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  • How To Center a Div

    IntroductionFor a long time, centering an element within its parent was a surprisingly tricky thing to do. As CSS has evolved, we've been granted more and more tools we can use to solve this problem. These days, we're spoiled for choice! I decided to create this tutorial to help you understand the trade-offs between different approaches, and to give you an arsenal of strategies you can use, to han

      How To Center a Div
    • 100を超える主要な音楽メディアの「2023年の年間ベスト・アルバム」を集計 TOP50リスト発表 - amass

      100を超える主要な音楽メディアの「2023年の年間ベスト・アルバム」を集計。ベスト・アルバム集計サイトAlbum of the Yearが集計版「2023年の年間ベスト・アルバム TOP50」を発表しています。 【集計ルール】 各メディアが発表した「2023年の年間ベスト・アルバム」のリストから、1位の作品に10ポイント、2位の作品に8ポイント、3位の作品に6ポイント、4〜10位の作品に5ポイント、11〜25位の作品に3ポイント、26位以降の作品に1ポイントをそれぞれ加算。ランク付けされていないリストの場合は、リストが10枚以下の場合は5ポイント、25枚以下の場合は3ポイント、25枚以上の場合は1ポイントをそれぞれ加算します。 現時点で107のメディアを集計。今後Album of the Yearの集計対象となるメディアがベストリストを発表した場合は、その分のポイントが加算されるため、順

        100を超える主要な音楽メディアの「2023年の年間ベスト・アルバム」を集計 TOP50リスト発表 - amass
      • Broken Ownership

        Have you been in any of these situations? Managers make decisions that’s out of their leagues and everyone else in the team ends up paying for it. Knowledgeable people passively observe without bothering to contribute. Sometimes they are denied access to the room. Developers act like code monkeys, throwing the code over a metaphorical wall for the QA to test and “DevOps” to run. In “you build it,

          Broken Ownership
        • jQuery 4.0.0 BETA! | Official jQuery Blog

          jQuery 4.0.0 has been in the works for a long time, but it is now ready for a beta release! There’s a lot to cover, and the team is excited to see it released. We’ve got bug fixes, performance improvements, and some breaking changes. We removed support for IE<11 after all! Still, we expect disruption to be minimal. Many of the breaking changes are ones the team has wanted to make for years, but co

          • Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

            GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to look far back on this (rather inactive) blog to see I have previously championed this technology. After building many a React SPA on top of a hodge podge of untyped JSON REST APIs, I found GraphQL a breath of fresh air. I was truly a GraphQL h

            • 変更履歴を記録する

              Version 1.1.0 # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added - v1.1 Brazilian Portuguese translation. - v1.1 German Translation - v1.1 Spanish translation. - v1.1 Italian

              • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

                Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to it. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has leaked. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document AI Warehouse was accidentally published publicly to a code repository for the c

                  Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
                • A Modern C Development Environment

                  Sometimes, C/C++ projects have a long development cycle. When working on such a project, it can be easy to take our development environment for granted, and forget about the effort invested in its bring-up. The build environment works like magic, the test framework is neatly integrated, and the CI/CD pipeline relieves us of tedious, repetitive tasks. For me, all it took was a simple thought: How d

                    A Modern C Development Environment
                  • xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

                    xz-backdoor.md FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) This is still a new situation. There is a lot we don't know. We don't know if there are more possible exploit paths. We only know about this one path. Please update your systems regardless. This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything abo

                      xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)
                    • Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約

                      Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約 はじめに 10 月 26 日に Next.js Conf が開催されましたが、それと前後して Kent C. Dodds (以下 kentcdodds と呼びます) と Lee Robinson (以下 leerob と呼びます) がそれぞれ という記事を公開しました。前者はタイトルの通り、Testing Library の作者であり、Remix の共同創業者の一人でもある開発者兼教育者 kentcdodds が、Next.js を使わない理由について述べたものです。そして後者は、Vercel の VP of Developer Experience である leerob が、主に前者に対する反論を述べたものです。筆者は両方の記事を公開後すぐに面白く読み、そしてどちらにも頷けるところ

                        Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約
                      • Merging Remix and React Router

                        We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

                          Merging Remix and React Router
                        • Linux Crisis Tools

                          (This is based on Table 4.1 "Linux Crisis Tools" in SysPerf 2.) Some longer notes: [1] bcc and bpftrace have many overlapping tools: the bcc ones are more capable (e.g., CLI options), and the bpftrace ones can be edited on the fly. But that's not to say that one is better or faster than the other: They emit the same BPF bytecode and are equally fast once running. Also note that bcc is evolving and

                          • もう一度読むObservability Engineering - じゃあ、おうちで学べる

                            はじめに 本書『Observability Engineering』は、複雑化の一途をたどる現代のソフトウェアシステムに立ち向かうための、強力な武器となる一冊であり本稿はその読書感想文です。Observability Engineering を今から知りたい方はもちろん、Observability Engineering の基礎を改めて学びたい方もぜひお読みください。この記事もかなりの長さになるので普通に書籍を読んだほうがいいかもです learning.oreilly.com 「Observability:可観測性」という言葉は、近年ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの世界で大きな注目を集めています。しかし、その概念の本質を理解し、実践に移すことは容易ではありません。 本書は、そのオブザーバビリティについて、その基本的な考え方から、具体的な実装方法、そして組織への適用まで、幅広くかつ深く解説して

                              もう一度読むObservability Engineering - じゃあ、おうちで学べる
                            • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS News Blog Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads Update (September 2023) – Add information about enabling file deletion. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is an open source file client that makes it easy for your file-aware Linux applications to connect directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Announced earlier this year as an alpha relea

                                Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services
                              • これだけは知っておきたい最新モダンCSSの書き方(2024年夏版)

                                このブックマーク可能なガイドの目的は、最近CSSに追加されたばかりの新機能や使い方を分かりやすくまとめることです。 「CSSって、こんなこともできるの?!」と思ってしまうほど、多くの人が知らない新しいテクニックが中心です。 また、たとえ知っていたとしてもよく理解できておらず、「それって何?」「なんで気にする必要があるの?」「サンプルコードがあると助かるんだけど、」そんな人におすすめしたい記事となっています。 周りがあっと驚くテクニックを習得して、ウェブデザインでできる表現の幅をぐっと広げましょう。 コンテンツ目次これだけは知っておきたい最新モダンCSS(2024年春版)CSSコンテナクエリのインタラクティブガイドCSS sroll()とview()によるスクロール駆動アニメーション実践編CSS :has()のインタラクティブガイドCSS Nestingの具体的な使い方と使用例CSSコンテナ

                                • An open letter to our community | Unity Blog

                                  To our community: I’m Marc Whitten, and I lead Unity Create which includes the Unity engine and editor teams. I want to start with this: I am sorry. We should have spoken with more of you and we should have incorporated more of your feedback before announcing our new Runtime Fee policy. Our goal with this policy is to ensure we can continue to support you today and tomorrow, and keep deeply invest

                                    An open letter to our community | Unity Blog
                                  • research!rsc: Coroutines for Go

                                    This post is about why we need a coroutine package for Go, and what it would look like. But first, what are coroutines? Every programmer today is familiar with function calls (subroutines): F calls G, which stops F and runs G. G does its work, potentially calling and waiting for other functions, and eventually returns. When G returns, G is gone and F continues running. In this pattern, only one fu

                                    • サーバレスにおけるRustについて - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog

                                      この記事は、 NTT Communications Advent Calendar 2023 22日目の記事です。 はじめに こんにちは、イノベーションセンターの鈴ヶ嶺です。普段は、クラウド・ハイブリッドクラウド・エッジデバイスなどを利用したAI/MLシステムに関する業務に従事しています。 本記事は、各クラウドベンダーのサーバレスにおけるプログラミング言語Rustについて調査・比較した結果を紹介します。 まず初めにサーバレスでRustを利用するメリットをエネルギー効率の観点から説明し、次に各クラウドベンダーの関連記事をピックアップします。 さらに、それぞれのクラウドでRustを使ったサーバレスアプリの代表的な作成方法を紹介して比較します。 Rustのエネルギー効率 Rustは、次の公式ページでも宣伝している通りパフォーマンスを強くアピールしています。 Rustは非常に高速でメモリ効率が高く

                                        サーバレスにおけるRustについて - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog
                                      • 最新の Google Gemma モデルを MLX を使ってローカルでファインチューニング|alexweberk

                                        今回は、最新の Google Gemma モデルを Apple Silicon に最適化されたライブラリ MLX を使ってローカルで実行したり、ファインチューニングしてみましたのでその手順を紹介します。 MLX 関連の情報はドキュメンテーションが分かりづらいものも多かったので色々試した経緯も共有しながら少しでも何かの参考になれば幸いです。 実際に使った Jupyter Notebook を Gist にアップロードしていますので、そちらも参考にしてください。 →Google Gemma モデルを MLX を使ってローカルでファインチューニング 事前準備必要なライブラリをインストールします。 また Apple Silicon 搭載の Mac が必要です。今回は M3 Max 128GB 搭載の MacBook Pro で実行しました。 !pip install -U mlx mlx_lm t

                                          最新の Google Gemma モデルを MLX を使ってローカルでファインチューニング|alexweberk
                                        • My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023

                                          In this post I will hopefully detail my entire home network. Some of this has been in separate posts explaining single items, but nowhere do I have all of the network in one post with all the changes since last year. Here is a full shot of the rack in my house. Its in a centrally located closet which happens to have a 2ft x 2ft chase into the attic, which is very handy for running network cables.

                                            My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023
                                          • Omakub

                                            Turn a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully-configured, beautiful, and modern web development system by running a single command. That’s the one-line pitch for Omakub. No need to write bespoke configs for every essential tool just to get started or to be up on all the latest command-line tools. Omakub is an opinionated take on what Linux can be at its best. Omakub includes a curated set of appli

                                            • Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0

                                              EngineeringUpgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0GitHub uses MySQL to store vast amounts of relational data. This is the story of how we seamlessly upgraded our production fleet to MySQL 8.0. Over 15 years ago, GitHub started as a Ruby on Rails application with a single MySQL database. Since then, GitHub has evolved its MySQL architecture to meet the scaling and resiliency needs of the platform—includi

                                                Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0
                                              • A DX7 USB Dongle

                                                The amazing Rene Stange added USB Gadget (i.e. device) support to the Circle bare metal Raspberry Pi environment a while ago so I’ve now incorporated that into MiniDexed. This allows MiniDexed to be used as a USB device – i.e. it can just be plugged into a PC and used via USB MIDI directly, as long as your Raspberry Pi supports USB Gadget mode and you have some means of audio output. This post loo

                                                  A DX7 USB Dongle
                                                • Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough

                                                  I'm concerned by the number of times I've heard, "oh, we can do RAG with retriever X, here's the vector search query." Yes, your retriever for a RAG flow should definitely support vector search, since that will let you find documents with similar semantics to a user's query, but vector search is not enough. Your retriever should support a full hybrid search, meaning that it can perform both a vect

                                                    Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough
                                                  • 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs

                                                    50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs 50 Shades of Go in Other Languages Chinese Translation: blog post, segmentfault (by wuYin) - needs updates Another Chinese Translation: blog post (by Shadowwind LEY) - needs updates Russian Translation: blog post (by Ilia Ozhereliev, Mail.Ru Group Blog) - needs updates Overview Go is a simple and fun language, but, like any o

                                                    • Google's best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch

                                                      Google’s new Gemini AI model is getting a mixed reception after its big debut yesterday, but users may have less confidence in the company’s tech or integrity after finding out that the most impressive demo of Gemini was pretty much faked. A video called “Hands-on with Gemini: Interacting with multimodal AI” hit a million views over the last day, and it’s not hard to see why. The impressive demo “

                                                        Google's best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch
                                                      • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                                                        Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                                                          Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                                                        • Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study

                                                          Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case studyLast updated on 29 Sep 2023 by Prateek Surana   •   - min read When it comes to building web applications, React has been at the forefront for a while now, and its adoption continues to grow. Among the most common approaches to building web applications with React, Next.js stands out as one of the most preferred options. Next.js has also been in the limel

                                                            Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study
                                                          • My Text Editor Is Not Open Source

                                                            I've been using Sublime Text on and off for longer than I can remember. I think Sublime has been around since the start of my "real" career over 10 years ago, but I could be mistaken1. It certainly feels that long. And in that time I have never gotten upset with Sublime. I've never rage quit or ran into an issue of Sublime not being able to do the thing I wanted it to do. As much of a cliche it ma

                                                            • JavaScript Bloat in 2024

                                                              Translations: Korean Russian I was a bit out of touch with modern front-end development. I also remembered articles about web bloat, how the average web page size was approaching several megabytes! So all this time I was living under impression that, for example, if the average web page size is 3 MB, then JavaScript bundle should be around 1 MB. Surely content should still take the majority, no? W

                                                                JavaScript Bloat in 2024
                                                              • ノエル・ジョンソン&マーク・コヤマ「近代国家と経済成長にはどんな関係があるのか:国家行使能力(State Capacity)に関する経済史研究のサーヴェイ」(2017年4月1日)

                                                                近年の政治経済学と開発経済学における研究は揃って、経済成長を実現させた国とさせられなかった国を分かつ要因を説明する上で、「国家行使能力」(state capacity)の重要性を強調している。 アブストラクト 「国家行使能力」(State capacity)は、開発経済学や政治経済学で最も議論される概念の1つとなってきている。このサーヴェイでは、近代国家が行使能力を獲得するプロセスについて、経済史研究が重要な洞察を提供していると論じる。ヨーロッパとアジアの様々な国における国家建設のプロセスを検討することで、国家行使能力と経済成長の関係を「解きほぐす」(decompress)ことができる。本稿での分析は、国家建設プロセスが多様な性質を持っていることを強調する。また本稿では、国家行使能力と経済成長を関係づけるメカニズムの解明にとって手助けとなる近年の研究に焦点を当てる。 [1] … Conti

                                                                  ノエル・ジョンソン&マーク・コヤマ「近代国家と経済成長にはどんな関係があるのか:国家行使能力(State Capacity)に関する経済史研究のサーヴェイ」(2017年4月1日)
                                                                • 【GPTs(GPT Builder)】ノーコードで自分専用のChatGPTを開発できる!使い方や活用事例を紹介 | WEEL

                                                                  日本時間11月7日午前3時にOpenAI DevDayが開催され、ChatGPTの新機能「GPTs」が新たにリリースされました。 この機能を活用すれば、ChatGPT上で手軽にGPT搭載ツールを作れるようになります。 しかも、自然言語のみでツールを作成できるので、プログラミングに関する難しい知識は一切必要ありません! 今回の記事では、GPTsの機能や使い方、活用事例をご紹介します。 最後まで目を通していただくと、GPTsを使ったAI開発の手法を理解できるので、今後はシステム開発を外注する必要がなくなるかもしれません。 ぜひ、最後までご覧ください! なお、OpenAI DevDayで公開されたGPTs以外の最新ツールを知りたい方はこちらの記事をご覧ください。 →OpenAI DevDay日本最速レポ!GPT-4 Turbo、GPTs、Assistant APIとは?ChatGPT最新情報徹底

                                                                  • Writing a C compiler in 500 lines of Python

                                                                    A few months ago, I set myself the challenge of writing a C compiler in 500 lines of Python1, after writing my SDF donut post. How hard could it be? The answer was, pretty hard, even when dropping quite a few features. But it was also pretty interesting, and the result is surprisingly functional and not too hard to understand! There's too much code for me to comprehensively cover in a single blog

                                                                    • Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog

                                                                      I recently realized stdout is much faster than stderr for Rust. Here are my findings after diving deep into this rabbit hole. I have been using the terminal (i.e. command-line) for most of my day-to-day things for a while now. I was always fascinated by the fact that how quick and convenient the command-line might be and that's why I'm a proponent of using CLI (command-line) or TUI (terminal user

                                                                        Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog
                                                                      • Why SQLite Uses Bytecode

                                                                        1. Introduction Every SQL database engine works in roughly the same way: It first translates the input SQL text into a "prepared statement". Then it "executes" the prepared statement to generate a result. A prepared statement is an object that represents the steps needed to accomplish the input SQL. Or, to think of it in another way, the prepared statement is the SQL statement translated into a fo

                                                                        • Pinterest社で運用されているText-to-SQLを理解する

                                                                          導入 こんにちは、株式会社ナレッジセンスの須藤英寿です。普段はエンジニアとして、LLMを使用したチャットのサービスを提供しており、とりわけRAGシステムの改善は日々の課題になっています。 本記事では、Pinterest社のエンジニアチームが紹介していた、実運用環境におけるText-to-SQLの構築方法に関する記事の紹介をします。 Text-to-SQLを実際の運用レベルで実現するための手法が解説されているので、その内容を解説、そして考察していきたいと思います。 なおこの手法には特に名前などは設定されていなかったので、以降Pinterest社の提案するText-to-SQLをPinterest Text-to-SQLと呼称します。 サマリー Pinterest Text-to-SQLは、RAGのシステムを最適化することで 検索に必要なTableのより正確な抽出 実際に使用されている値に準拠

                                                                          • The Development of the C Language

                                                                            The Development of the C Language* Dennis M. Ritchie Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA dmr@bell-labs.com ABSTRACT The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager progr

                                                                            • AWS Lambda Under the Hood

                                                                              Transcript Danilov: We'll talk about AWS Lambda, how it's built, how it works, and why it's so cool. My name is Mike Danilov. I'm a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS Serverless. A decade ago, I joined EC2 networking team, and it was a fantastic ride. Then, five years back, I heard about Lambda. I really liked the simplicity of the idea. We run your code in the cloud, no servers needed, so I joined

                                                                                AWS Lambda Under the Hood
                                                                              • HTML attributes vs DOM properties

                                                                                Attributes and properties are fundamentally different things. You can have an attribute and property of the same name set to different values. For example: <div foo="bar">…</div> <script> const div = document.querySelector('div[foo=bar]'); console.log(div.getAttribute('foo')); // 'bar' console.log(div.foo); // undefined div.foo = 'hello world'; console.log(div.getAttribute('foo')); // 'bar' consol

                                                                                  HTML attributes vs DOM properties
                                                                                • Windows Subsystem for Linux September 2023 update

                                                                                  There is a new release for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with new features and bug fixes! Check out the summary below, and read on to learn more about new experimental features, and some significant quality improvements. Experimental features We know that WSL is used for a wide array of workflows and we want to help you get the best performance and quality experience from these workflows.

                                                                                    Windows Subsystem for Linux September 2023 update