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  • Google TypeScript Style Guide

    // Good: choose between two options as appropriate (see below). import * as ng from '@angular/core'; import {Foo} from './foo'; // Only when needed: default imports. import Button from 'Button'; // Sometimes needed to import libraries for their side effects: import 'jasmine'; import '@polymer/paper-button'; Import paths TypeScript code must use paths to import other TypeScript code. Paths may be r

    • 俺は「急にセリフから始まる曲」が好きで好きでたまらない男 - kansou

      俺は「急にセリフから始まる曲」が好きで好きでたまらない男。 歌が始まるかと思ったらいきなり謎のセリフを耳に挿入された瞬間、脳が爆発するような興奮に襲われる。 いつか「急にセリフから始まる曲」を、滅多に会わない親戚とのカラオケで歌いたい。親友の結婚式の余興で歌いたい。葬式で流したい。 その日のために、この世に存在するあらゆる「急にセリフから始まる曲」を、ここに集めたい。情報お待ちしております。 ※12/7 曲追加しました あ アイシクル/霜月隼(CV:木村良平) 愛してると言えなくて/ゴールデンボンバー 愛の唄 ~チョンマル サランヘヨ~/チョナン・カン あいのちから/SEVENTEEN 赤い日記帳/あか組4 Need You〜夜空の観覧車〜/つばきファクトリー 朝顔/私立恵比寿中学 あしながのサルヴァドール/EGO-WRAPPIN' AS FOR ONE DAY/モーニング娘。 A

        俺は「急にセリフから始まる曲」が好きで好きでたまらない男 - kansou
      • TOEIC 900点でも英語で雑談できない自分を変えた勉強法 byトイアンナ - はてなニュース

        ※この記事は、株式会社アルクによるSponsoredContentです。 英語で雑談ができない。イギリスに4年行っても、TOEIC 900点を超えても、居酒屋で雑談ができない。長年、これがつらかった。 何年海外に住み、TOEIC高得点だって、コミュ障はどうにもならん かつて、秋葉原に住んでいた。秋葉原といえばワールド・アニメ・オタクのメッカであり、外国人観光客も多い。そして私は普段着でウロウロしている女だ。メイド・ガールでもないのだから、こりゃあ現地人であろうということで、結構道を聞かれる。 Where is Mandarake? まんだらけはどこですか? Oh, it’s just over there. But…If you are looking for Mandarake, wouldn’t you also want to visit Melon Books? It’s a 3

          TOEIC 900点でも英語で雑談できない自分を変えた勉強法 byトイアンナ - はてなニュース
        • Command Line Interface Guidelines

          Contents Command Line Interface Guidelines An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. Authors Aanand Prasad Engineer at Squarespace, co-creator of Docker Compose. @aanandprasad Ben Firshman Co-creator Replicate, co-creator of Docker Compose. @bfirsh Carl Tashian Offroad Engineer at Smallstep, first e

            Command Line Interface Guidelines
          • The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog

            On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email). Attendees included the guy who would create Sun Microsystems, the guy who made Zork, the NTP guy, and the guy who convinced the government to pay for Unix. The problem was simple: there were 455 hosts on the ARPANET and the situation was getting out of control. This issue w

              The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog
            • ChatGPT4 本格RPG「チャット転生 〜 死んだはずの幼馴染が異世界で勇者になっていた件」(体験版)|深津 貴之 (fladdict)

              Chat GPT用、チャットで異世界の幼馴染に現代知識を送りつけて無双させるゲームです。 以下ストーリーとプロンプトです。 ストーリー 突然、あなたのもとに数年前に死んだ幼馴染からメッセが届きました。なんと彼女は、異世界に転生して魔王と戦っていたのです。彼女はチート能力として、幼馴染の貴方とチャットする力を授かりました。 貴方はチャットで、現代の知識や技術を幼馴染に伝え、彼女を無双させ異世界を救ってください。貴方がどんな知識や技術を伝えるかで、異世界の運命が決まります。 ChatGPTのサイトからGPT-4を起動して、チャット欄に以下のプロンプトをコピペすると遊べます。 ver 0.4 As an AI Game Master, you'll guide "Chat Reincarnation: My Childhood Friend, Who Should Have Died, Beca

                ChatGPT4 本格RPG「チャット転生 〜 死んだはずの幼馴染が異世界で勇者になっていた件」(体験版)|深津 貴之 (fladdict)
              • Twitterはサービス終了するのか?

                「Twitter 終了」がトレンドに入った。そもそもTwitter は終わるのだろうか。 「ハードコア」のあとに先週、イーロン・マスクが「ハードコアに働けない人は退職を選んでくれ」と全従業員に最後通帳を突きつけた。それは、すでに半分以上の人員がレイオフされたあとだ。 しかし、レイオフと「ハードコアの踏み絵」の間には大きな差がある。レイオフはあくまで過剰(とイーロン・マスクが考える)人材を会社が選んで辞めさせるのに対して、今回は「自発的に」やめさせるきっかけを作ったということだ。 匿名アプリBlindの内部調査によれば、その結果「残った人材の75%」が離れることを選んだ。この数字が正しいかどうかは別にして(おそらく、もっと多くの人はしぶしぶ残ることを選ぶはず)、結果として相当な数の社員が、Twitter を離れることを選んだ。 Kylie Robison @kyliebytesWhat I’

                • IBM-J テレコン英会話小冊子(PDF配布用)

                  テレコン英会話小冊子 Practical Expressions for Conference Calls - BETTER ENGLISH WITH US! - Table of Contents テレコンへの心構え (1) テレコンのはじまり (3) テレコンでの決まり文句 (11) 質問やお願いをする (25) 具体的な説明例 (33) ウェブカンファレンス表現 (37) テレコンの終わり (51) 間違えやすい単語 (55) 英語らしく発音しよう (61) 略語 (63) (1) テレコンへの心構え <会議前>  日本側の status を確実に把握しておく。 質問されて 「I don’t know」 では失礼だし、相手に「本当にテレコンで Push するような問題 なの?」と思われる。配布された資料があるときは事前に目を通 し、最新の内容を把握しておく。  事前に日本側のコン

                  • A Vim Guide for Advanced Users

                    #Tools #Vim #MouselessA Vim Guide for Advanced UsersWelcome to the third part of this series aimed to help you unleash a power never seen on Earth using the Almighty Vim. We’ll see together in this article: Some nice keystrokes beginning with g.What ranges are and how to use them.The quickfix list and the location lists.The marvelous substitute command.The crazy useful :global (or :g) command.What

                      A Vim Guide for Advanced Users
                    • 【2020年】CTF Web問題の攻撃手法まとめ - こんとろーるしーこんとろーるぶい

                      はじめに 対象イベント 読み方、使い方 Remote Code Execution(RCE) 親ディレクトリ指定によるopen_basedirのバイパス PHP-FPMのTCPソケット接続によるopen_basedirとdisable_functionsのバイパス JavaのRuntime.execでシェルを実行 Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) nginx環境でHTTPステータスコードが操作できる場合にCSPヘッダーを無効化 GoogleのClosureLibraryサニタイザーのXSS脆弱性 WebのProxy機能を介したService Workerの登録 括弧を使わないXSS /記号を使用せずに遷移先URLを指定 SOME(Same Origin Method Execution)を利用してdocument.writeを順次実行 SQL Injection MySQ

                        【2020年】CTF Web問題の攻撃手法まとめ - こんとろーるしーこんとろーるぶい
                      • Single Page Applications using Rust

                        WebAssembly (wasm) allows code written in languages other than JavaScript to run on browsers. If you haven’t been paying attention, all the major browsers support wasm and globally more than 90% of users have browsers that can run wasm. Since Rust compiles to wasm, is it possible to build SPAs (Single Page Applications) purely in Rust and without writing a single line of JavaScript? The short answ

                          Single Page Applications using Rust
                        • TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners: Your Friendly Guide

                          What is TypeScript and why you may want to use it? Learn more with this TypeScript tutorial for beginners and start adding types to your JavaScript code! TypeScript tutorial for beginners: who this guide is for The following guide is a TypeScript tutorial for JavaScript developers interested in learning more about TypeScript. That means a decent knowledge of "vanilla" JavaScript is appreciated, ev

                            TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners: Your Friendly Guide
                          • How I built a modern website in 2021

                            How I built a modern website in 2021September 29th, 2021 — 34 min read For over half of 2021, I worked on a complete rewrite of kentcdodds.com. You're reading this on the rewrite of this site! Are you using dark mode or light mode? Have you signed in and selected your team yet? Have you tried to call into the Call Kent Podcast? This blog post isn't about these and other features of the new site, b

                              How I built a modern website in 2021
                            • プロと読み解く Ruby 3.0 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ

                              技術部の笹田(ko1)と遠藤(mame)です。クックパッドで Ruby (MRI: Matz Ruby Implementation、いわゆる ruby コマンド) の開発をしています。お金をもらって Ruby を開発しているのでプロの Ruby コミッタです。 本日 12/25 に、ついに Ruby 3.0.0 がリリースされました。一昨年、昨年に続き、今年も Ruby 3.0 の NEWS.md ファイルの解説をします。NEWS ファイルとは何か、は一昨年の記事を見てください(なお Ruby 3.0.0 から、NEWS.md にファイル名を変えました)。 プロと読み解く Ruby 2.6 NEWS ファイル - クックパッド開発者ブログ プロと読み解くRuby 2.7 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ Ruby 3.0 は、Ruby にとってほぼ 8 年ぶりのメジャーバージョンア

                                プロと読み解く Ruby 3.0 NEWS - クックパッド開発者ブログ
                              • Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm

                                Twitter aims to deliver you the best of what’s happening in the world right now. This requires a recommendation algorithm to distill the roughly 500 million Tweets posted daily down to a handful of top Tweets that ultimately show up on your device’s For You timeline. This blog is an introduction to how the algorithm selects Tweets for your timeline. Our recommendation system is composed of many in

                                  Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
                                • Redis Explained

                                  Redis Explained InfographicWhat is Redis?Redis (“REmote DIctionary Service”) is an open-source key-value database server. The most accurate description of Redis is that it's a data structure server. This specific nature of Redis has led to much of its popularity and adoption amongst developers. 👋🏾You are reading Architecture Notes! Crave some byte-sized bites of this? Join me on Twitter. If it's

                                    Redis Explained
                                  • Log4Shell: RCE 0-day exploit found in log4j, a popular Java logging package | LunaTrace

                                    Originally Posted @ December 9th & Last Updated @ August 1st, 3:30pm PDT Fixing Log4Shell? Claim a free vulnerability scan on our dedicated security platform and generate a detailed report in minutes. What is it?​On Thursday, December 9th a 0-day exploit in the popular Java logging library log4j (version 2), called Log4Shell, was discovered that results in Remote Code Execution (RCE) simply by log

                                      Log4Shell: RCE 0-day exploit found in log4j, a popular Java logging package | LunaTrace
                                    • 結局「ダークファンタジー」ってよくわからん問題 - WINDBIRD::ライトノベルブログ

                                      「ダークファンタジーって知ってる?」 と訊かれたら「なんか暗くて怖くて重くて人がたくさん死んでいくような、漫画で言えば『ベルセルク』とか、ドラマで言えば『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』とか、ゲームで言えば『エルデンリング』みたいなファンタジーのことでしょ?」と答える人が多いのではないだろうか。 でも「ダークファンタジーってホラーのことだよ」と言われたらどうだろう。確かにそんな用法を見かけることもある気がする。たとえば『呪術廻戦』は公式でそう銘打たれている。 異才が拓く、ダークファンタジーの新境地! 『呪術廻戦』|集英社『週刊少年ジャンプ』公式サイト あるいは『鬼滅の刃』などもダークファンタジーと呼ばれることが多い。 まずは簡単に、『鬼滅の刃』自体の概要を紹介しよう。本作は、「人を食う鬼と人間の闘いを描いたダークファンタジー」だ。 【解説】映画『鬼滅の刃』に宿る名作漫画への敬愛と「人の弱さ、心の

                                        結局「ダークファンタジー」ってよくわからん問題 - WINDBIRD::ライトノベルブログ
                                      • How does the Linux Kernel start a Process

                                        ...and how to ptrace the entry point and m3ss w1th da stack. In this article, you will learn what happens inside the Linux Kernel when a process calls execve(), how the Kernel prepares the stack and how control is then passed to the userland process for execution. I had to learn this for the development of Zapper - a Linux tool to delete all command line options from any process (without needing r

                                          How does the Linux Kernel start a Process
                                        • State of CSS 2022  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                                          Browser compatibility A primary reason so many CSS features are set to cooperatively release is due to the efforts of Interop 2022. Before studying the Interop efforts, it's important to look at Compat 2021’s efforts. Compat 2021 The goals for 2021, driven by developer feedback via surveys, were to stabilize current features, improve the test suite and increase passing scores of browsers for five

                                            State of CSS 2022  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                                          • Time on Unix

                                            Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

                                              Time on Unix
                                            • A Field Guide to Japanese Mojibake

                                              When you open a document with an encoding different than the one it was created with, it's not possible to display the original text, and instead a garbled mess of corrupted characters are printed out. These are called "mojibake" in Japanese, and the word has also been borrowed into English. While mojibake aren't readable by humans, it turns out that different kinds of mojibake have different visu

                                                A Field Guide to Japanese Mojibake
                                              • Downfall

                                                Downfall attacks target a critical weakness found in billions of modern processors used in personal and cloud computers. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-40982, enables a user to access and steal data from other users who share the same computer. For instance, a malicious app obtained from an app store could use the Downfall attack to steal sensitive information like passwords, encryptio

                                                • HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future

                                                  HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future09/26/2019 This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Français, Español. During last year’s Birthday Week we announced preliminary support for QUIC and HTTP/3 (or “HTTP over QUIC” as it was known back then), the new standard for the web, enabling faster, more reliable, and more secure connections to web endpoints like websites and APIs. We also let

                                                    HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future
                                                  • Why I Won't Use Next.js

                                                    You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

                                                      Why I Won't Use Next.js
                                                    • Pythonの生みの親グイド・ヴァンロッサム氏が職業プログラマから引退を表明。昨年Pythonの優しい独裁者からも引退

                                                      Pythonの生みの親グイド・ヴァンロッサム氏が職業プログラマから引退を表明。昨年Pythonの優しい独裁者からも引退 Pythonの生みの親であるGuido van Rossum(グイド・ヴァンロッサム)氏が、勤務先であったDropboxを退社し、これからは引退生活を送ることが表明されました。 下記はヴァンロッサム本人のツイート。 It's bittersweet: I'm leaving @dropbox, and am now retired. I've learned a lot during my time as an engineer here -- e.g. type annotations came from this experience -- and I'll miss working here. https://t.co/0ROaUrHQLt — Guido van

                                                      • Disclosure of a vulnerability that allows the theft of visitors' email addresses using Medium's custom domain feature / Mediumの独自ドメインプランを使って訪問者のメールアドレスが窃取できる脆弱性の開示

                                                        0_medium_vuln_en.md Disclosure of a vulnerability that allows the theft of visitors' email addresses using Medium's custom domain feature Author: mala Introduction This article describes a vulnerability in a web service called Medium that allows you to steal visitors' e-mail addresses by using custom domain plan of Medium. This is done as my personal activity and is not related to my organization.

                                                          Disclosure of a vulnerability that allows the theft of visitors' email addresses using Medium's custom domain feature / Mediumの独自ドメインプランを使って訪問者のメールアドレスが窃取できる脆弱性の開示
                                                        • How we use Web Components at GitHub

                                                          EngineeringHow we use Web Components at GitHubAt GitHub, we pride ourselves on delivering a first-class developer experience. A considerable part of our work is on our front end, which we strive to keep as lightweight, fast,… At GitHub, we pride ourselves on delivering a first-class developer experience. A considerable part of our work is on our front end, which we strive to keep as lightweight, f

                                                            How we use Web Components at GitHub
                                                          • Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

                                                            This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, and 한국어. By reading this, you are a participant of the web. It's amazing that we can write this blog and have it appear to you without operating a server or writing a line of code. In general, the web of today empowers us to participate more than we could at any point in the past. Last year, we mentioned the next phase of the Internet would be always

                                                              Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
                                                            • How We Made Bracket Pair Colorization 10,000x Faster In Visual Studio Code

                                                              Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code Bracket pair colorization 10,000x faster September 29, 2021 by Henning Dieterichs, @hediet_dev When dealing with deeply nested brackets in Visual Studio Code, it can be hard to figure out which brackets match and which do not. To make this easier, in 2016, a user named CoenraadS developed the awesome Bracket Pair

                                                                How We Made Bracket Pair Colorization 10,000x Faster In Visual Studio Code
                                                              • Marie Kondo your software stack with open source

                                                                As someone makes more money, expenses once considered luxuries can suddenly become seen as necessities: It’s called lifestyle creep. In the world of software development, we can suffer from a similar affliction: stack creep. Where hardware limitations once restricted developers to a minimalist approach, increased processing power, memory, and storage have led many down a more maximalist path. It’s

                                                                  Marie Kondo your software stack with open source
                                                                • Beirut blast 3 years on: Footage shows moment of deadly explosion in slow motion

                                                                  August 4, 2023, marks three years on from a deadly explosion that rocked the port of Beirut. Footage captured in 2020 by resident Agoston Nemeth on his iPhone SE shows the moment the huge explosion went off, sending a visible blast wave hurtling towards the camera. The blast killed over 200 and injured more than 6,000 people. The HD 4K video recorded Nemeth, a 42-year-old therapist from Budapest,

                                                                    Beirut blast 3 years on: Footage shows moment of deadly explosion in slow motion
                                                                  • Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers

                                                                    Good Data Analysis Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Author: Patrick Riley Special thanks to: Diane Tang, Rehan Khan, Elizabeth Tucker, Amir Najmi, Hilary Hutchinson, Joel Darnauer, Dale Neal, Aner Ben-Artzi, Sanders Kleinfeld, David Westbrook, and Barry Rosenberg. History Last Major Update: Jun. 2019 An earlier version of some of this material

                                                                      Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers
                                                                    • Thank you, Guido

                                                                      open search After six and a half years, Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is leaving Dropbox and heading into retirement. From the beginning, we knew Guido would be a great addition to our company. In fact, his contributions to Dropbox date back to day one. Our CEO Drew Houston’s very first lines of code for Dropbox were written in Python. “What I love about Python is it just works,” says H

                                                                        Thank you, Guido
                                                                      • Remix vs Next.js

                                                                        Easily the biggest question we get asked is something like: How is Remix different from Next.js? It appears we have to answer this question! We'd like to address it directly and without drama. If you're a fan of Remix and want to start tweeting smug reactions to this article, we kindly ask that you drop the smugness before hitting the tweet button 🤗. A rising tide lifts all boats. We've been frie

                                                                          Remix vs Next.js
                                                                        • 米ローリング・ストーン誌 「史上最も偉大なアルバム TOP500」の新ヴァージョン公開 - amass

                                                                          米ローリング・ストーン誌は「史上最も偉大なアルバム TOP500」の新ヴァージョンを公開。同誌は2003年に同リストを発表。その後、2012年に改訂版を発表しています。今回、300人を超えるアーティスト、プロデューサー、評論家、音楽業界の著名人が参加して新しいリストを編集しています。500枚のうち154枚のアルバムは、2003年または2012年のリストに含まれていなかった完全に新しい追加です ■Rolling Stone Top 50 Albums of All Time (2020): 1 | Marvin Gaye | What's Going On | 1971 2 | The Beach Boys | Pet Sounds | 1966 3 | Joni Mitchell | Blue | 1971 4 | Stevie Wonder | Songs in the Key of L

                                                                            米ローリング・ストーン誌 「史上最も偉大なアルバム TOP500」の新ヴァージョン公開 - amass
                                                                          • Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down: From a Real Twitter SRE

                                                                            Twitter supposedly lost around 80% of its work force. What ever the real number is, there are whole teams with out engineers on it now. Yet, the website goes on and the tweets keep coming. This left a lot wondering what exactly was going on with all those engineers and made it seem like it was all just bloat. I’d like to explain my little corner of Twitter (though it wasn’t so little) and some of

                                                                              Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down: From a Real Twitter SRE
                                                                            • curl is 23 years old today | daniel.haxx.se

                                                                              curl’s official birthday was March 20, 1998. That was the day the first ever tarball was made available that could build a tool named curl. I put it together and I called it curl 4.0 since I kept the version numbering from the previous names I had used for the tool. Or rather, I bumped it up from 3.12 which was the last version I used under the previous name: urlget. Of course curl wasn’t created

                                                                              • Flying away from AWS – Terrateam

                                                                                Migrating from AWS to Fly.io TL;DR It was a pleasure migrating from AWS to Fly.io (opens in a new tab) but it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Fly.io goes above and beyond to create an exceptional developer experience. It's super easy to hit the ground running. However, there are some rough edges that you might encounter. If you like managing your own infrastructure and can live without stellar su

                                                                                  Flying away from AWS – Terrateam
                                                                                • The Future of the Web is on the Edge

                                                                                  Except Singapore, we’ve got a world of sub-100 millisecond TTFBs. This is because instead of heading off to Virginia to get the site, each of these locations can use an edge server nearest to them. The edge is about getting 50ms response times vs 150ms response times. You can test this for yourself with a VPN. If you: curl -I https://deno.landYou’ll get the server nearest your location: server: de

                                                                                    The Future of the Web is on the Edge