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  • Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 | Amazon Web Services

    AWS Compute Blog Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 In the Operating Lambda series, I cover important topics for developers, architects, and systems administrators who are managing AWS Lambda-based applications. This three-part section discusses event-driven architectures and how these relate to Lambda-based applications. Part 1 covers the benefits of the event-

      Operating Lambda: Anti-patterns in event-driven architectures – Part 3 | Amazon Web Services
    • 未来への一歩を踏み出したオープンAI「GPT-3」の衝撃、熱狂に警鐘も

      オープンAIが発表した「GPT-3」はこれまでで最大の言語モデルであり、まるで人間が書いたかのような文章を望みのままに生成できる。しかし、AIが真の知性に近づいたわけではない。 by Will Douglas Heaven2020.07.23 229 45 33 24 「GPT-3で遊ぶのは、まるで未来を見ているみたいな気分だ」。サンフランシスコ在住の開発者でありアーティストのアラム・サべティは7月10日のツイートでそう述べた。この感想は、非営利の研究機関であるオープンAI(OpenAI)による最新のテキスト生成人工知能(AI)に対する数日間のソーシャルメディアの反応をほぼ要約している。 オープンAIは5月に発表した研究論文で初めてGPT-3について述べたが、7月に入って、プライベート・ベータ版へのアクセスを申請した特定の人々を対象に少しずつソフトウェアを提供し始めた。 現在、オープンAI

      • EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare | Amazon Web Services

        AWS News Blog EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare Update (August 23, 2023) – The retirement announced in this blog post is now complete. There are no more EC2 instances running with EC2-Classic networking. Update (July 29, 2021) – Added link to the Support Automation Workflow document & clarified link to AWS MGN pricing. Also updated the list of recommended instance types to

          EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare | Amazon Web Services
        • TransformerをAI進化の流れと共にわかりやすく解説!Attention層に至るまで|スタビジ

          「Transformer(トランスフォーマー)」の概要をザックリ解説Transformerとは、「Attention Is All You Need」という論文で2017年に発表されたディープラーニングのモデルです。 以下、「Attention Is All You Need」の引用になります。 The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks that include an encoder and a decoder. The best performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose

          • JQuery to React: How we rewrote the HelloSign Editor

            HelloSign is a Dropbox company that provides a Web-based eSignature solution: If you have a document you want someone to sign, you upload the document file, then show you an editor in which you place all the fields to build the form the recipient will fill out—signatures, dates, initials, etc. You send this prepared form to the recipient. When they’re done signing, everything is reassembled into a

              JQuery to React: How we rewrote the HelloSign Editor
            • Spin 1.0 — The Developer Tool for Serverless WebAssembly

              We are delighted to introduce Spin 1.0, the first stable release of the open source developer tool for building serverless applications with WebAssembly (Wasm)! Since we first introduced Spin last year, we have been hard at work together with the community on building a frictionless developer experience for building and running serverless applications with Wasm. For this release, we focused on bui

                Spin 1.0 — The Developer Tool for Serverless WebAssembly
              • 日本における国際的な子の連れ去り - Wikipedia

                日本における国際的な子の連れ去り(にほんにおけるこくさいてきなこのつれさり)とは、日本と諸外国の間に生じている民事領域における国際問題である。 本項では特に、事象そのものと、それに関連する国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約、児童の権利に関する条約等について概説する。 ワシントンD.C.で行われた 拉致被害親達によるデモ行進 概要[編集] 日本における国際的な子の連れ去り(以下、拉致とも)とは、多くの場合では一方の親が日本人であり、外国から日本または日本から外国への違法な拉致を指すことが多い。ただし、一部には日本人以外の外国人が、日本の慣習を援用するために拉致した子どもを連れて日本入国するケースも存在する。こうした問題は、国際結婚の数が増えるにつれて増大の一途をたどってきた[1]。例外的な状況を除いて、一般的に児童拉致は子の福祉への有害性があると指摘されている[2]。 2014年4月

                  日本における国際的な子の連れ去り - Wikipedia
                • Who murdered my lovely Prometheus container in Kubernetes cluster?

                  As of October 1, 2023, LINE has been rebranded as LY Corporation. Visit the new blog of LY Corporation here: LY Corporation Tech Blog This blog post is about an interesting experience I had while investigating and resolving a problem that happened in the Prometheus container which was still in the CrashLoopBackoff state. The phenomenon itself and the solution are obvious and simple; so simple that

                    Who murdered my lovely Prometheus container in Kubernetes cluster?
                  • A visual guide to React Mental models

                    I’ve learned that the biggest difference between someone that has mastered a language, framework or tool and someone who hasn’t lies in the mental models they use. One person will have a clear and advanced one and the other will not. By having a good mental model you can intuitively understand complex problems and device solutions much faster than if you had to find a solution with a step-by-step

                      A visual guide to React Mental models
                    • Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis and Memcached is now available | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS News Blog Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis and Memcached is now available Today, we are announcing the availability of Amazon ElastiCache Serverless, a new serverless option that allows customers to create a cache in under a minute and instantly scale capacity based on application traffic patterns. ElastiCache Serverless is compatible with two popular open-source caching solutions, Redi

                        Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis and Memcached is now available | Amazon Web Services
                      • Actually Portable Executable

                        24 aug 2020 @ justine's web page αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε One day, while studying old code, I found out that it's possible to encode Windows Portable Executable files as a UNIX Sixth Edition shell script, due to the fact that the Thompson Shell didn't use a shebang line. Once I realized it's possible to create a synthesis of the binary formats being used by Unix, Windows, and MacOS, I couldn't

                        • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                          Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                            An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
                          • Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k

                            I found and reported this vulnerability with @ginkoid. This was actually the first report that paid out for me on HackerOne. At $35,000, it’s also the highest bounty I’ve received so far from HackerOne (and I believe the highest GitHub has paid out to date). A lot of bugs seem to be a mix of both luck and intuition. In this blog post, I’ll illustrate my thought processes in approaching such a targ

                              Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k
                            • Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow

                              In our 2019 Dev Survey, we asked what kind of content Stack Overflow users would like to see beyond questions and answers. The most popular response was “tech articles written by other developers.” So from now on we'll be regularly publishing articles from contributors. If you have an idea and would like to submit a pitch, you can email pitches@stackoverflow.com. Hey there, I'm Ryland Goldstein, a

                                Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow
                              • How to Fix Slow Code in Ruby

                                Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window By Jay Lim and Gannon McGibbon At Shopify, we believe in highly aligned, loosely coupled teams to help us move fast. Since we have many teams working independently on a large monolithic Rails application, inefficiencies in code are sometimes inadvertently added to our codebase. Over time, these problems can add up to

                                  How to Fix Slow Code in Ruby
                                • How to find the AWS Account ID of any S3 Bucket

                                  In 2021 Ben Bridts published a highly inventive method for finding the AWS Account ID of a public S3 bucket. This post describes a technique to find the Account ID of any S3 bucket (both private and public). I'd highly recommend reading Ben's technique first as we will re-use a lot of concepts. S3 Bucket to AWS Account ID Shell output can be worth a thousand words, here's what our technique enable

                                    How to find the AWS Account ID of any S3 Bucket
                                  • Text Rendering Hates You - Faultlore

                                    Text Rendering Hates You Rendering text, how hard could it be? As it turns out, incredibly hard! To my knowledge, literally no system renders text “perfectly”. It’s all best-effort, although some efforts are more important than others. I’ll be assuming you want to support arbitrary text provided by users with custom fonts, colors, and styles with line-wrapping and support for text-selection. Basic

                                      Text Rendering Hates You - Faultlore
                                    • The problem with using a UUID primary key in MySQL — PlanetScale

                                      Universally Unique Identifiers, also known as UUIDs, are designed to allow developers to generate unique IDs in a way that guarantees uniqueness without knowledge of other systems. These are especially useful in a distributed architecture, where you have a number of systems and databases responsible for creating records. You might think that using UUIDs as a primary key in a database is a great id

                                        The problem with using a UUID primary key in MySQL — PlanetScale
                                      • Software Architecture is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design is Underrated

                                        I had my fair share in designing and building large systems. I've taken part in rewriting Uber's distributed payment systems, designing and shipping Skype on Xbox One and open-sourcing RIBs, Uber's mobile architecture framework. All of these systems had thorough designs, going through multiple iterations and had lots of whiteboarding and discussion. The designs then boiled down to a design documen

                                          Software Architecture is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design is Underrated
                                        • Vygex buy online. Vygex Online Best Site To Buy From - Ask Lesko and Friends

                                          Buy Vygex Online Right Now! Lowest Price Guaranteed Quality Medications at Bargain Prices The Most Trusted Online Drug Supplier of Vygex Free Delivery Worldwide No Extra Costs No Prescription Required VYGEX, 10% Discount for All Next Purchases Click Here to Order VYGEX Online! buy sildenafil citrate ultra online uk cheap generic ritonavir california stromectol generic buy line buy sildenafil citra

                                          • Choosing a Fast Python API Framework

                                            Posted on May 17, 2018 |  6 minutes |  Fotis Gimian This post attempts to highlight my thought process in selecting a suitable stack for developing an API in Python for our current project at work. Although I have personally benchmarked various combinations, I haven’t documented the results for this article, instead merely mentioned which frameworks and WSGI servers were found to be fast or slow.

                                              Choosing a Fast Python API Framework
                                            • Why Turborepo is migrating from Go to Rust – Vercel

                                              Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. We're reimagining build systems, taking inspiration from tools like Buck and Bazel, to make them accessible for everyone. At the heart of Turborepo is a very simple idea: never do the same work twice. We accomplish this through incremental builds, parallel execution, and Remote Caching. As usage has grown and pro

                                                Why Turborepo is migrating from Go to Rust – Vercel
                                              • Advancing Excel as a programming language with Andy Gordon and Simon Peyton Jones - Microsoft Research

                                                Episode 120 | May 5, 2021 Today, people around the globe—from teachers to small-business owners to finance executives—use Microsoft Excel to make sense of the information that occupies their respective worlds, and whether they realize it or not, in doing so, they’re taking on the role of programmer. In this episode, Senior Principal Research Manager Andy Gordon, who leads the Calc Intelligence tea

                                                  Advancing Excel as a programming language with Andy Gordon and Simon Peyton Jones - Microsoft Research
                                                • The Best Go framework: no framework?

                                                  While writing this blog and leading Go teams for a couple of years, the most common question I heard from beginners was “What framework should I use?”. One of the worst things you can do in Go is follow an approach from other programming languages. Other languages have established, “default” frameworks. Java has Spring, Python has Django and Flask, Ruby has Rails, C# has ASP.NET, Node has Express,

                                                    The Best Go framework: no framework?
                                                  • Hypermodern Python

                                                    Read this article on Medium New Year 2020 marks the end of more than a decade of coexistence of Python 2 and 3. The Python landscape has changed considerably over this period: a host of new tools and best practices now improve the Python developer experience. Their adoption, however, lags behind due to the constraints of legacy support. This article series is a guide to modern Python tooling with

                                                    • Payment and address form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                      Payment and address form best practices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Maximize conversions by helping your users complete address and payment forms as quickly and easily as possible. Well-designed forms help users and increase conversion rates. One small fix can make a big difference! Here is an example of a simple payment form that demonstr

                                                        Payment and address form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                      • グロースを実施する時にやることのメモ|樫田光 | Hikaru Kashida

                                                        ダメだ、noteで記事を書き始めたが1500文字くらい書いてお蔵入りになった。対策に仕立てないとPublishしたくないという謎の病だが、大作に仕上げる気力がない。 これは深刻だ。Shortな記事でも公開していけるような仕組みと心構えを考えないと... — 樫田光 | Hikaru Kashida (@hik0107) May 6, 2020 そのため、この記事はライトに書いてみる。 きっと、間違いや浅い知見もたくさんあるだろうが、知るかそんなこと。 だいたいいつも前置きで疲れるので、前置きなしで。 1 / LTVを見る顧客が将来的にサービスにもたらしてくれる収益の総和 顧客獲得のコスト(CAC:Customer Acquisition Cost)という投資に対して、きちんと回収できているか= Profitableかどうか の判断のために使う。 LTV > CACの関係になっていることを「

                                                          グロースを実施する時にやることのメモ|樫田光 | Hikaru Kashida
                                                        • How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux

                                                          Things will never be the same again after the dust settles. And yes, I’m talking about Linux. As I write this, most of the world is in lockdown due to COVID-19. It’s hard to say how things will look when this is over (it will be over, right?), but one thing is for sure: the world is no longer the same. It’s a weird feeling: it’s as if we ended 2019 in one planet and started 2020 in another. While

                                                            How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux
                                                          • Elm at Rakuten

                                                            lucamug Posted on Jan 25, 2021 • Updated on Mar 4, 2023 • Originally published at engineering.rakuten.today In our team at Rakuten, we have been using Elm1 in production for almost two years now. This post is about our story, the lessons we learned, and our likes and dislikes. This post is quite long so if you prefer to see an overview, feel free to jump to the index. Everything started in the Ber

                                                              Elm at Rakuten
                                                            • RAGs powered by Google Search technology, Part 1 | Google Cloud Blog

                                                              When a large language model (LLM) doesn’t have enough information or has no contextual knowledge of a topic, it is more likely to hallucinate and provide inaccurate or false responses. Developers are increasingly excited about generative AI and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) — an architecture pattern that combines LLMs with backend information retrieval from other information sources. This a

                                                                RAGs powered by Google Search technology, Part 1 | Google Cloud Blog
                                                              • Snowpack v2.0

                                                                After 40+ beta versions & release candidates we are very excited to introduce Snowpack 2.0: A build system for the modern web. Starts up in <50ms and stays fast in large projects.Bundle-free development with bundled production builds.Built-in support for TypeScript, JSX, CSS Modules and more.Works with React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, and all your favorite libraries.Create Snowpack App (CSA) starter te

                                                                  Snowpack v2.0
                                                                • Rewriting the Ruby parser

                                                                  At Shopify, we have spent the last year writing a new Ruby parser, which we’ve called YARP (Yet Another Ruby Parser). As of the date of this post, YARP can parse a semantically equivalent syntax tree to Ruby 3.3 on every Ruby file in Shopify’s main codebase, GitHub’s main codebase, CRuby, and the 100 most popular gems downloaded from rubygems.org. We recently got approval to merge this work into C

                                                                    Rewriting the Ruby parser
                                                                  • Vue 3 Migration Build: safely upgrade your app to Vue 3 (Pt. 1) | Vue Mastery

                                                                    Vue 3 Migration Build: safely upgrade your app to Vue 3 (Pt. 1) The Vue team has recently released the highly anticipated migration build for Vue 3. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your Vue 2 app to Vue 3, this is what you need. The process of upgrading an app to the latest version of the framework can be a daunting task. This article series is created to make that process easier. The Vue

                                                                      Vue 3 Migration Build: safely upgrade your app to Vue 3 (Pt. 1) | Vue Mastery
                                                                    • Postgres Tutorials | Crunchy Data

                                                                      Postgres PlaygroundEnhance your Postgres skillsOften times the gap in trying/learning something in Postgres is having a good tangible example. The playground makes that easier by loading a datasets then guiding you step by step through an exercise leveraging that dataset in a practical way. Whether it's just the basics of interacting in the Postgres CLI with psql , improving your querying skills w

                                                                        Postgres Tutorials | Crunchy Data
                                                                      • Best Practices for Writing Tests with React Testing Library

                                                                        React Testing Library has become the de facto standard for testing React components. Focus on testing from the user's perspective and avoidance of implementation details in tests are some of the main reasons for its success. Properly written tests not only help prevent regressions and buggy code, but in the case of React Testing Library, they also improve the accessibility of components and the ov

                                                                          Best Practices for Writing Tests with React Testing Library
                                                                        • Reimagine Atomic CSS

                                                                          [[toc]] This post will be a bit longer than usual. It's quite a big announcement to me, and there are many things I want to talk about. I'll be appreciated if you take the time to read through it. The table of contents is hidden on the left if you are on a desktop. Hope you enjoy :) 中文 Chinese Version What is Atomic CSS? Let's first give a proper definition to Atomic CSS: From this article by John

                                                                            Reimagine Atomic CSS
                                                                          • HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore

                                                                            The ultimate goal of HTMX is to provide modern browser interactivity directly within HTML, without the need for JavaScript. Although relatively new, with its initial release in late 2020, this frontend library has quickly caught the attention of the IT web community. With 2nd place in the 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars “Front-end Frameworks” category (right behind React), a spot in the GitHub Accele

                                                                              HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore
                                                                            • Learn These Words First

                                                                              Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                                                                              • Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

                                                                                Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare02/08/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to "the other side" or experiment and learn about this new social network. Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-so

                                                                                  Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare
                                                                                • JS Self-Profiling API In Practice

                                                                                  Nic Jansma (@nicj) is a software developer at Akamai building high-performance websites, apps and open-source tools. Table of Contents The JS Self-Profiling API What is Sampled Profiling? Downsides to Sampled Profiling API Document Policy API Shape Sample Interval Buffer Who to Profile When to Profile Specific Operations User Interactions Page Load Overhead Anatomy of a Profile Beaconing Size Comp

                                                                                    JS Self-Profiling API In Practice