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  • Midjourneyを1年間使って見つけた、Webデザインに使えるプロンプト全ガイド

    「どうすればAIをWebデザインに活用できるだろう」 人工知能AIがこれだけ話題になったいま、Webやグラフィックデザイン、イラストやゲームなどクリエイティブな業務をこなす人なら、一度は考えたことがあるかもしれません。 答えのひとつはずばり、Midjourneyなどの画像生成AIでイメージを具現化すること。 しかし、そうは言っても入力できるプロンプトは無限にあり、実際にどのように入力すれば最高の結果を得ることができるのか、すべて調べるのはあまりにも大変です。 そこでこの記事では、Midjourneyを1年間使い続けて見つけた、Webデザインに使えるMidjourneyプロンプト、小技テクニックをまとめてご紹介します。 具体的なサンプル例とプロンプトを一緒に記載しており、コピペでそのまま利用できます。 「Midjourneyって何?」というひとは、基本の使い方をまとめた以下のガイドを参考にど

    • (翻訳) GitLab 社で働くのはどのようなものだったか - forest book

      本稿は Yorick Peterse 氏によって書かれた次の記事の日本語翻訳です。著者に翻訳の許可を得て公開しています。 yorickpeterse.com また本稿は DeepL Pro を使って下訳したものに手を加えています。日本語翻訳の不具合または誤訳については Yorick Peterse 氏ではなく、本稿のコメント欄にお願いします。 ここから本文です。 GitLab 社で働くのはどのようなものだったか 私は2015年10月に GitLab 社に入社し、6年あまり働いて2021年12月に退社しました。 前に GitLab 社を辞めて Inko に取り組んでいることは書きましたが、2015年から2021年までの間、GitLab 社で働いていたことがどのようなものであったのかについては触れませんでした。理由は2つあります。 燃え尽き症候群に苦しんでいて、(当時は) 自分の人生の最後の6

        (翻訳) GitLab 社で働くのはどのようなものだったか - forest book
      • Sakana AI

        We are building a world class AI research lab in Tokyo, Japan. We are creating a new kind of foundation model based on nature-inspired intelligence. For more information, please visit our blog and careers page, or contact info@sakana.ai

          Sakana AI
        • 起業家が知っておくべき31のビジネスモデル(Part 1) デザイン会社 ビートラックス: ブログ

          多様化する世界の中で、特にデジタル領域のビジネスにおいては多数のビジネスモデルが存在する。そのため全てのビジネスモデルを把握しきることは困難だ。 今回はこちらの記事を参考に31個にビジネスモデルを類型化し、全3回のシリーズにわたってそれぞれを解説していく。 ビジネスモデルをブラッシュアップしたい起業家や、ビジネスモデルを学びたいビジネスマンにとって参考になれば幸いだ。 まずは1から10。それでは早速見ていこう。 フリーミアムモデルサブスクリプションモデルマーケットプレイスモデルアグリゲーターモデル従量課金モデルFFS(フィー・フォー・サービス)モデルEdtechのモデルロックインモデルAPIライセンスモデルオープンソースモデル1. フリーミアムモデル 例:Google Drive, iCloud, Slack フリーミアムのビジネスモデルは、ユーザーがソフトウェアやゲーム、サービスの基本機

            起業家が知っておくべき31のビジネスモデル(Part 1) デザイン会社 ビートラックス: ブログ
          • What it was like working for GitLab

            I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

            • Silicon Valley’s very masculine year

              Zoë Bernard writes about technology, crime, and culture. Formerly, she covered technology for The Information and Business Insider. Silicon Valley is embracing a new era of masculinity. Its leaders are powerful, virile, and swole. They practice Brazilian jiujitsu and want to fight each other in a cage. They can do 200 push-ups while wearing a 20-pound weighted vest. They can spend $44 billion on a

                Silicon Valley’s very masculine year
              • Figma and Adobe are abandoning our proposed merger | Figma Blog

