
ブックマーク / www.softwareishard.com (2)

  • HAR Adopters | Software is hard

    This page summarizes existing tools, projects and applications (made by third parties) that support HTTP Archive format (HAR). This format is based on JSON and is typically used by tools that consume/produce data collected by monitoring HTTP communication. Note that you can display an existing HAR file online using HAR Viewer. Are you an author of a new tool that adopts HAR and want me to update t

    nobusue 2013/12/02
    HARファイルを扱うためのライブラリやツールなど。Java HarLibなんてのもある。
  • NetExport | Software is hard

    NetExport is a Firebug extension that allows exporting all collected and computed data from the Net panel. The structure of the created file uses HTTP Archive (HAR) format (based on JSON). Manual HAR export is natively supported by Firefox 42+. Implementing automated export by triggering HAR export directly from within the page is supported by an extension HAR Export Trigger. This is the recommend

    nobusue 2011/11/25
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