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  • #srefm Production Readiness 会まとめ - ツナワタリマイライフ

    はい。こちらのイベントのまとめをしていきます! t.co 今回はゲストに @koudaiii さんと _a0i さんをお招きして、Application や Infrastructure / Platform の Production Readiness について語りました! お二人を選んだ理由としては、坂部さんの場合は Production Ready に関するアウトプットがすでにあったということで、すぐに打診しました。aoi さんのほうはサイボウズさんとかどうだろうねということで思いついて声かけました!お二人とも快諾していただき感謝です。 期待とか chaspy の所感とか hackmd のほうにざーっと書いたやつ。 chaspy の所感 Production Readiness Checklist とても良いもので、やってよかった。 SRE の負担を最小限にしつつ、Developer

      #srefm Production Readiness 会まとめ - ツナワタリマイライフ
    • Named Colors Wheel

      ❌ This "color wheel" arrangement is a compact and visual way to represent a whole range of colors. I was reminded of the named/web colors by a recent Hacker News comment thread, and thought again of arranging them into a color wheel. So here it is: a color wheel, with only "web colors" on it. Each color is placed on the wheel, then grown to a polygon to fill the wheel with a Voronoi diagram. Hover

      • Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things

        This is my claim: we, as a civilization, forgot how to center things. I mean, we know how to do it. It has never been simpler: display: flex; justify-content: center; /* Horizontal centering */ align-items: center; /* Vertical centering */ (don’t ask why you need to remember four words instead of just horizontal/vertical, it’s still better than before) Or you can use grids if you want: display: gr

          Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
        • やさしい図解で学ぶ ER図 表記法一覧 - Qiita

          ER図とは? ER図もしくはERDとは "Entity Relationship Diagram"のこと DB設計において 「テーブルとテーブルを線でつなぎ、中身の種類と関係性見やすくしたもの」 と思っていただければ大丈夫です。 プログラミング学習者の方であればどこかで”鳥の足”みたいな先端で図表が結ばれたものを見たことがあるかもしれません。 それがERDもしくはER図。 簡素なものですがたとえば下のような図です。 ER図のリレーション表記法一覧 これだけだと少しわかりにくいかもしれないので簡単な例をいくつかみてみましょう。 例1: 1 対 多 ユーザーログイン機能とツイートが出来る簡単なアプリケーションがあるとします。 データベースにはusersテーブルとtweetsテーブルの2つのテーブルが下図のようにあります。 このテーブル間の関係性としては1対多となります。 user→→tweet

            やさしい図解で学ぶ ER図 表記法一覧 - Qiita
          • ゼロから始めるdiagramsでシステム構成図 - Gunosy Tech Blog

            こんにちは。ひぐらし業を見て毎週心を痛めているふそやん@azihsoynです。 コロナ禍でIT業界ではリモートワークが増えてきて、オンボーディングもオンラインで行うことが多くなってきており、ドキュメントの重要性がさらに増している気がします。 恥ずかしながら弊チームはサーバーサイドのドキュメントが豊富にあるとは言えず、オンボーディングは手書きで構成図を書きながら口頭で説明していました。 そろそろちゃんとしないとと思い始めドキュメントを作り始めたのですが、一番重要なシステム構成図がなかなか描けずに苦労していました。 そもそもなぜシステム構成図が描けないのか? いくつか理由はあると思うのですが、自己分析した結果、 デザインセンスがない 辛い GUIのツールで書いても秘伝のタレ化してしまう 継続的に更新されなさそう → 一回だけの図を描くことになりコスパが悪い などがありそうでした。 自分に向いて

              ゼロから始めるdiagramsでシステム構成図 - Gunosy Tech Blog
            • Timeline of a React Component With Hooks | JulesBlom.com

              Understanding the order in which function components run hooks can be helpful in writing React correctly and effectively. I made this diagram that shows just that. Take some time to click through it first, there’s a description and a quiz afterward. Let’s dive in!