                Fifteen months into the regulatory review process, Figma and Adobe no longer see a path toward regulatory approval of our proposed acquisition. Figma and Adobe have reached a joint decision to end our pending acquisition. It’s not the outcome we had hoped for, but despite thousands of hours spent with regulators around the world detailing differences between our businesses, our products, and the m

                  Figma and Adobe are abandoning our proposed merger | Figma Blog
                • AWS Fargate Enables Faster Container Startup using Seekable OCI | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS News Blog AWS Fargate Enables Faster Container Startup using Seekable OCI While developing with containers is becoming an increasingly popular way for deploying and scaling applications, there are still areas where improvements can be made. One of the main issues with scaling containerized applications is the long startup time, especially during scale up when newer instances need to be added.

                    AWS Fargate Enables Faster Container Startup using Seekable OCI | Amazon Web Services
                  • 中国テック事情:チップ国産化推進で、打倒「味の素」の動き

                    米国の経済制裁を受けて半導体チップの国産化を目指す中国は、日本企業である「味の素」が市場を独占する半導体部品への依存を減らすために新材料の開発を進めている。だが、長年続いてきた同社の牙城を崩すことは、容易ではないだろう。 by Zeyi Yang2024.04.19 31 4 この記事は米国版ニュースレターを一部再編集したものです。 うま味調味料とコンピューター・チップに関係があることをご存知だろうか? 現在、ほとんどのノートPCやデータセンターで使われているチップの内部には、「ABF」と呼ばれる小さな部品が使われている。ABFは、電気を通す配線の周囲の薄い絶縁材の層である。そして、世界で使用されているこの絶縁材の90%以上は、日本企業である「味の素」が生産している。1909年に粉末調味料「MSG(味の素)」を商品化したことで有名な企業である。 本誌のジェームス・オドネル記者が先日の記事で

                    • m1 MacbookにLlama 2をインストールして使ってみる | DevelopersIO

                      支給されているPC(m1 Macbook)を使ってローカルでLlama 2を動かしてみるまでの記録です。 AppleシリコンのMacでもLlama 2をつかえるようにするLlama.cppというプロジェクトがあるので、これを利用させてもらいました。 Llama.cppはLlamaをC/C++に移植したもので、Mac上で4ビット整数量子化を使ってLlama 2をローカルに実行できるようにしたものです Llama 2のモデルはmetaのダウンロードリンクから取得しています。 準備 作業用のディレクトリを作成して行います。 $ mkdir llama2 $ cd llama2 Llama 2, Llama.cppのgithubレポジトリをcloneしておきます。 $ git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama.git $ git clo

                        m1 MacbookにLlama 2をインストールして使ってみる | DevelopersIO
                      • Essays on programming I think about a lot

                        Every so often I read an essay that I end up thinking about, and citing in conversation, over and over again. Here’s my index of all the ones of those I can remember! I’ll try to keep it up to date as I think of more. There's a lot in here! If you'd like, I can email you one essay per week, so you have more time to digest each one: Nelson Elhage, Computers can be understood. The attitude embodied

                        • Open challenges in LLM research

                          [LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] Never before in my life had I seen so many smart people working on the same goal: making LLMs better. After talking to many people working in both industry and academia, I noticed the 10 major research directions that emerged. The first two directions, hallucinations and context learning, are probably the most talked about today. I’m the most excited about num

                            Open challenges in LLM research
                          • How and why we built our startup around small teams

                            Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups. Startups ship more per person than big companies – everyone knows this. But how do you retain that advantage as you scale? Our answer is small teams – speedy, innovative, and autonomous one-pizza teams where individuals can still have an outsized impact. They enable u

                              How and why we built our startup around small teams
                            • Announcing Biome

                              We are happy to announce Biome, toolchain of the web. Biome is the official fork of Rome and it will continue to be Rome’s legacy. Biome is led and maintained by the same people that maintained Rome so far. Follow us: Github organization Official repository Official discord server Official twitter account I want to give you some background and context, which could help you to get why the core team

