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permissionsに関するエントリは52件あります。 securityawsgithub などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Amazon Verified Permissionsとgolangで認可処理を実装してみた - Techtouch Developers Blog』などがあります。
  • Amazon Verified Permissionsとgolangで認可処理を実装してみた - Techtouch Developers Blog

    Amazon Verified Permissions とは 従来の認可処理 Cedar 言語の使い方 基本的な記述方法 RBAC の例 ABAC の例 golang で動かしてみる 1. ポリシーストアを AWS コンソールから作成する 3. サンプルアプリケーションの実装 最後に こんにちは、2023年5月にバックエンドエンジニアとしてジョインした yamanoi です。 最近は Cloudflare スタックに注目しており、新機能を触ったりアップデートを眺めたりしています。 今回は先日 GA (一般利用可能)になった AWS のサービス Amazon Verified Permissions を、 golang で実装した簡単なサンプルを交えて紹介したいと思います。 Amazon Verified Permissions とは Amazon Verified Permissions

      Amazon Verified Permissionsとgolangで認可処理を実装してみた - Techtouch Developers Blog
    • GitHub Actionsの`permissions`を自動で設定するツールを書いた

      GitHub Actionsにはpermissionsというフィールドがあり、それぞれのWorkflow/Jobでのsecrets.GITHUB_TOKENの権限を設定できるようになっています。 secrets.GITHUB_TOKENはGitHub Actionsの実行ごとに発行されるGitHubのTokenで、多くのGitHub Actionsはこのトークンを使ってリポジトリをgit cloneしたり、Issueにコメントを書いたりしています。 GitHub Actions: Control permissions for GITHUB_TOKEN | GitHub Changelog Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs このpermissionsをちゃんと設定することでサプライチェーン攻撃などの影響を軽減することができます

        GitHub Actionsの`permissions`を自動で設定するツールを書いた
      • GitHub Actions - Updating the default GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to read-only

        GitHub Actions – Updating the default GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to read-only githubactionsworkflows February 2, 2023 Previously, GitHub Actions gets a GITHUB_TOKEN with both read/write permissions by default whenever Actions is enabled on a repository. As a default, this is too permissive, so to improve security we would like to change the default going forward to a read-only token. You can still f

          GitHub Actions - Updating the default GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to read-only
        • Designing permissions for a SaaS app

          For many SaaS applications, product designers need to design permission systems due to privacy concerns and data safety, or in order to make it more efficient and relevant for different types of users. It could be a challenge to set up the structure and continue scaling it as your product evolves. Let me share some concepts and ideas based on my experience designing permissions for an enterprise d

            Designing permissions for a SaaS app
          • ConsoleMe: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access

            ConsoleMe: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access By Curtis Castrapel, Patrick Sanders, and Hee Won Kim At AWS re:Invent 2020, we open sourced two new tools for managing multi-account AWS permissions and access. We’re very excited to bring you ConsoleMe (pronounced: kuhn-soul-mee), and its CLI utility, Weep (pun intended)! If you missed the talk, check it out here. MotivationGrowth

              ConsoleMe: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access
            • AWS announces Amazon Verified Permissions (Preview)

              Today, AWS is announcing the preview of Amazon Verified Permissions, a scalable, fine-grained permissions management and authorization service for custom applications. With Amazon Verified Permissions, application developers can let their end users manage permissions and share access to data. For example, application developers can use Amazon Verified Permissions to define and manage fine grained

                AWS announces Amazon Verified Permissions (Preview)
              • IAM Permissions boundary(アクセス権限の境界)で明示的に許可していないアクションでも条件次第で実行できるということを評価論理の流れを眺めて再認識してみた | DevelopersIO

                コンバンハ、千葉(幸)です。 突然ですが問題です。 以下の条件があったとします。 同一の AWS アカウントに S3 バケット A と IAM ユーザー A が存在する IAM ユーザー A の Permissions boundary には AWS 管理ポリシーViewOnlyAccessが設定されている ここで、IAM ユーザー A が S3 バケット A に対してPutObjectを実行したいとします。(補足しておくと、ViewOnlyAccessにはPutObjectの Allow は含まれていません。) 以下のうち、アクションの結果について最も適切に説明しているものを選択してください。 IAM ユーザー A の Permissions policy で適切な Allow が設定されていればアクションは成功する S3 バケット A のバケットポリシーで適切な Allow が設定され

                  IAM Permissions boundary(アクセス権限の境界)で明示的に許可していないアクションでも条件次第で実行できるということを評価論理の流れを眺めて再認識してみた | DevelopersIO
                • Security-JAWS DAYSで登壇したAmazon Verified Permissionsについての補足 - カミナシ エンジニアブログ

                  こんにちは、普段ほとんど家で冷房を使わないので、時々都会に行くと建物の中が寒すぎてびっくりするセキュリティエンジニアリングの西川です。 先日Security-JAWS DAYS(https://s-jaws.doorkeeper.jp/events/155024)に登壇させていただきました。30回記念という節目に登壇できたことがただただありがたかったです。運営のみなさま本当にありがとうございました。 登壇資料はこちら https://speakerdeck.com/kaminashi/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-separation-of-responsibilities-using-amazon-verified-permissions 今日は登壇資料をふまえつつ、時間の関係で話せなかったことなどについて書いていきたいと思います。 おさらいも踏まえてご

                    Security-JAWS DAYSで登壇したAmazon Verified Permissionsについての補足 - カミナシ エンジニアブログ
                  • GitHub - GitHubSecurityLab/actions-permissions: GitHub token permissions Monitor and Advisor actions

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - GitHubSecurityLab/actions-permissions: GitHub token permissions Monitor and Advisor actions
                    • IAM Access Analyzer makes it easier to implement least privilege permissions by generating IAM policies based on access activity | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS Security Blog IAM Access Analyzer makes it easier to implement least privilege permissions by generating IAM policies based on access activity In 2019, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer was launched to help you remove unintended public and cross account access by analyzing your existing permissions. In March 2021, IAM Access Analyzer added policy validation to help you s

                        IAM Access Analyzer makes it easier to implement least privilege permissions by generating IAM policies based on access activity | Amazon Web Services
                      • Handling User Permissions in JavaScript | CSS-Tricks

                        So, you have been working on this new and fancy web application. Be it a recipe app, a document manager, or even your private cloud, you‘ve now reached the point of working with users and permissions. Take the document manager as an example: you don’t just want admins; maybe you want to invite guests with read-only access or people who can edit but not delete your files. How do you handle that log

                          Handling User Permissions in JavaScript | CSS-Tricks
                        • Amazon EKS Adds Support to Assign IAM Permissions to Kubernetes Service Accounts

                          Amazon EKS now allows you to assign IAM permissions to Kubernetes service accounts. This gives you fine-grained, pod level access control when running clusters with multiple co-located services. Previously, when running a Kubernetes cluster on AWS, you could only associate IAM roles to an EC2 node in the cluster, and every pod that ran on the node inherited the same IAM role. This made it hard to

                            Amazon EKS Adds Support to Assign IAM Permissions to Kubernetes Service Accounts
                          • Node.js v20.0.0 の新機能 Process-based Permissions

                            Permissions とは Node.js には、コードを読み込む際にそのコードが得られる権限をポリシーとして宣言できる機能があります。 この機能は主に、実行対象となる Node.js アプリケーションが指定されたリソース以外の読み込みを実施しないことを保証するためにあります。 以前までは Module-based Permissions と呼ばれる、モジュール単位で権限を指定可能な機能が実験的な機能として導入されていました。 Module-based Permissions 本題に入る前に、Module-based Permissions についても少し触れておきます。 Module-based Permissions は名前の通り、実行ファイルで権限を管理するための機能です。 簡単なコード例を交えて紹介します。 main.js : reader.js から受け取った Buffer を

                              Node.js v20.0.0 の新機能 Process-based Permissions
                            • Changes to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account Consoles Permissions | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS Cloud Financial Management Changes to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account Consoles Permissions Launch update: Until July 6, 2023, you can switch between using the new fine-grained IAM actions and the old IAM actions with the newly launched feature. It helps you experiment with the new IAM actions to ensure your intended permissions are in place. It also allows you to plan your own migrat

                                Changes to AWS Billing, Cost Management, and Account Consoles Permissions | Amazon Web Services
                              • Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) | Amazon Web Services

                                AWS Compute Blog Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) This blog post is written by Chris McPeek, Principal Solutions Architect. AWS Lambda now supports attribute-based access control (ABAC), allowing you to control access to Lambda functions within AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using tags. With ABAC, you can scale an access control strategy by settin

                                  Scaling AWS Lambda permissions with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) | Amazon Web Services
                                • WSL2上のDockerでMySQLを構築する際のpermissionsの対策 - Qiita

                                  前書き WSL2 MySQLで検索してもなかなかpermissionの解決方法が見つからずにハマった人の為に記載する。(どいつもこいつもWindowsのDockerとリンクしやがって・・・GPU使わんのかい!) 環境 Windows10 Insider Preview 2004(20206.1000) 4.19.128-microsoft-standard Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 現象 docker-compose up -dでコンテナ起動をさせると以下のような感じでMySQLのコンテナが起動できない。 root@pc-name: docker-compose logs mysql mysql_1 | mysqld: Cannot change permissions of the file 'private_key.pem' (OS errno 1 - Operation no

                                    WSL2上のDockerでMySQLを構築する際のpermissionsの対策 - Qiita
                                  • GitHub Actions: Workflows triggered by Dependabot PRs will run with read-only permissions

                                    GitHub Actions: Workflows triggered by Dependabot PRs will run with read-only permissions actionssecurity February 19, 2021 Starting March 1st, 2021 workflow runs that are triggered by Dependabot from push, pull_request, pull_request_review, or pull_request_review_comment events will be treated as if they were opened from a repository fork. This means they will receive a read-only GITHUB_TOKEN and

                                      GitHub Actions: Workflows triggered by Dependabot PRs will run with read-only permissions
                                    • GitHub Pages: Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() Header added to all pages sites

                                      GitHub Pages: Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() Header added to all pages sites pages April 27, 2021 All GitHub Pages sites served from the github.io domain will now have a Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() header set. Pages sites using a custom domain will not be impacted. Learn more about GitHub Pages For questions, visit the GitHub Pages community

                                        GitHub Pages: Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() Header added to all pages sites
                                      • AWS活用のガードレール「IAM」の「Permissions Boundary」でアクセス境界を設定するには

                                        AWS活用のガードレール「IAM」の「Permissions Boundary」でアクセス境界を設定するには:AWSチートシート 「Amazon Web Services」(AWS)活用における便利な小技を簡潔に紹介する連載「AWSチートシート」。今回は、「AWS IAM」の「Permissions Boundary」を利用したアクセス境界の設定について。 「Amazon Web Services」(AWS)活用における便利な小技を簡潔に紹介する連載「AWSチートシート」。 利用者によるAWSリソースに対するアクセスと認証を管理する「AWS Identity and Access Management」(IAM)は、AWSを使うなら最初に学習、利用するサービスの一つといっていいほど基本的なサービスです。 多くの人にとっては「IAMユーザー」「IAMグループ」「IAMロール」「IAMポリシー

                                          AWS活用のガードレール「IAM」の「Permissions Boundary」でアクセス境界を設定するには
                                        • How to Change Link Permissions in OneDrive

                                          Want to take control of who can view the files you share via OneDrive? Here's how to change link permissions in OneDrive. Microsoft has a useful link-sharing feature that allows you to specify access permissions before sharing a file. The updated permissions functionality is aimed at enhancing the security of files shared online, and OneDrive’s overall abilities. How to Change Access Permissions i

                                            How to Change Link Permissions in OneDrive
                                          • Packages: Fine-grained permissions and organization-level publishing are now available for the GitHub Packages npm registry

                                            Packages: Fine-grained permissions and organization-level publishing are now available for the GitHub Packages npm registry packages August 31, 2022 The GitHub Packages npm registry now runs on a new architecture, unlocking great new capabilities: Publishing packages at organization level with GitHub Packages Previously, npm packages published to GitHub packages were closely coupled to their repos

                                              Packages: Fine-grained permissions and organization-level publishing are now available for the GitHub Packages npm registry
                                            • DockerがErrorで起動しない(Ports are not available: listen ~An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.) - Qiita

                                              DockerがErrorで起動しない(Ports are not available: listen ~An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)WindowsDockerdocker-compose 症状 以前から、Dockerを使用していました。 久しぶりに使ったら、 "Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions." エラーで使用できません。 環境は、windows(WSL

                                                DockerがErrorで起動しない(Ports are not available: listen ~An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.) - Qiita
                                              • update-github-actions-permissions v2をリリース: 500種類のGitHub Actionsのpermissionsに対応

                                                update-github-actions-permissions v2をリリース: 500種類のGitHub Actionsのpermissionsに対応 GitHub Actionsのworkflowsファイルに自動的にpermissionsを追加する@pkgdeps/update-github-actions-permissions v2をリリースしました。 Release v2.0.0 · pkgdeps/update-github-actions-permissions update-github-actions-permissionsは .github/workflow/*.ymlのWorkflowファイルに対して、利用してるActionから最小限のpermissionsを自動的に設定するツールです。 GitHub Actionsのデフォルトパーミッションはwrite-allで

                                                  update-github-actions-permissions v2をリリース: 500種類のGitHub Actionsのpermissionsに対応
                                                • [速報]Amazon Verified PermissionsがGAしました #AWSreInforce | DevelopersIO

                                                  こんにちは、臼田です。 ただいまAWS最大のセキュリティカンファレンスであるre:Inforce 2023のキーノートに参加していますが、新しいリリースがありました! Amazon Verified PermissionsがGAしました! Amazon Verified Permissions is now generally available 概要 Amazon Verified Permissionsはユーザーアプリケーション上のアクセス制御をより原理的に正しい形で実現できるサービスです。特に認可の役割を果たします。 従来、AWS上ではなくユーザーが構築するアプリケーション上のアクセス制御の実装はすべてユーザー側に委ねられていました。各種言語やフレームワークの機能を利用してアクセス制御をすることもあれば、サーバーレスアプリケーションでは例えばAmazon Cognitoなどと連携して

                                                    [速報]Amazon Verified PermissionsがGAしました #AWSreInforce | DevelopersIO
                                                  • AWS introduces changes to access denied errors for easier permissions troubleshooting | Amazon Web Services

                                                    AWS Security Blog AWS introduces changes to access denied errors for easier permissions troubleshooting To help you more easily troubleshoot your permissions in Amazon Web Services (AWS), we’re introducing additional context in the access denied error messages. We’ll start to introduce this change in September 2021, and gradually make it available in all AWS services over the next few months. If y

                                                      AWS introduces changes to access denied errors for easier permissions troubleshooting | Amazon Web Services
                                                    • GitHub Actions: Control permissions for GITHUB_TOKEN

                                                      April 20, 2021 GitHub Actions now lets you control the permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN secret. The GITHUB_TOKEN is an automatically generated secret that lets you make authenticated calls to the GitHub API in your workflow runs. Actions generates a new token for each job and expires the token when a job completes. The token has write permissions to a number of API endpoints except in the c

                                                        GitHub Actions: Control permissions for GITHUB_TOKEN
                                                      • SSHコマンド実行時に生じたBad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config エラーの対処法 - Qiita

                                                        原因 ~/.ssh/config の権限のセキュリティが甘くなっている場合(chmod 777等)、 sshコマンド実行時に Bad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/configエラーを返す。 解決法 ~/.ssh/configの権限を所有者の読み書きに制限した所、エラーが消えて正常に動作するようになった。

                                                          SSHコマンド実行時に生じたBad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config エラーの対処法 - Qiita
                                                        • gcp.permissions.cloud

                                                          Download the permissions in JSON format. Consume the above permissions with your own tooling. About gcp.permissions.cloud The gcp.permissions.cloud website uses a variety of information gathered within the IAM Dataset and exposes that information in a clean, easy-to-read format. gcp.permissions.cloud was built in order to provide an alternate, community-driven source of truth for Google Cloud iden

                                                          • Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies IAM permissions for applications on Amazon EKS clusters | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS News Blog Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies IAM permissions for applications on Amazon EKS clusters Starting today, you can use Amazon EKS Pod Identity to simplify your applications that access AWS services. This enhancement provides you with a seamless and easy to configure experience that lets you define required IAM permissions for your applications in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Am

                                                              Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies IAM permissions for applications on Amazon EKS clusters | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • [新サービス] Amazon Verified Permissionsがプレビューリリースされました #reinvent | DevelopersIO

                                                              はじめに 現在開催中のAWS re:Invent 2022でAmazon Verified Permissionsが発表されました! AWS announces Amazon Verified Permissions (Preview) Amazon Verified Permissionsとは 現時点では直接触ることが出来ないため、ドキュメントからの読み取る形になりますが、公式サービスサイトにあるOverviewの図がわかりやすいかと思います。 Amazon Verified Permissionsを一言で表現すると「アプリケーション向けの認証及びアクセスコントロールを実現するサービス」になるかと思います。認証ではprincipal,resource,actionを定義して承認モデルを作ります。そしてアクセス管理では、ポリシーという形式で細かく権限の設定が可能です。ポリシーはCedarと

                                                                [新サービス] Amazon Verified Permissionsがプレビューリリースされました #reinvent | DevelopersIO
                                                              • IAM makes it easier for you to manage permissions for AWS services accessing your resources | Amazon Web Services

                                                                AWS Security Blog IAM makes it easier for you to manage permissions for AWS services accessing your resources November 24, 2023: This post has been updated to show the differences between accessing data by way of an AWS service over public endpoints and over AWS PrivateLink (data access pattern 2). July 7, 2023: This post had been updated to use Amazon S3 Replication as an example in Data access p

                                                                  IAM makes it easier for you to manage permissions for AWS services accessing your resources | Amazon Web Services
                                                                • Controlling browser features with Permissions Policy  |  Privacy & Security  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                  Combine headers with the iframe allow attribute With Feature Policy, you could add the feature to a cross-origin frame by either adding the origin to the header origin list or adding an allow attribute to the iframe tag. With Permissions Policy, if you add a cross-origin frame to the origin list, the iframe tag for that origin must include the allow attribute. If the response does not contain a Pe

                                                                  • [レポート]ポリシーを使用してAmazon Verified Permissionsでアクセス許可を管理する #SEC335 #reinvent | DevelopersIO

                                                                    [レポート]ポリシーを使用してAmazon Verified Permissionsでアクセス許可を管理する #SEC335 #reinvent こんにちは、臼田です。 みなさん、re:Invent楽しんでますか?(挨拶 今回は下記セッションのレポートです。 [NEW LAUNCH!] Using policies to manage permissions with Amazon Verified Permissions Permissions in your application can be based on several factors, including principal’s roles and attributes, resource data, and other contextual information such as method of authenticat

                                                                      [レポート]ポリシーを使用してAmazon Verified Permissionsでアクセス許可を管理する #SEC335 #reinvent | DevelopersIO
                                                                    • How to define least-privileged permissions for actions called by AWS services | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS Security Blog How to define least-privileged permissions for actions called by AWS services August 31, 2021: AWS KMS is replacing the term customer master key (CMK) with AWS KMS key and KMS key. The concept has not changed. To prevent breaking changes, AWS KMS is keeping some variations of this term. More info. February 21, 2020: We fixed a missing comma in a policy example. March 3, 2020: We

                                                                        How to define least-privileged permissions for actions called by AWS services | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • What IAM permissions are needed to use CDK Deploy?

                                                                        My team has a pipeline which runs under an execution IAM role. We want to deploy code to AWS through CloudFormation or the CDK. In the past, we would upload some artifacts to S3 buckets before creating/updating our CloudFormation stack, using the execution IAM role. We recently switched to the CDK, and are trying to get as much automated with using CDK Deploy as possible, but are running into a lo

                                                                          What IAM permissions are needed to use CDK Deploy?
                                                                        • Never Build Permissions Again | Permit.io

                                                                            Never Build Permissions Again | Permit.io
                                                                          • GitHub - Netflix/consoleme: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access

                                                                            ConsoleMe is a web service that makes AWS IAM permissions and credential management easier for end-users and cloud administrators. ConsoleMe provides numerous ways to log in to the AWS Console. An IAM Self-Service Wizard lets users request IAM permissions in plain English. Cross-account resource policies will be automatically generated, and can be applied with a single click for certain resource t

                                                                              GitHub - Netflix/consoleme: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access
                                                                            • Permissions required for GitHub Apps - GitHub Docs

                                                                              For each permission granted to a GitHub App, these are the REST API endpoints that the app can use.

                                                                                Permissions required for GitHub Apps - GitHub Docs
                                                                              • Laravel 8 User Roles and Permissions Tutorial

                                                                                By Hardik Savani November 5, 2023 Category : Laravel Today our leading topic is laravel 8 roles and permissions tutorial. In this article, we will implement a laravel 8 spatie user roles and permissions tutorial. i explained simply step by step laravel 8 spatie/laravel-permission. step by step explain laravel 8 acl tutorial. we are using spatie github package for roles and permissions in laravel 8

                                                                                  Laravel 8 User Roles and Permissions Tutorial
                                                                                • Amazon Verified Permissionsを利用した 責務の分割のメリット・デメリット / Advantages and Disadvantages of Separation of Responsibilities Using Amazon Verified Permissions

                                                                                  2023/08/26 Security-JAWS【第30回】[Security-JAWS DAYS] ~Day1~ Amazon Verified Permissionsを利用した責務の分割のメリット・デメリット https://s-jaws.doorkeeper.jp/events/155024 西川 彰 Software Engineer, Security Engineering

                                                                                    Amazon Verified Permissionsを利用した 責務の分割のメリット・デメリット / Advantages and Disadvantages of Separation of Responsibilities Using Amazon Verified Permissions
