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  • Awesome Dev Tool Tips 🔥

    Contents (Click to expand) ↕️ Design Mode Pretty Print Command Pallet and Super Search Snippets Live Expressions Tracking Changes Console Shorthand Find Unused Code Rendering Panel Network Paint Times Network Timings Inspect Network Requests Performance Identifying Memory Leaks Raw Memory Inspection Test bfcache Full Refresh Lighthouse Page Size Breakdown Record User Flows Advanced User Flow Opera

      Awesome Dev Tool Tips 🔥
    • Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare

      Test your Internet connection. Check your network performance with our Internet speed test. Powered by Cloudflare's global edge network.

        Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare
      • Time on Unix

        Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

          Time on Unix
        • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

          Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to it. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has leaked. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document AI Warehouse was accidentally published publicly to a code repository for the c

            Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
          • Consider SQLite

            If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

            • OpenAI API ドキュメント 日本語訳|#2 GET STARTED 後編|ゑぐみかるちゃあ

              OpenAI API ドキュメントの日本語訳をこちらでまとめます。文字量の多いドキュメントなので、セクションごとに記事を分割しています。 今回は「GET STARTED 」のセクションからLibraries 、Models、TutorialsそしてUsage policiesを抜粋した後編です。 基本 DeepLで翻訳して、気になるところだけ書き換えています(ほぼ気になるところがないのが、DeepLのすごいところ)。原文との突き合わせができるようにはじめに原文を入れてますので、間違いなど見つけられましたら、ぜひご指摘ください。ご指摘箇所は随時反映させていただきます。 原文のリンクが有効になってますので、それぞれ必要な場合は原文リンクの方を参照ください。 前回のおさらいはこちら Python library|Python ライブラリWe provide a Python library, w

                OpenAI API ドキュメント 日本語訳|#2 GET STARTED 後編|ゑぐみかるちゃあ
              • Mac版DevToysがなかったので3日で作って公開した。 - Qiita

                きっかけ こちらの記事で紹介されていたDevToysを使ってみたら非常に便利で、これは日常使いしたい!となりました。 しかしなんということでしょう。DevToysはWindowsアプリでありmacでは使えないではないですか!iOS・macアプリ開発者の私としてはmacを捨てるわけにはいかないので、mac版のDevToysを開発しました。 できたもの というわけで3日ほどでmac版DevToysクローンを作成しました。 以下のReleaseからダウンロードできます。 開発 可能な限り高速で開発をする必要があったため、他のOSSどううまく使うかが勝負です。 アプリ全体 他の開発中のmacアプリからユーティリティ系コードは大部分を流用しました。 これでだいぶ開発が楽になります。 Json <> Yaml OSSのYamsを用いて実装しています。本家DevToysではなぜか Yaml -> Jso

                  Mac版DevToysがなかったので3日で作って公開した。 - Qiita
                • Remix vs Next.js

                  Easily the biggest question we get asked is something like: How is Remix different from Next.js? It appears we have to answer this question! We'd like to address it directly and without drama. If you're a fan of Remix and want to start tweeting smug reactions to this article, we kindly ask that you drop the smugness before hitting the tweet button 🤗. A rising tide lifts all boats. We've been frie

                    Remix vs Next.js
                  • Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS Machine Learning Blog Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of scalable compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across industries are transforming their businesses. Just recently, generative AI app

                      Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                    • Linux perf Examples

                      Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                      • Go: A Documentary

                        Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                        • Twitter/Blueskyの自己ポストの全文検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおした方法/設計/感想

                          mytweetsという自分の Twitter/Bluesky の自己ポストの全部検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおしました。 mytweets は Twitter のアーカイブや Bluesky の API を使って自分のポストを S3 に保存しておき、 S3 Selectを使って全文検索ができる自分専用の Twilog のようなサービスです。 自分の Tweets をインクリメンタル検索できるサービス作成キット と Tweets をまとめて削除するツールを書いた | Web Scratch 過去の Tweets を全文検索できる mytweets を Bluesky に対応した。自分用 Twilog みたいなもの | Web Scratch 最初は CloudFront + Lambda@Edge + Next.js Pages Router で動かし

                            Twitter/Blueskyの自己ポストの全文検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおした方法/設計/感想
                          • Amazon Linux 2 で「rm -rf /*」を実行してみた | DevelopersIO