                                Announcing Biome
                              • Sam Altman ousted as OpenAI's CEO | TechCrunch

                                Sam Altman has been fired from OpenAI, Inc., the 501(c)(3) nonprofit that acts as the governing body for OpenAI, the AI startup behind ChatGPT, DALL-E 3, GPT-4 and other highly capable generative AI systems. He’ll both leave the company’s board of directors and step down as CEO. In a post on OpenAI’s official blog, the company writes that Altman’s departure follows a “deliberative review process b

                                  Sam Altman ousted as OpenAI's CEO | TechCrunch
                                • Hixie's Natural Log: Reflecting on 18 years at Google

                                  2023-11-22 04:29 UTC Reflecting on 18 years at Google I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google. I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior engineer all the way to the C-suite, were genuinely good people who cared ver

                                  • Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor

                                    Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 [This article is the companion to my presentation for CodeBEAM America 2024, Elixir is the One-Person Stack for Building a Software Startup. You can download the slides as a PDF or view them in Google Slides.] I’d like to share why I chose Elixir as the programming language (and really, as we’ll discuss, the full stack)

                                      Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor
                                    • jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho

                                      What if we actually could replace Git? Jujutsu might give us a real shot. Assumed audience: People who have worked with Git or other modern version control systems like Mercurial, Darcs, Pijul, Bazaar, etc., and have at least a basic idea of how they work. Jujutsu is a new version control system from a software engineer at Google, where it is on track to replace Google’s existing version control s

                                        jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
                                      • OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say

                                        OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say Nov 22 (Reuters) - Ahead of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s four days in exile, several staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters. The previously unreported lette

                                          OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say
                                        • Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”

                                          I recently joined a startup to run an engineering org of about 40 engineers. My title is VP Engineering. However, I have been having lots of ongoing conflict with the CEO (a former engineer) around whether or not I am allowed to have or hire any dedicated engineering managers. Right now, the engineers are clustered into small teams of 3-4, each of which has a lead engineer — someone who leads the

                                            Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”
                                          • HashiCorp joins IBM to accelerate multi-cloud automation

                                            Today we announced that HashiCorp has signed an agreement to be acquired by IBM to accelerate the multi-cloud automation journey we started almost 12 years ago. I’m hugely excited by this announcement and believe this is an opportunity to further the HashiCorp mission and to expand to a much broader audience with the support of IBM. When we started the company in 2012, the cloud landscape was very

                                              HashiCorp joins IBM to accelerate multi-cloud automation
                                            • Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3

                                              Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3July 27, 2023 • 6277 words Today, I am publishing a guest post from Andy Warfield, VP and distinguished engineer over at S3. I asked him to write this based on the Keynote address he gave at USENIX FAST ‘23 that covers three distinct perspectives on scale that come along with building and operating a storage system the size of S3. In toda

                                                Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3
                                              • 元Appleデザイナーのジョナサン・アイブとOpenAIのサム・アルトマンが「AI駆動のパーソナルデバイス」開発に向けて1500億円の資金調達を計画中との報道

                                                by • glub • and TechCrunch 元Appleのデザインリーダーであるジョナサン・アイブ氏とOpenAIのCEOであるサム・アルトマン氏が「AIを搭載したパーソナルデバイス」を製造するスタートアップの資金調達を目指していると、IT系メディアのThe Informationが報じています。 Jony Ive and Sam Altman’s AI Device Startup in Funding Talks With Emerson, Thrive — The Information https://www.theinformation.com/articles/jony-ive-and-sam-altmans-ai-device-startup-in-funding-talks-with-emerson-thrive AI hardware company from

                                                • Our Incredible Journey

                                                  February 2024: We are excited to share that Skiff is joining Notion. Skiff’s mission is to bring freedom to the internet by helping people collaborate and communicate with freedom and privacy. … We’re extremely excited to accelerate our mission by joining forces with Notion’s world-class team. We sincerely hope that the Skiff community will join us for this next stage of our journey. We’re pursuin

                                                    Our Incredible Journey
                                                  • スタートアップが陥る「悲しみの谷」から脱出するための「ポジショニング」とは?

