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infrastructure as a serviceの検索結果401 - 440 件 / 2167件

  • Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development

    Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development The Great Divide is real, and I’m pleased that the terms “front-of-the-front-end” and “back-of-the-front-end” have gained traction ever since I quipped about them on the Shop Talk Show. A few of my clients have actually moved away from a culture of “we only hire full-stack developers” and have instead adopted the labels “front-of-the

      Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development
    • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

      TL;DR: We've been on the Cloudflare Business plan ($250/month) for years. They suddenly contacted us and asked us to either pay them $120k up front for one year of Enterprise within 24 hours or they would take down all of our domains. While this escalated up our business we had 3 sales calls with them, trying to figure out what was happening and how to reach a reasonable contract in a week. When w

        Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h
      • AWS上でのマネージド OpenShift サービス ROSAの提供開始 / 使い方 - 赤帽エンジニアブログ

        こんにちは、OpenShift を担当しています、花田です。 2021/3/31 より、Red Hat 版の Kubernetes である OpenShift のマネージドサービスである ROSA (ろさ/ろーさ:Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS ) の提供が、AWS上で開始されています。 OpenShiftは、オンプレのベアメタルサーバーの上でも、VMware の上でも OpenStack の上でも RHV(Red Hat Virtualization)の上でも、AWSの上でも、Azure の上でも、GCPの上でもテスト済みなので、場所を選ばず、どこでも同じ知識で運用を回す事ができるというのが大きな特徴です。 もともとOSD(OpenShift Dedicated) という AWS / GCP上で提供するOpenShiftのマネージドサービスが存在していま

          AWS上でのマネージド OpenShift サービス ROSAの提供開始 / 使い方 - 赤帽エンジニアブログ
        • Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support | Amazon Web Services

          AWS News Blog Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). AWS has provided you with a cloud-optimized Linux distribution since 2010. This is the third generation of our Amazon Linux distributions. Every generation of Amazon Linux distribution is secured, optimized for the cloud, and

            Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support | Amazon Web Services
          • Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services

            AWS Database Blog Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB This is a guest post by Alex DeBrie, an AWS Hero. For people learning about Amazon DynamoDB, the idea of single-table design is one of the most mind-bending concepts out there. Rather than the relational notion of having a table per entity, DynamoDB tables often include multiple different entities in a single table. You can r

              Single-table vs. multi-table design in Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services
            • What a typical 100% Serverless Architecture looks like in AWS!

              Talking about serverless architecture goes way beyond Function as a Service (FaaS) like AWS Lambdas. Two of the reasons why Lambdas are so attractive are their auto-scale (in & out) capability and their pay-per-use pricing model. In order to leverage these capabilities and reach the full benefits of a serverless architecture, we need our other infrastructure components to have the same flexibility

                What a typical 100% Serverless Architecture looks like in AWS!
              • 歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧(参考資料編) -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)の参考URL- - NRIネットコムBlog

                小西秀和です。 歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧 -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)、AWSサービス概要のまとめの記事で参考にしたURLが多すぎるため、こちらに別記事としてまとめました。 AWSサービスの概要など「歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧」のメインコンテンツは本編を御覧ください。 ただ、見方によってはこの記事の方が面白いかもしれません。 [English Edition] AWS History and Timeline - Almost All AWS Services List, Announcements, General Availability(GA) AWS全サービスの歴史年表に記載したアナウンス日・GA日(一般提供開始日)の参考URL 「What's New」のURL(例:https://aws.amazon.com/about-

                  歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧(参考資料編) -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)の参考URL- - NRIネットコムBlog
                • The Art of Logging

                  Photo by Viktor Talashuk on UnsplashHistorically, logs have been essential for troubleshooting application and infrastructure performance. Nowadays, it is used for business dashboards visualization and performance analysis. The importance of structuring the data in those log files so it can be extracted, manipulated, and analyzed efficiently, in addition to being understandable by humans, is quick

                    The Art of Logging
                  • AWS Lambda introduces response payload streaming

                    AWS Lambda functions can now progressively stream response payloads back to the client, including payloads larger than 6MB, helping you improve performance for web and mobile applications. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing infrastructure. Before today, Lambda-based applications using the traditional request-response invocation model

                      AWS Lambda introduces response payload streaming
                    • U.S. Says It Secretly Removed Malware Worldwide, Pre-empting Russian Cyberattacks (Published 2022)

                      U.S. Says It Secretly Removed Malware Worldwide, Pre-empting Russian Cyberattacks The operation is the latest effort by the Biden administration to thwart actions by Russia by making them public before Moscow can strike. Some American officials fear that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia may be biding his time in launching a major cyberoperation that could strike a blow at the American economy

                        U.S. Says It Secretly Removed Malware Worldwide, Pre-empting Russian Cyberattacks (Published 2022)
                      • Visual Studio Code July 2022

                        July 2022 (version 1.70) Update 1.70.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.3: This update is only available for Windows 7 users and is the last release supporting Windows 7. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the July 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. There are man

                          Visual Studio Code July 2022
                        • Golden paths for engineering execution consistency | Google Cloud Blog

                          Light the way ahead: Platform Engineering, Golden Paths, and the power of self-service Imagine that you're a Java developer who has just joined a new company, and you're tasked with creating a small Java service. In a DevOps model, the shared responsibility between Development and Operations teams might mean that you'll not only be expected to write Java code, but also operations code like build p

                            Golden paths for engineering execution consistency | Google Cloud Blog
                          • Visual Studio Code January 2021

                            January 2021 (version 1.53) Update 1.53.1: The update addresses these security issues. Update 1.53.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Intel | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the January 2021 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Wrap tabs - Wrap

                              Visual Studio Code January 2021
                            • Bytecode Alliance: One year update

                              We announced the Bytecode Alliance nearly a year ago, and since then it has been… quite a year 😬 While the 2020-ness of this year has slowed us down on some fronts, we’ve also made a lot of progress on others. Now that we’ve adjusted to the new normal, we’re gearing up to accelerate on all fronts. But before we do that, we wanted to share some highlights of what we’ve achieved to date. Progress o

                                Bytecode Alliance: One year update
                              • Engineering Org Design: Code-centric vs. Product Goal-centric

                                There are many facets to engineering and product org designs, and a full discussion could easily fill a book. One thing that is certain though, is that there is no such thing as a perfect org structure. Whatever is chosen is a compromise with a set of tradeoffs. And being crisp and explicit about what tradeoffs you are making is probably the single best thing you can do. Probably the most common t

                                  Engineering Org Design: Code-centric vs. Product Goal-centric
                                • Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog

                                  Even more pi in the sky: Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud Records are made to be broken. In 2019, we calculated 31.4 trillion digits of π — a world record at the time. Then, in 2021, scientists at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons calculated another 31.4 trillion digits of the constant, bringing the total up to 62.8 trillion decimal places. Today we're announci

                                    Calculating 100 trillion digits of pi on Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog
                                  • HuaweiとZTEがついに「国家安全保障上の脅威」に指定される

                                    by Kārlis Dambrāns アメリカは以前から、中国の大手通信機器メーカーであるHuaweiや大手スマートフォンメーカーのZTEを危険視しており、「情報通信上のリスクがある」と主張していました。2020年6月30日、ついにアメリカの連邦通信委員会(FCC)が正式にHuaweiとZTEを「国家安全保障上の脅威」に指定しました。 FCC DESIGNATES HUAWEI AND ZTE AS NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS DOC-365255A1.pdf (PDFファイル)https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-365255A1.pdf FCC formally declares Huawei, ZTE ‘national security threats’ | TechCrunch https://techcr

                                    • Apollo Router: our GraphQL Federation runtime in Rust | Apollo GraphQL Blog

                                      November 10, 2021Apollo Router: our GraphQL Federation runtime in Rust At Apollo, we help developers power the world’s most important applications with a graph. Whether you’re shopping online, booking travel, or binge-watching your favorite movies, you’re using the graph every day. These experiences are all built on Apollo Federation, an architecture for declaratively composing GraphQL APIs into a

                                        Apollo Router: our GraphQL Federation runtime in Rust | Apollo GraphQL Blog
                                      • Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024

                                        Cloudflare incident on June 27, 20242024-07-04 On June 27, 2024, a small number of users globally may have noticed that was unreachable or degraded. The root cause was a mix of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacking and a route leak. Cloudflare was an early adopter of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for route origin validation (ROV). With RPKI, IP prefix owners can store

                                          Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024
                                        • Automating dead code cleanup

                                          Meta’s Systematic Code and Asset Removal Framework (SCARF) has a subsystem for identifying and removing dead code. SCARF combines static and dynamic analysis of programs to detect dead code from both a business and programming language perspective. SCARF automatically creates change requests that delete the dead code identified from the program analysis, minimizing developer costs. In our last blo

                                            Automating dead code cleanup
                                          • 185 real-world gen AI use cases from the world's leading organizations

                                            Similar to great sales and service people, customer agents are able to listen carefully, understand your needs, and recommend the right products and services. They work seamlessly across channels including the web, mobile, and point of sale, and can be integrated into product experiences with voice and video. 1.Alaska Airlines is developing natural language search, providing travelers with a conve

                                              185 real-world gen AI use cases from the world's leading organizations
                                            • Amazon MQ Update – New RabbitMQ Message Broker Service | Amazon Web Services

                                              AWS News Blog Amazon MQ Update – New RabbitMQ Message Broker Service In 2017, we launched Amazon MQ – a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ, a popular open-source message broker that is fast and feature-rich. It offers queues and topics, durable and non-durable subscriptions, push-based and poll-based messaging, and filtering. With Amazon MQ, we have enhanced lots of new features by

                                                Amazon MQ Update – New RabbitMQ Message Broker Service | Amazon Web Services
                                              • エウレカ開発組織全体でリライアビリティと向き合うために、SRE TeamのVision/Mission/ValuesをRebuildした話

                                                はじめにこんにちは。Eureka SRE のnari/wapperです。 Mリーグ2021–2022 セミファイナルシリーズも佳境になってきましたね。私はU-NEXT Pirates推しなので石橋さんには今年も頑張っていただきたい思いでいっぱいです。皆さんの推しTeamはどこですか?(この記事をチームでレビューしてもらう際に、同僚の MoneyForestにレギュラーシーズンMVPの瑞原さんにまずはおめでとうと書きなさいと言われたのでここに追記します。おめでとうございます!) はい、麻雀に興味がない人には何の意味もない冒頭アイスブレークとなってしまいましたが、気を取り直して本題に移りたいと思います。 弊社エウレカSRE Teamは、2017年に発足して以来、国内最大級オンラインデーティングサービスであるPairsを中心に運営するすべてのプロダクトに関してのリライアビリティに責任をもってきま

                                                  エウレカ開発組織全体でリライアビリティと向き合うために、SRE TeamのVision/Mission/ValuesをRebuildした話
                                                • Why Rust in Production? | corrode Rust Consulting

                                                  Interest in Rust has surged in recent years, with tech leaders such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon coming forward to share their experiences of leveraging Rust for critical systems. Much of the dialogue about Rust, however, is still driven by those who have not leveraged Rust in a significant production capacity or have only done so for non-critical systems. This results in a skewed understandin

                                                    Why Rust in Production? | corrode Rust Consulting
                                                  • How decentralized is Bluesky really? -- Dustycloud Brainstorms

                                                    Recently due to various events (namely a lot of people getting off of X-Twitter), Bluesky has become a lot more popular, and excitement for its underlying protocol, ATProto, is growing. Since I worked on ActivityPub which connects together Mastodon, Sharkey, Peertube, GotoSocial, etc, etc, etc in the present-day fediverse, I often get asked whether or not I have opinions about ATProto vs ActivityP

                                                    • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

                                                      No trial. No credit card required. Just your GitHub account. Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the d

                                                        How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
                                                      • The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System - The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System

                                                        Publication date: February 15, 2024 (Document revisions) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers. The AWS Nitro System is the underlying platform for all modern EC2 instances. This whitepaper provides a detailed description of the security design

                                                        • Fastly の財務諸表を読んだ話 その2

                                                          昨年の年始に「Fastly の財務諸表を読んだ話」というブログを書いたことを思い出し、その続きを書くことにした。 ちょっと前に例の件で話題になって「そういえば上場から2年経ったけど調達した資金は何に使ったのかな?」と気になったことがきっかけである。 数字は主に FY2020 の Form 10-K から拾っていく。以下、数字を省略する記号として M = millions(100万)、 B = billions(10億)とする。 資産と負債 まずは Fastly のバランスシートを同一縮尺で FY2017 ~ FY2020 の4年分並べてみる。 資産の伸び 上記のバランスシート推移を見ると、 FY2019 と FY2020 に大きな変化が見てとれる。FY2019 は原因が分かりやすく、2019年5月に IPO したことで多額の現金($192M)を市場から調達し、それで市場性のある有価証券を購

                                                            Fastly の財務諸表を読んだ話 その2
                                                          • Athena で S3 と MySQL を JOIN する | DevelopersIO

                                                            目的 クラスメソッドタイランドの清水です。 本記事では Amazon Athena を使って、S3 と MySQL を JOIN するクエリを発行します。 大まかに以下のような構成になります。 前提条件・知識 AWS アカウントを作成済み IAM Role, Policy, Cloud9 の環境を作成できる権限がある 使いたいAWS アカウントのリージョンで cdk bootstrap コマンドを実行済み aws cli の使い方 手順 環境構築 Cloud9 を使って CDK をデプロイしたり、必要なコマンドを実行するための環境を構築します。 もし手元に環境があればこの工程はスキップしても問題ありません。 まずは Cloud9 の環境が使う EC2 インスタンスにアタッチするロールを作成します。 ロールには以下のポリシーを関連付けます。 ⚠️ 最小権限ではありません。実際のプロジェクトで

                                                              Athena で S3 と MySQL を JOIN する | DevelopersIO
                                                            • Google Cloud Service Health

                                                              Google Cloud Service Health Incidents Multiple Google Cloud services in the europe-west9-a zone are impacted This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Cloud. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ

                                                              • Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers

                                                                Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers2023-08-14 A clear sign of maturing for any new programming language or environment is how easy and efficient debugging them is. Programming, like any other complex task, involves various challenges and potential pitfalls. Logic errors, off-by-ones, null pointer dereferences, and memory leaks are some examples of things that can make software

                                                                  Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers
                                                                • Turning it up to 11: the first Developer Preview of Android 11

                                                                  Turning it up to 11: the first Developer Preview of Android 11 Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering Android has led the way towards the future of mobile, with new technologies like 5G to foldable displays to machine learning built into the core. A hallmark of our approach is a strong developer community that provides early and thoughtful feedback, helping us deliver a robust platform for apps a

                                                                    Turning it up to 11: the first Developer Preview of Android 11
                                                                  • Ensure your website is available and usable for everyone during COVID-19  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                    How to ensure that the core functionality of your website is always available, accessible, secure, usable, discoverable, and fast. This page provides guidance to help ensure your website is available, accessible, secure, and usable for everyone at all times. The guidance on this page comes from a cross-functional collection of teams within Google that are shifting their short-term focus to support

                                                                    • 株投資に出てくる SaaS(サース)とは、サービス型ソフトウエア。意外と身近にあるサービス。普段使ってても言葉にはなれていない。その特徴やメリットなどは何かを確認してみる - ねこぷろ

                                                                      SaaS(サース)はSoftware as a Serviceの略称で、「サース」または「サーズ」と呼びます。 ベンダーが提供するクラウドサーバーにあるソフトウェアを、インターネットなどネットワークを経由してユーザーが必要な機能を必要な分だけサービスとして利用できるようにしたソフトウエアもしくはその提供形態を指す。 通常、シングルシステム・マルチテナント方式、つまり複数の利用者で事業者が提供するコンピュータ環境を共有してソフトウエアを利用する形態となっています。 以前ならパッケージソフトを購入し、利用者のパソコンにインストールしてソフトウエアを利用することが多かったと思いますが、SaaSではソフトウエアを事業者が提供するコンピュータで稼働させ、利用者はそのソフトウエアの機能をインターネット経由でサービスとして利用し、そのサービスに応じて料金を支払う形態が主流となっているのが特徴といえます。

                                                                        株投資に出てくる SaaS(サース)とは、サービス型ソフトウエア。意外と身近にあるサービス。普段使ってても言葉にはなれていない。その特徴やメリットなどは何かを確認してみる - ねこぷろ
                                                                      • How Shopify improved consumer search intent with real-time ML | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                        In the dynamic landscape of commerce, Shopify merchants rely on our platform's ability to seamlessly and reliably deliver highly relevant products to potential customers. Therefore, a rich and intuitive search experience is an essential part of our offering. Over the past year, Shopify has been integrating AI-powered search capabilities into our merchants’ storefronts. Shopify Storefront Search ha

                                                                          How Shopify improved consumer search intent with real-time ML | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                        • KubeVirt becomes a CNCF incubating project

                                                                          The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept KubeVirt as a CNCF incubating project. KubeVirt enables users to run virtual machine workloads on top of Kubernetes in a Kubernetes-native way. It allows the migration of legacy applications and supports building new applications with virtualization requirements, ultimately strengthening Kubernetes as the tool of choice for running c

                                                                            KubeVirt becomes a CNCF incubating project
                                                                          • DeepSeek-R1 models now available on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS News Blog DeepSeek-R1 models now available on AWS Updated on February 5, 2025 — DeepSeek-R1 Distill Llama and Qwen models are now available in Amazon Bedrock Marketplace and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. During this past AWS re:Invent, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy shared valuable lessons learned from Amazon’s own experience developing nearly 1,000 generative AI applications across the company. Drawing

                                                                              DeepSeek-R1 models now available on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • 【日本初導入】AWS Outposts ラックを徹底解説 第3回 〜TerraformによるPrivate EKS構築〜 - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog

                                                                              はじめに こんにちは、イノベーションセンターの鈴ヶ嶺です。 engineers.ntt.com engineers.ntt.com 第1回、第2回に引き続きAWS Outposts ラックについて紹介していきます。 本記事では、Terraform を用いてOutposts上でオンプレ環境からのみ管理・アクセス可能なPrivate Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) を構築する方法を紹介します。 Terraform Terraformとは、HashCorpが提供するインフラをコード化して自動構築を可能とするInfrastructure as Code(IaC)を実現するためのツールです。OutpostsをTerraformでIaC化するためには、対応した各リソースに outpost_arn を渡すことでOutposts上のリソースが作成されます。 以下はsubne

                                                                                【日本初導入】AWS Outposts ラックを徹底解説 第3回 〜TerraformによるPrivate EKS構築〜 - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog
                                                                              • Announcing Dapr v1.0

                                                                                By Dapr project maintainers | Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Today we are excited to announce the v1.0 release of the Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), which has achieved the stability and enterprise readiness to be designated production ready. Dapr is an open source, portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, microservice, stateless and stateful appli

                                                                                • Optimize Time to First Byte  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                                  Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a foundational web performance metric that precedes every other meaningful user experience metric such as First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). This means that high TTFB values add time to the metrics that follow it. It's recommended that your server responds to navigation requests quickly enough so that the 75th percentile of users experienc

                                                                                    Optimize Time to First Byte  |  Articles  |  web.dev