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121 - 160 件 / 623件

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readabilityの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 623件

  • Python is eating the world: How one developer's side project became the hottest programming language on the planet

    Python is eating the world: How one developer’s side project became the hottest programming language on the planet Share with Your Friends Python is eating the world: How one developer’s side project became the hottest programming language on the planet Check out this article I found on TechRepublic. Your email has been sent Python is eating the world: How one developer’s side project became the h

      Python is eating the world: How one developer's side project became the hottest programming language on the planet
    • Understanding and Decoding a JPEG Image using Python - Yasoob Khalid

      Understanding and Decoding a JPEG Image using Python July 14, 2020 Hi everyone! 👋 Today we are going to understand the JPEG compression algorithm. One thing a lot of people don’t know is that JPEG is not a format but rather an algorithm. The JPEG images you see are mostly in the JFIF format (JPEG File Interchange Format) that internally uses the JPEG compression algorithm. By the end of this arti

        Understanding and Decoding a JPEG Image using Python - Yasoob Khalid
      • Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor

        Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 [This article is the companion to my presentation for CodeBEAM America 2024, Elixir is the One-Person Stack for Building a Software Startup. You can download the slides as a PDF or view them in Google Slides.] I’d like to share why I chose Elixir as the programming language (and really, as we’ll discuss, the full stack)

          Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor
        • Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) | Amazon Web Services

          Containers Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) is a new tool that lets you directly manage AWS services from Kubernetes. ACK makes it simple to build scalable and highly-available Kubernetes applications that utilize AWS services. Today, ACK is available as a developer preview on GitHub. In this post we will give you a brief introduction to the

            Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) | Amazon Web Services
          • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 RC - TypeScript

            Today we’re excited to announce our Release Candidate of TypeScript 5.0! Between now and the stable release of TypeScript 5.0, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript, smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundler

              Announcing TypeScript 5.0 RC - TypeScript
            • Kaggleで学んだBERTをfine-tuningする際のTips①〜学習効率化編〜 | 株式会社AI Shift

              こんにちは AIチームの戸田です 近年、自然言語処理タスクにおいて、BERTを始めとするTransformerをベースとした事前学習モデルを感情分類や質問応答などの下流のタスクでfine-tuningする手法が一般的になっています huggingfaceのTransformersなど、事前学習モデルを簡単に使うことのできるライブラリもありますが、Kaggleなどのコンペティションで上位に入るには素のモデルのままでは難しく、ヘッダや損失関数などの工夫などが必要です 本記事では私がKaggleのコンペティションに参加して得た、事前学習モデルのfine-tuningのTipsを共有させていただきます 書きたい内容が多くなってしまったので、今回は学習の効率化について、次回精度改善について、と2回に分けて書かせていただきます 事前準備 学習データとして、先日終了したKaggleのコンペティション、C

                Kaggleで学んだBERTをfine-tuningする際のTips①〜学習効率化編〜 | 株式会社AI Shift
              • Visual Studio Code October 2019

                Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. October 2019 (version 1.40) Update 1.40.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.40.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 | Mac: Intel | Linux: deb rpm tarball snap Welcome to the October 2019 release of Visual Studio Code. As announced in the October iteration plan, we focused on houseke

                  Visual Studio Code October 2019
                • Visual design rules you can safely follow every time

                  You do not have to follow these rules every time. If you have a good reason to break any of them, do. But they are safe to follow every time. Use near-black and near-white instead of pure black and white Pure black often has uncomfortably high contrast with other colours, and pure white is too bright. Use close-to-black and close-to-white instead. Any other references to “black” and “white” in the

                  • Write OpenAPI with TypeSpec

                    I've spent the last few years at Microsoft working on an API definition language called TypeSpec. It's essentially a super flexible protocol-agnostic DSL for describing API shapes. You can try it in your browser at the TypeSpec playground. Many things about it are exciting, but I want to talk about one thing in particular: why TypeSpec is the best way to write OpenAPI. OpenAPI: the good and the no

                    • Announcing TypeScript 4.2 Beta - TypeScript

                      Today we’re excited to announce the availability of TypeScript 4.2 Beta! To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text. Let’s take a look at what’s in store for TypeScript 4.2! Leading/Middle Rest Elements in T

                        Announcing TypeScript 4.2 Beta - TypeScript
                      • YMYLサイトのためのE-A-T攻略法 from #PubCon Las Vegas 2019

                        [レベル: 上級] この記事では、PubCon Las Vegas 2019 で参加したセッションをレポートします。 セッションテーマは E-A-T 、セッションスピーカーは Lily Ray(リリー・レイ)氏です。 今年の PubCon で僕にとって最もインパクトがあったセッションです。 特に YMYL 分野のサイトで E-A-T を高めるための施策にきっと役に立つはずです。 E-A-T に対する誤解 E-A-T はあらゆるサイトで問題になるわけではない 極めて高い E-A-T が求められるジャンルのサイトもあれば、E-A-T があるに越したことはない程度のジャンルのサイトもある。 たとえば、編み物をテーマにした個人ブログでは熱意は必要だろうが、専門性はなくてもかまわない。 芸能人のゴシップをテーマにしたサイトではもう少し専門性が求められるかもしれない。 ペットの健康を扱うサイトでは比較

                          YMYLサイトのためのE-A-T攻略法 from #PubCon Las Vegas 2019
                        • Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ...

                          Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ... How are you doing since January? So many things happened since then. I hope you're all safe, wherever you are. As for today, we'll be here to talk about Yarn. And as far as Yarn goes I'm happy to report that our work continued at a very good pace! So good in fact that it's now time to release the next minor build, th

                            Yarn 2.1 🐱‍🏍 Git Workspaces, Focused Installs, Loose mode, Live Playground, ...
                          • Your Makefiles are wrong

                            Your Makefiles are full of tabs and errors. An opinionated approach to writing (GNU) Makefiles that I learned from Ben may still be able to salvage them. An opinionated approach to (GNU) Make This is my second hand account of the approach to Make that I learned from Ben. If something is wrong, assume it was lost in translation. The big things I hope you take away are: The file system is a fundamen

                            • 17 ways to implement vertical alignment with CSS - LogRocket Blog

                              Editor’s note: This post was last updated by Emmanuel Odioko on 29 April 2024 to include methods such as using line-height and align-content for vertical alignment, and to address the accessibility implications of these techniques. Back in the good old days, the limits of CSS made even “simple” things like vertical centering a challenge, with some developers even relying on JavaScript solutions. I

                                17 ways to implement vertical alignment with CSS - LogRocket Blog
                              • Post-Spectre Web Development

                                Post-Spectre Web Development Editor’s Draft, 19 July 2021 This version: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-post-spectre-webdev/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/post-spectre-webdev/ Previous Versions: https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/WD-post-spectre-webdev-20210316/ Feedback: public-webappsec@w3.org with subject line “[post-spectre-webdev] … message topic …” (archives) Issue Tracking: GitHub

                                • Pack

                                  New List: Use --list to explore a Pack file, and it will print a list of all files.Partial Unpack: To unpack a specific file or folder in a Pack file, use --include.Pro notes: To list an specific folder, you can use --include together with --list.You can use multiple --include to unpack or list in one go. It will use an optimized algorithm to process each item just once.The --include command also

                                  • Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout

                                    If you’ve been making websites for years, you know how frustrating it was to lay out a web page with CSS floats. Managing sizes and placement was tedious and time consuming. Being creative was often impossible. CSS Grid greatly eased that pain with Grid Level 1 in 2017, and now with Grid Level 2, aka Subgrid. But even with the powerful CSS of today, not every layout imaged by designers is possible

                                      Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout
                                    • 14 Linting Rules To Help You Write Asynchronous Code in JavaScript

                                      Debugging asynchronous code in JavaScript can feel like navigating a minefield at times. You don't know when and where the console.logs will print out, and you have no idea how your code is executed. It's hard to correctly structure async code so it executes in the right order as you intend it to. Wouldn't it be nice if you had some guidance while writing asynchronous code, and to get a helpful me

                                        14 Linting Rules To Help You Write Asynchronous Code in JavaScript
                                      • Distributed Systems 3rd edition (2017) - DISTRIBUTED-SYSTEMS.NET

                                        You can get a digital (personalized) copy of this book for free. PPT slides now available This page refers to the 3rd edition of Distributed Systems For this third edition of “Distributed Systems,” the material has been thoroughly revised and extended, integrating principles and paradigms into nine chapters: Introduction Architectures Processes Communication Naming Coordination Replication Fault t

                                          Distributed Systems 3rd edition (2017) - DISTRIBUTED-SYSTEMS.NET
                                        • Ruby: "uselessシンタックスシュガー"シリーズ記事のあらましと予告(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                          概要 原著者の許諾を得て翻訳・公開いたします。 英語記事: That useless Ruby syntax sugar that emerged in new versions 原文公開日: 2023/10/02 原著者: zverok 日本語タイトルは内容に即したものにしました。 近況更新 前回書いた最後のRubyの型アノテーション記事の後、訓練を終えて戦線の近くで4か月を過ごし(最後の数か月はロボティネ近郊だった)、そこで自分ができるベストを尽くした。現在もウクライナ軍(AFU)に所属している点は変わらないが、先ごろコンピュータにもっと関連の深い職位に移ったので、以前よりもRubyを書いたりRubyに関する文章を書いたりする時間を取れるようになった。だからそうしている。 20年ほど前にRubyと出会って以来、ずっとRubyが好きです。 「エンジニアリングツール」に感傷的な気持ちを抱く

                                            Ruby: "uselessシンタックスシュガー"シリーズ記事のあらましと予告(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                          • A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()

                                            There are a lot of tutorials and guides out there that teach CSS grid in general, and I wrote about it multiple times. However, I noticed that there is a misunderstanding of the minmax() function as most of the articles are generic or don’t provide enough explanation and real-world use-cases. The minmax() is very powerful and useful. For that specific reason, I thought that writing a complete guid

                                              A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()
                                            • Model Spec (2024/05/08)

                                              May 08, 2024 Overview This is the first draft of the Model Spec, a document that specifies desired behavior for our models in the OpenAI API and ChatGPT. It includes a set of core objectives, as well as guidance on how to deal with conflicting objectives or instructions. Our intention is to use the Model Spec as guidelines for researchers and data labelers to create data as part of a technique cal

                                              • Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS Compute Blog Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda This post is written by Praveen Koorse, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS. AWS Lambda now supports Ruby 3.2 runtime. With this release, Ruby developers can now take advantage of new features and improvements introduced in Ruby 3 when creating serverless applications on Lambda. Use this runtime today by specifying the runtime parameter of

                                                  Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services
                                                • Improved REST API documentation

                                                  ProductImproved REST API documentationWe’re excited to announce some big improvements to our REST API documentation. We know developers rely on this documentation to integrate with GitHub, and we are committed to making it trustworthy, easy to find, and easy to use. We’re excited to announce some big improvements to our REST API documentation. We know developers rely on this documentation to integ

                                                    Improved REST API documentation
                                                  • require(esm) in Node.js

                                                    Recently I landed experimental support for require()-ing synchronous ES modules in Node.js, a feature that has been long overdue. In the pull request, I commented with my understanding about why it did not happen sooner before this pull request in 2024. This post expands on that comment a bit more. The opinions in this post are my own and reflect my perception of the ESM development in Node.js as

                                                    • haku

                                                      Haku A toy functional programming language based on literary Japanese. Is Haku for you? Haku lets you write programs that look very much like written Japanese. So you need to be familiar with written Japanese to program in Haku. I have added translations and explanations to the documentation. Haku is an experiment, not a practical programming language. Several of its features are rather contrary.

                                                      • The Standard of Code Review

                                                        The Standard of Code Review The primary purpose of code review is to make sure that the overall code health of Google’s code base is improving over time. All of the tools and processes of code review are designed to this end. In order to accomplish this, a series of trade-offs have to be balanced. First, developers must be able to make progress on their tasks. If you never submit an improvement to

                                                        • Idiomatic Redux: Redux Toolkit 1.0

                                                          Random musings on React, Redux, and more, by Redux maintainer Mark "acemarke" Erikson This is a post in the Idiomatic Redux series. A look at the motivations, design, and goals for Redux Toolkit Today I am extremely excited to announce that: Redux Toolkit 1.0 is now available! Note: Redux Toolkit was formerly known as "Redux Starter Kit", but we renamed it to clarify the intended usage and audienc

                                                            Idiomatic Redux: Redux Toolkit 1.0
                                                          • Introducing Flutter 3

                                                            We’re delighted to announce the launch of Flutter 3 as part of the Google I/O keynote. Flutter 3 completes our roadmap from a mobile-centric to a multiplatform framework, with the availability of macOS and Linux desktop app support, along with improvements to Firebase integration, new productivity and performance features, and support for Apple Silicon. The journey to Flutter 3We started Flutter a

                                                              Introducing Flutter 3
                                                            • textstatを使用したreadabilityの計算 - Qiita

                                                              はじめに 先日、kaggleのCommonLit Readability Prizeというコンペに参加しました。 このコンペの目的は、 アメリカの教育現場における、3年生から12年生のクラスで使用する読み物の複雑さを評価するアルゴリズムを構築すること というものでした。 現状の課題は以下のように説明されていました(DescriptionをDeepLで翻訳)。 現在、ほとんどの教育用テキストは、伝統的な読みやすさの方法や市販の計算式を使って読者に合わせています。しかし、それぞれに問題があります。Flesch-Kincaid Grade Levelのようなツールは、テキストのデコーディング(単語あたりの文字数や音節数など)や構文の複雑さ(文章あたりの単語数など)の弱い指標に基づいています。そのため、構成要素や理論的妥当性に欠けています。また、Lexileのように市販されている計算式は、コストが