                                                    リリースしてから一日で数万、一週間で数十万とユーザーを増やして大成功するサービスもありますが、多くの発明やサービスは、長い年月をかけて少しずつユーザーを増やします。新規性により少し注目された後にしばらく続く低迷のプロセスは「悲しみの谷」とよばれており、大企業を含めて多くの企業やサービスが経験していますが、悲しみの谷を乗り越えて成功するための方法を、エンジニアでマーケティング戦略の経験もあるヨハン・フリードナー氏が解説しています。 How To Escape The Startup Trough Of Sorrow - Briefmix https://www.briefmix.com/startup/trough-of-sorrow 主にスタートアップ企業に対し投資を行うY Combinatorは、「スタートアップが通るプロセス」として以下のような図を示しました。IT系のスタートアップに関

                                                    • Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure

                                                      Marking a major investment in Meta’s AI future, we are announcing two 24k GPU clusters. We are sharing details on the hardware, network, storage, design, performance, and software that help us extract high throughput and reliability for various AI workloads. We use this cluster design for Llama 3 training. We are strongly committed to open compute and open source. We built these clusters on top of

                                                        Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure
                                                      • (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup

                                                        Image from UnSplash I’ve led infrastructure at a startup for the past 4 years that has had to scale quickly. From the beginning I made some core decisions that the company has had to stick to, for better or worse, these past four years. This post will list some of the major decisions made and if I endorse them for your startup, or if I regret them and advise you to pick something else. AWS Link to

                                                        • OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns

                                                          More than 730 employees of OpenAI have signed a letter saying they may quit and join Sam Altman at Microsoft unless the startup’s board resigns and reappoints the ousted CEO. Sam Altman speaks during the OpenAI DevDay event on November 6, 2023, in San FranciscoJustin Sullivan/Getty Images OpenAI was in open revolt on Monday with more than 730 employees signing an open letter threatening to leave u

                                                            OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns
                                                          • Bluesky snags former Twitter/X Trust & Safety exec cut by Musk | TechCrunch

                                                            Bluesky snags former Twitter/X Trust & Safety exec cut by Musk Emerging decentralized social network and X rival Bluesky has just landed a notable former Twitter leader as its new head of Trust and Safety. On Wednesday, the company announced it has appointed Aaron Rodericks, who most recently co-led the Trust and Safety team at Twitter, to this new position. Though typically leaders below the C-Su

                                                              Bluesky snags former Twitter/X Trust & Safety exec cut by Musk | TechCrunch
                                                            • Stop using Opera Browser and Opera GX

                                                              Opera used to be a fantastic web browser, with a custom high-performance Presto rendering engine and features like tabbed windows that didn't show up in competing browsers until years later. However, the modern Opera browser is a shadow of its former self, reliant on chasing trends and meme advertising to stay relevant. The company behind it has also created fintech services that break app store r

                                                                Stop using Opera Browser and Opera GX
                                                              • Booting Linux off of Google Drive

                                                                Competitiveness is a vice of mine. When I heard that a friend got Linux to boot off of NFS, I had to one-up her. I had to prove that I could create something harder, something better, faster, stronger. Like all good projects, this began with an Idea. My mind reached out and grabbed wispy tendrils from the æther, forcing the disparate concepts to coalesce. The Mass gained weight in my hands, and a

                                                                  Booting Linux off of Google Drive
                                                                • Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

                                                                  Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down The grip Twitter, now called X, has on the market may be stronger than some believed. Unfortunately, that’s led to the first casualty among Twitter alternatives, as the startup Pebble (formerly T2), is shutting down. The would-be X rival had grown a small but engaged community on its microblogging service that aimed to dupe T

                                                                    Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch
                                                                  • Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler · Blog · Wasmer

