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step up recordsの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 473件

  • Incident management for data teams

    Data teams are no strangers to incidents. But there’s often no standard way of acting on data issues and many teams only sporadically declare data incidents. In this post I’ve teamed up with Jack Cook, analytics manager, from incident.io. incident.io have helped hundreds of engineering teams manage tens of thousands of incidents so there’s a thing or two we can learn from them. The five steps of i

      Incident management for data teams
    • 60+ Logo Design Stats and Facts – New Fortune 500 List Research (2021) - One987 Creative Services

      Just how much do you know about logos? There are so many “best practices” in logo design that it’s easy to get lost in all that knowledge. But even the most experienced designers and biggest brand enthusiasts among us can always learn something new. That’s why we’ve done the research and are here to shake things up with the most up-to-date logo statistics from the Fortune 500 list. Along with insi

        60+ Logo Design Stats and Facts – New Fortune 500 List Research (2021) - One987 Creative Services
      • h1-h4 [更新済み].ai

        International Planning Division, International Affairs Department, NagoyaUniversity 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 157 158 159 164 166 167 170 171 176 177 178 179 180 1 1

        • DNS "propagation" is actually caches expiring

          Hello! Yesterday I tweeted this: I feel like the term "DNS propagation" is misleading, like you're not actually waiting for DNS records to "propagate", you're waiting for cached records to expire — 🔎Julia Evans🔍 (@b0rk) December 5, 2021 and I want to talk about it a little more. This came up because I was showing a friend a demo of how DNS caching works last week, and he realized that what was h

          • Haskell For a New Decade

            Haskell Problems For a New Decade It has been a decade since I started writing Haskell, and I look back on all the projects that I cut my teeth on back in the early part of this decade and realise how far the language and tooling have come. Back then Haskell was really barely usable outside of the few people who would “go dark” for months to learn it or those lucky enough to study under researcher

            • Introducing Command R+: A Scalable LLM Built for Business

              Command R+ is a state-of-the-art RAG-optimized model designed to tackle enterprise-grade workloads, and is available first on Microsoft Azure Today, we’re introducing Command R+, our most powerful, scalable large language model (LLM) purpose-built to excel at real-world enterprise use cases. Command R+ joins our R-series of LLMs focused on balancing high efficiency with strong accuracy, enabling b

                Introducing Command R+: A Scalable LLM Built for Business
              • Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale

                EngineeringPartitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scaleIn 2019, to meet GitHub's growth and availability challenges, we set a plan in motion to improve our tooling and ability to partition relational databases. More than 10 years ago, GitHub.com started out like many other web applications of that time—built on Ruby on Rails, with a single MySQL database to store most of its data. Ov

                  Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale
                • How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows

                  About 1/5 of websites you need to scrape use Cloudflare, a hardcore anti-bot protection system that gets you blocked easily. So what can you do? 😥 We spent a million dollars figuring out how to bypass Cloudflare in 2023 so that you don't have to and wrote the most complete guide (you're reading it!). These are some of the techniques you'll get home today: Method 1: Get around Cloudflare CDN. Meth

                    How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows
                  • AlloyDB for PostgreSQL intelligent scalable storage | Google Cloud Blog

                    AlloyDB for PostgreSQL under the hood: Intelligent, database-aware storage Today, at Google I/O, we announced AlloyDB for PostgreSQL, a fully-managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database for demanding, enterprise-grade transactional and analytical workloads. Imagine PostgreSQL plus the best of the cloud: elastic storage and compute, intelligent caching, and AI/ML-powered management. Further, AlloyDB de

                      AlloyDB for PostgreSQL intelligent scalable storage | Google Cloud Blog
                    • 12.6. B-Trees — CS3 Data Structures & Algorithms

                      12.6.1. B-Trees¶ This module presents the B-tree. B-trees are usually attributed to R. Bayer and E. McCreight who described the B-tree in a 1972 paper. By 1979, B-trees had replaced virtually all large-file access methods other than hashing. B-trees, or some variant of B-trees, are the standard file organization for applications requiring insertion, deletion, and key range searches. They are used

