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  • Command Line Interface Guidelines

    Contents Command Line Interface Guidelines An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. Authors Aanand Prasad Engineer at Squarespace, co-creator of Docker Compose. @aanandprasad Ben Firshman Co-creator Replicate, co-creator of Docker Compose. @bfirsh Carl Tashian Offroad Engineer at Smallstep, first e

      Command Line Interface Guidelines
    • 違法な職務質問をされたので東京都を訴えた裁判の控訴審は棄却、理由は突然に

      職務質問裁判の控訴は棄却された。判決文は以下から読むことができる。 https://github.com/EzoeRyou/calling-110-is-suspicious 2年前の7月3日、職務質問を受けた。 警察官に職務質問をされた話し この職務質問は明らかに違法であると感じたので、弁護士に相談の上、東京都に対して国賠訴訟を起こした。警察官というのは各都道府県の下に位置する行政組織なので、警察を訴えるというのは、その警察の所属する都道府県を訴えるということになる。 一審判決は請求棄却。理由としては、「最初の10分間は不審事由がないが、刃物などの危険物を入れることができるリュックを背負っていたから声をかけ10分間その場にとどめて話をするのは違法ではない。このとき110番通報を要請したことは不審事由にあたりその後の1時間20分の職務質問は不審事由が存在するために合法である」というわけのわ

      • 早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について Waseda University’s Policy on Tuition

        早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について 2020年5月5日 更新2020年5月15日 早稲田大学の学生の皆さん、並びに保護者の皆様へ *English version follows Japanese 今般の新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大は、日本のみならず、世界中の人々に恐怖心を抱かせると共に、経済的苦痛を与えています。この度、ご本人もしくはご家族が感染された方、なくなられた方もいらっしゃるかと存じます。また、経済的に打撃を受けていらっしゃる方もいらっしゃると存じます。そのような方たちには心からお見舞い、お悔やみを申し上げます。 早稲田大学は、5月11日(月)からオンラインによる授業を開始し、2020年度春学期を8月2日まで行い、通常どおり単位を付与することにしています。一方、早稲田大学の各キャンパスは、感染防止のために、立入禁止を継続しています。図書館・体育館などすべての施設は、利用できな

          早稲田大学の学費に関する考え方について Waseda University’s Policy on Tuition
        • Redis Explained

          Redis Explained InfographicWhat is Redis?Redis (“REmote DIctionary Service”) is an open-source key-value database server. The most accurate description of Redis is that it's a data structure server. This specific nature of Redis has led to much of its popularity and adoption amongst developers. 👋🏾You are reading Architecture Notes! Crave some byte-sized bites of this? Join me on Twitter. If it's

            Redis Explained
          • 訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

            翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! 去年アップした『訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より』で翻訳紹介した論考のなかで、参照文献として挙げられていた文献のうち2つ、ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ著『GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURE(物語による建築物としてのゲームデザイン)』とボニー・ルバーク取材『Clint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration(クリント・ホッキングが語る冒険の美徳)』。別記事1つ、ドン・カーソン著『Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive

              訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
            • RSAに対するフェルマー攻撃 - Qiita

              はじめに(Introduction) RSAの鍵ペアの生成方法にミスがあり脆弱性となってしまった実装例があったようです。 元の文献を機械翻訳(ちょっと修正)してみます。 原文のデモをやってみたところ、案外動いたので先にデモを記します。 デモ(Demo) まずは、素数$p$と$q$を生成して$N$を求めるところです。 ※:鍵長が2048bitなので多少時間がかかります。 問題となったライブラリがこのようなロジックであったかは不明ですが、翻訳した資料を参考に作成しています。 import random as rnd import sympy key_length = 2048 distance = 10000 p = 0 q = 0 # 乱数Xを生成する。 X = rnd.randrange(2, pow(2, key_length)) for i in range(distance): #

                RSAに対するフェルマー攻撃 - Qiita
              • Building Protocols with HTTP

                Workgroup: HTTP Internet-Draft: draft-ietf-httpbis-bcp56bis Obsoletes: 3205 (if approved) Published: 22 March 2022 Intended Status: Best Current Practice Expires: 23 September 2022 Author: Building Protocols with HTTP Abstract Applications often use HTTP as a substrate to create HTTP-based APIs. This document specifies best practices for writing specifications that use HTTP to define new applicati

                • Deno 1.0

                  Dynamic languages are useful tools. Scripting allows users to rapidly and succinctly tie together complex systems and express ideas without worrying about details like memory management or build systems. In recent years programming languages like Rust and Go have made it much easier to produce sophisticated native machine code; these projects are incredibly important developments in computer infra

                    Deno 1.0
                  • Why I Won't Use Next.js

                    You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

                      Why I Won't Use Next.js
                    • Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