                                                                    Back to articlesAnnouncing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compilerpy2wasm converts your Python programs to WebAssembly, running them at 3x faster speeds Since starting Wasmer five years ago we've been obsessed with empowering more languages to target the web and beyond through Webassembly. One of the most popular languages out there is Python, and while it is certainly possible to run Python programs i

                                                                      Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler · Blog · Wasmer
                                                                    • 「インドのレンタルハッカー事業」を暴いたロイター通信の報道が裁判所命令で削除

                                                                      by Focal Foto 大手報道機関のロイター通信が2023年11月16日に公開した「How an Indian startup hacked the world(インドのスタートアップが世界をハッキングした方法)」という記事が、インドの地方裁判所で下された裁判所命令により一時的に削除されました。これを受けてロイター通信はこの決定を不服として控訴する姿勢を表明しています。 Editor’s note https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-hackers-appin/ Indian Court Orders Reuters To Take Down Investigative Report Regarding A ‘Hack-For-Hire’ Company | Techdirt https://www.tech

                                                                      • 7,000万円調達した新規事業を1年で「撤退」した理由と、ゼンフォースの次なる挑戦|荻野嶺

                                                                        ゼンフォース代表の荻野(おぎの)です。 私は伊藤忠商事とfor Startupsを経て、2020年12月に起業しました。 2021年10月にはシードラウンドで総額約7,000万円を調達。IT・SaaS営業に特化したキャリアスクール「ZENFORCE Sales Academy」を開校しました。当時PR TIMESのプレスリリース人気ランキングで1位を獲得するなど、好調な滑り出し……かのように見えました。 しかし私の力不足で、この事業は1年も続かず撤退することになったのです。 この失敗を糧にして、ゼンフォースは現在「大手企業の営業企画代行」をおこなっています。お客様に恵まれ、なんとか事業を軌道に乗せることができました。このタイミングで、起業から現在に至るまでの背景を改めて棚卸しできればと思います。 ▼ゼンフォース創業までの背景はこちら 伊藤忠商事とfor Startupsを経て、次世代のIT

                                                                        • How platform teams get stuff done

                                                                          Platform teams have a unique reliance on other teams to ensure adoption of their platform - getting code changes into other teams' codebase is critical to their success. There are a variety of patterns for that cross-team collaboration, and selecting the right ones depends on both the phase of platform adoption and the ability of both teams and codebases to accept external influence. 19 July 2023

                                                                            How platform teams get stuff done
                                                                          • Microsoft briefly restricted employee access to OpenAI's ChatGPT, citing security concerns

                                                                            Microsoft has invested billions of dollars in OpenAI. But for a brief time on Thursday, employees of the software company weren't allowed to use the startup's most famous product, ChatGPT, CNBC has learned. "Due to security and data concerns a number of AI tools are no longer available for employees to use," Microsoft said in an update on an internal website. CNBC also viewed a screenshot that sho

                                                                              Microsoft briefly restricted employee access to OpenAI's ChatGPT, citing security concerns
                                                                            • Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment

                                                                              by Hugo Barra (former Head of Oculus at Meta) Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product. Inspired by my dear friend Matt Mullenweg’s 40th post, I decided to put pen to paper. This started as a blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier

                                                                                Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment
                                                                              • “Why Scrum” for Software Developers

                                                                                Many software developers working in a Scrum environment see Scrum as a “company tax” — additional overhead they need to adhere to because their company expects them to. Dailies, reviews, refinements, and retros are seen as ceremonies; something you have to endure that don’t really add much value to your work. If this is how Scrum feels to you, you’re not alone. In this article, I want to explain w

                                                                                  “Why Scrum” for Software Developers
                                                                                • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore

                                                                                  Tati Bruening, a 22-year-old content creator and photographer, just wants to share memes and post about cooking green beans. Every time she logs onto Instagram, however, her feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content. "It's really bizarre to me that everyone's gone to this place in their mind that content has to be so curated," Bruening told us.

                                                                                    It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore