zoom teleconference app. We find that Zoom has “rolled their own” encryption scheme, which has significant weaknesses. In addition, we identify potential areas of concern in Zoom’s infrastructure,

                                    Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings - The Citizen Lab
                                  • Steve Jobs unveils latest iMac (video) - CNET News

                                    Apple CEO Steve Jobs shows off the newest iMac. It has built-in videoconferencing, a Photo Booth application and Shuffle-style remote control for multimedia playback. 10 minutes 25 seconds October 30, 2007 5:24 PM PDT

                                    • 続・ツキの研究――樋口式十カ条

                                      ツキが寄ってくるのはなぜだろうか。33年間に及ぶ筆者のビジネス経験から、ツキが寄りつきやすい条件を考えてみたら10件ほどあった。それを「樋口式ツキの十カ条」と呼ぶ。 世の中には、ツイている人がいる。ツキの強い人とはどんな人だろうか。ビジネスの世界では、一代で巨大な企業を育て上げるようなダイヤモンド級のツキを持つ人もいるだろうが、数は極めて少ない。一方、こうした数千億の資産を作る人とまではいかなくとも、どこの会社にだって結構ツキの強い人がいるものだ。 かなり厳しい仕事やプロジェクトをしていても、何とかこなすし、幾多のピンチも脱出する。失敗もするが、知らない間に、その失敗を取り戻すほどの成功で挽回を果たしている。なぜかそういう人の周辺には、同じようなツキの強い人が集まっていて、仕事も人生も楽しんでいたりするのである。 そうした彼らも会社という組織では、トップまで昇進しなかったりする。だが、そこ

                                      • Opus Codec

                                        Opus Interactive Audio Codec Overview Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet, but is also intended for storage and streaming applications. It is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as RFC 6716 which incorporated technology from Skype’s SILK codec and Xiph.Org’s CELT

                                        • Opus Codec

                                          Opus Interactive Audio Codec Overview Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet, but is also intended for storage and streaming applications. It is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as RFC 6716 which incorporated technology from Skype’s SILK codec and Xiph.Org’s CELT

                                          • Ekiga ~ Free Your Speech

                                            Submitted by Yannick Defais on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 21:49 Ekiga (formerly known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It supports HD sound quality and video up to DVD size and quality. Because it uses both of the major telephony standards (SIP and H.323), it is interoperable with many service providers and many types of h

                                            • LIVE555 Streaming Media

                                              This code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which can be compiled for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), QNX (and other POSIX-compliant systems) - can be used to build streaming applications. The libraries are already being used to implement applications such as the "LIVE555 Media Server", "LIVE555 Proxy

                                              • The Personal Analytics of My Life—Stephen Wolfram Writings

                                                One day I’m sure everyone will routinely collect all sorts of data about themselves. But because I’ve been interested in data for a very long time, I started doing this long ago. I actually assumed lots of other people were doing it too, but apparently they were not. And so now I have what is probably one of the world’s largest collections of personal data. Every day—in an effort at “self awarenes

                                                • TCP ex Machina

                                                  What is congestion control? On the Internet, most of the intelligence lies in the endpoint computers, not inside the network. One of the endpoints' responsibilities is to fairly share the network's limited resources among themselves. For example, in a house with a 10 Mbps connection to the Internet, with two users trying to upload a video to YouTube at the same time, it's usually the users' comput

                                                  • All Forces Blog Archive iChat to MSN Through Jabber

                                                    Posted on Friday, May 6th, 2005 at 2:56 pm under Mac Geekery, Tutorials. The latest version of the Mac OS X known as Tiger brings Jabber support to iChat which indirectly supports other messaging protocols like MSN, ICQ, AIM and IRC. What is Jabber and why do I care? Jabber is an open alternative to consumer IM services. Unlike these commercial services, Jabber is a decentralized network. It work

                                                    • ROBOTS DREAMS

                                                      Robot news, robotics information, robot contest and construction photos, videos of robots like Robo-One Robonova Robosapien Roboraptor Robopet and micromouse, and robot hack projects with special onsite coverage of major robot events, robotic exhibitions and Robo-One Robo-Fight Robo-Gong and RoboCup competitions in Japan.Nissan Shows Off Bee Based Car Robot With the annual CEATEC Japan trade show

                                                      • MPEG transport stream - Wikipedia

                                                        MPEG transport stream (MPEG-TS, MTS) or simply transport stream (TS) is a standard digital container format for transmission and storage of audio, video, and Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP) data.[6] It is used in broadcast systems such as DVB, ATSC and IPTV. Transport stream specifies a container format encapsulating packetized elementary streams, with error correction and synchroni

                                                        • Better than Zoom: Try these free software tools for staying in touch — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software

                                                          You are here: Home › Blogs › Community › Better than Zoom: Try these free software tools for staying in touch The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an enormous amount of changes in how people work, play, and communicate. By now, many of us have settled into the routine of using remote communication or videoconferencing tools to keep in touch with our friends and family. In the last few weeks we've also

                                                          • 会議中に居眠りしてもすぐ議論に追いつける技術をマイクロソフトが開発|ガジェット通信 GetNews

                                                            今回はアキヒトさんのブログ『POLAR BEAR BLOG』からご寄稿いただきました。 会議中に居眠りしてもすぐ議論に追いつける技術をマイクロソフトが開発 春眠暁を覚えず……という季節でもなくなりましたが、眠いものは眠い。特にゴールデンウィーク明けの怠けた体には、長時間の会議が辛かったりするわけですが、マイクロソフトから会議中の居眠りを可能にする(別にそれを推奨しているわけではありませんが)技術が発表されたとのこと。 ● 「If You Doze During A Meeting, Microsoft’s Got Your Back」2011年05月05日『Fast Company』 http://www.fastcompany.com/1751740/snoozed-during-the-meeting-microsofts-got-your-back マイクロソフトが開発した”Acce

                                                              会議中に居眠りしてもすぐ議論に追いつける技術をマイクロソフトが開発|ガジェット通信 GetNews
                                                            • News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta

                                                              The last year has been a great one for WebKit. After unveiling Safari 17 beta at WWDC23, we’ve shipped six releases of Safari 17.x with a total of 200 new web technologies. And we’ve been hard at work on multiple architectural improvement projects that strengthen WebKit for the long-term. Now, we are pleased to announce WebKit for Safari 18 beta. It adds another 48 web platform features, as well a

                                                                News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta
                                                              • “歩きスマートグラス”でビデオ会議 横顔の映像を正面顔にリアルタイム変換

                                                                Innovative Tech: このコーナーでは、テクノロジーの最新研究を紹介するWebメディア「Seamless」を主宰する山下裕毅氏が執筆。新規性の高い科学論文を山下氏がピックアップし、解説する。 マックス・プランク情報学研究所とミュンヘン工科大学によるドイツの研究チームが開発した「Egocentric Videoconferencing」は、眼鏡型デバイスのフレームに取り付けたカメラから横顔の映像を撮影し、正面から見た顔の映像をリアルタイムに生成する、深層学習を用いたシステムだ。イヤフォンとマイク付きスマートグラスに搭載すれば、歩きながらハンズフリーでビデオ会議も可能という。 ビデオ会議では通常、PC、タブレット、スマートフォンなどで正面方向から顔を撮影しながら行わなければならない。歩きながら会議に参加する場合は、手持ちしたスマートフォンで自撮りし続ける必要がある。これは手が疲れる

                                                                  “歩きスマートグラス”でビデオ会議 横顔の映像を正面顔にリアルタイム変換
                                                                • Computing as Social Science – Communications of the ACM

                                                                  Changing the way computer science is taught in college by encouraging students to develop solutions to socially relevant problems. I have been concerned with the decline in computer science enrollments nationwide,a and it began to increasingly bother me as I prepared for the fall semester last year. With each new freshman class I worry that fewer students are choosing a career in computer science,

                                                                  • Mixed reality - Wikipedia

                                                                    For the Microsoft product, see Windows Mixed Reality. For the music album, see Mixed Reality (album). Clip from a mixed reality Job Simulator game Mixed reality (MR) is a term used to describe the merging of a real-world environment and a computer-generated one. Physical and virtual objects may co-exist in mixed reality environments and interact in real time. Mixed reality that incorporates haptic

                                                                      Mixed reality - Wikipedia
                                                                    • HD Video Conferencing Solutions | Tely

                                                                      Frost & Sullivan Lauds Tely for Strategically Targeting the Huddle Room Segment with its Affordable, Cloud-Optimized Video Conferencing Solution, Tely 200 The Unified Communication and Collaboration industry is finally addressing the cost and usability of video conference & collaboration to bridge the gap between the desktop and large conference room deployments. Tely has set its sights on the ent

                                                                      • Logitech Broadcaster Wi-fi Wireless Hd Webcam Stream Record For Mac

                                                                        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 5448 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Logitech Broadcaster Wi-fi Wireless Hd Webcam Stream Record For Mac FreeFeatures Logitech Broadcaster Wi-Fi Webcam for HD Video Streaming, Calling, Recording - Black The world's first Wi-Fi webcam: Highly versatile handheld wireless web camera for Mac, iPad and iPhone One-touch live broadcasting: Stream your band, show or

                                                                          Logitech Broadcaster Wi-fi Wireless Hd Webcam Stream Record For Mac
                                                                        • dashboard | QRコード作成

                                                                          Trusted by businesses for 10+ years, generating over 40M QR Codes and counting First impressions countImprove the efficiency and networking of your teams by sharing your company's vCard Pro using QR codes. By email signatures, smartphone scanning, printing or videoconferencing, the possibilities for sharing our digital business cards are unlimited.Fully personalise your digital business card now:

                                                                          • HTTP/2 Considerations and Tradeoffs - Insouciant

                                                                            [Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.] [Disclaimer: I’m a Chromium developer working on HTTP/2 amongst other things.] There are many things to love about HTTP/2, but there are also many things to hate about it. It improves over HTTP/1.X in a number of ways, yet it makes things worse in a number of ways as well. When proposing something

                                                                              HTTP/2 Considerations and Tradeoffs - Insouciant
                                                                            • Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all

                                                                              Now that we’re all stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, video calls have gone from a novelty to a necessity. Zoom, the popular videoconferencing service, seems to be doing better than most and has quickly become one of, if not the most, popular option going. But should it be? Zoom’s recent popularity has also shone a spotlight on the company’s security protections and privacy promises

                                                                                Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all
                                                                              • 8 must-see TED talks for IT pros

                                                                                Watch these brief, illuminating talks on everything from gesture-based computing and extreme data visualization to gaming to save the world. If you’ve been around the Web awhile, you’ve probably heard of TED conferences. They’re events organized by a small New York nonprofit called TED Conferences where audiences get to hear the ideas of illustrious thinkers and speakers from the worlds of technol

                                                                                • Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki - Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki

                                                                                  Introduction Welcome to Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. This wiki was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. All over the world, librarians are developing successful programs and doing innovative things with technology that no one outside of their library knows about. There are lots of great blogs out there sharing information about the p