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361 - 400 件 / 3062件

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standardsの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 3062件

  • The next chapter for Cloudflare Workers: open source

    The next chapter for Cloudflare Workers: open source05/09/2022 450,000 developers have used Cloudflare Workers since we launched. When we announced Cloudflare Workers nearly five years ago, we had no idea if we’d ever be in this position. But a lot of care, hard work — not to mention dogfooding — later, we’ve been absolutely blown away by the use cases and applications built on our developer platf

      The next chapter for Cloudflare Workers: open source
    • Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

      Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. An initiative to develop technologies that protect privacy and provide tools to build thriving digital businesses: Develop new features to keep your information private. Enable publishers and developers to keep online content free. Collaborate with the industry to build new internet privacy standards. Privacy Sa

        Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
      • HTTP/3 support in .NET 6 - .NET Blog

        Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! .NET 6 includes preview support for HTTP/3: In Kestrel, HTTP.Sys & IIS for ASP.NET for server scenarios In HttpClient to make outbound requests

          HTTP/3 support in .NET 6 - .NET Blog
        • デジタル・アイデンティティの最新動向 (07-10-2020)

          MS内で社内転職をし、Identity Standardsチームにジョインしてから、早3週間が経ちました。 Identity業界で起きている社内外の最新動向にキャッチアップをするために、ひたすら猛勉強をしていました。 インプットがどれくらい身についてきたかの確認も兼ねて、ラーニングをまとめてみました。 Identity最新動向のシラバス 以下のようなラーニングプランで3週間勉強していました。 分散型アイデンティティ(Decentralized identity) A. 規格(Specification)の読み込み B. MSがローンチしたサービスの仕組み・概要を理解(プライベートプレビュー中) C. 現在起きている規格を策定するワーキンググループ(WG)への参加 D. GDPRコンプライアンスに関するリーガル・リサーチ 従来型アイデンティティ(Centralized Identity) A

            デジタル・アイデンティティの最新動向 (07-10-2020)
          • Introducing JSR - the JavaScript Registry

            Modules are published to JSR as TypeScript source code. API documentation generation, type declarations for Node-like environments, and transpilation are all handled by JSR. Module authors can focus on writing TypeScript only. Read on for more context on how and why we built JSR, how you can use it today, and how you can be involved in the project! Introducing JSR - the slightly longer versionJava

              Introducing JSR - the JavaScript Registry
            • The (not so) hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android

              The (not so) hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android Until very recently, Dropbox had a technical strategy on mobile of sharing code between iOS and Android via C++. The idea behind this strategy was simple—write the code once in C++ instead of twice in Java and Objective C. We adopted this C++ strategy back in 2013, when our mobile engineering team was relatively small and needed to s

              • 心理学における再現可能性危機:問題の構造と解決策

                Psychological science is now facing an unprecedented crisis of reproducibility. The field is becoming aware of the systematic problems embedded in its research practices that have been widely employed by most academic journals. An emphasis on aesthetic rather than scientific standards has led to a publication bias for positive results, which, in turn, has encouraged questionable research practices

                • Amazon系もGoogle系も、通信規格大統一でスマートホームに変革か

                  今回の「IFA 2022」(2022年9月2~6日、ドイツ・ベルリン)で大きな注目を集めたトレンドの1つがスマートホームである。もちろん、スマートホームに関する展示はかなり以前からあった。しかし、業界関係者の期待とは裏腹に、普及とはほど遠い状況にあるのが実態だ。 その大きな要因の1つに相互接続性がある。スマートホームの規格が乱立して相互接続性がないために、ユーザーにコストアップに見合うだけの利便性を提供できていなかった。しかし、この状況が大きく変わる可能性が出てきた。スマートホームの統一接続規格「Matter(マター)」が、2022年11月ごろにも公開される見通しだ(図1)。IFAでスマートホームが注目を集めた理由はそこにある。 Matterは、無線通信規格標準化団体のCSA(Connectivity Standards Alliance、旧ZigBee Alliance)が2021年5月

                  • IoT用の新規格「Matter1.0」が始動しネット接続がダウンした状態での利用などが実現、Googleは早速Matterサポートを含む新製品を発表

                    GoogleやApple、Amazonなどの数百の企業が参加する、モノのインターネット(IoT)のオープン標準を定める組織「Connectivity Standards Alliance(CSA)」は、IoT用接続の新しい規格「Matter」の最初の正式版であるMatter1.0標準および認証プログラムのリリースを発表しました。CSAはMatterによりIoTの新時代を先導する意を表明しています。 Matter Arrives Bringing A More Interoperable, Simple And Secure Internet Of Things to Life - CSA-IOT https://csa-iot.org/newsroom/matter-arrives/ The Matter smart home standard officially launches to