                Timeline of a React Component With Hooks | JulesBlom.com
              • beautiful-react-diagrams | A tiny collection of lightweight React components for building diagrams with ease

                • オール馬鹿のネトウヨ が妄信しているデマを 完全論破 (有効な資料 (南京事件-日中戦争 小さな資料集, 慰安婦強制連行資料http…

                  オール馬鹿のネトウヨ が妄信しているデマを 完全論破 (有効な資料 (南京事件-日中戦争 小さな資料集, 慰安婦強制連行資料http…: オール馬鹿のネトウヨ が妄信しているデマを 完全論破

                    オール馬鹿のネトウヨ が妄信しているデマを 完全論破 (有効な資料 (南京事件-日中戦争 小さな資料集, 慰安婦強制連行資料http…
                  • Early Tree Swing Cartoons – BusinessBalls.com

                    Points of DiscussionNormally no pointers are needed - people very readily interpret the pictures into their own organisational situation. Here are a few typical 'them and us' reactions just in case: Marketing - Adding overly complex, unnecessary value - embellishment, putting their own mark onto things, creativity for creativity's sake, subjective as opposed to objective. May ignore customer surve

                    • John Peel Sessions

                      THIS LIST IS BEING UPDATED REGULARLY AND THERE'S MORE HERE AND EVEN MORE HERE 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1986 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1987 1919 - Peel Session 1983 21 Guns - Peel Session 1981 22-20s - Peel Session 2004 23 Skidoo - Peel Session 1981 2TV - Peel Session 1979 3 Inches of Blood - Peel Session 2003 4 Skins - Peel Session 1981 70 Gwen Party - Peel Session 1991 70 Gwen Party - Peel

                        John Peel Sessions
                      • Decent looking diagrams for engineers

                        decent looking diagrams for engineers

                        • Investigating TLS blocking in India

                          Simone Basso (OONI), Gurshabad Grover and Kushagra Singh (Centre for Internet and Society, India) 2020-07-08 This report investigates Transport Layer Security (TLS)-based blocking in India. Previous research by the Centre for Internet & Society, India (CIS) has already exposed TLS blocking based on the value of the SNI field. OONI has also implemented and started testing SNI-based TLS blocking mea

                            Investigating TLS blocking in India
                          • Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query | Amazon Web Services

                            AWS Big Data Blog Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query April 2024: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Organizations today use data stores that are the best fit for the applications they build. For example, for an organization building a social network, a graph database such as Amazon Neptune is likely the best fit when compared to a relational database. Similarly, for w

                              Query any data source with Amazon Athena’s new federated query | Amazon Web Services
                            • 構成図を書くのに便利なWebサービス4選 | いくらは神の食べ物

                              本日はシステム構成図・ネットワーク構成図を書くのに便利なWebサービスを紹介します。 VisioやPowerPoint、Excelなおで構成図を書くのもいいですが、Webサービスでテンプレートからサクッと作成して時間短縮を図りましょう! AWS、Azure、GCPなどのパブリッククラウドサービスはもちろん、VMwareやVeeam、Citrixなどの構成図も簡単にかけますよ! Draw.io 王道のドローイングサービスです。 AWS・Azure・GCPに加えて、テンプレートではネットワーク図、ラック図、フローチャートなど様々な図をテンプレートから作成することが出来ます。 図形も多くの種類があって、VMwareやCitrix、Allied Telesis、Cumulusなどあります。 アカウント登録不要、xmlで作成した構成図を出力できるのも使い勝手がいいですね。 Cloudcraft AW

                                構成図を書くのに便利なWebサービス4選 | いくらは神の食べ物
                              • 18-956 Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (04/05/2021)

                                1 (Slip Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 2020 Syllabus NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued. The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S

                                • 0.8.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

                                  Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

                                  • Get up to speed with partial clone and shallow clone

                                    EngineeringGet up to speed with partial clone and shallow cloneAs your Git repositories grow, it becomes harder and harder for new developers to clone and start working on them. Git is designed as a distributed version control system. This means that… As your Git repositories grow, it becomes harder and harder for new developers to clone and start working on them. Git is designed as a distributed 

                                      Get up to speed with partial clone and shallow clone
                                    • Release v4.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer

                                      Breaking change: Puppeteer no longer uses Node’s EventEmitter library As part of our work to make Puppeteer agnostic of its environment we are removing the dependency on Node’s EventEmitter in favour of an event emitter that is not tied to Node. Under the hood we use Mitt, but we extend Mitt with additional functionality to match most of the methods that Node’s EventEmitter provides. The following

                                        Release v4.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer
                                      • security-bulletins/2019-002.md at master · Netflix/security-bulletins

                                        Advisory ID: NFLX-2019-002 Title: HTTP/2 Denial of Service Advisory Release Date: 2019-08-13 Severity: High Overview: Netflix has discovered several resource exhaustion vectors affecting a variety of third-party HTTP/2 implementations. These attack vectors can be used to launch DoS attacks against servers that support HTTP/2 communication. Netflix worked with Google and CERT/CC to coordinate discl

                                          security-bulletins/2019-002.md at master · Netflix/security-bulletins
                                        • 【Treasure2023】実際に買い出ししてデータモデリング!/ 夏季インターン講義レポート - CARTA TECH BLOG

                                          Treasure データモデリング講義をレポート!! 技術広報のしゅーぞーです。 今日はCARTA HOLDINGS(以下、CARTA)の夏季インターンシップ Treasureのデータモデリング講義をレポートします。 データモデリング講師 @t_wada さん データモデリング講義の講師は @t_wada さん。 データモデリングの基礎を学んだ後、「実際にPOSシステムのモデリングを行う」実習を行います。 なんと最後には、 「実際に買い出し」をして、自分たちのデータモデルが現実問題に耐えうるか検証する ことをやっています...! Treasureの詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 techblog.cartaholdings.co.jp 講義の間には、イベントがもりだくさん 講義の間には、 ランチでお弁当を食べたり お弁当をかけてジャンケン CARTAエンジニアの キャリア を聞いたり 6年目

                                            【Treasure2023】実際に買い出ししてデータモデリング!/ 夏季インターン講義レポート - CARTA TECH BLOG
                                          • GitHub Security Lab audited DataHub: Here's what they found

                                            SecurityGitHub Security Lab audited DataHub: Here’s what they foundThe GitHub Security Lab audited DataHub, an open source metadata platform, and discovered several vulnerabilities in the platform's authentication and authorization modules. These vulnerabilities could have enabled an attacker to bypass authentication and gain access to sensitive data stored on the platform. At GitHub, we really ca

                                              GitHub Security Lab audited DataHub: Here's what they found
                                            • GitHub - Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon: Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included

                                              Check out my other repositories: Backend best practices - Best practices, tools and guidelines for backend development. System Design Patterns - list of topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc. Full Stack starter template - template for full stack applications based on TypeScript, React, Vite, ChakraUI, tRPC, Fastify, Pris

                                                GitHub - Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon: Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included
                                              • CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS Developer Tools Blog CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in familiar programming languages and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. The AWS CDK consists of three major components: The core framework for modeling reusable infrastructure components A

                                                  CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications | Amazon Web Services
                                                • The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                  The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Responsive Design Today Today, when using the term: "responsive design", you are most likely thinking about using media queries to change layout when resizing a design from mobile size, to tablet size, through to desktop size. But soon, this perception o

                                                  • Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform

                                                    Andreas Andreakis, Falguni Jhaveri, Ioannis Papapanagiotou, Mark Cho, Poorna Reddy, Tongliang Liu OverviewIt is a commonly observed pattern for applications to utilize multiple datastores where each is used to serve a specific need such as storing the canonical form of data (MySQL etc.), providing advanced search capabilities (ElasticSearch etc.), caching (Memcached etc.), and more. Typically when

                                                      Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform
                                                    • Moving from DynamoDB to tiered storage with MySQL+S3

                                                      Originally we implemented a feature to persist an event-stream into DynamoDB to allow customers to retrieve them. This proved effective, serving as a strong use case for a key/value storage, yet the drawback was its high cost. Moving to provisioned billing-mode reduced cost by ~50%, but that was not going to be sustainable as we scaled to more customers. We also kept multiplying the cost each time

                                                        Moving from DynamoDB to tiered storage with MySQL+S3
                                                      • Tips For Faster Rust Compile Times | corrode Rust Consulting

                                                        Slow Rust Builds? Here are some tips to speed up your compile times. This list was originally released on my private blog, but I decided to update it for 2024 and move it here. Table of Contents Click here to expand the table of contents. General Tips Update The Rust Compiler And Toolchain Use cargo check Instead Of cargo build Switch To The New Parallel Compiler Frontend Remove Unused Dependencie

                                                          Tips For Faster Rust Compile Times | corrode Rust Consulting
                                                        • Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem

                                                          Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem Posted by Bartosz Milewski under Category Theory, Programming [9] Comments The main idea of functional programming is to treat functions like any other data types. In particular, we want to be able to pass functions as arguments to other functions, return them as values, and store them in data structures. But what kind of data type is a function? It’s a type

                                                            Defunctionalization and Freyd’s Theorem
                                                          • AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry

                                                            Research AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry Published 17 January 2024 Authors Trieu Trinh and Thang Luong Our AI system surpasses the state-of-the-art approach for geometry problems, advancing AI reasoning in mathematics Reflecting the Olympic spirit of ancient Greece, the International Mathematical Olympiad is a modern-day arena for the world's brightest high-school mathemati

                                                              AlphaGeometry: An Olympiad-level AI system for geometry
                                                            • How to create IAM roles for deploying your AWS Serverless app | Serverless First

                                                              Getting IAM permissions right is one of the hardest parts about building serverless applications on AWS. Many official tutorials and blog posts cop out of giving you the full details on how to set up IAM, preferring something vague like “ensure you use least-privilege permissions when creating this role”. Or worse, they give you a wide open wildcard or admin-level example policy with a “don’t use

                                                                How to create IAM roles for deploying your AWS Serverless app | Serverless First
                                                              • 2024-01-21のJS: Astro 4.2、Bun 1.0.24(Bun Shell)、RemixのSPAモード

                                                                JSer.info #677 - Astro 4.2がリリースされました。 Astro 4.2 | Astro Astro 4.2では、Prerenderingの実験的なオプションとしてSpeculation Rules APIを使ったPrerenderingをサポートしています。 また、injectRouteやファイルベースのルーティングが衝突した時の新しい優先度ルールをopt-inでサポートしています。 その他には、redirectToDefaultLocaleオプションを追加することでデフォルト言語へのリダイレクトを無効化できるように、アクセシビリティルールの追加などがあります。 Bun v1.0.24がリリースされました。 Bun v1.0.24 | Bun Blog Bun v1.0.24では、Bun Shellというzxのようにシェルスクリプトを扱うための関数の追加されています

                                                                  2024-01-21のJS: Astro 4.2、Bun 1.0.24(Bun Shell)、RemixのSPAモード
                                                                • Scaling Git’s garbage collection

                                                                  EngineeringOpen SourceScaling Git’s garbage collectionA tour of recent work to re-engineer Git’s garbage collection process to scale to our largest and most active repositories. At GitHub, we store a lot of Git data: more than 18.6 petabytes of it, to be precise. That’s more than six times the size of the Library of Congress’s digital collections1. Most of that data comes from the contents of your

                                                                    Scaling Git’s garbage collection
                                                                  • Designing a Dataflow Editor With TypeScript and React | Protocol Labs Research

                                                                    This is a design report – a story about the tradeoffs and challenges that we encountered while building a medium-complexity React component in TypeScript. These include state modeling (“making illegal states unrepresentable”) basic type-level programming in TypeScript DX patterns for generically typed React components DX patterns for reusable controlled components using a Redux-like action/dispatc

                                                                      Designing a Dataflow Editor With TypeScript and React | Protocol Labs Research
                                                                    • How to build a Raspberry Pi cluster - Raspberry Pi

                                                                      Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Why would you build a physical cluster? Today you can go to Amazon, or Digital Ocean, or any of the other cloud providers, and spin up a virtual machine in seconds. But the cloud is just someone else’s computers: a Raspberry Pi cluster is a low-cost, versatile system you can use for all kinds of clustered-computing related technologies, and you have total control over the

                                                                        How to build a Raspberry Pi cluster - Raspberry Pi
                                                                      • dbdocs.io - Database Documentation and Catalog Tool

                                                                        dbdiagram - Database Diagram As Code Draw ER diagrams by just writing code. Designed for developers and data analysts. dbdocs - Database Docs As Code Create web-based database documentation using code. Integrate seamlessly with your development workflow. dbml - Database Definition As Code Open-source DSL language designed to define and document database schemas and structures. Holistics.io - BI Re

                                                                        • iNet

                                                                          Programming with interaction nets.

                                                                          • Verify phone numbers on the web with the WebOTP API  |  Identity  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                            What is the WebOTP API? These days, most people in the world own a mobile device and developers are commonly using phone numbers as an identifier for users of their services. There are a variety of ways to verify phone numbers, but a randomly generated one-time password (OTP) sent by SMS is one of the most common. Sending this code back to the developer's server demonstrates control of the phone n

                                                                            • Under the hood: AWS Fargate data plane | Amazon Web Services

                                                                              Containers Under the hood: AWS Fargate data plane Today, we launched a new platform version (1.4) for AWS Fargate, which bundles a number of new features and capabilities for our customers. You can read more about these features in this blog post. One of the changes we are introducing in platform version 1.4 is replacing Docker Engine with Containerd as Fargate’s container execution engine.  In th

                                                                                Under the hood: AWS Fargate data plane | Amazon Web Services
                                                                              • Announcing CUDA on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 | NVIDIA Technical Blog

                                                                                WSL2 is available on Windows 11 outside the Windows Insider Preview. For more information about what is supported, see the CUDA on WSL User Guide. In response to popular demand, Microsoft announced a new feature of the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2)—GPU acceleration—at the Build conference in May 2020. This feature opens the gate for many compute applications, professional tools, and worklo

                                                                                  Announcing CUDA on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 | NVIDIA Technical Blog
                                                                                • 「AirTag」のクイックスタートガイドが流出か 充電方法や取り付け方法、アプリを使った探す方法など - こぼねみ

                                                                                  Appleが発売の準備を進めているという、忘れ物防止タグ「AirTag」ですが、製品に同梱されるクイックスタートガイドと思われる写真が公開されています。 リーカーLeaks (@caleblin_apple) 氏は次の写真をツイート。最終印刷前のAirTagのクイックスタートガイドと思われます。AirTagに加えてワイヤレス充電器AirPowerも含まれています。 配置されているイラストを確認してみると、AirTagの充電方法を示しているようです。 左上のAirTagは、その右側にあるApple Watch用の磁気充電ケーブルのような、AirTagに同梱されると記載のある充電ケーブルや、その下にある充電マットAirPowerでも充電できることが示されています。 AirTagは充電式ではなくコイン電池を使用するという情報もありましたが、この写真はその情報を否定しています。 AirTagのク

                                                                                    「AirTag」のクイックスタートガイドが流出か 充電方法や取り付け方法、アプリを使った探す方法など - こぼねみ