                                                                textstatを使用したreadabilityの計算 - Qiita
                                                              • Delimiter-first code

                                                                Summary I argue for wider usage of delimiter-first in the code three friends [tic, tac, toe] becomes three friends ・tic ・tac ・toe. A new top-level syntax for programming languages is proposed to show advantages of this method. New syntax is arguably as simple, but more consistent, better preserves visual structure and solves some issues in code formatting. Related: comma-first formatting A well-kn

                                                                • Code readability

                                                                  **The new version is available!** https://gist.github.com/munetoshi/65a1b563fb2c271f328c121a4ac63571 This deck is old version. --- Session 1: Introduction and Principles - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability?slide=2 Session 2: Naming - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability?slide=75 Session 3: Comments - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability?slide=160 Sessio

                                                                    Code readability
                                                                  • Ruby Style Guide

                                                                    Ruby Style Guide Ruby is the main language at Shopify. We are primarily a Ruby shop and we are probably one of the largest out there. Ruby is the go-to language for new web projects and scripting. We expect all developers at Shopify to have at least a passing understanding of Ruby. It's a great language. It will make you a better developer no matter what you work in day to day. What follows is a l

                                                                    • Twitter to expand into long-form content with upcoming Twitter Notes feature (Update: confirmed) | TechCrunch

                                                                      Twitter to expand into long-form content with upcoming Twitter Notes feature (Update: confirmed) In what could be one of Twitter’s more significant changes since doubling the character count from 140 to 280 characters, the company is preparing to launch a new feature that would support the direct publishing of long-form content on its platform. With Twitter Notes, as the upcoming feature is called

                                                                        Twitter to expand into long-form content with upcoming Twitter Notes feature (Update: confirmed) | TechCrunch
                                                                      • Spacing, grids, and layouts

                                                                        The organization of space is key to every great design. Spatial systems, grids, and layouts provide rules that give your designs a consistent rhythm, constrain decision making, and help teams stay aligned. This foundational scaffolding is a requirement for all design systems. In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of defining spatial base units, creating relationship rules with grids, and br

                                                                          Spacing, grids, and layouts
                                                                        • Running Golang on the browser with WebAssembly and TinyGo

                                                                          TL;DR This is the story of how I managed to expose my Golang chess API project cheesse as a WebAssembly binary, compiled using TinyGo, so JavaScript could use it without needing a server. The blogpost is optimised for helping others going through a similar exercise, rather than for readability, so expect a little too much of “if this, do this”. Sorry. What are all those technologies? WebAssembly A

                                                                          • Performance of WebAssembly runtimes in 2023 | Frank DENIS random thoughts.

                                                                            Using libsodium in a web browser has been possible since 2013, thanks to the excellent Emscripten project. Since then, WebAssembly was introduced. A more efficient way to run code not originally written in JavaScript in a web browser. And libsodium added first-class support for WebAssembly in 2017. On web browsers supporting it, in allowed contexts allowing it,this gave a nice speed boost. Like Ja

                                                                            • Deno 1.27: Major IDE Improvements

                                                                              # MacOS and Linux curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh # Windows iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 -useb | iex Click here for more installation options. Language Server/IDE improvementsInlay HintsTypeScript added support for inlay hints in version 4.4; this release of Deno exposes this functionality to the LSP. Inlay hints are small snippets of information that are adde

                                                                                Deno 1.27: Major IDE Improvements
                                                                              • Laurence Tratt: Which Parsing Approach?

                                                                                We all know that parsing is an important part of designing and implementing programming languages, but it’s the equivalent of Brussels sprouts: good for the diet, but a taste that only a select few enjoy. Unfortunately, I’ve come to realise that our general distaste for parsing is problematic. While many of us think that we’ve absorbed the advances of the 1960s into our collective understanding, I

                                                                                • The evolution of scalable CSS

                                                                                  The evolution of scalable CSSA deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices. IntroductionHow we write and think about CSS has changed significantly since the web’s beginning. We’ve come a long way from table-based layouts, to responsive web design, and now into a new era of adaptive layouts powered by modern CSS features. Managing a

                                                                                    The evolution of scalable CSS