LKML: Qu Wenruo: Please don't waste maintainers' time on your KPI grabbing patches (AKA, don't be a KPI jerk)
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LKML: Qu Wenruo: Please don't waste maintainers' time on your KPI grabbing patches (AKA, don't be a KPI jerk)
Please don't waste maintainers' time on your KPI grabbing patches (AKA, don't be a KPI jerk) Hi L... Please don't waste maintainers' time on your KPI grabbing patches (AKA, don't be a KPI jerk) Hi Leizhen, and guys in the mail list, Recently I find one patch removing a debug OOM error message from btrfs selftest. It's nothing special, some small cleanup work from some kernel newbie. But the mail address makes me cautious, "@huawei.com". The last time we got some similar patches from the same comp
2021/06/21 リンク