                    • イメージ崩壊? 中世英国騎士の軍馬は「ポニーサイズ」だった - ナゾロジー

                      中世の騎士物語には必ず、鼻息荒く雄々しい軍馬が出てきます。 しかし実際は、現代のポニーくらいのサイズしかなかったようです。 このほど、エクセター大学(University of Exeter・英)の研究により、中世イギリスの騎士が乗っていた軍馬は、背の高さが150センチに満たなかったことが明らかになりました。 騎士たちの騎乗姿もイメージほど立派なものではなかったかもしれません。 研究は、昨年8月31日付で学術誌『International Journal of Osteoarchaeology』に掲載されています。 ※馬の背の高さは、足元から肩の骨の出っ張っている部分までを指し、頭は含まれません。 Medieval warhorses no bigger than modern-day ponies, study finds https://www.theguardian.com/scie

                        イメージ崩壊? 中世英国騎士の軍馬は「ポニーサイズ」だった - ナゾロジー
                      • Tech's Volkswagen moment? Trend Micro accused of cheating Microsoft driver QA by detecting test suite

                        Updated Trend Micro is on the defensive after it was accused of engineering its software to cheat Microsoft's QA testing, branding the allegation "misleading." Bill Demirkapi, an 18-year-old computer security student at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the US, told The Register on Tuesday he was researching methods for detecting rootkits when he came across Trend's Rootkit Buster for Windo

                          Tech's Volkswagen moment? Trend Micro accused of cheating Microsoft driver QA by detecting test suite
                        • 【withコロナ】ステイホーム服の選び方新基準 ①ボトムス編

                          夏休みもほぼステイホームを余儀なくされるなか、お出かけのかわりにクローゼットの整理に精を出しておりますhirariです。 ◆トップス/ユニクロ マーセライズコットンT(ノースリーブ) 30NATURAL XS (2019) ◆スカート/ユニクロ ツイストプリーツロングスカート(ペイズリー)31BEIGE XS ◆サンダル/リエディ ビーチサンダル 黒 M ◆ハット/UNITED ARROWS ペーパーツートンUVカットハット

                            【withコロナ】ステイホーム服の選び方新基準 ①ボトムス編
                          • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta - TypeScript

                            Today we’re excited to announce our beta release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript, smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundlers, new ways for library authors to control generic inference, expanded our JSDoc functionality, simplified configuratio

                              Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta - TypeScript
                            • Chrome のパスワード保護を強化 - その仕組み

                              .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                Chrome のパスワード保護を強化 - その仕組み
                              • 新しい Google Identity Services API のリリースについて

                                .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                  新しい Google Identity Services API のリリースについて
                                • Build With Matter | Smart Home Device Solution

                                  Technologies & SolutionsCreating Standards To Build the Foundation and Future of the IoT

                                    Build With Matter | Smart Home Device Solution
                                  • Getting Started with Front End Testing — JavaScript January

                                    This article is brought to you by Amy Kapernick. Amy is a Microsoft MVP, Twilio Champion, speaker, and community organizer. We all know that testing is important, your project can't be run unless all your unit and integration tests are written (and pass), but we often forget about testing the front end. There are so many different tests we need to be running on the front end - accessibility testin

                                      Getting Started with Front End Testing — JavaScript January
                                    • Lithium Generika Online Kaufen In Der Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft - Ask Lesko and Friends

                                      Lithium Generika Online Kaufen In Der Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft lithium online kaufen Wallis lithium online bestellen per nachnahme wo kann ich lithium kaufen in der schweiz billige lithium generika lithobid wo bestellen lithium 300mg online bestellen basel-landschaft lithobid preiswert kaufen lithium bestellen erfahrung wo kann ich mir lithium kaufen lithium 200 kaufen lithium tabletten on

                                      • Understanding React Server Components – Vercel

                                        Understanding React Server ComponentsLearn the fundamentals of React Server Components, to better understand why (and when) to adopt. React Server Components (RSCs) augment the fundamentals of React beyond being a pure rendering library into incorporating data-fetching and remote client-server communication within the framework. Below, we’ll walk you through why RSCs needed to be created, what the

                                          Understanding React Server Components – Vercel
                                        • Forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG - Fathy Boundjadj

                                          Forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG November 11, 2022 I've been working on a program called html2svg, it converts web pages to SVG. It's based on a fork of Chromium to support modern web standards. This post explains most patches. Take a picture SkiaBlinkPDF<div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background: red" />canvas->drawRect(0, 0, 50, 50, SkPaint { .fill = SkColor::Red })(GPU)GaneshRaster(C

