Dive into deep learning with this practical course on TensorFlow and the Keras API. Gain an intuitive understanding of neural networks without the dense jargon. Learn to build, train, and optimize your own networks using TensorFlow. The course also introduces transfer learning, leveraging pre-trained models for enhanced performance. Designed for swift proficiency, this course prioritizes hands-on
Course Logistics Lectures: Tuesday/Thursday 12:00-1:20PM Pacific Time at NVIDIA Auditorium. Lecture Videos: Will be posted on Canvas shortly after each lecture. These are unfortunately only accessible to enrolled Stanford students. Office Hours: We will be holding a mix of in-person and Zoom office hours. You can find a full list of times and locations on the calendar. Contact: Announcements and a
Because of the Youtube Live Streaming platform outage on Wednesday, this speaker was interrupted during the streaming session. The missing portion appears in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuwf6WXgffQ (approx. 32 min. of additional content) The ACM Recommender System conference (RecSys) is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and te
Engineering Building the platform where people around the world come to search, save and shop Our Engineering team is at the core of bringing our platform to life for Pinners worldwide. Working collaboratively and cross-functionally with teams across the company, our engineers tackle growth-driving challenges to build an inspired and inclusive platform for all. Natasha Magliui Engineering Manager,
Recent work in unsupervised feature learning and deep learning has shown that being able to train large models can dramatically improve performance. In this paper, we consider the problem of training a deep network with billions of parameters using tens of thousands of CPU cores. We have developed a software framework called DistBelief that can utilize computing clusters with thousands of machines
岡野原です。Deep Learningが各分野のコンペティションで優勝し話題になっています。Deep Learningは7、8段と深いニューラルネットを使う学習手法です。すでに、画像認識、音声認識、最も最近では化合物の活性予測で優勝したり、既存データ・セットでの最高精度を達成しています。以下に幾つか例をあげます。 画像認識 LSVRC 2012 [html] 優勝チームスライド [pdf], まとめスライド[pdf] Googleによる巨大なNeuralNetを利用した画像認識(猫認識として有名)[paper][slide][日本語解説] また、各分野のトップカンファレンスでDeep Learningのチュートリアルが行われ、サーベイ論文もいくつか出ました。おそらく来年以降こうした話が増えてくることが考えられます。 ICML 2012 [pdf] ACL 2012 [pdf] CVPR