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practicesに関するエントリは299件あります。 security開発aws などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Sign-in form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev』などがあります。
  • Sign-in form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

    Sign-in form best practices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Use cross-platform browser features to build sign-in forms that are secure, accessible and easy to use. If users ever need to log in to your site, then good sign-in form design is critical. This is especially true for people on poor connections, on mobile, in a hurry, or under stress.

    • GraphQL を利用したアーキテクチャの勘所 / Architecture practices with GraphQL

      iCARE Dev Meetup 20 で発表した資料です #icare_meetup p.7,8,61 https://graphql.org/ p.18 https://twitter.com/a_suenami/status/1379270185207484417 p.33 [SQLQL…

        GraphQL を利用したアーキテクチャの勘所 / Architecture practices with GraphQL
      • 「それ、どこに出しても恥ずかしくないTerraformコードになってるか?」 / Terraform AWS Best Practices

        2021年9月30日AWS Dev Day Online Japanの登壇資料 動画はこちら: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IQ4IScqQws

          「それ、どこに出しても恥ずかしくないTerraformコードになってるか?」 / Terraform AWS Best Practices
        • Google Best Practices for Java Libraries

          Google Best Practices for Java Libraries Google Best Practices for Java Libraries are rules that minimize problems for consumers of interconnected Java libraries. These practices come from decades of aggregated experience in maintaining open source Java libraries and are informed by many hard-learned lessons from mistakes that have been made. We have found that following these rules results in hig

          • フロントエンドテストにおける知見の宝庫を発見!「javascript-testing-best-practices」 - Qiita

            フロントエンドテストにおける知見の宝庫を発見!「javascript-testing-best-practices」JavaScriptテストフロントエンド はじめに JavaScriptにおけるテストのベストプラクティスをまとめた「javascript-testing-best-practices」というGitHubレポジトリが大変勉強になったため、特に参考になった内容をまとめて共有したいと思います。 (補足)本レポジトリにはfrontendのみならずbackendのテストに関する情報もありますが、今回はfrontendに焦点を当てて共有します。そのため扱うSectionは以下の4つです。 Section 0: The Golden Rule Section 1: The Test Anatomy Section 3: Frontend Section 4: Measuring Test

              フロントエンドテストにおける知見の宝庫を発見!「javascript-testing-best-practices」 - Qiita
            • GitHub - hexops-graveyard/dockerfile: Dockerfile best-practices for writing production-worthy Docker images.

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - hexops-graveyard/dockerfile: Dockerfile best-practices for writing production-worthy Docker images.
              • Shell Script Best Practices — The Sharat's

                This article is about a few quick thumb rules I use when writing shell scripts that I’ve come to appreciate over the years. Very opinionated. Things¶ Use bash. Using zsh or fish or any other, will make it hard for others to understand / collaborate. Among all shells, bash strikes a good balance between portability and DX. Just make the first line be #!/usr/bin/env bash, even if you don’t give exec

                • AWS Observability Best Practices

                  Home Home Guides Data types Tools Curated recipes FAQ Contributors オブザーバビリティとは¶ 概要¶ オブザーバビリティとは、観測対象のシステムからのシグナルに基づいて、継続的にアクション可能な洞察を生成および発見する機能です。つまり、オブザーバビリティを使用すると、システムの状態を外部出力から理解し、(修正)アクションを実行できます。 対処する問題¶ コンピュータシステムは、CPU 時間、メモリ、ディスク領域などの低レベルのシグナルや、API 応答時間、エラー、トランザクション毎秒などの高レベルかつビジネス上のシグナルを観測することで測定されます。 システムの可観測性は、その運用と開発コストに大きな影響を与えます。観測可能なシステムは、操作者に意味のある実行可能なデータを提供し、(インシデント応答の高速化、開発者生産性の向

                  • フロントエンドテストにおける知見の宝庫を発見!「javascript-testing-best-practices」

                    はじめに JavaScriptにおけるテストのベストプラクティスをまとめた「javascript-testing-best-practices」というGitHubレポジトリが大変勉強になったため、特に参考になった内容をまとめて共有したいと思います。 (補足)本レポジトリにはfrontendのみならずbackendのテストに関する情報もありますが、今回はfrontendに焦点を当てて共有します。そのため扱うSectionは以下の4つです。 Section 0: The Golden Rule Section 1: The Test Anatomy Section 3: Frontend Section 4: Measuring Tests Effectiveness 想定読者 フロントエンドの実装はできるが、テスト経験はない方 テストに対して解像度が低い方 これからテストを学びたいと思ってい

