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  • GitHub 英語例文集

    GitHub で参考になった英語表現をまとめました。文脈がわかるように原文の URL も記載しています。 🙅 方針に異議を唱える it's hard to ~~~ Select onInput doesn't function in Microsoft Edge · Issue #2331 · preactjs/preact 🤦 誤解を解く We never said that ~~~ Select onInput doesn't function in Microsoft Edge · Issue #2331 · preactjs/preact 🙊 誤解していたことを伝える now I see you suggested this in your original feature request. Type EffectCallback - allow async function

      GitHub 英語例文集
    • Sign-in form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

      Sign-in form best practices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Use cross-platform browser features to build sign-in forms that are secure, accessible and easy to use. If users ever need to log in to your site, then good sign-in form design is critical. This is especially true for people on poor connections, on mobile, in a hurry, or under stress.

      • Command Line Interface Guidelines

        Contents Command Line Interface Guidelines An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. Authors Aanand Prasad Engineer at Squarespace, co-creator of Docker Compose. @aanandprasad Ben Firshman Co-creator Replicate, co-creator of Docker Compose. @bfirsh Carl Tashian Offroad Engineer at Smallstep, first e

          Command Line Interface Guidelines
        • Design Docs at Google

          One of the key elements of Google's software engineering culture is the use of design docs for defining software designs. These are relatively informal documents that the primary author or authors of a software system or application create before they embark on the coding project. The design doc documents the high level implementation strategy and key design decisions with emphasis on the trade-of

            Design Docs at Google
          • The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog

            On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email). Attendees included the guy who would create Sun Microsystems, the guy who made Zork, the NTP guy, and the guy who convinced the government to pay for Unix. The problem was simple: there were 455 hosts on the ARPANET and the situation was getting out of control. This issue w

              The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog
            • Minimal safe Bash script template

              Published on December 14, 2020   ·   Updated on December 16, 2020 Bash scripts. Almost anyone needs to write one sooner or later. Almost no one says “yeah, I love writing them”. And that’s why almost everyone is putting low attention while writing them. I won’t try to make you a Bash expert (since I’m not a one either), but I will show you a minimal template that will make your scripts safer. You

                Minimal safe Bash script template
              • CSRF is (really) dead

                Scott Helme Security researcher, entrepreneur and international speaker who specialises in web technologies. More posts by Scott Helme. A little while back I wrote a blog post about how "CSRF is dead". It focused on SameSite cookies, a powerful yet simple feature to protect your website against CSRF attacks. As powerful as it was, and as much as it will kill CSRF, you had to enable it on your site

                  CSRF is (really) dead
                • 「Amazonでさえサーバレスやマイクロサービスを理解できない」とDHH氏が主張する一方で、「進化可能なアーキテクチャこそ重要」とAmazonのVogels博士

                  Ruby on Railsの作者として知られるDavid Heinemeier Hansson(DHH)氏が自身のブログに5月4日付けで投稿した記事「Even Amazon can't make sense of serverless or microservices」(Amazonでさえサーバレスやマイクロサービスを理解できない)が話題になっています。 これはAmazon Prime Videoの技術部門が3月に自社ブログに投稿した記事「Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90%」(Prime Videoの音声映像監視サービスにおけるスケールアップと90%のコスト削減の実現)で紹介された、AWS Lambdaのサーバレスで作られたPrime Videoの監視サービス

                  • 名著「UNIXという考え方 - UNIX哲学」は本当に名著なのか? 〜 著者のガンカーズは何者なのかとことん調べてみた - Qiita

                    補足 1975: トンプソンはベル研を一時休職し、母校のカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に Version 6 Unix をインストールする作業を手伝う。これは後に BSD Unix として配布される。 1984-1998: ガンカーズが DEC でプリンシパル・ソフトウェア・エンジニアを務めた時期 ガンカーズは DEC の Unix Engineering Group (UEG) に所属 いつから DEC に勤めていたのかは不明 P63 より「小さな会社で Version 7 Unix を使っていた」ので 1979 年よりも後 V7M の開発には関わってなさそう おそらく 1980-1984 の間に DEC に入社したと思われる ガンカーズが「UNIX の考え方」についての本はないだろうか?と考えたのは 1991 年 1988: POSIX.1 標準化(POSIX.2 は 1992 年)

                      名著「UNIXという考え方 - UNIX哲学」は本当に名著なのか? 〜 著者のガンカーズは何者なのかとことん調べてみた - Qiita
                    • なぜ HTML の form は PUT / DELETE をサポートしないのか? | blog.jxck.io