                            噂の最狂コマンドを実行してみたくなった みなさんはrm -rf /*でOSを破壊しようとしたことはありますか? 流石の私もないです。 rm -rf /*は、OSのrootディレクトリ配下を確認なしで全て削除すると言われる 最狂コマンドです。 rm -rf /という似たコマンドもありますが、こちらは、–no-preserve-rootというオプションを付けなければ、削除処理が実行されない安全仕様になっています。そのため、rm -rf /*の方がより凶悪仕様とも言えます。 今回は無性にOSが壊れゆく様を見たいと思ったので、Amazon Linux 2上でrm -rf /*を実行してみて、どこまで壊れるのか確認してみます。 また、rm -rf /*実行後、緊急モードなどから復旧できそうなら、復旧にもチャレンジしてみます。 いきなりまとめ rm -rf /*はやっぱり キケン。遊び半分でしてはいけ

                              Amazon Linux 2 で「rm -rf /*」を実行してみた | DevelopersIO
                            • Advanced macOS Commands - saurabhs.org

                              macOS is fortunate to have access to the huge arsenal of standard Unix tools. There are also a good number of macOS-specific command-line utilities that provide unique macOS functionality. To view the full documentation for any of these commands, run man <command>. caffeinate - set Mac sleep behavior Running caffeinate with no flags or arguments prevents your Mac from going to sleep as long as the

                              • Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable

                                Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today. Source control is one of the most important tools for modern developers,

                                  Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable
                                • 2ヶ月でCore Web Vitals, Lighthouseスコアを大幅改善するために行ったこと - SMARTCAMP Engineer Blog

                                  こんにちは!!!スマートキャンプでエンジニアをしている吉永です! 自己紹介記事はこちら 前回の記事はこちら 私は現在、スマートキャンプの主力サービスであるBOXIL SaaS(以下、BOXIL)の開発にフロントエンド、バックエンド問わず携わっています。 恐らく新年一発目になる弊社テックブログの記事は私の記事ということで、今年もよろしくお願いいたします。 はじめに なぜパフォーマンス改善を行ったのか Core Web Vitals(以下: CWV), Lighthouseとは? CWVとは Lighthouseとは CWV & Lighthouseの改善結果 サービスページ(改善前) サービスページ(改善後) レビューページ(改善前) レビューページ(改善後) 改善をするにあたってチームで行ったこと コミュニケーション的なお話 タスクの洗い出し、調査方法 優先順位付け DatadogやSea

                                    2ヶ月でCore Web Vitals, Lighthouseスコアを大幅改善するために行ったこと - SMARTCAMP Engineer Blog
                                  • 急に発生した全社リモートワーク・テレワーク対応、その悩み、AWS+SoftEtherで解決できます!|技術ブログ|北海道札幌市・宮城県仙台市のVR・ゲーム・システム開発 インフィニットループ

                                    ssh でアクセスして初期設定 ec2-user で、作成したサーバーに ssh アクセスし、タイムゾーンを設定し必要なパッケージを入れます sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo sudo yum -y update sudo yum -y install git gcc ncurses-devel readline-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel ec2 インスタンスを一度再起動しておきます SoftEther VPN インストール ec2-user で再度 ssh し次は SoftEther をインストールします SoftEther VPN は GitHub にプロジェクトが2つあり今回は stable 版のプロジェクトを使いました。 リリースはバイナリパッケージと、ソースパッケージの2種が置かれています。通常は

                                      急に発生した全社リモートワーク・テレワーク対応、その悩み、AWS+SoftEtherで解決できます!|技術ブログ|北海道札幌市・宮城県仙台市のVR・ゲーム・システム開発 インフィニットループ
                                    • Building LLM applications for production

                                      [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

                                        Building LLM applications for production
                                      • Back and forward cache  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                        Back and forward cache Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Back/forward cache (or bfcache) is a browser optimization that enables instant back and forward navigation. It significantly improves the browsing experience, especially for users with slower networks or devices. This page outlines how to optimize your pages for bfcache across all browsers

                                          Back and forward cache  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                        • Speedtest CLI: Internet speed test for the command line