                    • Logging Best Practices: The 13 You Should Know

                      Log Analytics Logging Best Practices: The 13 You Should Know When you search for things on the internet, sometimes you find treasures like this post on logging, e.g. creating meaningful logs. This post is authored by Brice Figureau (found on Twitter as @_masterzen_). His blog clearly shows he understands the multiple aspects of DevOps and is worth a visit. Our thanks to Brice for letting us adapt

                        Logging Best Practices: The 13 You Should Know
                      • スタートアップ企業が実践する「身の丈スクラム」の現在地 / Current State of 'Right-Sized Scrum' Practices in Startups

                        Scrum Fest Osaka 2024で発表した内容です。 https://www.scrumosaka.org/ https://confengine.com/conferences/scrum-fest-osaka-2024/proposal/20059 ■リンク 後回しにされがちな…

                          スタートアップ企業が実践する「身の丈スクラム」の現在地 / Current State of 'Right-Sized Scrum' Practices in Startups
                        • Best Practices | Playwright

                          Introduction​ This guide should help you to make sure you are following our best practices and writing tests that are more resilient. Testing philosophy​ Test user-visible behavior​ Automated tests should verify that the application code works for the end users, and avoid relying on implementation details such as things which users will not typically use, see, or even know about such as the name o

                            Best Practices | Playwright
                          • “Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices” 日本語翻訳

                            私が働いているAniqueという会社では、1年前に全てのソフトウェアでTypescriptを採用することにしました。私たちが開発している進撃の巨人のNFTサービス “Attack on Titan: Legacy” でも採用しています。 TypescriptではNestJSという素晴らしいAPIフレームワークを利用することができ、生産性高く開発を続けることができます。また、私たちはフロントエンドでNext.jsを利用しています。言語レベルでのコンテキストスイッチを抑えることで、一人のエンジニアがフロントエンドとバックエンドのどちらもの機能を開発する環境が作れました。 しかし、Nodeならではの作法や設計について、Web上にはたくさんの情報があるものの、あまりにも情報が多すぎて、まとまったプラクティスになかなか出会うことができませんでした。そのため、最初はチーム内での共通認識を作るのに苦労し

                              “Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices” 日本語翻訳
                            • Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API | OpenAI Help Center

                              💡 If you're just getting started with OpenAI API, we recommend reading the Introduction and Quickstart tutorials first. Due to the way the instruction-following models are trained or the data they are trained on, there are specific prompt formats that work particularly well and align better with the tasks at hand. Below we present a number of prompt formats we find work reliably well, but feel fr

                              • Kubernetesでアプリの安定稼働と高頻度のアップデートを両立するためのプラクティス / Best Practices for Applications on Kubernetes�to Achieve Both Frequent Updates and Stability

                                Kubernetesでアプリの安定稼働と高頻度のアップデートを両立するためのプラクティス / Best Practices for Applications on Kubernetes�to Achieve Both Frequent Updates and Stability

                                  Kubernetesでアプリの安定稼働と高頻度のアップデートを両立するためのプラクティス / Best Practices for Applications on Kubernetes�to Achieve Both Frequent Updates and Stability
                                • SRE Practices in Organizations

                                  Infra Study 2nd #7「SREと組織」の登壇資料です。 https://forkwell.connpass.com/event/228038/

                                    SRE Practices in Organizations
                                  • 10 React security best practices | Snyk

                                    The date on this post reflects its latest update. This post was originally published on October 28, 2020. Looking for the best ways to secure your React app? Then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve created this checklist of React security best practices to help you and your team find and fix security issues in your React applications. We’ll also show you how to automatically test your React cod

                                      10 React security best practices | Snyk
                                    • Best practices for using the Terraform AWS Provider - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

                                      Michael Begin, Senior DevOps Consultant, Amazon Web Services (AWS) May 2024 (document history) Managing infrastructure as code (IaC) with Terraform on AWS offers important benefits such as improved consistency, security, and agility. However, as your Terraform configuration grows in size and complexity, it becomes critical to follow best practices to avoid pitfalls. This guide provides recommended

                                      • 14 Best Practices to Secure SSH Bastion Host

                                        The Teleport Access PlatformThe easiest, most secure way to access and protect your infrastructure Teleport Access On-demand, least privileged access, on a foundation of cryptographic identity and zero trust

                                          14 Best Practices to Secure SSH Bastion Host
                                        • コンテナイメージ最新事情 -Beyond the Best Practices- / Modern Container Image Build -Beyond the Best Praticies-

                                          コンテナイメージ最新事情 -Beyond the Best Practices- / Modern Container Image Build -Beyond the Best Praticies-

                                            コンテナイメージ最新事情 -Beyond the Best Practices- / Modern Container Image Build -Beyond the Best Praticies-
                                          • REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js

                                            I've created and consumed many API's over the past few years. During that time, I've come across good and bad practices and have experienced nasty situations when consuming and building API's. But there also have been great moments. There are helpful articles online which present many best practices, but many of them lack some practicality in my opinion. Knowing the theory with few examples is goo

                                              REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js
                                            • Tao of React - Software Design, Architecture & Best Practices

                                              Tao of React - Software Design, Architecture & Best PracticesJanuary 18, 2021 • 25 minute read I’ve been working with React since 2016 and still there isn’t a single best practice when it comes to application structure and design. While there are best practices on the micro level, most teams build their own “thing” when it comes to architecture. Of course, there isn’t a universal best practice tha

                                                Tao of React - Software Design, Architecture & Best Practices
                                              • RFC 8725 JSON Web Token Best Current Practices をざっくり解説する - Qiita

                                                ritou です。 今回は RFC 8725 JSON Web Token Best Current Practices を紹介します。 みんな大好き JWT (JSON Web Token) の BCP ときたらチェックせずにはいられないでしょう。 概要 JWTは 署名/暗号化が可能な一連のクレームを含む、URLセーフなJSONベースのセキュリティトークン です JWTは、デジタルアイデンティティの分野および他のアプリケーション分野の両方の多数のプロトコルおよびアプリケーションにて、シンプルなセキュリティトークンフォーマットとして広く使用/展開されています このBCPの目的は、JWTの確実な導入と展開につながる実行可能なガイダンスを提供することです ということで、何かのフレームワークでもプロトコルでもなければJWTを使ったユースケース考えたよって話でもなく、JWTを導入する上で基本的な部

                                                  RFC 8725 JSON Web Token Best Current Practices をざっくり解説する - Qiita
                                                • 10 best practices to containerize Node.js web applications with Docker | Snyk Blog | Snyk

                                                  September 14, 2022: Check out our new and improved cheat sheet for containerizing Node.js web applications with Docker! Are you looking for best practices on how to build Node.js Docker images for your web applications? Then you’ve come to the right place! The following article provides production-grade guidelines for building optimized and secure Node.js Docker images. You’ll find it helpful rega

                                                    10 best practices to containerize Node.js web applications with Docker | Snyk Blog | Snyk
                                                  • SSH Security Best Practices using Certificates, 2FA and Bastions

                                                    The Teleport Access PlatformThe easiest, most secure way to access and protect your infrastructure Teleport Access On-demand, least privileged access, on a foundation of cryptographic identity and zero trust

                                                      SSH Security Best Practices using Certificates, 2FA and Bastions
                                                    • React TypeScript: Basics and Best Practices

                                                      There is no single “right” way of writing React code using TypeScript. As with other technologies, if your code compiles and works, you probably did something right. That being said, there are “best practices” that you’d want to consider following, especially when writing code others will have to either read or re-use for their own purposes. So, here I’m going to list some useful code-snippets tha

                                                        React TypeScript: Basics and Best Practices
                                                      • Sign-up form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                        Sign-up form best practices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Help your users sign up, log in and manage their account details with a minimum of fuss. If users ever need to log in to your site, then good sign-up form design is critical. This is especially true for people on poor connections, on mobile, in a hurry, or under stress. Poorly designe

                                                          Sign-up form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                        • 「全員品質」を実現するためのメルペイにおけるDevOpsの取り組み / Best practices to support quality of service

                                                          2021年5月13日に開催された「各社のサービス品質を支えるベストプラクティス-EngineeringTeamPresentation」で発表した資料です。 https://sansan.connpass.com/event/209357/ 「全員品質」を実現するためのメルペイにおけるDevOpsの取り組み

                                                            「全員品質」を実現するためのメルペイにおけるDevOpsの取り組み / Best practices to support quality of service
                                                          • Badプラクティスを選んで失敗しながら進めた新規プロダクト開発/Develop a new product with bad practices

                                                            Badプラクティスを選んで失敗しながら進めた新規プロダクト開発/Develop a new product with bad practices

                                                              Badプラクティスを選んで失敗しながら進めた新規プロダクト開発/Develop a new product with bad practices
                                                            • Top 20 Dockerfile best practices

                                                              Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds. If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is ma

                                                                Top 20 Dockerfile best practices
                                                              • Best practices  |  Firestore  |  Google Cloud

                                                                Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Best practices Use the best practices listed here as a quick reference when building an application that uses Firestore. Database location When you create your database instance, select the database location closest to your users and compute resources. Far-reaching network hops are more error-prone

                                                                  Best practices  |  Firestore  |  Google Cloud
                                                                • Introduction - EKS Best Practices Guides

                                                                  Guides Security Cluster Autoscaling Reliability Networking Scalability Cluster Upgrades Cost Optimization Windows Containers Introduction¶ Welcome to the EKS Best Practices Guides. The primary goal of this project is to offer a set of best practices for day 2 operations for Amazon EKS. We elected to publish this guidance to GitHub so we could iterate quickly, provide timely and effective recommend

                                                                  • The 10 Best Practices for Outlook to Boost Your Workflow

                                                                    If you spend any serious amount of time using Outlook, you should investigate your workflow. Make your email work for you and save time for more important tasks. If you spend any serious amount of time using Outlook, you should investigate your workflow. You can always save time by considering how to best use the software. Here are the best practices for organizing, managing, and saving time in Ou

                                                                      The 10 Best Practices for Outlook to Boost Your Workflow
                                                                    • Modern Best Practices for Testing in Java

                                                                      Philipp Hauer's Blog Engineering Management, Java Ecosystem, Kotlin, Sociology of Software Development Posted on Sep 9, 2019. Updated on Dec 18, 2022 Maintainable and readable test code is crucial to establish a good test coverage which in turn enables implementing new features and performing refactorings without the fear of breaking something. This post contains many best practices that I collect

                                                                        Modern Best Practices for Testing in Java
                                                                      • Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose — Nick Janetakis

                                                                        Learn Docker With My Newest CourseDive into Docker takes you from "What is Docker?" to confidently applying Docker to your own projects. It's packed with best practices and examples. Start Learning Docker → Updated on June 1, 2021 in #docker, #elixir, #flask, #javascript, #ruby-on-rails Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose Here's a few patterns I've picked up based o

                                                                          Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose — Nick Janetakis
                                                                        • API Keys Security & Secrets Management Best Practices - GitGuardian Blog

                                                                          Best Practices for Managing and Storing Secrets Including API Keys and Other Credentials [cheat sheet included]

                                                                            API Keys Security & Secrets Management Best Practices - GitGuardian Blog
                                                                          • Best Practices for AWS Organizations Service Control Policies in a Multi-Account Environment | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS for Industries Best Practices for AWS Organizations Service Control Policies in a Multi-Account Environment AWS financial services industry (FSI) customers often seek guidance on how to set up their AWS environment and accounts for best results. AWS has created a unified set of recommendations, called the multi-account strategy, to help customers like you make the best use of your AWS resource

                                                                              Best Practices for AWS Organizations Service Control Policies in a Multi-Account Environment | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • Best Practices for LLM Evaluation of RAG Applications

                                                                              Unified governance for all data, analytics and AI assets

                                                                                Best Practices for LLM Evaluation of RAG Applications
                                                                              • Practices of an Engineering Manager: Working in The Read World

                                                                                XP祭り 2022 https://xpjug.connpass.com/event/255712/

                                                                                  Practices of an Engineering Manager: Working in The Read World
                                                                                • Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                  AWS DevOps Blog Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK April 20, 2022: Updates are available in the Best practices topic of the AWS CDK documentation. The documentation is the most up-to-date resource going forward. In this post, we discuss strategies for organizing the development of complex cloud applications with large teams, using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)

                                                                                    Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services
