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now or never chemistryの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 492件

  • Linux財団のトップ、「2017年はLinuxデスクトップの年だ」というスピーチのスライド資料を映すのにMacを使って炎上

    Linux財団のトップ、「2017年はLinuxデスクトップの年だ」というスピーチのスライド資料を映すのにMacを使って炎上 iTWire - Linux Foundation head proclaims year of Linux desktop – from a Mac Linux財団のトップ、Jim Zemlinは、オープンソースサミット2017年の基調講演において、「2017年はLinuxデスクトップの年だ」という趣旨の発表を行ったが、そのときにスライド資料を映すのにMacを使ったため炎上している。 Jim ZemlinがMacを使っているのは今に始まった話ではない。例えば4年前の2013年には、Linux開発者として有名な Matthew Garrettにもネタにされている。 Sitting on a plane, watching Jim Zemlin use OS X. —

    • アニメ100作品からおすすめのアニソンを100曲選んでみた - ぐるりみち。

      本記事では、アニメ120作品から120曲のアニメソングをまとめています。 期間は1987〜2017年で、2000年代以降の楽曲が多め。カラオケで歌う曲に悩んだときの参考などになれば幸いです。公式動画があるアニソンについては、YouTubeリンクも掲載しています。 スポンサーリンク 【87〜97】色あせないジャンプアニメ|DB、るろ剣、ぬ〜べ〜 Get Wild『シティーハンター』(1987) CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA『ドラゴンボールZ』(1989) 残酷な天使のテーゼ『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』(1995) 嵐の中で輝いて『機動戦士ガンダム第08MS小隊』(1996) DAN DAN 心魅かれてく『ドラゴンボールGT』(1996) バリバリ最強NO.1『地獄先生ぬ~べ~』(1996) 1/3の純情な感情『るろうに剣心』(1997) BOO~おなかが空くほど笑ってみたい~『はれとき

        アニメ100作品からおすすめのアニソンを100曲選んでみた - ぐるりみち。
      • VOA Special English Word Book

        1,510 Words A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z This page will print cleanly in black and white on about 44 pages. The Parts of Speech n. (noun) - a name word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word prep. (preposition) - a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun) - a word used in place of a noun conj. (conjunction) - a joining word a (an) - ad. one;

        • The Longman Defining Vocabulary

          Here is the list of defining words in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE). All definitions in the dictionary are written using the words in the defining vocabulary (or words defined elsewhere in the dictionary). The defining vocabulary was chosen using common English frequency lists. Funny web searches that have brought people here Ken Barker home a ability about above abroa

          • Atomic Design

            Hey there! I wrote a book called Atomic Design that dives into this topic in more detail, which you can buy as an ebook. We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components.—Stephen Hay As the craft of Web design continues to evolve, we’re recognizing the need to develop thoughtful design systems, rather than creating simple collections of web pages. A lot has been said about creating

              Atomic Design
            • Shirky: Ontology is Overrated -- Categories, Links, and Tags

              Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags Today I want to talk about categorization, and I want to convince you that a lot of what we think we know about categorization is wrong. In particular, I want to convince you that many of the ways we're attempting to apply categorization to the electronic world are actually a bad fit, because we've adopted habits of mind that are left over from ea

              • Emacs Lisp List

                Last updated: Wed Dec 24 11:36:00 2014 1270 entries Mail me (sje30@cam.ac.uk) with any suggestions for changes to this list. View recent changes to the list. 2013-06-07. I am no longer actively updating the list, as I hope that most people will start using the various packaging systems (such as ELPA or MELPA) instead for modern elisp. However, if you have an old link on here that you want to updat

                • Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek

                  The snow burst through the trees with no warning but a last-second whoosh of sound, a two-story wall of white and Chris Rudolph’s piercing cry: “Avalanche! Elyse!” The very thing the 16 skiers and snowboarders had sought — fresh, soft snow — instantly became the enemy. Somewhere above, a pristine meadow cracked in the shape of a lightning bolt, slicing a slab nearly 200 feet across and 3 feet deep

                    Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek
                  • More Than 3,000 | By Derek Jeter

                    Watch Ichiro in the on-deck circle. The guy never stops moving. Go ahead and look at some video of it. He’ll take a few warmup swings, then all of a sudden he’ll be crouching down, knees bent, rocking from side to side. He’ll stand up to take a couple more swings, and then he’ll be back down in a wide stance, doing this crazy thing where he rolls his shoulders back and forth. The whole routine is

