Hello and welcome to the GitHub repository for my book Microservice APIs! The book is conceived as a one-stop guide for learning how to design and build microservices and how to drive their integrations with APIs. There's a strong emphasis on best practices and applying principles and patterns that achieve loose coupling in your code. The book provides full examples of how to design and build a RE
We are excited to announce our partnership with arXiv to support links to code on arXiv. Machine learning articles on arXiv now have a Code tab to link official and community code with the paper, as shown below: Both official and community code come from Papers with CodeAuthors can add official code to their arXiv papers by going to arxiv.org/user and clicking on the “Link to code” Papers with Cod
In accordance with ISO/IEC JTC 1 and the ISO and IEC Councils, these International Standards are publicly available for Standardization purposes. Licence Agreement for Publicly Available Standards When you download (an) ISO publication(s) from this site, you accept the ISO Customer Licence Agreement ("Licence Agreement"), excluding clauses 2. Watermark, 5. Paper copies, and 6. Codes and Graphical