                      Intro 10 年ほど前に同じことを調べたことがある。 なぜ html の form は PUT / DELETE をサポートしないのか? - Block Rockin' Codes https://jxck.hatenablog.com/entry/why-form-dosent-support-put-delete 当時は全くの素人で、素人なりに調査はしたが、ほとんどが推測の域を出ない結論だった。 この問題についてあらためて記す。 仕様策定の経緯 表題の通り、 <form> の method には GET と POST しかサポートされていない。 HTTP には他にも PUT や DELETE といったメソッドもあるのに、なぜサポートされていないのかという疑問から始まった。 仕様が決定した経緯は、以下に残っている。 Status: Rejected Change Descriptio

                        なぜ HTML の form は PUT / DELETE をサポートしないのか? | blog.jxck.io
                      • IBM-J テレコン英会話小冊子(PDF配布用)

                        テレコン英会話小冊子 Practical Expressions for Conference Calls - BETTER ENGLISH WITH US! - Table of Contents テレコンへの心構え (1) テレコンのはじまり (3) テレコンでの決まり文句 (11) 質問やお願いをする (25) 具体的な説明例 (33) ウェブカンファレンス表現 (37) テレコンの終わり (51) 間違えやすい単語 (55) 英語らしく発音しよう (61) 略語 (63) (1) テレコンへの心構え <会議前>  日本側の status を確実に把握しておく。 質問されて 「I don’t know」 では失礼だし、相手に「本当にテレコンで Push するような問題 なの?」と思われる。配布された資料があるときは事前に目を通 し、最新の内容を把握しておく。  事前に日本側のコン

                        • Windows環境で利用できるMicrosoft製負荷ツール

                          CPUに負荷を掛けるCPUに負荷を掛ける場合は、開発者・管理者向けのトラブルシューティングツール「Windows Sysinternals」で提供されている「CPUSTRES」を利用します。 ツールは以下からダウンロードできます。 CpuStres - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs ダウンロードしたZipファイルを解凍し、OS環境に応じたファイルを実行します。 32ビットOSなら「CPUSTRES.EXE」64ビットOSなら「CPUSTRES64.EXE」CPUSTRESを実行すると、次のような画面が表示されるので、必要な項目を選択することで、CPUに負荷を掛けることができます。 たとえば、2コアのマシンでCPU使用率を100%にしたい場合は まず、Thead1・Thread2を選択した状態で、右クリックメニューから「Activity Leve

                          • Announcing D1: our first SQL database

                            This post is also available in Français, Deutsch, Español, 简体中文, 日本語 and 繁體中文. We announced Cloudflare Workers in 2017, giving developers access to compute on our network. We were excited about the possibilities this unlocked, but we quickly realized — most real world applications are stateful. Since then, we’ve delivered KV, Durable Objects, and R2, giving developers access to various types of st

                              Announcing D1: our first SQL database
                            • ChatGPTにお前はどうやって実装されてんの?って聞いてみたら

                              マジレスされてチビッた.こりゃGoogleさんもビビるわけだ. ぼく: How were you implemented? Is it deep learning-based? ChatGPT: I am a language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that was developed by OpenAI. It is a deep learning-based model that uses a type of neural network called a transformer, which was trained on a large dataset of text to learn patterns of language. GPT-3 is trained using a techni

                              • TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners: Your Friendly Guide

                                What is TypeScript and why you may want to use it? Learn more with this TypeScript tutorial for beginners and start adding types to your JavaScript code! TypeScript tutorial for beginners: who this guide is for The following guide is a TypeScript tutorial for JavaScript developers interested in learning more about TypeScript. That means a decent knowledge of "vanilla" JavaScript is appreciated, ev

                                  TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners: Your Friendly Guide
                                • How I built a modern website in 2021

                                  How I built a modern website in 2021September 29th, 2021 — 34 min read For over half of 2021, I worked on a complete rewrite of kentcdodds.com. You're reading this on the rewrite of this site! Are you using dark mode or light mode? Have you signed in and selected your team yet? Have you tried to call into the Call Kent Podcast? This blog post isn't about these and other features of the new site, b

                                    How I built a modern website in 2021
                                  • Becoming a Better Writer as a Software Engineer

                                    Writing is an increasingly important skill for engineering leaders. Indeed, poor writing can hamper career progression, above a certain level. Tactics for more clear, more frequent and more confident writing. I’ve observed that my writing is not up to par with my peers. How can I improve my professional writing, as someone working in tech?I get this question from many people: senior engineers who

                                      Becoming a Better Writer as a Software Engineer
                                    • Popular git config options

                                      Hello! I always wish that command line tools came with data about how popular their various options are, like: “basically nobody uses this one” “80% of people use this, probably take a look” “this one has 6 possible values but people only really use these 2 in practice” So I asked about people’s favourite git config options on Mastodon: what are your favourite git config options to set? Right now

                                      • Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling

                                        August 12, 2021 Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling I didn't much care for vanilla JavaScript prior to ES6. Through all of the 2000s, I chased different approaches to avoid writing too much of it. First there was RJS (Ruby-to-JavaScript). Then there was CoffeeScript. Both transpiling approaches that turned more enjoyable-to-write source code into the kind of JavaScript that

                                          Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling
                                        • Full Third-Party Cookie Blocking and More

                                          This blog post covers several enhancements to Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) in iOS and iPadOS 13.4 and Safari 13.1 on macOS to address our latest discoveries in the industry around tracking. Cookies for cross-site resources are now blocked by default across the board. This is a significant improvement for privacy since it removes any sense of exceptions or “a little bit of cross-site track

                                          • 訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

                                            翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! 去年アップした『訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より』で翻訳紹介した論考のなかで、参照文献として挙げられていた文献のうち2つ、ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ著『GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURE(物語による建築物としてのゲームデザイン)』とボニー・ルバーク取材『Clint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration(クリント・ホッキングが語る冒険の美徳)』。別記事1つ、ドン・カーソン著『Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive

                                              訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
                                            • Why Go and not Rust?

                                              What's the role of Go in a universe where Rust exists? Imagine you’re a developer who mainly works with Go. You go to an event and, while chatting with some people, you decide to share with them the news that you wrote a small tool that does something. You claim that since you wrote it in Go, it’s fairly fast, it’s a single binary, etc. The group seems pleased with your recount and you start feeli

                                                Why Go and not Rust?
                                              • UX/UI Design: Growing List of Top Resources (last update 02/2023)

                                                A list of my favourite design resources. Everything that makes your life easier, from UX research to the perfect mockup. Instead of hiding it in the usual Google Doc, from now on it will live here on Medium and will be updated every time I find another little gem. So make sure to subscribe! By the way, this is not about quantity but quality. This list is from my personal point of view and everyday

                                                  UX/UI Design: Growing List of Top Resources (last update 02/2023)
                                                • How to recover from microservices

                                                  I won't deny there may well be cases where a microservices-first architecture makes sense, but I think they're few and far in between. The vast majority of systems are much better served by starting and staying with a majestic monolith. The Prime Video case study that blew up the internet yesterday is but the latest illustration. Maybe once you reach the scale of Netflix or Amazon, there are areas

                                                    How to recover from microservices
                                                  • Docker DesktopがWebAssemblyランタイムを統合。コンテナと同様にWebAssemblyイメージを実行可能に

                                                    Docker DesktopがWebAssemblyランタイムを統合。コンテナと同様にWebAssemblyイメージを実行可能に Docker Desktopを提供するDocker社は、Docker DesktopにWebAssemblyランタイムを統合することによる、Docker DesktopのWebAssembly対応版のテクニカルプレビューを発表しました。 またDocker社はこれに合わせて、WebAssemblyをあらゆるプラットフォームでセキュアに実行できるようにするための仕様策定と実装を進めている団体「Bytecode Alliance」への加盟も発表しました。 DockerにWASMランタイムのWasmEdgeを統合 下記の図がDocker DesktopにWebAssemblyを統合した仕組みを示しています。 左側と中央は通常のDockerコンテナを利用する場合の仕組みで

                                                      Docker DesktopがWebAssemblyランタイムを統合。コンテナと同様にWebAssemblyイメージを実行可能に
                                                    • vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web

                                                      Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code vscode.dev(!) October 20, 2021 by Chris Dias, @chrisdias Back in 2019, when the .dev top-level domain opened, we picked up vscode.dev and quickly parked it, pointing at our website code.visualstudio.com (or, if you are from the Boston area like me, we "pahked it"). Like a lot of people who buy a .dev domain, we h

                                                        vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
                                                      • Merge vs. Rebase vs. Squash

                                                        merge_vs_rebase_vs_squash.md I get asked pretty regularly what my opinion is on merge commits vs rebasing vs squashing. I've typed up this response so many times that I've decided to just put it in a gist so I can reference it whenever it comes up again. I use merge, squash, rebase all situationally. I believe they all have their merits but their usage depends on the context. I think anyone who sa

                                                          Merge vs. Rebase vs. Squash
                                                        • TabFS

                                                          Going through the files inside a tab's folder. For example, the url.txt, text.txt, and title.txt files tell me those live properties of this tab (Read more up-to-date documentation for all of TabFS's files here.) This gives you a ton of power, because now you can apply all the existing tools on your computer that already know how to deal with files -- terminal commands, scripting languages, point-

                                                          • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

                                                            Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to it. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has leaked. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document AI Warehouse was accidentally published publicly to a code repository for the c

                                                              Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
                                                            • 「日本社会が学ぶべきはこの姿勢なのか…」大統領選激戦区・ジョージア州の開票スタッフは未開封の票を残して定時で帰宅したらしい

                                                              Tom Bevan @TomBevanRCP Why are Georgia and North Carolina not working through the night to get the votes counted as quickly as possible? Makes no sense. 2020-11-04 17:13:40

                                                              • Why I Won't Use Next.js

                                                                You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

                                                                  Why I Won't Use Next.js
                                                                • Consider SQLite

                                                                  If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

                                                                  • The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

                                                                    The new wave of Javascript web frameworksMake sense of the proliferation of new Javascript web frameworks. A deep dive into the problems at scale and the recent evolution of innovation. IntroductionStaying current in the Javascript ecosystem is not for the faint of heart. It’s challenging for those entering the industry to follow what’s happening amongst the new libraries, frameworks, concepts, an

                                                                      The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
                                                                    • Everything I know about the XZ backdoor

                                                                      Everything I Know About the XZ Backdoor stateevergreeninblogdate3/29/2024Please note: This is being updated in real-time. The intent is to make sense of lots of simultaneous discoveries regarding this backdoor. last updated: 5:30 EST, on April 2nd Update: The GitHub page for xz has been suspended. 2021JiaT75 (Jia Tan) creates their GitHub account. The first commits they make are not to xz, but the

                                                                      • React-pdf - Announcing react-pdf v2.0

                                                                        I'm very excited to announce react-pdf 2.0 to the world! This is the culmination of almost an entire year of work and all the lessons learned since this project started all the way back in October 2016. It's crazy, I feel it was just yesterday when I was announcing 1.0 as well. In essence, this new 2.0 version is a full reimplementation of the library. Starting from scratch is always a risky move,

                                                                          React-pdf - Announcing react-pdf v2.0
                                                                        • Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

                                                                          TL;DR: Instead of redirecting API calls from HTTP to HTTPS, make the failure visible. Either disable the HTTP interface altogether, or return a clear HTTP error response and revoke API keys sent over the unencrypted connection. Unfortunately, many well-known API providers don't currently do so. Updated 2024-05-24: Added the Google Bug Hunter Team response to the report that the VirusTotal API resp

                                                                            Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
                                                                          • 現実世界は動的なのに静的に解こうとしている危うさのようなものへの自戒 - @i2key のBlog

                                                                            Recruit Engineers Advent Calendar 2022 - Adventar 23日の記事になります。 1. 方法論は限定スコープ内における合理性の話である 書籍などで得られる概念や方法論(技術含む)は、その書籍がスコープとしている中での限定合理性の話をしており、 書籍がスコープとした範囲における論理的正しさである場合がある。 特定のスコープの中においての最適なので、実は全体からみると個別最適だったりする。 つまり、実は引いてみると非効率なことを近距離でみると効率的だと主張している場合もある。 この包含関係による概念的強さみたいなものは存在しており、例えば、制約条件理論みたいなものは、様々な概念の上位に存在しており包含していたりする(そう勝手に思っている)。スコープを決めそのスコープ内におけるボトルネックを活用しスループットを最大化させるという概念的な強さはあり、その

                                                                              現実世界は動的なのに静的に解こうとしている危うさのようなものへの自戒 - @i2key のBlog
                                                                            • core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita

                                                                              core-jsとは core-jsをみなさんご存知だろうか。直接は知らなくてもbabelでpolyfillを当てているなら間接的にお世話になっているはずだ。 メンテされない そのcore-jsは当分メンテされないらしい。というか2020/01/14を最後にパタッと活動が途絶えている。 なんとこの巨大projectはzloirockというたった一人によってメンテされてきた。 ここで彼のコメントをいくつか引っ張っておこう。 https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/548#issuecomment-494112872 2019年5月21日 4:06 JST Dear @jpike88! Almost 5 years almost every day I spend some hour for maintenance core-js. It's not

                                                                                core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita
                                                                              • Deep Learning ideas that have stood the test of time

                                                                                Deep Learning is such a fast-moving field and the huge number of research papers and ideas can be overwhelming. The goal of this post is to review ideas that have stood the test of time. These ideas, or improvements of them, have been used over and over again. They’re known to work. If you were to start in Deep Learning today, understanding and implementing each of these techniques would probably

                                                                                • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript

                                                                                  Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, added functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundlers, provided new ways for library authors to control generic inference, expanded our JSDoc functionality, simplified con

                                                                                    Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript