A session about the Reactor story with Reactive Streams pragmatic specification. Talk recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014 Dallas.Read less
Spring IO Foundation の中でも、Core の一翼を担う Reactor。quitada はこれに興味津々なので弄ってみた。 Spring in Action: Covers Spring 3.0 作者: Craig Walls出版社/メーカー: Manning Publications発売日: 2011/07/02メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る ★Reactor って何でしたっけ? こちらの Spring のブログエントリーによると、JVM 上で非同期通信アプリを構築する基盤フレームワークとのこと。イベントを非同期で受信してそのフィルタリングとイベント駆動処理が可能なんで、簡単な CEP っぽいことが、簡単にできるようなものと理解。 相当軽量なイメージで、たとえば、ビッグデータ時代の昨今、大量にリアルタイムに流れてくる
LMAX are recruiting once again. If you are interested in working with a great team, with some amazing technology, and think you can add something to the mix then please check out our jobs page. LMAX aims to be the fastest trading platform in the world. Clearly, in order to achieve this we needed to do something special to achieve very low-latency and high-throughput with our Java platform. Perform
It can't just be Big Data, it has to be Fast Data: Reactor 1.0 goes GA I'm happy to announce that Reactor, a powerful foundational library for building reactive, fast data applications on the JVM has reached GA! What is Reactor and why should I care? Reactor provides the necessary abstractions to build high-throughput, low-latency--what we now call "fast data"--applications that absolutely must wo
Reactor - a foundation for asynchronous applications on the JVM We’re pleased to announce that, after a long period of internal incubation, we’re releasing a foundational framework for asynchronous applications on the JVM which we’re calling Reactor. It provides abstractions for Java, Groovy and other JVM languages to make building event and data-driven applications easier. It’s also really fast.