                                          Speedtest® CLIInternet connection measurement for developers Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. Built for software developers, system administrators and computer enthusiasts alike, Speedtest CLI is the first official Linux-native Speedtest application backed by Ookla®. With Speedtest CLI, you can easily: Measure internet conn

                                            Speedtest CLI: Internet speed test for the command line
                                          • Rebuilding our tech stack for the new Facebook.com

                                            Facebook.com launched in 2004 as a simple, server-rendered PHP website. Over time, we’ve added layer upon layer of new technology to deliver more interactive features. Each of these new features and technologies incrementally slowed the site down and made it harder to maintain. This made it harder to introduce new experiences. Features like dark mode and saving your place in News Feed had no strai

                                              Rebuilding our tech stack for the new Facebook.com
                                            • GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy | Jay Mody

                                              January 30, 2023 In this post, we'll implement a GPT from scratch in just 60 lines of numpy. We'll then load the trained GPT-2 model weights released by OpenAI into our implementation and generate some text. Note: This post assumes familiarity with Python, NumPy, and some basic experience training neural networks. This implementation is missing tons of features on purpose to keep it as simple as p

                                              • Non AMP SXG による Prefetch 対応と AMP 提供の停止 | blog.jxck.io

                                                Intro 本サイトを (Non AMP) SXG に対応した。 これにより、 Google のモバイル検索では、結果を表示した時点でこのサイトの SXG が Prefetch され、結果を選択したら Cache から素早く表示されつつ、 アドレスバーにも本サイトのものとして表示される。 この、 Non AMP SXG 対応にあたって、本サイトの AMP の提供も停止することになった。 移行の作業ログと、関連する流れについて記す。 (Non AMP) SXG SXG については過去に解説した。 WebPackaging の Signed HTTP Exchanges 本サイトでは AMP SXG に対応しており、 Google Search からの AMP ページへの遷移には SXG が取得され、本サイトのドメインが表示される。 AMP SXG 対応 今年の 4 月に、 AMP だけでなく

                                                  Non AMP SXG による Prefetch 対応と AMP 提供の停止 | blog.jxck.io
                                                • Linux Hardening Guide | Madaidan's Insecurities

                                                  Last edited: March 19th, 2022 Linux is not a secure operating system. However, there are steps you can take to improve it. This guide aims to explain how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy. This guide attempts to be distribution-agnostic and is not tied to any specific one. DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt to apply anything in this article if you do not know exactly what you ar

                                                  • My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023

                                                    In this post I will hopefully detail my entire home network. Some of this has been in separate posts explaining single items, but nowhere do I have all of the network in one post with all the changes since last year. Here is a full shot of the rack in my house. Its in a centrally located closet which happens to have a 2ft x 2ft chase into the attic, which is very handy for running network cables.

                                                      My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023
                                                    • Making JavaScript run fast on WebAssembly - Bytecode Alliance

                                                      JavaScript in the browser runs many times faster than it did two decades ago. And that happened because the browser vendors spent that time working on intensive performance optimizations. Today, we’re starting work on optimizing JavaScript performance for entirely different environments, where different rules apply. And this is possible because of WebAssembly. We should be clear here—if you’re run

                                                        Making JavaScript run fast on WebAssembly - Bytecode Alliance
                                                      • How I made a heap overflow in curl | daniel.haxx.se

                                                        In association with the release of curl 8.4.0, we publish a security advisory and all the details for CVE-2023-38545. This problem is the worst security problem found in curl in a long time. We set it to severity HIGH. While the advisory contains all the necessary details. I figured I would use a few additional words and expand the explanations for anyone who cares to understand how this flaw work

                                                        • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

                                                          The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

                                                            The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
                                                          • Linux Kernel vs DPDK: HTTP Performance Showdown

                                                            # OverviewIn this post I will use a simple HTTP benchmark to do a head-to-head performance comparison between the Linux kernel's network stack, and a kernel-bypass stack powered by DPDK. I will run my tests using Seastar, a C++ framework for building high-performance server applications. Seastar has support for building apps that use either the Linux kernel or DPDK for networking, so it is the per

                                                              Linux Kernel vs DPDK: HTTP Performance Showdown
                                                            • Speeding up Linux disk encryption

                                                              Data encryption at rest is a must-have for any modern Internet company. Many companies, however, don't encrypt their disks, because they fear the potential performance penalty caused by encryption overhead. Encrypting data at rest is vital for Cloudflare with more than 200 data centres across the world. In this post, we will investigate the performance of disk encryption on Linux and explain how w

                                                                Speeding up Linux disk encryption
                                                              • Next.js 10

                                                                We are excited to introduce Next.js 10, featuring: Built-in Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization: Automatically optimize images using the new next/image component Internationalized Routing: Start internationalizing your Next.js applications with built-in primitives Next.js Analytics: Measure and act on real user performance Next.js Commerce: An all-in-one starter kit for high-performan

                                                                  Next.js 10
                                                                • Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

                                                                  This all started with a blog post back in 2020, from a tech curiosity: what's the fastest way to scale containers on AWS? Is ECS faster than EKS? What about Fargate? Is there a difference between ECS on Fargate and EKS on Fargate? I had to know this to build better architectures for my clients. In 2021, containers got even better, and I was lucky enough to get a preview and present just how fast t

                                                                    Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
                                                                  • Golang is evil on shitty networks

                                                                    This adventure starts with git-lfs. It was a normal day and I added a 500 MB binary asset to my server templates. When I went to push it, I found it interesting that git-lfs was uploading at 50KB per second. Being that I had a bit of free time that I’d much rather be spending on something else than waiting FOREVER to upload a file, I decided to head upstairs and plug into the ethernet. I watched i

                                                                      Golang is evil on shitty networks
                                                                    • UI = f(statesⁿ)

                                                                      “UI is a function of state” is a pretty popular saying in the front-end world. In context (pun intended), that’s typically referring to application or component state. I thought I’d pull that thread a little further and explore all the states that can effect the UI layer… First-party application states Every application whether it’s a to-do list or a shopping cart or some radically complex app wil

                                                                      • SSH Pentesting Guide

                                                                        What are SSH and SFTP? SSH is a secure remote shell protocol used for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. The default SSH port is 22, it’s common to see it open on servers on Internet or Intranets. SFTP is the SSH File Transfer Protocol, a protocol used to transfer files over an SSH connection. Most SSH implementations are also supporting SFTP. SSH servers/libs The most

                                                                          SSH Pentesting Guide
                                                                        • Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests

                                                                          Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress – how to choose? At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability,… At Testim, a lot of what we do is build  AI-based features on top of automation frameworks to add stability, accelerate test creation, and improve root-cause analysis. We evaluate a number of test automation frameworks to understand

                                                                            Puppeteer, Selenium, Playwright, Cypress - how to choose? - AI-driven E2E automation with code-like flexibility for your most resilient tests
                                                                          • Optimizing CSS for faster page loads

                                                                            Not long ago I decided to improve the loading times of my website. It already loads pretty fast, but I knew there was still room for improvement and one of them was CSS loading. I will walk you through the process and show you how you can improve your load times as well. Why loading time matters? Permalink to “Why loading time matters?” # Because Time is money. That proverb is especially true for

                                                                              Optimizing CSS for faster page loads
                                                                            • Use Fast Data Algorithms | Joey Lynch's Site

                                                                              Disclaimer: There are lies, damn lies, and benchmarks from some random person on the internet. If you are considering taking some of the advice in this post please remember to test your specific workloads, which might have different bottlenecks. Also the implementation quality in your particular software stack for your particular hardware matters a lot. For this post I’ll be playing with a ~5 GiB

                                                                              • ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020

                                                                                The selection of areas and methods is heavily influenced by my own interests; the selected topics are biased towards representation and transfer learning and towards natural language processing (NLP). I tried to cover the papers that I was aware of but likely missed many relevant ones—feel free to highlight them in the comments below. In all, I discuss the following highlights: Scaling up—and down

                                                                                  ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020
                                                                                • Use New Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances to Build & Test Apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                  AWS News Blog Use New Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances to Build & Test Apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV 14 November 2022: This blog has been updated to remove the link to the preview form. Last year at AWS re:Invent, Jeff Barr wrote about the exciting availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Mac instances. Today, we’re announcing the preview of a new EC2 M1 Mac ins

                                                                                    Use New Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances to Build & Test Apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV | Amazon Web Services