                                          • Site Seguro Para Comprar Modafinilo Provigil Genérico Forma Segura Brasil - Ask Lesko and Friends

                                            Oferta Especial De Internet! Comprar Modafinilo Genérico Com Garantia. Clique Aqui E Compre Modafinilo Agora ➡ comprar modafinilo intensivo Para o deleite do paciente, o que foi descrito como uma "retração de microlifting" geralmente é evidente no espelho imediatamente após o tratamento. modafinilo Os jovens agora estão contraindo doenças das pessoas idosas. Muita umidade e muito menos são ruins p

                                            • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                                              I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                                              • Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4

                                                In today's measurement landscape, businesses need to navigate new challenges to understand the complex, multi-platform journeys of their customers — all while prioritizing user privacy. Two and a half years ago, we introduced Google Analytics 4 to address these evolving measurement standards and help businesses succeed. Google Analytics 4 has the flexibility to measure many different kinds of data

                                                  Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4
                                                • NISTのサイバーセキュリティーレームワークって? 構成要素や機能を解説

                                                  企業がデジタル化を進めるにあたり、セキュリティリスクへの対策は向き合わざるを得ない課題となっている。しかし、高度化するテクノロジーを背景に、さまざまなセキュリティリスクが存在する時代へと移り変わる中で、網羅的にリスクを把握することは難しくなっている。そうした状況下において、先進的な企業で活用が進む、米国NISTが運営するサイバーセキュリティフレームワークについてこの記事では解説していく。 NISTによるサイバーセキュリティフレームワーク策定の背景 企業におけるセキュリティ対策は、その企業の所在する国内のセキュリティ事情にも大きな影響を及ぼすことになりかねない。そのため、国が主導し、遵守すべきセキュリティ対策のフレームワークやポリシーを作成しているケースがある。日本国内においても、経済産業省およびIPAが「サイバーセキュリティ経営ガイドライン」を公開している。このガイドラインでは、サイバー攻

                                                    NISTのサイバーセキュリティーレームワークって? 構成要素や機能を解説
                                                  • Announcing TypeScript 3.6 - TypeScript

                                                    Today we’re happy to announce the availability of TypeScript 3.6! For those unfamiliar, TypeScript is a language that builds on JavaScript by adding optional static types. These types can be checked by the TypeScript compiler to catch common errors in your programs (like misspelling properties and calling functions the wrong way). Tools like the TypeScript compiler and Babel can then be used to tr

                                                      Announcing TypeScript 3.6 - TypeScript
                                                    • Changing World, Changing Mozilla | The Mozilla Blog

                                                      This is a time of change for the internet and for Mozilla. From combatting a lethal virus and battling systemic racism to protecting individual privacy — one thing is clear: an open and accessible internet is essential to the fight. Mozilla exists so the internet can help the world collectively meet the range of challenges a moment like this presents. Firefox is a part of this. But we know we also

                                                        Changing World, Changing Mozilla | The Mozilla Blog
                                                      • 秘密鍵のファイル周りの話

                                                        開発していると、公開鍵暗号の技術を利用する場面は多々ある。 EC2インスタンスへのSSHする時や、Snowflakeの認証時に RSA キーペアの秘密鍵を利用する 公開鍵証明書 ... いろんな用語、トピックがあり混乱するのでまとめてみた。 ここではとりあえず特にRSA暗号を念頭に置き話を進める。 規格群 そもそも公開鍵暗号に関する技術はいろいろな形で規格が定められていたり、標準化されていたりする。 PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards の略で、RSAセキュリティというソフトウェア会社が考案した公開鍵暗号の規格群のこと。元々はRSAセキュリティ社が自社の暗号技術に関する特許を利用促進するために発行したのがはじまり。 近年ではその一部は IETF などと標準化が進められており、 RFC として整備されているものも多い。 内容ごとに PKCS #1 など

                                                        • HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack

                                                          HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack10/10/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record b

                                                            HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack
                                                          • Designing accessible color systems

                                                            Color contrast is an important aspect of accessibility. Good contrast makes it easier for people with visual impairments to use products, and helps in imperfect conditions like low-light environments or older screens. With this in mind, we recently updated the colors in our user interfaces to be more accessible. Text and icon colors now reliably have legible contrast throughout the Stripe Dashboar

                                                              Designing accessible color systems
                                                            • Cloudflare Zaraz - Third-party tool manager

                                                              Cloudflare Zaraz A third-party tool manager built for speed, privacy, and security Zaraz loads third-party tools in the cloud, away from browsers, improving speed, security, and privacy. Effortlessly load analytics tools, advertising pixels, widgets, and other third-party tools without changing code. Load all your third-party tools without slowing down your website. Improve website performance by

                                                                Cloudflare Zaraz - Third-party tool manager
                                                              • Microsoft blocks Trend Micro code at center of driver 'cheatware' storm from Windows 10, rootkit detector product pulled from site

                                                                Microsoft blocks Trend Micro code at center of driver 'cheatware' storm from Windows 10, rootkit detector product pulled from site Updated Microsoft has blocked a Trend Micro driver from running on Windows 10 – and Trend has withdrawn downloads of its rootkit detector that uses the driver – after the code appeared to game Redmond's QA tests. Late last week, Trend removed downloads of its Rootkit B

                                                                  Microsoft blocks Trend Micro code at center of driver 'cheatware' storm from Windows 10, rootkit detector product pulled from site
                                                                • Introducing the new Google Analytics

                                                                  Millions of businesses, large and small, rely on Google Analytics to understand customer preferences and create better experiences for them. With more commerce moving online and businesses under increased pressure to make every marketing dollar count, insights from digital analytics tools are even more critical. But with major shifts in consumer behavior and privacy-driven changes to longtime indu

                                                                    Introducing the new Google Analytics
                                                                  • this is not a standard Go project layout · Issue #117 · golang-standards/project-layout

                                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                      this is not a standard Go project layout · Issue #117 · golang-standards/project-layout
                                                                    • WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                      WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. A brief overview of the history, architecture, use cases, and future of WebRTC. The process of defining a web standard is a lengthy process that ensures usefulness, consistency and compatibility across browsers. Today the W3C and IETF mark the completion of perhaps one of th

                                                                      • 10Xのテストコード規約 - 10X Product Blog

                                                                        はじめに こんにちは!モジュール開発部のyamakazu (@yamarkz) です。 10Xではテストコードの標準化を目指して、テストコード規約 (Test Coding Standards) を整備してきました。この記事では数ある規約の中でも、実際に活用して効果が大きかったものをいくつか取り上げて紹介します。 テストコードの品質に課題を持っている方や、コーディング規約の整備に関心を寄せる方の参考になれれば幸いです。 ChatGPT 要約 ChatGPTに内容の要約をお願いしました。この記事で述べられている内容は以下の通りです。 テストコードに規約を設ける目的は、「テストの資産性を高めることで、プロダクトの発展性と事業の継続可能性を守るため」である。テストコード規約は、ボトムアップで開発組織全体が守る基準を明確にし、良質なテストを書くために設ける。この規約ではGroup, Arrange

                                                                          10Xのテストコード規約 - 10X Product Blog
                                                                        • MenuetOS

                                                                          MenuetOS is an operating system in development for PC, written completely in 64bit assembly language. Features include pre-emptive and real-time multitasking with multiprocessor support and Graphical User Interface. Menuet64 is released under License and Menuet32 under GPL. Menuet supports assembly programming for much faster, smaller and less resource hungry applications. Menuet isn't based on ot

                                                                          • Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                                            Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly Today we announce the formation of the Bytecode Alliance, a new industry partnership coming together to forge WebAssembly’s outside-the-browser future by collaborating on implementing standards and proposing new ones. Our founding members are Mozilla, Fastly, Intel, and Red Hat, and we’re looking forw

                                                                              Announcing the Bytecode Alliance: Building a secure by default, composable future for WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                                            • WebKit Features in Safari 17.0

                                                                              Sep 18, 2023 by Jen Simmons and the Safari / WebKit Team Today’s the day for Safari 17.0. It’s now available for iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. [Update September 26th] And now, Safari 17.0 is available for macOS Ventura, and macOS Monterey, and macOS Sonoma. Safari 17.0 is also available in the vision OS Simulator, where you can test your website by downloading the latest beta of Xcode 15, which supports t

                                                                                WebKit Features in Safari 17.0
                                                                              • Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers

                                                                                Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers05/16/2023 Today, we are excited to announce a new API in Cloudflare Workers for creating outbound TCP sockets, making it possible to connect directly to any TCP-based service from Workers. Standard protocols including SSH, MQTT, SMTP, FTP, and IRC are all built on top of TCP. Most importantly, nearly all applications

                                                                                • A brief history of Rust at Facebook

                                                                                  Facebook is embracing Rust, one of the most loved and fastest-growing programming languages available today. In addition to bringing new talent to its Rust team, Facebook has announced that it is officially joining the nonprofit Rust Foundation. Alongside fellow members including Mozilla (the creators of Rust), AWS, Microsoft, and Google, Facebook will be working to sustain and grow the language’s

                                                                                    A brief history of Rust at Facebook