                      TL;DR: Instead of redirecting API calls from HTTP to HTTPS, make the failure visible. Either disable the HTTP interface altogether, or return a clear HTTP error response and revoke API keys sent over the unencrypted connection. Unfortunately, many well-known API providers don't currently do so. Updated 2024-05-24: Added the Google Bug Hunter Team response to the report that the VirusTotal API resp

                        Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
                      • Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web

                        People often see passwords are the original sin of authentication on the web. Passwords can be easy to guess and vulnerable to breaches. Frequent reuse of the same password across the web makes breaches even more profitable. As passwords are made stronger and unique, they can quickly become unusable for many users. Passwords indeed look notorious, but are passwords themselves the problem, or is it

                          Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web
                        • Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

                          Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?11/25/2022 This post is also available in简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, Deutsch, Français, Español, Português and Pусский. A lot of Cloudflare's technology is well documented. For example, how we handle traffic between the eyeballs (clients) and our servers has been discussed many times on this blog: “A brief primer on anycast (20

                            Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?
                          • Buy Google Reviews | Real based and 100% Permanent Local IP Reviews

                            Google Reviews send customers a positive or negative response to your business, online store, Restaurant, or requirements. You can Expect your SEO rank in google reviews. Scroll down you can see the advantage of buying google reviews We will discuss many kinds of topics about buying Google reviews. if you want to Buy google reviews make an order from here. We know all reviews platforms always prom

                              Buy Google Reviews | Real based and 100% Permanent Local IP Reviews
                            • ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline

                              So, your company decided to invest in machine learning. You have a talented team of Data Scientists churning out models to solve important problems that were out of reach just a few years ago. All performance metrics are looking great, the demos cause jaws to drop and executives to ask how soon you can have a model in production. It should be pretty quick, you think. After all, you already solved

                                ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline
                              • HashiCorp、TerraformをフォークしたOpenTofuに対しコードの不正コピーを警告。OpenTofuは完全否定

                                HashiCorp、TerraformをフォークしたOpenTofuに対しコードの不正コピーを警告。OpenTofuは完全否定 HashiCorpは昨年(2023年)8月、Terraformを含む同社製品のライセンスを、商用利用に制限があるBusiness Source License v1.1(BSL1.1)に変更すると発表。これに反発し、ライセンス変更前のTerraformをフォークしたプロジェクトとしてLinux Foundation傘下で登場したのが「OpenTofu」です。 参考:Terraformのフォークが「OpenTofu」としてLinux Foundation傘下で正式ローンチ。OpenTFから改名 しかしHashiCorpはこのOpenTofuを歓迎するつもりはまったくなかったようです。 HashiCorpがOpenTofuにコードの不正使用を警告 HashiCorpは

                                • Go: A Documentary

                                  Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                                  • REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js

                                    I've created and consumed many API's over the past few years. During that time, I've come across good and bad practices and have experienced nasty situations when consuming and building API's. But there also have been great moments. There are helpful articles online which present many best practices, but many of them lack some practicality in my opinion. Knowing the theory with few examples is goo

                                      REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js
                                    • 転置インデックスの圧縮技法

                                      転置インデックスは、検索エンジンの実装において、中心的な役割を果たすデータ構造である。 転置インデックスのデータ構造とアルゴリズムは、クエリ処理アルゴリズムとともに、検索エンジンの性能に直結する。とくに大規模な検索エンジンにおいては、キャッシュ効率を高めてクエリ処理を高速化するために、転置インデックスの圧縮は必要不可欠となっている。 この記事では、転置インデックス、とくにポスティングリストの圧縮について、近年の手法を簡単にまとめる。 目次 転置インデックスの基本 転置インデックスのデータ構造と特性 転置インデックスのアクセスパターン 近年のインデックス圧縮技法 Variable-Byte Family VByte Varint-GB Varint-G8IU Masked-VByte Stream-VByte Opt-VByte Simple Family Simple9 Simple16

                                      • macOS Internals

                                        macOS Internals.md macOS Internals Understand your Mac and iPhone more deeply by tracing the evolution of Mac OS X from prelease to Swift. John Siracusa delivers the details. Starting Points How to use this gist You've got two main options: Under Highlights, read all the links you're interested in, or Use "OS X Reviewed" as an index and just read all the reviews end to end. (This is not the fast o

                                          macOS Internals
                                        • Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable

                                          Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today. Source control is one of the most important tools for modern developers,

                                            Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable
                                          • The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers - Nature Human Behaviour

                                            Before the COVID-19 pandemic, at most 5% of Americans worked from home for more than three days per week1, whereas it is estimated that, by April 2020, as many as 37% of Americans were working from home (WFH) full-time2,3. Thus, in a matter of weeks, the pandemic caused about one-third of US workers to shift to WFH and nearly every American that was able to work from home did so4. Many technology

                                              The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers - Nature Human Behaviour
                                            • Don't write clean code, write CRISP code — Bitfield Consulting

                                              I’m sure we’re all in favour of “clean code”, but it’s one of those motherhood-and-apple-pie things that no one can reasonably disagree with. Who wants to write dirty code, unless maybe it’s for a porn site? The problem, of course, is that few of us can agree on what “clean code” means, and how to get there. A rule like “methods should only do one thing”, looks great on a T-shirt, but it’s not so

                                                Don't write clean code, write CRISP code — Bitfield Consulting
                                              • Git Credential Manager: authentication for everyone

                                                EngineeringGit Credential Manager: authentication for everyoneEnsuring secure access to your source code is more important than ever. Git Credential Manager helps make that easy. Universal Git Authentication “Authentication is hard. Hard to debug, hard to test, hard to get right.” – Me These words were true when I wrote them back in July 2020, and they’re still true today. The goal of Git Credenti

                                                  Git Credential Manager: authentication for everyone
                                                • Announcing PartiQL: One query language for all your data | Amazon Web Services

                                                  AWS Open Source Blog Announcing PartiQL: One query language for all your data Data is being gathered and created at rates unprecedented in history. Much of this data is intended to drive business outcomes but, according to the Harvard Business Review, “…on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used in making decisions…” The root of the problem is that data is typ

                                                    Announcing PartiQL: One query language for all your data | Amazon Web Services
                                                  • SHA-1 is a Shambles

                                                    We have computed the very first chosen-prefix collision for SHA-1. In a nutshell, this means a complete and practical break of the SHA-1 hash function, with dangerous practical implications if you are still using this hash function. To put it in another way: all attacks that are practical on MD5 are now also practical on SHA-1. Check our paper here for more details. Slides from RWC are also availa

                                                    • eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security

                                                      Nov 10, 2020eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security Today is an exciting day for the Cilium community: Isovalent, the company behind Cilium, is announcing its $29M Series A financing round backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Google, and Cisco. This is a perfect occasion to take a deeper look into where eBPF-based networking is coming from and to understand what the excitement is all about. Two weeks

                                                        eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security
                                                      • Network Architecture Design for Microservices on GCP

                                                        This is our goal architecture design, please read the article to understand the journey :)This blog article is participating in the Mercari Bold Challenge month (#6) Hi everyone, this is Raphael from the Microservices Platform team at Mercari. Bluntly introduced, we are a post-IPO Japanese C2C (Customer to Customer) marketplace transitioning from a monolithic to a microservices architecture. A few

                                                          Network Architecture Design for Microservices on GCP
                                                        • 【忘れず登録しておこう!】GitHub Copilot X および GitHub Next の Waitlist 公開中プロジェクトまとめ | DevelopersIO

                                                          GitHub Copilot X 自体の公式サイトはこちらです。 公式サイトからリンクされている下記のデモ動画で、VS Codeに統合されたチャットを利用して軽快にコーディングを行う様子に、心を踊らせた開発者は多いのではないでしょうか。 以下、公式サイトの記述を抜粋します。 With chat and terminal interfaces, support for pull requests, and early adoption of OpenAI’s GPT-4, GitHub Copilot X is our vision for the future of AI-powered software development. Integrated into every part of your workflow. (日本語訳) チャットとターミナル インターフェイス、プル リクエスト

                                                            【忘れず登録しておこう!】GitHub Copilot X および GitHub Next の Waitlist 公開中プロジェクトまとめ | DevelopersIO
                                                          • How I Hacked my Car

                                                            Note: As of 2022/10/25 the information in this series is slightly outdated. See Part 5 for more up to date information. The Car⌗ Last summer I bought a 2021 Hyundai Ioniq SEL. It is a nice fuel-efficient hybrid with a decent amount of features like wireless Android Auto/Apple CarPlay, wireless phone charging, heated seats, & a sunroof. One thing I particularly liked about this vehicle was the In-V

                                                            • Kernel Queue: The Complete Guide On The Most Essential Technology For High-Performance I/O

                                                              Kernel Queue: The Complete Guide On The Most Essential Technology For High-Performance I/O When talking about high-performance software we probably think of server software (such as nginx) which processes millions requests from thousands clients in parallel. Surely, what makes server software work so fast is high-end CPU running with huge amount of memory and a very fast network link. But even the

                                                                Kernel Queue: The Complete Guide On The Most Essential Technology For High-Performance I/O
                                                              • The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

                                                                Peter Jay Salzman, Michael Burian, Ori Pomerantz, Bob Mottram, Jim Huang 1 Introduction 1.1 Authorship 1.2 Acknowledgements 1.3 What Is A Kernel Module? 1.4 Kernel module package 1.5 What Modules are in my Kernel? 1.6 Is there a need to download and compile the kernel? 1.7 Before We Begin 2 Headers 3 Examples 4 Hello World 4.1 The Simplest Module 4.2 Hello and Goodbye 4.3 The __init and __exit Mac

                                                                • Linux Hardening Guide | Madaidan's Insecurities

                                                                  Last edited: March 19th, 2022 Linux is not a secure operating system. However, there are steps you can take to improve it. This guide aims to explain how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy. This guide attempts to be distribution-agnostic and is not tied to any specific one. DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt to apply anything in this article if you do not know exactly what you ar

                                                                  • Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0

                                                                    EngineeringUpgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0GitHub uses MySQL to store vast amounts of relational data. This is the story of how we seamlessly upgraded our production fleet to MySQL 8.0. Over 15 years ago, GitHub started as a Ruby on Rails application with a single MySQL database. Since then, GitHub has evolved its MySQL architecture to meet the scaling and resiliency needs of the platform—includi

                                                                      Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0
                                                                    • ALPACA Attack

                                                                      Paper Q&A How to ALPN/SNI Updates! News A big reevaluation of TLS libraries, TLS application servers, and a new internet scan by Jannik Hölling is now available in the Updates section! ALPACA will be presented at Black Hat USA 2021, USENIX Security Symposium 2021, and Real Word Crypto Symposium 2022! Recommended articles: Ars Technica (Dan Goodin), Golem (Hanno Böck; German) Introduction TLS is an

                                                                      • Nodesign.dev | Tools and resources for non artistic developers

                                                                        Search Nodesign.dev | Tools and resources for non artistic developers May 11, 2024 The ultimate collections of illustrations, art, pictures, fonts, images, icons, css frameworks, favicon generators, color palettes, backgound generators, ui inspirations and many more nodesign tools. Get to know the best online favicon generators so that you have a selection of your favorite websites open in differe

                                                                          Nodesign.dev | Tools and resources for non artistic developers
                                                                        • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                                                                          Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                                                                            Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                                                                          • Elm at Rakuten | Rakuten Engineering Blog

                                                                            In our team at Rakuten, we have been using Elm1 in production for almost two years now. This post is about our story, the lessons we learned, and our likes and dislikes. This post is quite long so if you prefer to see an overview, feel free to jump to the index. Everything started in the Berlin branch of Rakuten during the summer of 2017. We were maintaining a medium-size single-page application w

                                                                              Elm at Rakuten | Rakuten Engineering Blog
                                                                            • Laradockはどんな経緯で作られて、何が駄目なのか? - Endo Tech Blog

                                                                              はじめに 巷では「Laradock」はLaravelの開発環境においては「適さない」或いは「ゴミ」という言葉を使って形容する事が流行っているみたいですね。 長いので自分の結論を先に書くと ・現在のLaradockはLaravel向けのDockerの開発環境ではなく、あらゆるPHPアプリケーションの開発環境に対応してソフトウェアを詰め込んだプロジェクトになっている。 ・なので、「Laravelを使ってみたい」だけを考えてやると、Laradock側の設定で詰まるポイントが多い為、オススメできない。 ・ある程度Docker Composeやインフラの知識がわかっている人だったら、検証環境としてはよいが、自分でdocker-compose.ymlを作った方がデバッグ時に困る事が少ない。 ・Laravelの事だけを考えたいならDockerの事は考えずにcomposerを使った方法がオススメ。 です。

                                                                                Laradockはどんな経緯で作られて、何が駄目なのか? - Endo Tech Blog
                                                                              • Security Incident December 2022 Update - LastPass - The LastPass Blog

                                                                                Please refer to the latest article for updated information. Update as of Thursday, December 22, 2022 To Our LastPass Community, We recently notified you that an unauthorized party gained access to a third-party cloud-based storage service, which LastPass uses to store archived backups of our production data. In keeping with our commitment to transparency, we want to provide you with an update rega

                                                                                  Security Incident December 2022 Update - LastPass - The LastPass Blog
                                                                                • How Docker Desktop Networking Works Under the Hood | Docker

                                                                                  Modern applications make extensive use of networks. At build time it’s common to apt-get/dnf/yum/apk install a package from a Linux distribution’s package repository. At runtime an application may wish to connect() to an internal postgres or mysql database to persist some state, while also calling listen() and accept() to expose APIs and UIs over TCP and UDP ports. Meanwhile developers need to be

                                                                                    How Docker Desktop Networking Works Under the Hood | Docker