Over the last several years I have paired with people learning Functional Programming who have expressed an anti-OO bias. This usually comes in the form of statements like: “Oh, that’s too much like an Object.” I think this comes from the notion that FP and OO are somehow mutually exclusive. Many folks seem to think that a program is functional to the extent that it is not object oriented. I presu
Lately I have been criticized, both directly and indirectly, for associating TDD with professionalism. Indeed, I believe much of the recent “true believer” rhetoric we have been subjected to comes from that association. I plead guilty to claiming that the association exists. I wrote extensively about it in the article Professionalism and Test-Driven-Development, IEEE Software, 06/2007 Now, let me
So my last blog: The Startup Trap raised quite a ruckus. Amidst the various shouts of agreement and support, there was also a group who vehemently disagreed. I’m not going to summarize all their disagreements here, since I’ve already used up my quota of curse words for the month. But one of those disagreements struck me as something I should address. It’s the old argument of pragmatism vs. dogmati