                      More Than 3,000 | By Derek Jeter
                    • Amit’s Game Programming Information

                      FAQHow do I get started?[1] (for everyone)10 Mostly Easy Steps To Become An Indie Dev[2]How do I make games?[3] (for programmers)How can I write my own (more complex) game?[4]How much fun is game programming?[5]What do I need to learn once I know how to program?[6]What do I do after school?[7]What are the key concepts to start with?[8]How do I actually finish a game?[9]Do I want to do this for a l

                      • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

                        The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

                          The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
                        • 秋元康 - Wikipedia

                          秋元 康(あきもと やすし、1958年〈昭和33年〉5月2日 - )は、日本の音楽プロデューサー・作詞家・放送作家。 略歴[編集] 東京都目黒区大橋出身[2]。 中央大学文学部中退。妻は元アイドルの高井麻巳子[注釈 1]。株式会社秋元康事務所所属[注釈 2]。日本映画監督協会会員[3]。2010年6月、日本放送作家協会理事長に就任[4]。2016年4月、代々木アニメーション学院名誉学院長兼総合プロデューサーに就任[5]。東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会組織委員会理事[6]。株式会社KeyHolder特別顧問[7][8]。株式会社Fanplus特別顧問[9]。テレビ朝日放送番組審議会委員[10]。 とんねるずのブレーンおよびプロデューサーとして世間に認知されて以降、ジャンルを問わず多数の楽曲の作詞を手掛ける。2000年代以降は、AKB48グループや坂道シリーズのプロデューサーとしてほ

                            秋元康 - Wikipedia
                          • Requests for Startups | Y Combinator

                            INTRODUCTION At YC we often find ourselves discussing the ideas and categories we’d like to see more people working on. Occasionally we gather up all of these ideas and share them in what we call a Request for Startups, or RFS — a Y Combinator tradition that goes back over a decade. Below is our most recent RFS. Please don’t feel that you need to work on one of these ideas in order to apply to Y C

                              Requests for Startups | Y Combinator
                            • Lispy Script – Acquire solution even for more strenuous problem

                              The Tinsel town Film Awards unfolded in a dazzling display of glitz and glamour, celebrating the crème de la crème of Hollywood’s film industry. The winners’ circle was ablaze with stars, both seasoned veterans and emerging talents, who left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape in the past year. The much-anticipated event saw a plethora of exceptional films vying for recognition, each cont

                              • Googleの創業者、ラリー・ペイジによるミシガン大学のスピーチ

                                仕事は世界を変える気持ちでワクワクと。 でも、一番大切なのは家族。 Google創設の裏にある家族との関係性や物語。 僕にとってはジョブズに続く、いつも聞き返したいスピーチ。 Class of 2009! First I’d like you to get up, wave and cheer your supportive family and friends! Show your love! It is a great honor for me to be here today. Now wait a second. I know: that’s such a cliché. You’re thinking: every graduation speaker says that – It’s a great honor. But, in my case, it really is so

                                • The AWK Programming Language, Second Edition

                                  Updated Mon Feb 5 10:22:02 EST 2024 Available in paperback and e-book formats. Order at Amazon and other fine booksellers. Introduction This page holds material related to the second edition of The AWK Programming Language. The first edition was written by Al Aho, Brian Kernighan and Peter Weinberger in 1988. Awk has evolved since then, there are multiple implementations, and of course the computi

                                  • Learn These Words First

                                    Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                                    • 音楽制作集団『MONACA』に所属するアニメソング界のパイオニア、神前暁のDTMに迫る!|DAIV TO MUSIC -「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターに送る究極のPC

                                      SPECIAL TALK音楽制作集団『MONACA』 に所属する アニメソング界のパイオニア、 神前暁のDTMに迫る! 神前暁(from MONACA) 『DAIV TO MUSIC』七組目のゲストは、音楽制作集団『MONACA』に所属し、作曲・編曲・プロデュースを行っている神前暁さん! アニメ「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」の挿入歌『God knows...』や「らき☆すた」のオープニング主題歌『もってけ!セーラーふく』、映画「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」の主題歌『M@STERPIECE』など、アニメファンなら誰もが知る楽曲を数多く手掛けられています。 神前さんとヒャダインさんは京都大学の先輩後輩。ヒャダインさんは神前さんのことを「先輩(パイセン)」、神前さんはヒャダインさんを「後輩」と呼び合っていました。同じ大学出身ならではのお話も弾んだ『DAIV TO MUSI

                                        音楽制作集団『MONACA』に所属するアニメソング界のパイオニア、神前暁のDTMに迫る!|DAIV TO MUSIC -「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターに送る究極のPC
                                      • la liste des 1500 mots anglais du globish

                                        a bar catch brain cause cut base brake branch dance battle brass be brave dark beat bread date any break chain breathe day act brick dead bed bridge chance deaf brief change deal add bright charge dear bring chase cheer debt bell cheese arm brown brush bend chest deep best build chief child art choose burn church age as big burst ash bill cook ask bus cool bird claim at birth but clash cork aid bi

                                        • Rock singer has been injecting himself with snake venom for 25 years

                                          Steve Ludwin is an American rock singer, who injects himself with snake venom. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot) Rock singer has been injecting himself with snake venom for 25 years Scientists have now made a catalogue of Steve Ludwin’s antibodies. For 25 years, Steve Ludwin has self-administered weekly injections of venom from some of the world’s most venomous snakes. He initially used extremely low do

                                            Rock singer has been injecting himself with snake venom for 25 years
                                          • BLDGBLOG

                                            Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

                                            • Growli Chat - The Chat Of BDSM/Fetish People

                                              via https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/10-best-bdsm-dating-sites-that-actually-work-2021-edition/Content?oid=26539366 When it comes to meeting new people, online dating is the most convenient option. And these days, no matter what your dating preferences are, you can find a dating website to meet your needs. That is especially true of BDSM and fetish dating. There is an excellent variety of BDSM w

                                              • packages by category | Hackage

                                                Packages by categoryCategories:  (5), "Distributed Computing" (1), - (1), .NET (9), Accelerate (27), Accessibility (4), ACME (55), Actors (2), Adjunctions (2), ADSB (5), Aerospace (11), Aeson (4), Agda (1), AI (81), Algebra (61), Algebra Uniform (1), Algorithm (8), Algorithm Visualization (2), Algorithmic Music Composition (1), Algorithms (134), Amazon (1), Amqp (1), Anatomy (1), Animation (6), AN

                                                • 100 Ways To Live A Better Life

                                                  Dragos Roua Anti-viral writings for financial resilience, location independence and meaningful relationships. How to live a better life is what we all think and want, each and every second. You don’t like your life? Change it! Change your life for the better! Don’t have any clue on how to do it? Here’s a list of 100 actionable tips. (This post is a response from a challenge I got from from Mike Ki

                                                    100 Ways To Live A Better Life
                                                  • 日本語ラップレビューまとめ

                                                    最終更新日:09-01-09 369 『行かなくちゃ』 blog-dentity 369 『369.2』 blog-dentity 420 FAMILY 『420(MUNCHEES TIME)』 グンジョ的 4WD 『4 ring Kudo』 RATID 54 『Capsule』 NICE 54 『カウンタープラグラム』 NICE 565FAMILIA 『GANGSTA BOOGIE』 COOL 565 『SAMURAI SWORD』 RATID Re:View 8th Wonder 『Eternal Triangle』 何にも 8th Wonder 『The Second EP ...』 diary 何にも 8th Wonder 『焦燥』 diary Global NICE Vinylism 音と言葉 8th Wonder 『ケルベロスからの手紙』 Global Vinylism 8th

                                                    • Atomic Design Methodology | Atomic Design by Brad Frost

                                                      Chapter 2 Atomic Design Methodology Atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages My search for a methodology to craft interface design systems led me to look for inspiration in other fields and industries. Given this amazingly complex world we’ve created, it seemed only natural that other fields would have tackled similar problems we could learn from and appropriate. As it turns out, loads of

                                                        Atomic Design Methodology | Atomic Design by Brad Frost
                                                      • Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing | Amazon Web Services

                                                        AWS News Blog Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing Nearly a decade ago I wrote about the Quantum Compute Cloud on April Fool’s Day. The future has arrived and you now have the opportunity to write quantum algorithms and to run them on actual quantum computers. Here’s what we are announcing today: Amazon Braket – A fully managed service that allows scientists, researchers, and develop

                                                          Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing | Amazon Web Services
                                                        • Larry Page’s University of Michigan Commencement Address – News announcements – News from Google – Google

                                                          Announcement May 2, 2009 Watch the full video of Larry’s speech on YouTube Full transcript:Class of 2009! First I’d like you to get up, wave and cheer your supportive family and friends! Show your love! It is a great honor for me to be here today. Now wait a second. I know: that’s such a cliché. You’re thinking: every graduation speaker says that – It’s a great honor. But, in my case, it really is

                                                          • OpenCola

                                                            OpenCola Softdrink Version 1.1.3 Disclaimer: Making soft drinks is not for the faint of heart, nor the dirty of finger. It is a solemn enterprise not to be entered into lightly, as with marriage or buying used farm machinery. With any food-prep, failure to observe basic hygienic principles, follow directions, and exercise common sense can have grave consequences. OpenCola assumes no liability for

                                                            • 【フェスカレンダー 2020】日本全国の野外フェス一覧・音楽フェスまとめで、今後の予定を立てよう! - アースガーデン

                                                              日本全国のフェスの情報を一挙に掲載しているフェスカレンダー / フェスまとめです!!2020年もステキなフェスティバルライフをここで計画しましょう!! 2020年1月 ヤツガタケSTREAM 2020年 1月25日(土) 長野県 茅野市民館 マルチホール 特設会場 UA / 以莉高露 / 八ヶ岳 STREAM BAND / 小林うてな / 山本麻琴 他 http://www.chinoshiminkan.jp/ccc/2020/0125.html 2020年2月 メイプル超音楽フェス 2020年2月28日(金) 愛知県 DIAMOND HALL KEYTALK / Creepy Nuts / 夜の本気ダンス https://natalie.mu/music/news/357665 →開催中止 OTO TO TABI 2020 2020年2月29日(土) 北海道 札幌芸術の森 アートホール

                                                                【フェスカレンダー 2020】日本全国の野外フェス一覧・音楽フェスまとめで、今後の予定を立てよう! - アースガーデン
                                                              • 最盛期からどれだけアルバム売り上げが落ちたかということ - WASTE OF POPS 80s-90s

                                                                歴代アルバム売り上げ上位のミュージシャンの最盛期からどれだけセールスが落ちたか、減りっぷりの確認。 ベスト盤はある意味劇薬であるため、このような比較には不適当と判断し、アルバムCD歴代順位からオリジナルアルバムのみを選び、洋楽を除き、あと同じミュージシャンで複数アルバムが上位にかぶっているのを除き、ミュージシャン単位で20位まで拾いました。 あと、ここ5-6年以上アルバムを出していなかったり、解散していたり、再結成したけどまだアルバム出していなかったり、鬼籍に入られたりしている方も除外。すなわち、globe・華原朋美・CHEMISTRY・CHAGE&ASKA・ZARD。 そして直近のアルバムの売り上げを拾った上で、最盛期の何%かを算出した次第。 直近のアルバム名の後ろの*は、iTunesでアルバム単位で売ってたやつ。つうかミスチルとモンパチ以外全部ですけど。それらはCDの方が多少リリース早

                                                                  最盛期からどれだけアルバム売り上げが落ちたかということ - WASTE OF POPS 80s-90s
                                                                • kinopyo blog - Learning through Writing

                                                                  I was watching The Last Dance, Michael Jordan’s Netflix documentary, last year when I returned to work from four-month-long paternity leave. It was a great show and brought back all of the joys I had when watching Chicago Bulls in the 90s. And it still got me to think till today, what if my engineering team were a sports team. Give this idea a shot. For an engineer in an IT company, you don’t play

                                                                  • 年代別アニメソング一覧 (オープニング曲) - Wikipedia

                                                                    年代別アニメソング一覧(オープニング曲)(ねんだいべつアニメソングいちらん オープニングきょく)では、オープニング曲(以下OP)のアニメソングについて、年代別に列挙する。 ここに挙げる一覧では、ドラマの主題歌や挿入歌、コマーシャルのBGMなどで発表済みのものは除く。 ※アニメが放送開始されたときの年代 1960年代[編集] あ行[編集] おそ松くん おそ松くんのうた(松代、6つ子、イヤミ、チビ太 ; 『おそ松くん』初代) おそ松くんのうた2(藤田まこと ; 『おそ松くん』2代目) オバケのQ太郎 オバケのQ太郎(石川進 ; 『オバケのQ太郎』初代) オバQ音頭(石川進/曽我町子 ; 『オバケのQ太郎』2代目) か行[編集] がんばれ!マリンキッド/海底少年マリン マリン・キッドの歌(ボニージャックス、ヴォーチェ・アンジェリカ ; 『がんばれ!マリンキッド』初代) がんばれ!マリンキッド(ト

                                                                    • [英語]The Attention Economy: The Natural Economy of the Net

                                                                      The Attention Economy: The Natural Economy of the Net by Michael H. Goldhaber If the Web and the Net can be viewed as spaces in which we will increasingly live our lives, the economic laws we will live under have to be natural to this new space. These laws turn out to be quite different from what the old economics teaches, or what rubrics such as "the information age" suggest. What counts most is

                                                                      • kinopyo blog - Learning through Writing

                                                                        I was watching The Last Dance, Michael Jordan’s Netflix documentary, last year when I returned to work from four-month-long paternity leave. It was a great show and brought back all of the joys I had when watching Chicago Bulls in the 90s. And it still got me to think till today, what if my engineering team were a sports team. Give this idea a shot. For an engineer in an IT company, you don’t play

                                                                        • “陰の大統領” スティーブン・バノン氏 単独インタビュー|NHK NEWS WEB

                                                                          スティーブン・バノン氏。ホワイトハウスの前の首席戦略官としてトランプ政権で強い影響力を発揮し、一時は「大統領の最側近」とか「陰の大統領」とも言われました。 バノン氏は政権内で、トランプ大統領の娘婿のクシュナー上級顧問や安全保障担当のマクマスター補佐官などと対立。ことし8月にバージニア州で白人至上主義などを掲げるグループとこれに抗議するグループが衝突した事件をめぐって、白人至上主義的な立場をとるバノン氏の更迭を求める声が高まり、バノン氏はトランプ大統領によって解任されました。 しかし、アメリカのメディアはバノン氏について、「依然として、トランプ大統領と言葉を交わす関係であり、政権への影響力を保っている」などと伝えています。そのバノン氏がこのほど、中国の民族や人権問題について話し合う会議に参加することなどを目的に来日し、NHKの単独インタビューに応じました。バノン氏が語ったことは…。 バノン氏

                                                                            “陰の大統領” スティーブン・バノン氏 単独インタビュー|NHK NEWS WEB
                                                                          • Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone | Science | AAAS

                                                                            Just as spring arrived last month in Iran, Meysam Rahimi sat down at his university computer and immediately ran into a problem: how to get the scientific papers he needed. He had to write up a research proposal for his engineering Ph.D. at Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran. His project straddles both operations management and behavioral economics, so Rahimi had a lot of ground to cover

                                                                              Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone | Science | AAAS
                                                                            • TOKIO LIFE

                                                                              Join me for a wonderful winter workshop in Japan www.aperturetours.com/japan-winter-workshop Tokyo, the bustling metropolis of Japan, is a city that seamlessly blends the old and the new, creating a captivating tapestry of contrasts and tradition. From the towering skyscrapers that pierce the skyline to the tranquil gardens that whisper tales of centuries past, Tokyo is a city that never ceases to

                                                                              • An Intuitive Explanation of Bayes’ Theorem – Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

                                                                                An Intuitive Explanation of Bayes’ Theorem Posted on :September 4, 2020July 2, 2021 By : Eliezer S. Yudkowsky Posted in : Rationality Bayes’ Theorem for the curious and bewildered; an excruciatingly gentle introduction. This page has now been obsoleted by a vastly improved guide to Bayes’s Theorem, the Arbital Guide to Bayes’s Rule . Please read that instead. Seriously. I mean it. The current vers

                                                                                • 2014 Logo Trends | Articles | LogoLounge Logo Design Inspiration and Logo Design Competition

                                                                                  2014 Logo Trends Designers have responded to the mobile screen’s harsh requisites in a variety of ways. If home is our first place, and work is our second place, then mobile screens have definitely become our third place. Smart phone use has increased from 21 percent in 2010 to more than 63 percent today, and with 83 percent of all Americans online regularly, that percentage of mobile users is bou