                      • 2020年ナゴルノ・カラバフ紛争 - Wikipedia

                        11月9日、アゼルバイジャンは、シュシャを制圧したと発表[299][注 1]。 11月10日、アゼルバイジャンはロシア軍のヘリコプターを撃墜したことを謝罪すると発表した[300]。ついでアルメニア、アゼルバイジャン両国はロシアとともに完全な停戦で合意し、ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領、アルメニアのパシニャン首相、アゼルバイジャンのアリエフ大統領がモスクワ時間午前0時より完全な停戦を宣言する文書に署名したと発表。アルメニアは紛争以前の支配地域のうち旧来のナゴルノ・カラバフ地域とラチン回廊を除く、ナゴルノ・カラバフ地域の周辺部分をアゼルバイジャンに返還し、アルツァフ共和国として残る部分にもロシア軍が駐留するほか、ロシアとトルコによる今後5年の平和維持が盛り込まれた[27][301][302]。 同日、アルメニアの停戦反対派は首都エレバンにあるアルメニアの国会などの政府庁舎を占拠[27][

                          2020年ナゴルノ・カラバフ紛争 - Wikipedia
                        • Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services

                          AWS Database Blog Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB This is a guest post by Alex DeBrie, an AWS Hero. For people learning about Amazon DynamoDB, the idea of single-table design is one of the most mind-bending concepts out there. Rather than the relational notion of having a table per entity, DynamoDB tables often include multiple different entities in a single table. You can r

                            Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services
                          • AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms

                            Impact AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms Published 7 June 2023 Authors Daniel J. Mankowitz and Andrea Michi New algorithms will transform the foundations of computing Digital society is driving increasing demand for computation, and energy use. For the last five decades, we relied on improvements in hardware to keep pace. But as microchips approach their physical limits, it’s critical t

                              AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms
                            • 週刊Railsウォッチ: 2022年のRails振り返り記事、RailsにDocker関連ファイルが追加ほか(20230125前編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                              週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙏 TechRachoではRubyやRailsなどの最新情報記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Rails: 先週の改修(Rails公式ニュースより) だいぶ間が空いてしまいましたので、昨年末の改修から追いかけていきます。 公式更新情報: Ruby

                                週刊Railsウォッチ: 2022年のRails振り返り記事、RailsにDocker関連ファイルが追加ほか(20230125前編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                              • AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms

                                Impact AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms Published 7 June 2023 Authors Daniel J. Mankowitz and Andrea Michi New algorithms will transform the foundations of computing Digital society is driving increasing demand for computation, and energy use. For the last five decades, we relied on improvements in hardware to keep pace. But as microchips approach their physical limits, it’s critical t

                                  AlphaDev discovers faster sorting algorithms
                                • Stereolab | ele-king

                                  文:イアン・F・マーティン text : Ian F. Martin  翻訳:尾形正弘(Lively Up) Oct 18,2019 UP 1993年から2004年にかけてのステレオラブは、1970年代のデヴィッド・ボウイにも似た活躍を見せ、毎年、新しくて非凡な作品をリリースしていた。個々の作品は単体で見ても優れているのだが、全体として捉えてみると、それがバンドの成長と進化の記録そのものとなって我々を魅了する。 今回のキャンペーンで再発されるのは、グループ(彼らはたびたび自分たちのことを“group”ではなく“groop”と称する。発音は同じだがgroopには「排水溝」という意味がある)がこの期間にリリースした7枚のスタジオ・アルバムだが、この数字だけでは、当時のステレオラブがどれほど旺盛に制作を行っていたかを説明するにはいささか物足りない。7枚のアルバム以外にも、2枚のミニアルバム、2作

                                    Stereolab | ele-king
                                  • Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog

                                    Even more pi in the sky: Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud Records are made to be broken. In 2019, we calculated 31.4 trillion digits of π — a world record at the time. Then, in 2021, scientists at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons calculated another 31.4 trillion digits of the constant, bringing the total up to 62.8 trillion decimal places. Today we're announci

                                      Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog
                                    • Getting started with security keys

                                      EveryEvery week I come across another headline about how someone got hacked and within moments many of their online accounts had become compromised. These aren't simple cases of bad actors using account credentials from large public data breaches and the unfortunate result of people using the same password across many websites. These hacks, horror stories rather, are all the result of increasingly

                                        Getting started with security keys
                                      • SQLite on Rails | Fractaled Mind

                                        Over the last year or so, I have found myself on a journey to deeply understand how to run Rails applications backed by SQLite performantly and resiliently. In that time, I have learned various lessons that I want to share with you all now. I want to walk through where the problems lie, why they exist, and how to resolve them. And to start, we have to start with the reality that… Unfortunately, ru

                                        • Waltz: A Distributed Write-Ahead Log

                                          We are happy to announce the open source release of Waltz. Waltz is a distributed write-ahead log. It was initially designed to be the ledger of money transactions on the WePay system and was generalized for broader use cases of distributed systems that require serializable consistency. Waltz is similar to existing log systems like Kafka in that it accepts/persists/propagates transaction data prod

                                          • Tkrzw: a set of implementations of DBM

                                            In general, if you want a key-value storage with the highest performance, choosing the file hash database is recommended. If you need ordered access of records, choosing the file tree database is recommended. If you need scalability of ordered databases, choosing the file skip database is recommended. If you need extreme performance, the on-memory hash database and the on-memory tree database are

                                            • How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least tw

                                              There is an area of Python that many developers have problems with. This is an area that has seen many different solutions pop up over the years, with many different opinions, wars, and attempts to solve it. Many have complained about the packaging ecosystem and tools making their lives harder. Many beginners are confused about virtual environments. But does it have to be this way? Are the current

                                              • Solving common problems with Kubernetes

                                                I first learned Kubernetes ("k8s" for short) in 2018, when my manager sat me down and said "Cloudflare is migrating to Kubernetes, and you're handling our team's migration." This was slightly terrifying to me, because I was a good programmer and a mediocre engineer. I knew how to write code, but I didn't know how to deploy it, or monitor it in production. My computer science degree had taught me a

                                                  Solving common problems with Kubernetes
                                                • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

                                                  The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

                                                    The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
                                                  • ISP Column - October 2022

                                                    There is a common view out there that the QUIC transport protocol (RFC 9000) is just another refinement to the original TCP transport protocol [1] [2]. I find it hard to agree with this sentiment, and for me QUIC represents a significant shift in the set of transport capabilities available to applications in terms of communication privacy, session control integrity and flexibility. QUIC embodies a

                                                    • Macroprudentialism


                                                      • Introducing Swift Distributed Actors

                                                        We’re thrilled to announce a new open-source package for the Swift on Server ecosystem, Swift Distributed Actors, a complete server-oriented cluster library for the upcoming distributed actor language feature! This library provides a complete solution for using distributed actors in server use-cases. By open-sourcing this project early, alongside the ongoing work on the language feature, we hope t

                                                          Introducing Swift Distributed Actors
                                                        • New for Amazon Aurora – Use Machine Learning Directly From Your Databases | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS News Blog New for Amazon Aurora – Use Machine Learning Directly From Your Databases March 23, 2020: Post updated to clarify networking, IAM permissions, and database configurations required to use machine learning from Aurora databases. A new notebook using SageMaker Autopilot gives a complete example, from the set up of the model to the creation of the SQL function using the endpoint. The int

                                                            New for Amazon Aurora – Use Machine Learning Directly From Your Databases | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em>: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation

                                                            Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation A critical, science-based analysis of Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage. Controversy erupted here on Science-Based Medicine with a recent publication of a review of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. As a family physician who provides affirmative care to transgend

                                                              Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em>: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation
                                                            • Hardening unused (sub)domains - Mailhardener knowledge base

                                                              Hardening unused (sub)domains Even if a domain is not intended to be used for email, whether it being inbound (receiving) or outbound (sending) email, it is still recommended to apply proper email hardening techniques to prevent the domain from being abused for fraudulent activities. Domains that are not used for email may be parked domains, legacy domains, testing domains, black-hole domains, or

                                                              • AWS 認定 機械学習 – 専門知識(AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty)の学習方法とマシンラーニング・ディープラーニングの基礎知識が学べる学習リソースの紹介 - NRIネットコムBlog

                                                                小西秀和です。 この記事は「AWS認定全冠を維持し続ける理由と全取得までの学習方法・資格の難易度まとめ」で説明した学習方法を「AWS 認定 機械学習 – 専門知識(AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty)」に特化した形で紹介するものです。 重複する内容については省略していますので、併せて元記事も御覧ください。 また、現在投稿済の各AWS認定に特化した記事へのリンクを以下に掲載しましたので興味のあるAWS認定があれば読んでみてください。 ALL Networking Security Database Analytics ML SAP on AWS Alexa DevOps Developer SysOps SA Pro SA Associate Cloud Practitioner 「AWS 認定 機械学習 – 専門知識」とは 「AWS 認定

                                                                  AWS 認定 機械学習 – 専門知識(AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty)の学習方法とマシンラーニング・ディープラーニングの基礎知識が学べる学習リソースの紹介 - NRIネットコムBlog
                                                                • Emulating an iPod Touch 1G and iPhoneOS 1.0 using QEMU (Part I) | Martijn de Vos

                                                                  Around a year ago, I started working on emulating an iPod Touch 1G using the QEMU emulation software. After months of reverse engineering, figuring out the specifications of various hardware components, and countless debugging runs with GDB, I now have a functional emulation of an iPod Touch that includes display rendering and multitouch support. The emulated device runs the first firmware ever re

                                                                  • How RocksDB works - Artem Krylysov

                                                                    Introduction # Over the past years, the adoption of RocksDB increased dramatically. It became a standard for embeddable key-value stores. Today RocksDB runs in production at Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Uber. At Meta RocksDB serves as a storage engine for the MySQL deployment powering the distributed graph database. Big tech companies are not the only RocksDB users. Several startups were built around

                                                                    • LPT_LISA

                                                                      Linux Productivity Tools Ketan M. (km0@ornl.gov) Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1 LISA19 October 2019 Portland, OR, USA Table of Contents • Part 1: Overview and Logistics • Part 2: Basics • Part 3: Streams, pipe and redirection • Part 4: Classic Tools: find, grep, awk, sed • Part 5: Session Management: tmux • Part 6: ssh: config and tunneling • Part 7: Bash Tools • Part 8: Miscellaneous Utilities •

                                                                      • Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App

                                                                        This article was adapted from my Rails World talk “Rails and the Ruby Garbage Collector: How to Speed Up Your Rails App”. Ruby’s garbage collector is designed to be adaptable, scaling from short Ruby scripts to running apps that serve millions of requests per second. While it’s designed to be adaptable, it may not work optimally for every use case. For this reason, Ruby’s garbage collector support

                                                                          Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App
                                                                        • The Illustrated Retrieval Transformer

                                                                          Discussion: Discussion Thread for comments, corrections, or any feedback. Translations: Korean, Russian Summary: The latest batch of language models can be much smaller yet achieve GPT-3 like performance by being able to query a database or search the web for information. A key indication is that building larger and larger models is not the only way to improve performance. Video The last few years

                                                                          • 2019: July - October Political Notes - Richard Stallman

                                                                            Richard Stallman's personal political notes from 2019: July - October These are my personal opinions and do not speak for the GNU Project, the FSF, or anyone else. [ 2023 July - October | 2023 March - June | 2022 November - February | 2022 July - October | 2022 March - June | 2021 November - February | 2021 July - October | 2021 March - June | 2020 November - February | 2020 July - October | 2020

                                                                            • Grant Handy

                                                                              Written 2023-02-24Learn about simple ray casting and discover some fun math by creating a tiny 2KB game with Rust & WebAssembly. IntroductionOn first glance, making a first person game without an engine or a graphics API seems like an almost impossible task. In this post I'll show you how to do that using a simple variant of a method called ray casting. My goal here is to show how something that l

                                                                                Grant Handy
                                                                              • Unit Testing is Overrated • Oleksii Holub

                                                                                As Russia wages a genocidal war against my country, I'm grateful to everyone who continues to stand with Ukraine in our fight for freedom. The importance of testing in modern software development is really hard to overstate. Delivering a successful product is not something you do once and forget about, but is rather a continuous and recurring process. With every line of code that changes, software

                                                                                  Unit Testing is Overrated • Oleksii Holub
                                                                                • Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive | Luca Palmieri

                                                                                  Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive May 13, 2021 8550 words 43 min This article is a sample from Zero To Production In Rust, a hands-on introduction to backend development in Rust. You can get a copy of the book at zero2prod.com. TL;DR To send a confirmation email you have to stitch together multiple operations: validation of user input, email dispatch, various database queries. They all have one

                                                                                    Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive | Luca Palmieri