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  • How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code

    EngineeringProductHow GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your codeWith a new Fill-in-the-Middle paradigm, GitHub engineers improved the way GitHub Copilot contextualizes your code. By continuing to develop and test advanced retrieval algorithms, they’re working on making our AI tool even more advanced. To make working with GitHub Copilot feel like a meeting of the minds between deve

      How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code
    • ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020

      The selection of areas and methods is heavily influenced by my own interests; the selected topics are biased towards representation and transfer learning and towards natural language processing (NLP). I tried to cover the papers that I was aware of but likely missed many relevant ones—feel free to highlight them in the comments below. In all, I discuss the following highlights: Scaling up—and down

        ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020
      • How we built JSR

        We recently launched the JavaScript Registry - JSR. It’s a new registry for JavaScript and TypeScript designed to offer a significantly better experience than npm for both package authors and users: It natively supports publishing TypeScript source code, which is used to auto-generate documentation for your package It’s secure-by-default, supporting token-less publishing from GitHub Actions and pa

          How we built JSR
        • Interview with Ryan Dahl, Node.js & Deno creator by Evrone

          In an interview with Evrone, Ryan Dahl speaks about the main challenges in Deno, the future of JavaScript and TypeScript, and tells how he would have changed his approach to Node.js if he could travel back in time. Introduction Ryan Dahl is a software engineer and the original developer of the Node.js, and the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime. We are glad to have had an opportunity to speak

            Interview with Ryan Dahl, Node.js & Deno creator by Evrone
          • Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

            Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I'll be doing just that. Just to be clear, this is not going to be a tutorial post. Covering such a vast amount of material in a single blog post, while starting from the beginning is p

              Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
            • ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

              OpenAI’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer? In 2013, workers at a German construction company noticed something odd about their Xerox photocopier: when they made a copy of the floor plan of a house, the copy differed from the original in a subtle but significant way. In the original floor plan, each of the house’s three rooms was accompanied by a rectangl

                ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web
              • Relational Databases Explained

                It is often surprising how little is known about how databases operate at a surface level, considering they store almost all of the states in our applications. Yet, it's foundational to the overall success of most systems. So today, I will explain the two most important topics when working with RDBMSs indexes and transactions. So, without fully getting into the weeds on database-specific quirks, I

                  Relational Databases Explained
                • TensorFlow 2 meets the Object Detection API

                  https://blog.tensorflow.org/2020/07/tensorflow-2-meets-object-detection-api.html https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKis9ECId8eIwn_p0SVMBt3a1vfvKOcOZXy6zK0fWoyzXnzQTguKc2CV__6oI1Pwg22NjWsErpDKqjwQdzjilvmqwWkXPj2ncglphh6mAhpoZ_QXQiDwxnwo-GjKEP0fEOb3uBlNlh9sc/s1600/tensorflow2objectdetection.png July 10, 2020 — Posted by Vivek Rathod and Jonathan Huang, Google Research At the

                    TensorFlow 2 meets the Object Detection API
                  • Interesting Programming Languages

                    Interesting Programming Languages an opinionated collection of programming languages. Created: Feb 19, 2020 by Pradeep Gowda Updated: May 17, 2024 Tagged: programming-language An opinionated collection of programming languages. This is a list of what I consider interesting. Requests to add to this list are welcome, but there is no guarantee I’ll include them. As you can see many mainstream program

                    • 100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning

                      There are millions of github repos and filtering them is an insane amount of work. It takes huge time, efforts and a lot more. We have done this for you. In this article we’ll share a curated list of 100+ widely-known, recommended and most popular repositories and open source github projects for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. So without further ado, Let’s see all the hubs created by experts a

                        100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning
                      • Better together: AWS SAM and AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS Compute Blog Better together: AWS SAM and AWS CDK Today AWS is announcing the public preview of AWS Serverless Application Model CLI (AWS SAM CLI) support for local development and testing of AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) projects. AWS SAM and AWS CDK are both open-source frameworks for building applications using infrastructure as code (IaC). AWS SAM is template-based using JSON or YAML

                          Better together: AWS SAM and AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services
                        • Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 | Amazon Web Services

                          AWS Compute Blog Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This three-part section discusses event-driven architectures and how these relate to Lambda-based applications. Part 1 covers the benefits of the event-

                            Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 | Amazon Web Services
                          • Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

                            Update, April 9, 2021 : We've launched Am I FLoCed, a new site that will tell you whether your Chrome browser has been turned into a guinea pig for Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC, Google’s latest targeted advertising experiment. The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying to create its replacement. No one should mourn the death of the cookie as we know it. For more than two decade

                              Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
                            • Hypervisor Development in Rust Part 1

                              Intel VT-x Hypervisor Development in RustThis article will cover the development of a minimalistic Intel VT-x research hypervisor in Rust. We will use the x86 crate and documentation, which help simplify the code. Credit and acknowledgments are given to the following individuals and their respective blogs or repositories for their invaluable contributions and references: @daax_rynd, @Intel80x86, @

                              • EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare | Amazon Web Services

                                AWS News Blog EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare Update (August 23, 2023) – The retirement announced in this blog post is now complete. There are no more EC2 instances running with EC2-Classic networking. Update (July 29, 2021) – Added link to the Support Automation Workflow document & clarified link to AWS MGN pricing. Also updated the list of recommended instance types to

                                  EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare | Amazon Web Services
                                • JQuery to React: How we rewrote the HelloSign Editor

                                  HelloSign is a Dropbox company that provides a Web-based eSignature solution: If you have a document you want someone to sign, you upload the document file, then show you an editor in which you place all the fields to build the form the recipient will fill out—signatures, dates, initials, etc. You send this prepared form to the recipient. When they’re done signing, everything is reassembled into a

                                    JQuery to React: How we rewrote the HelloSign Editor
                                  • Spin 1.0 — The Developer Tool for Serverless WebAssembly

                                    We are delighted to introduce Spin 1.0, the first stable release of the open source developer tool for building serverless applications with WebAssembly (Wasm)! Since we first introduced Spin last year, we have been hard at work together with the community on building a frictionless developer experience for building and running serverless applications with Wasm. For this release, we focused on bui

                                      Spin 1.0 — The Developer Tool for Serverless WebAssembly
                                    • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                                      Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                                        An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
                                      • Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow

                                        In our 2019 Dev Survey, we asked what kind of content Stack Overflow users would like to see beyond questions and answers. The most popular response was “tech articles written by other developers.” So from now on we'll be regularly publishing articles from contributors. If you have an idea and would like to submit a pitch, you can email pitches@stackoverflow.com. Hey there, I'm Ryland Goldstein, a

                                          Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow
                                        • How Shopify Uses WebAssembly Outside of the Browser

                                          Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window On February 24, 2021, Shipit!, our monthly event series, presented Making Commerce Extensible with WebAssembly. The video is now available. At Shopify we aim to make what most merchants need easy, and the rest possible. We make the rest possible by exposing interfaces to query, extend and alter our Platform. These in

                                            How Shopify Uses WebAssembly Outside of the Browser
                                          • How to Fix Slow Code in Ruby

                                            Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window By Jay Lim and Gannon McGibbon At Shopify, we believe in highly aligned, loosely coupled teams to help us move fast. Since we have many teams working independently on a large monolithic Rails application, inefficiencies in code are sometimes inadvertently added to our codebase. Over time, these problems can add up to

                                              How to Fix Slow Code in Ruby
                                            • Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure

                                              “@Netflixhelps Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?” — a Netflix member via Twitter This is an example of a question our on-call engineers need to answer to help resolve a member issue — which is difficult when troubleshooting distributed systems. Investigating a video streaming failure consists of inspecting all aspects of a member account. In our previous blog post we introduced Edgar, our t

                                                Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure
                                              • The State of Machine Learning Frameworks in 2019

                                                In 2018, PyTorch was a minority. Now, it is an overwhelming majority, with 69% of CVPR using PyTorch, 75+% of both NAACL and ACL, and 50+% of ICLR and ICML. While PyTorch’s dominance is strongest at vision and language conferences (outnumbering TensorFlow by 2:1 and 3:1 respectively), PyTorch is also more popular than TensorFlow at general machine learning conferences like ICLR and ICML. While som

                                                  The State of Machine Learning Frameworks in 2019
                                                • Advancing Excel as a programming language with Andy Gordon and Simon Peyton Jones - Microsoft Research

                                                  Episode 120 | May 5, 2021 Today, people around the globe—from teachers to small-business owners to finance executives—use Microsoft Excel to make sense of the information that occupies their respective worlds, and whether they realize it or not, in doing so, they’re taking on the role of programmer. In this episode, Senior Principal Research Manager Andy Gordon, who leads the Calc Intelligence tea

                                                    Advancing Excel as a programming language with Andy Gordon and Simon Peyton Jones - Microsoft Research
                                                  • GitHub - ggerganov/llama.cpp: LLM inference in C/C++

                                                    The main goal of llama.cpp is to enable LLM inference with minimal setup and state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of hardware - locally and in the cloud. Plain C/C++ implementation without any dependencies Apple silicon is a first-class citizen - optimized via ARM NEON, Accelerate and Metal frameworks AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 support for x86 architectures 1.5-bit, 2-bit, 3-bit, 4-bit, 5-bit,

                                                      GitHub - ggerganov/llama.cpp: LLM inference in C/C++
                                                    • The architecture of today's LLM applications

                                                      We want to empower you to experiment with LLM models, build your own applications, and discover untapped problem spaces. That’s why we sat down with GitHub’s Alireza Goudarzi, a senior machine learning researcher, and Albert Ziegler, a principal machine learning engineer, to discuss the emerging architecture of today’s LLMs. In this post, we’ll cover five major steps to building your own LLM app,

                                                        The architecture of today's LLM applications
                                                      • Web Neural Network API

                                                        Web Neural Network API W3C Candidate Recommendation Draft, 5 May 2024 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240505/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/ Editor's Draft: https://webmachinelearning.github.io/webnn/ Previous Versions: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240503/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/webnn/ Im

                                                        • Elm at Rakuten

                                                          lucamug Posted on Jan 25, 2021 • Updated on Mar 4, 2023 • Originally published at engineering.rakuten.today In our team at Rakuten, we have been using Elm1 in production for almost two years now. This post is about our story, the lessons we learned, and our likes and dislikes. This post is quite long so if you prefer to see an overview, feel free to jump to the index. Everything started in the Ber

                                                            Elm at Rakuten
                                                          • Introducing HTTP/3 Prioritization

                                                            Today, Cloudflare is very excited to announce full support for HTTP/3 Extensible Priorities, a new standard that speeds the loading of webpages by up to 37%. Cloudflare worked closely with standards builders to help form the specification for HTTP/3 priorities and is excited to help push the web forward. HTTP/3 Extensible Priorities is available on all plans on Cloudflare. For paid users, there is

                                                              Introducing HTTP/3 Prioritization
                                                            • Annotated Research Paper Implementations: Transformers, StyleGAN, Stable Diffusion, DDPM/DDIM, LayerNorm, Nucleus Sampling and more

                                                              This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These implementations are documented with explanations, and the website renders these as side-by-side formatted notes. We believe these would help you understand these algorithms better. We are actively maintaining this repo and adding new implementations. for updates. Translations English (original)

                                                                Annotated Research Paper Implementations: Transformers, StyleGAN, Stable Diffusion, DDPM/DDIM, LayerNorm, Nucleus Sampling and more
                                                              • CIA activities in Japan - Wikipedia

                                                                The activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Japan date back to the Allied occupation of Japan. Douglas MacArthur's Chief of Intelligence, Charles Willoughby, authorized the creation of a number of Japanese subordinate intelligence-gathering organizations known as kikan.[1] Many of these kikan contained individuals purged because of their classification as war criminals.[2] In additi

                                                                  CIA activities in Japan - Wikipedia
                                                                • Learn These Words First

                                                                  Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                                                                  • Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner

                                                                    You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction The Fulfillment Platform is a foundational Uber domain that enables the rapid scaling of new verticals. The platform handles billions of database transactions each day, ranging from user actions (e.g., a driver starting a trip) and system actions (e.g., cre

                                                                      Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner
                                                                    • Algorithms for Modern Hardware - Algorithmica

                                                                      This is an upcoming high performance computing book titled “Algorithms for Modern Hardware” by Sergey Slotin. Its intended audience is everyone from performance engineers and practical algorithm researchers to undergraduate computer science students who have just finished an advanced algorithms course and want to learn more practical ways to speed up a program than by going from $O(n \log n)$ to $

                                                                      • Adopting Istio for a multi-tenant kubernetes cluster in Production

                                                                        This is the 3rd blog post for Mercari’s bold challenge month. At Mercari, while migrating our monolithic backend to microservices architecture, we felt the need to have a service mesh and understood its importance in the long run. Most of the incident post-mortem reports had actionable items such as — implement rate-limit, implement a better canary release flow, better network policies… and this i

                                                                          Adopting Istio for a multi-tenant kubernetes cluster in Production
                                                                        • Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi

                                                                          Today, we’re delighted to announce the launch of Raspberry Pi 5, coming at the end of October. Priced at $60 for the 4GB variant, and $80 for its 8GB sibling (plus your local taxes), virtually every aspect of the platform has been upgraded, delivering a no-compromises user experience. Raspberry Pi 5 comes with new features, it’s over twice as fast as its predecessor, and it’s the first Raspberry P

                                                                            Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi
                                                                          • Incident Metrics in SRE

                                                                            Štěpán Davidovič Incident Metrics in SRE Critically Evaluating MTTR and Friends Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing 978-1-098-10313-2 [LSI] Incident Metrics in SRE by Štěpán Davidovič Copyright © 2021 O’Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebas

                                                                            • Data2vec: The first high-performance self-supervised algorithm that works for speech, vision, and text

                                                                              The first high-performance self-supervised algorithm that works for speech, vision, and text Self-supervised learning — where machines learn by directly observing the environment rather than being explicitly taught through labeled images, text, audio, and other data sources — has powered many significant recent advances in AI. But while people appear to learn in a similar way regardless of how the

                                                                                Data2vec: The first high-performance self-supervised algorithm that works for speech, vision, and text
                                                                              • Five Years of Rust | Rust Blog

                                                                                With all that's going on in the world you'd be forgiven for forgetting that as of today, it has been five years since we released 1.0! Rust has changed a lot these past five years, so we wanted to reflect back on all of our contributors' work since the stabilization of the language. Rust is a general purpose programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Rust ca

                                                                                  Five Years of Rust | Rust Blog
                                                                                • pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks

                                                                                  April 25, 2022 Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks April 25, 2022 I started coding primarily in JavaScript back in 2012. I had built a PHP app for a local business from the ground up, a basic CMS and website, and they decided that they wanted to rewrite it and add a bunch of features. The manager of the project wanted me to use .NET, partially because it’s what he knew, but also because he wanted i

                                                                                    pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks